• Published 24th Jun 2018
  • 6,589 Views, 117 Comments

Goodra's Garden - Cosmic Flare

This was not what I planned on doing for the rest of my life after going to the convention for my first time. But not much can be done now, well nothing to do in the sand and heat. Time to walk.

  • ...

Learning More

Author's Note:

Took me a while to get this done, but I hope you y'all like. I think what may have been a little problem for some is I was jumping form first person to third person and that may have been it. I will try and keep in mind to stay in third view as best as possible. Now I have to try and make something else up now @-@

As Goodra blocked the incoming attack with crossed arms and sliding back. He looked at his opponent with a grin as sweat and excess goo drips off and light panting. And Arceus looked back in a calm manner as he was fine and enjoying the battle he was having with his son to make him stronger to defend himself when he couldn't be there. It's been three months since then and both have walked the land and seen many different areas there in. The jungle was fun to see and speed training was done there to help Goodra be quicker on his toes and reflex control. Must was improved, but more work was needed. And the desert was good to, in it's own way. As of now both were in a rocky area full of many different rock sizes and this was there battle field for training. Sitting on the tool kit was the same red squirrel watching the battle before her and smiling at Goodra.

Lowering his head and running forward as light gathered there, he was going to hit back with 'Head Butt' and with his hands behind in both a blue ball of light and water swirling around fast for a follow-up of duel 'Water Pulses'. Right when he was about to land the attack, Arceus opened his mouth and unleashed 'Hyper Voice' and throwing Goodra back into a rock cracking it and canceling his moves as the water spheres bursted open and covering him and the ground and rocks in water and smoke. Getting up for the recovery and open his mouth and use Ice beam as he was still on both his hands and paws for a counter. As the 'Ice Beam' cut through the smoke freezing it and the air, his opponent countered back with 'Flamethrower'. As both attacks hit together steam filled the area quicker and energy was building up fast and exploded braking up rocks and the ground and the blast shot Goodra back into the rock again and through it going back rolling for a bit and Arceus just stood there as a protective green shield stopped the blast and watched his son roll away.

In one quick flip that one would not think possible for a chubby Pokémon, Goodra was back on his feet and lunched off as water was covering him in a swirling way as he flew over the ground fast doing 'Aquajet' heading for his dad hoping to land a hit. Remembering the show, he opened his mouth and used another 'Water Pulse' at the front of the attack and both moves became one like as the leading point glowed bright blue and the water was swirling faster as more speed was added. Closing in fast and before his dad could act. The moves landed exploding making more smoke and pushing back both opponents.

"Yes! That's it my boy! Good form!" Called out Arceus laughing at the fast response and move combo. In turn he shoot off his own 'Ice Beam' and sidestep hard shooting off to the side as he lunched off three 'Aura Spheres' in tandem flying at Goodra to his left.

Firing off a quick 'Thunderbolt' in return, both moves cancelled each other but being distracted by that surprise attack hit his left side exploding three times and covering the area in smoke but he came flying out rolling again.

"Don't lose focus on what your opponent is doing and your surroundings! Your opponent can hit from anywhere!" Called out the Alpha.

Smacking into another big rock that was hollow and gems falling around him. Goodra stood up and was getting tired of being thrown around and looked at his father and roared out in anger and yellow energy exploded from him as he rushed forward digging a small trench in the rocky ground and slammed into him punching kicking in a 'Outrage' pushing Arceus back with some of the hits landing taking him by surprise. With a mighty upper cut to the jaw and lifting his opponent off his feet. Goodra calm down from his move and his eyes glowed purple and a headace came on as he became confused and started to swing wildly and punched his own face multiple times dropping him to the floor as he began to smash his head to the floor over and over again roaring out in pain and confusion.

Recovering from the upper cut and hearing his boy crys of pain. Both the squirrel and him looked at Goodra hurting himself on the ground. (End music) Moving to his side and gently putting a hoof on Goodra's head, he used 'Aromatherapy' to ease his pain and cure the status effect. As the green waves of light washed over him. Goodra stopped thrashing and lay there breathing fast and the feeling better as seconds passed. Looking to the side to see the squirrel was holding two Oran Berries for Goodra to eat. Eyeing the squirrel for a bit as she was watching Goodra and the bump on his head. He was getting the feeling there is more to her for a while now.

As he was feeling a little better now, he sat up rubbing his head with a little moan. Looking to see the squirrel waving at him to get his attention he saw the berries she came over with to help him heal faster. And smiled and gave his thanks and picked up the berries and ate one slowly and feeling as it work to help him feel better and finished off the second one quicker and was feeling good but still tired from the battle and sat there breathing in and out as the squirrel sat down on his shoulder.

"Rest now. Our training is done for the day." Said Arceus as he joined Goodra by laying down to be closer to look at him and in turn so he doesn't have to look up so high. "I'm impressed you learned another move 'Outrage'. It's powerful yes, but you feel the drawback to. So be careful using it." He warned and got a nod back.

But his attention was more on the squirrel watching her. "...so? How long will you keep hiding?"

As both of them look up at a him with looks of confusion and the other shock.

"Um... Dad? What are you talking about?"

"Not you. Her! Come on out Ms. It's time to stop hiding and I want to know what is your interest in my boy." As the shock wear off a sly grin came on the squirrel's face as the body changed and grow longer and snaked it self around Goodra as arms wrapped around hugging him and it's tail wrapping around his tail and a face nuzzles his making him blush at this new person shower him affection. In a playful tone she replies.

"Awe, you spoiled my fun! Hehehe!" She giggled away as a paw batted the goo under his chin. After seeing the glare for not answering what was asking she went on.

"Oh don't worry over nothing! I'm not going to hurt this lovely little cutie. Why would I hurt the one I have fallen in love for? And from hearing you and your other boys talk, we will have much time to get to know each other better! And I'm sorry, but I did hear all about your life and don't want you feeling hurt anymore." She said to the Alpha and look to Goodra with sad sympathetic eyes as she kissed his cheek hugging him tighter making the blush worse and close his eyes at the warmth the hug was giving him.

"B-but Ms? I-i don't know your name?" Came Goodra's flustered question.

"And what are you by the way?" Was Arceus own question as he looked over this female. She had long white hair and different body parts the head and neck was a dragon like but more beautiful for her and a single snaggletooth poking out, the horns looked like a gazelle horn and an antelope. The wings are Dove and Eagle the arms were a cat and a dog ones. The body is rabbit and the legs are a ponys leg and a cow and the tail was a mouses, a big one that is long. And her eyes are purple and the white part is pink instead. A very strange creature for sure.

"I'm a Draconaquis. And my name's is Eris~♥." She replied to both questions but begin to nuzzle Goodra when answering his question as a pink heart floated up putting a smile on him and blushing more.

"I-It's nice to m-meet you Eris. What's a D-Draconaquis?" Goodra asked getting more flustered.

"Mmm~ you are a cutie! Well a draconis is a being of chaos. The rules of reality and order don't apply to me and any other. In other words I'm a Goddess. When this world was made many powerful beings of Gods and Goddess are here. And you have seen two and meet one now. And what I can feel, you are one too and that is why I am here. Your different. And I like it." Said Eris wrapping around him more so she was now looking him in the eyes and rubbing her snot with his making him have a full face blush.

"Yes. The Alicorn Goddess Faucet Rosie. She will be watching over her ponies up North for a while then leave them be so they can grow." Arceus said as Goodra was locked up looking into Eris's eyes and didn't know, but was starting to think that they didn't hear him as they were making goo goo eyes.

As Goodra kept looking in her eyes he couldn't help but find them to be so beautiful to look at and was losing himself in them feeling so calm and safe the longer he did and as the seconds moved on but felt like hours his arms moved around her in return hugging her as he relaxed in her hold and nuzzled back as little green gooly hearts popped up around them making her giggle.

Braking eye contact, Eris moved around so she was hugging him from behind and rested her chin on his head in between the tentacles antennas with a grin and her arms and legs hang lose but her tail still wrapped around his. Both looked at his dad together as he chuckled softly at their cuteness.

"So you will be here for him when I have to go?" He asked her getting a nod in return and poked her tongue out wiggling it silly. "Hehe ok. Take good care of him."

As he looked back over the battlefield to look over it his eyes fall on the many gems that lay around from the Geo rock that held them and used his psychic powers to move all of the falling gems to the kit opening it to drop them off in it for later use in the future in this world or in a different one when he jumps. Looking back to the new couple, he watched as his son held up one of Eris's paws and was nuzzling it as his eyes was close and smiling as was her. As night came around both of the younger kids fall asleep cuddling up as the Alpha sat up think over Goodra's training and his growth as time passes and believes he will get stronger for what ever may come at him here but worries about what would happen off world and if he still can use his moves to help save him and if he will keep his body when he jumps or lose it to a new one and be in danger. Taking in a deep breath and relax as worrying about it now won't help any Pokémon at this point. The best he can do now is trave around his sons land to the difference areas and train him to get stronger so maybe his reflexes will help if not moves.

As days went to weeks and months and then years the three of them traveled far in all places in the land coming to the beaches and mountains and the deserts going to many places to see it all and train. His training as be going well, but slow. Dragon Pokémon take a long time to get stronger but the pay off is worth it. But when winter came around it was easy to map the year out and months. Eris help to help track of the days and time with her power of chaos and they were able to celebrate Goodra's birthday on the 15th of August and Christmas. And many times they would make it back to the base and celebrate his and Eris's birthdays. Many new flowers and vegetables and fruits were taken and planted around his and Eris's home like he wanted. And the time taking a break or traveling their bond grew, but it was a slow one. Much teasing (mostly Eris) was between them and heart warming moments to for Arceus to see as the years rolled on. And his hidden garden was growing bigger and healthy, the berries didn't go to waste as the new animals that came by eat them.

And during battle training when rocks or the ground broke up and more gems of different types of was found with metals like gold, sliver and iron. When Arceus told Eris of what he wanted to be done for the future, she would collect and add it to the hord to be used for then. But with the iron ore found, an idea came to all of them and with Eris help a forge was set up in the base and a smelter was set. And with magic the fires to run them never went off out and magic keep the smelter going by feeding in iron to make ingots of pure iron to be ready for Goodra when they returned to the base and work on iron work to build muscle and to pass the time and make things that that he wanted to make the home more complete. Of course Eris used magic on some of the iron bars to make the tools he needed to work. But it was not easy at all to work the iron. A learning experience it was but much wasted iron was made in making pots and pans and cooking tools and on making the stove and oven for what he wanted to try the most. Poké tearts or candies and puffins. But so many fail forging of the metal is making that dream still just that.

250 years has passed and Goodra is now 278 and much has changed for him. Still slow at getting stronger but with Eris helping at throwing things at him when he battle his father and his older brothers Diagla and Palkia. Arceus left at times to go back to the Pokémon world to see over the happens there and around this world. A necromancer goat was making trouble far to the Northwest. And it seemed that new kind of dragons to the far East over the ocean as well but both stayed away for now from the 'Garden lands' that Goodra and Eris were traveling and training.

It was at this point that Goodra was up high on the very mountain were it began for him sitting down on snow free ground with Eris helping to keep him warm hugging him as they looked over the land before them as his father was gone again after he said this would be a good time to train in the snow to increase resistance to the cold and Ice that is his greatest weakness so he can be tougher to it if ever it was find out. And he was absolutely miserable right now! Goo freezend on him and overed in snow shaking. As far as he was caring this sucks! And Eris was giggling away at his misfortune snuggling him to help some.

"T-t-t-th-is s-su-sucks!" Goodra stammered out as his teeth clicked together from the cold and nuzzled her cheek for warmth.

"I know hun. But as 'dad' said you need to train. Got to have my witly chubby goo ball a tough goo ball to duke it out longer in a fight now." As both looked into each other's eyes at her light jabs.

"Oh har har you Patchwork snaggletooth~" he retorted in kind and she blew back with their tongue making a kazoo noise making him chuckle.

"I don't know what is going wrong with the forging of the metal into what I want it to be. But how it's going now and the failing metal, I'm going to have to wait until I get better some how or way into the future so I can make delicious Pokémon food of candies and stuff. I have the berries needed to go in, but I will need the other things for baking. But a Poké cookbook on this stuff will help." He said out loud to say what's on his mind not really looking for a answer but had Eris thinking on it as in how to help her special somePoké out.

Shaking in the cold on the mountain with Eris thinking warm thoughts, a thought came to Eris as she blinked at it. Looking at her sweet dork of a sweetheart she pulled her head back to be able to look him in the eyes and in pulling away from him got his attention and out of his own thoughts and was able to ask her but was beaten to it as she asked with a smirk on her lips.

"Goodra... When you were playing smith, did you want to make cooking tools like pots and pans and the bigger items," with a nod she continued. "You could have cast them and poured in the hot liquid iron and let it cool... Right?" She finished as her smile grew as the look on his face change from hearing about how to make what he wants to do was a simple answer that escaped him for so long that left him feeling so stupid as a look of tiredness came over and he bowed his head whimpering.

"I-i give u-up on I-It. I-i hav-ve been ok with ou-ut having any this long. I-I can wait a little long-ger for some one else to make it." Said studdered Goodra more from the cold then sadness... mostly.

"Awe... Come here silly thing~" said Eris wrapping him closer taking pitty on him for over looking a simple answer to his problem and snuggling him squeezing as he made a squeaky noise like a rubber duck making her giggle.

Enjoining her comfort, he looks back up and out to the openness of the world and speaks as a thought comes to mind. "After all these years of being alive longer than I expected, I'm so happy that you are here for me to help ease the passing of time. I love you. You have been the best besides dad. But... you are a big butt head! I don't know how to make the mouds for the iron casting. So it still useless to make anything with the metal. I'm just going to quit and wait for someone out there to make it and do something about it than."

After hearing him say that, she lost it and laugh at how quick he pick up on her comment and saw him smiling and chuckling with her. But calmed to light giggles as she looked him in the eyes lovingly at hearing him say how he felt about her finally hearing the words she wanted to hear for so long, longer then it should be but he is a shy one at times. "Heh took ya long enough silly. And I love you too sweetie~♥" was her reply and a kiss to his lips and rested their forehead together.

From that kiss, Goodra went red face with a goofy smile and the heat in his body sky rocket and warmed him and her up and melted the snow and made steam raise up as a happy purr left his throat and some of the steam was turning into hearts.

And so on the mountain they stayed in a cave near by for many years while he trained his body to build up a tolerance for the cold. If it was not battle practice with Eris hitting him with ice move or sitting in the snow. He loved the snow back in his old world, but now as is. The snow sucks. And after when Eris left him to get some Aspear berries to help with the cold and make a surprise cup of hot cocoa for him after telling him about casting the iron for his work is when she heard rocks braking up and came back to see said destroyed rocks and Goodra walking to another rock and smash his head into it until it was no more than ruble. Giggling at his silly behavior she continued on to get him said items and a few Oran berries just in case.