• Published 30th Jul 2018
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Off The Mark - Goldfur

Mark Wells only bought an old mirror, so why did he now have hooves, wings and green fur? And where was he? Maybe this great and powerful princess could tell him?

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Chapter 47 - Conversations

Just because we were newlyweds didn’t mean that Trixie and I were suddenly free of all our responsibilities. As Princess and Prince (sigh) of Equestria, we couldn’t just walk out in the middle of important matters, and there were two meetings that had to happen before my wife and I could leave on our honeymoon.

The morning after the wedding, one of Carpacia’s guards passed on a message. The queen planned to leave that evening but needed to speak with Trixie, myself, and Thorax before then. Both my wife and I were surprised at the omission of Twilight Sparkle, but then Carpacia didn’t specifically ask her not to be there. We passed on the invitation to both Twilight and Thorax, deciding to meet in the same gallery as our first get-together. This time, however, Trixie thought it best for Raven Inkwell to stay in the hallway until she was needed.

Once the door was closed and the five of us were settled, Carpacia launched into the topic she wanted to discuss. “As enjoyable as yesterday was…” She seemed to catch herself then looked at Trixie and me. “Thank you for allowing me to attend, Your Highnesses.”

I don’t know if I was ever going to get used to that. “It was our pleasure to have you as our guest, Your Majesty.”

She gave a perfunctory smile then continued. “We need to strategize how my hive and you ponies can work together to destroy Queen Chrysalis and all of the crystal changelings.”

Thorax’s ears pricked up. Twilight frowned. “Is that really necessary? I can’t hold every crystal changeling accountable for following the orders of their queen.”

Carpacia waved a hoof dismissively. “They follow their leader’s orders without question. While their demise is regrettable, it is ultimately inevitable.” She turned to face Thorax. “Tell me, drone. How many princesses are there among the Crystal Changelings?”

Thorax blinked and stammered. “I… none, Your Majesty. I had never heard of such while I was a member of her hive. Neither awake nor hibernating in pods.”

The changeling queen nodded. “As I suspected. The Mad Queen would consider any such as a threat to her rule, so she simply chose not to have any. And once she is killed or her connection to her hive severed, all in her hive will sicken and die. It is an unfortunate weakness of our kind. Hives with a sane leader take great care to ensure this can never happen.”

I didn’t hold out much hope for the answer, but I said, “As a queen, can you detect infiltrators?”

“Just those from my own hive, and for them, solely by touch. From other hives, only those that are incompetent. Infiltrators receive extensive training to hide not just from ponies but also from the infiltrators of other hives. They learn to instinctively project emotions that do not necessarily reflect their inner state. I have been tasting the reactions of all the ponies near to me since I arrived at your city. I only encountered one instance of ‘shocked recognition,’ and that was from a common drone.” She glanced momentarily at Thorax, who shrank back upon himself.

Trixie asked, “Is there a way using changeling magic or other means to reveal a changeling’s true form?”

“Unfortunately not. Even nullstone or death will not cause an infiltrator to revert forms.”

There was a long pause as all of us were lost in our thoughts.

Thorax said, “There must be some way to wrest control of the hive from Chrysalis. What would happen if you defeated her?”

The Red Queen arched an eyebrow. “Our hives are not compatible. There is no way I can accept another hive’s changelings into my own.”

Thorax took a deep breath and looked directly at Carpacia for the first time. “What if I defeated her?”

Carpacia scoffed. “I do not believe you have the will to do so.”

Twilight bristled visibly. The drone stood straighter. “I am not going to give up on my brothers and sisters. I will endure whatever hardships are required to save them.”

“Oh, will you?” The changeling queen stood up and moved directly in front of Thorax. “Would you be willing to sacrifice your happiness? Your relationship with your beloved princess? Every day from now until you die? Do you mean to convince me that you would give up all this?”

Twilight’s ears folded back and she opened her mouth to speak, but I got her attention and shook my head. This was Thorax’s decision.

The drone gritted his teeth. “Yes. I am willing to sacrifice everything to save my hive from Chrysalis.”

Carpacia moved closer and sneered. “And would you expend the lives of your friends among the ponies? Would you squander their lives as the Mad Queen throws away those of her subjects?”

Thorax frowned and narrowed his eyes. “No.”

“True dedication means paying any price. You are not ready to—”

Thorax cut her off. “I said no! I would ask for their help in friendship’s name, but I cannot sacrifice what is not mine.”

Twilight was standing with her hooves apart. She was breathing heavily and her horn was glowing. Trixie punched me in the shoulder and flicked her eyes towards the alicorn. I got the message and I left my chair and moved next to Twilight, putting a comforting foreleg on her withers.

Carpacia was silent for a long time, then she smiled. “So you can stand up to a queen. Very good.”

The changeling queen turned serious again and began speaking in a very formal tone. “There is only one path to be followed.”

Thorax caught his breath, sat down, then answered. “The safety of the hive is all.”

She slowly circled him. “The life of no changeling is more important than that of the hive.”

“None shall breach our walls, for they are made of the will of our people.”

Carpacia stopped in front of him. “What of all your tomorrows?”

The crystal changeling’s body shook. “I give them freely, and of my own free will.”

The Red Queen bowed her head for a moment and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, they were glowing white. She rushed forward and bit Thorax on the neck. He cried out and his eyes likewise glowed white.

Twilight yelled in anguish and her horn shined brighter. I twisted her head around to force her to look at me. “No, Twilight! You can’t interrupt this powerful magic!”

She struggled for a moment then her eyes focused on me. “But Thorax!”

“It would be more dangerous to him if we interrupted whatever ritual this is! We have to wait!”

The alicorn panted a few times, then the magic surrounding her horn winked out. We both turned back to see the changelings were still frozen in place. Moments later, the two changeling guards forced their way into the room, closely followed by the four Equestrian guardsponies. The normally stoic changeling warriors stared in open-mouthed shock.

I said to the purple alicorn, “Don’t let them interfere, Twilight. For Thorax’s sake.” I saw her horn flare out of the corner of my eye and the two changelings were held immobile by a glowing lavender nimbus surrounding each of them.

One of the changelings said, “My… my queen…” then fell silent.

After what must have been a full minute, Thorax closed his eyes and slumped to the floor. Carpacia sat down and her legs trembled. While Twilight went to Thorax’s side, I waved for Trixie to join me. I caught Carpacia just as she started to collapse. Trixie and I embraced with the red queen sandwiched between us. I concentrated on the love I felt for my wife, which was not made easier by the curses and threats shouted by the two changeling guards.

After a few seconds, Carpacia softly said, “Silence.” Somehow, her soldiers heard her over their bellowing and both stopped in mid-insult. I suppose I’d never know exactly what part of a hydra’s anatomy I was being compared to.

Next to me, I heard Twilight enunciate her words very clearly. “What. Did. You. Do. To. Him?”

The queen continued to catch her breath and her trembling lessened. Eventually, she said, “What needed to be done – tradition and common sense be damned.” She nodded. “Thank you, Your Highnesses. That will be sufficient.”

Carpacia walked slowly towards the couch she had vacated. After making a visible effort to not simply collapse on to it, she said, “Princess Twilight. You will want to let your love flow into him for the next week. That will give the transformation the best chance of succeeding.”

“Chance?!” said Twilight with a snarl. The glows surrounding the two changelings glowed brighter and I heard a few popping noises. To their credit, the guards did not cry out but their eyes did grow wider.

Trixie admonished her co-ruler. “Twilight. The immediate threat is over. Release them.”

After some grinding of teeth from our fellow ruler, the glow surrounding the two changelings ceased and they immediately took a large intake of breath. Carpacia said, “Arculus. Cubitus. Put Thorax into a pod.” To my surprise, they hesitated for a moment, staring at their queen. At her sharp glare, they politely asked Princess Twilight to move out of the way before starting their task. They pulled resin from their mouths, shaped it into plates, and started to build a roughly oval-shaped structure. I was left wondering exactly what could cause these dedicated warriors to hesitate in carrying out their queen’s orders since it didn’t appear to be fear of an upset alicorn.

“More tea? Or more love?” asked Trixie. This earned a dark stare from Twilight.

Carpacia turned quickly to look at my wife. “No thank you, Your Highness.” She sighed. “I should explain to you exactly what perversion of all that the changeling race holds sacred has been committed today.”

She composed herself for a moment then lifted her head proudly. “A changeling queen can choose to give birth to a princess or prince once per year. Each hive has its own traditions regarding the number and roles taken by the lesser royals. For the Red Hive, our princesses will lead scouting missions or infiltration teams.”

“Fifty years ago, a group of four changelings led by a princess were patrolling the outer edge of our territory when they were attacked by a flock of juvenile dragons. The youngest and least experienced member of the squad successfully beat off attack after attack, all while protecting her injured soldiers and not dropping her griffon form. Despite receiving a dozen wounds, she was able to drive off the dragons after crippling two and killing three of their number. The warrior drone Hibernia survived the return journey and I had the honor of rewarding her.”

“On extremely rare circumstances such as these, a drone of lesser standing performs an accomplishment far beyond their station. After repeating the oath of fealty, I elevated her to the rank of Princess. That was the only other time I have performed the rite.”

Twilight’s jaw hung open and I’m sure mine did too. She said, “You elevated Thorax!? To be a prince of the Red Hive!?”

“No… or at least, I doubt it. The ceremony is the same across hives.”

That’s when it hit me. “You’re making him capable of leading the Crystal Hive after Chrysalis is killed or deposed.”

If she is killed or deposed,” corrected Carpacia. Then she laughed but without any humor. “Producing a noble for another hive has never been done before today. It was considered so unthinkable that there was no need for a commandment to forbid it. An oversight.”

Carpacia waved towards Trixie who levitated the previously offered teacup to the queen. She took a sip and stared off in space. “What Thorax said was correct. The crystal changelings deserve a chance to live beyond their current queen. Even if there was a commandment forbidding what I have done, now is not the time for half-measures and tentative gambits. Thorax will need to challenge her to a trial by combat for the control of the hive.”

By this point, Thorax had been placed in the red crystalline pod and the end sealed off. Twilight’s unhappy stare made the two changeling guards retreat. The alicorn teleported away with the pod, only to return by herself a few moments later.

Twilight let out a breath and said, “What can we do to prepare him?”

I said, “He can learn to fight like a pony during our sparring sessions.” I turned to look at Carpacia. “And with your leave, he can learn how to fight like a changeling from Sterling Shield or another of your infiltrators.”

She nodded. “It will be so. Also, I will provide the tacticians you requested and one squad of red changelings. If relations with the common pony continue to improve, I may provide the additional soldiers you requested.”

That was fair enough so I nodded.

Trixie said, “Is there anything else you require? You still look drained.”

The red queen froze for a moment then waved a hoof. “I am fine. I merely require some rest before I return to my hive.”

I grinned. “And a friend is not afraid to ask for what is freely given.” No response other than a slight smile.

I turned to face the changeling guard who had threatened me two days earlier. “Has she always been this stubborn?”

He blinked, licked his lips, and looked between his queen and me. “Please don’t involve me in this.”

Trixie snorted. Looking over at her, we came to an agreement with a glance. We moved to either side of Carpacia and wrapped her in another hug. She didn’t move away, but I’m sure I heard the word “undignified” among her displeased mumblings as she tried to keep her tea from spilling.

Twilight smiled, which was the first time in quite a while. “You are among ponies now, Carpacia. It would be best to forget that you ever had pride while you are here.”

Carpacia shifted a bit to get more comfortable in our embrace. “This too can be tolerated. There is no better cause than replacing that <Click-burr-clack-buzzzz-tik> queen.”

I asked, “What does that changeling word mean?”

“Ah, it is an insult that is difficult to translate. The closest I can provide is 'bat guano that is no good for fertilizer'.”

I looked over to Twilight. “Want to join us?”

She shook her head. “After Thorax is safely out of his pod.”

Trixie asked, “Do you want us to delay our honeymoon until then?”

“No, thank you. I’ll… I’ll just have to wait.”

Carpacia said, “He is young, strong, and has every reason to come back to you. Put your trust in him.”

Twilight said, “And my love.”

Carpacia finally relaxed in our grasp. “Ahhhh. Yes, that too.”

I was in a particularly good mood. Besides completing a very successful meeting with Carpacia, let’s just say that the wedding night went a whole lot better than the ceremony – one reason why we were able to boost the queen’s flagging energy so readily. But now, we were preparing to head off on our honeymoon – first stop: the Crystal Empire! Back when they first learned that Trixie and I were going to get married, Cadance and Shining had offered us a room in their palace for a few nights and a number of special diversions for newlyweds. We had been happy to accept, although the slightly premature arrival of their foal had somewhat thrown a spanner in the works. Nevertheless, our plans were mostly unchanged except for the addition of a special event on behalf of Flurry Heart which was called a ‘Crystalling’. As these only happened when a foal was born, they didn’t happen often. My wife and I agreed that we had to experience it, so we were accompanying the new parents back to the Empire aboard the Crystal Express.

My wife… I still couldn’t stop smiling whenever I thought those words. I’d made a lot of mistakes in my life, but this definitely wasn’t one of them. Not that I would have ever dreamed of marrying a pony princess up until a couple of years ago, but this felt so right! So it was in a very upbeat frame of mind that I was now descending into the bowels of the castle to the dungeon.

Yes, I know that’s a weird juxtaposition, but it was really for the best because of the pony I was going to meet. I felt that I needed to be in the best state of mind for the confrontation. Now, despite the name, Canterlot Castle’s dungeon was far from a miserable place. It was warm, dry, and well lit, and the cells were clean and adequately furnished for their occupants. There were only a few dozen cells because the dungeon was reserved for special prisoners – ones who had either directly threatened the royalty or Equestria as a whole. The City Watch jail took care of the vast majority of the others which were far fewer than in a human city. Ponies weren’t perfect, but they did manage to keep a lower rate of crime than back on Earth. However, the current single occupant of the dungeon had managed to rate a cell for both reasons for admission.

The prison was designed keeping in mind that anypony who ended up there was likely to be very dangerous, hence the liberal use of nullstone and high-powered wards. No less than three guards were ever on duty at one time. Nevertheless, the unicorn in the cell had two magic-neutralizing rings on her horn and I still didn’t trust her. She heard me approaching and looked up from the book that she was reading.

“If it isn’t Prince Mark Wells,” Starlight said with a smirk. “I like the crown.”

I groaned. Trixie had insisted that I wear it and I wanted to make her happy, but I felt like a bit of a fraud. I suppose I’d get used to it eventually even if I preferred to be called just Mark. Starlight was the exception though. “You can call me ‘Your Highness’, Glim Glam.”

Starlight’s ears folded back and she frowned. Apparently, she didn’t like my nickname for her much. “Have you come to gloat, Your Highness?” she asked sarcastically.

“Nope. I’ve come to talk. I’m in the best disposition since our little adventure, so now’s as good a time as ever.”

She gave me a strange look. “On the day that you’re supposed to be going on your honeymoon? Are you serious?”

“Quite serious, and if you want to get out of that cell for a while, it might pay for you to listen.”

“Okay – you have my attention and my curiosity. I thought you were advocating throwing away the key to my cell?”

“Don’t worry – it’s still high on my list of options, but unlike you, I don’t act unilaterally with only my own interests in mind. Let me ask you – what did you think of your little trip back to your village with Twilight?”

The mare’s mouth opened in surprise and she sat down hard on her rump. She hesitated before replying, “It was one of the most frightening and surprising events of my life.”

“And why was that?” I asked.

She raised an eyebrow. “Didn’t Twilight tell you about it?”

“She did. I want to hear it from you.”

Starlight took in a deep breath and let it out in a huff. “I really didn’t want to face the villagers. After seeing what would have happened if my plans had continued unchallenged, I was horrified about what I had done to them in my misguided attempt to bring about equality and my misconceptions about friendship. I thought that they would revile and hate me, and drive me out of the village.”

“And what actually happened?” I prompted.

The unicorn had a look of wonder on her face. “They accepted my apology and welcomed me back. They even threw a feast for us. Really nice food too, I admit. Too bad I didn’t see back when I was in charge what I was doing to them.”

“You united those ponies and gave them a place to be a community. Admittedly, they were only able to progress once their cutie marks were returned, but you gave them the basis for a new start to their lives. It just goes to prove Twilight’s assertion that you have the potential to do great good as well as great evil.”

Starlight gave me a lopsided smile. “And yet you’d be happy to see me locked up forever, wouldn’t you?”

I shrugged. “Twilight and Trixie are better ponies than me. I tend to hold grudges, and I still recall clearly how you intended to murder me and Twilight. You have a long way to go before I’m ready to trust you.”

Starlight cringed at that reminder. “I understand, and I truly regret that. I let my fears, hate, and frustration get the better of me which is why Trixie has mandated sessions for me with a psychiatrist. All I can say is that I’m sorry for what I did.”

“One day, I might accept that apology, but first, I have to be convinced that you deserve forgiveness. I’m hard on you because Equestria needs ponies like me to be like that to balance out ponies such as Twilight who are far too trusting and open to betrayal.”

“Then why are you here today of all days?”

“Because I’m giving you another opportunity to persuade me that you’re on the right path. Twilight says she doesn’t want to dwell on the past, and my wife thinks she has something in common with you, so they’ve convinced me to allow you to participate in what Twi calls ‘friendship lessons’. That’s why you’re going to the Crystal Empire with us.”

Starlight looked at me quizzically. “The Crystal Empire? Why there?”

“Twilight has been researching your past in an effort to understand your motivations better, and she discovered that one of your earliest friends lives there. A stallion named Sunburst, I believe.”

Starlight got a ‘deer-in-the-headlights’ expression on her face. “Sunburst?!”

I smirked. “Hit a nerve there, did I? Good. Twilight will explain it in more detail to you, but basically, I think you have to reconnect with him or something. Not my business. So, you have two choices. One – you can continue enjoying the all-expenses-paid vacation in this lovely locale with the friendly natives.” The guards who had been listening in recognized a cue when they heard one, and they all gave her a grim stare. I let that sink in before continuing. “Or: two – enrolment in Princess Sparkle’s Friendship Program. You have five seconds to decide.”

“Urk! Okay, I’ll do it! But why didn’t Princess Twilight ask me herself?”

I gave her a flat look. “Because I want you to understand that while I support Twilight’s initiative, I’ll be there if you screw up again. And I’ll remind you that I’m the pony who defeated Tirek and nearly killed you in combat, so think twice about what you plan to do.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Starlight replied in what I believed was truly a humble and respectful manner. “Umm… any chance of taking these horn rings off me?”

I chuckled. “About as much chance as a snowball in the lava pits of Tartarus. Consider this to be valuable practice in using your hooves instead of your horn.” I turned to the guards. “Release Starlight Glimmer from her cell and escort her to the Great Hall where the rest of us will be waiting to depart for the Crystal Empire.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” replied the guard in charge with a salute.

I headed out of the dungeon well satisfied with the outcome. I hope Starlight enjoyed traveling alongside Empire Guards because she sure wasn’t going to be sharing the royal carriage with Trixie and me. We had other plans in mind for the trip!

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Author's Note:

No comments and no art. Just an announcement:

I'm in America on holidays for the next couple of weeks and writing could be slowed down, so the next chapter might be delayed a little.

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