• Published 2nd May 2018
  • 1,959 Views, 182 Comments

A Disparate Bond - the7Saviors

Sometimes, one change -- one little detail is all it takes to unravel the threads of one's fate, but these threads will not stay unbound. The ties will be bound anew and a certain lavender filly's fate will change drastically.

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A Brief Lesson on Changelings

Once she had finished her introductions, Chrysalis led the two fillies down a rather steep rocky path that led into the city of changelings—the Core, as Chrysalis called it.

As they trotted through the town, Twilight and Starlight could see various changelings going about their business. They were surprised to find that the city wasn't all that different from what one would see in a place like Canterlot or Manehattan.

While the Core lacked any significantly large buildings save for Chrysalis' own castle, it made up for it in the efficient way the many structures were crafted. Though the cavern was massive, there was still only so much room available to build, so many of the structures were packed tightly together.

Despite this, the changelings had managed to make it so that there was more than enough space to maneuver. It also helped that the changelings seemed to fly most everywhere they went.

The fillies did notice a few key differences between this city and a typical city in Equestria however.

They hadn't seen any shops of any kind, nor was there any place for entertainment, or food, or anything outside of what looked like simple houses made of that strange green resin-like material.

The other thing the fillies had noticed—and were frankly a bit unnerved by—was the severe lack of verbal communication going on. The only real sounds they heard as they traveled were the buzz of countless insectoid wings and the clicks and chirps of the changelings themselves.

While many flitted about in the sky, some would touch down briefly to do something or another. During these times, they would give only a few clicks and chirps to a fellow changeling before flying off again to do who-knows-what.

Chrysalis hadn't spoken much—or really at all—during their trek, in fact, to Twilight, she looked rather distracted. Though she kept her eyes firmly on the path ahead, she would occasionally give a twitch of an ear or an irritated frown.

To Starlight, it looked as though she was thinking really hard about something and not particularly liking the conclusion she was coming to. There was one point where Chrysalis startled the two by coming to an abrupt halt and suddenly snapping her gaze to one of the many changelings flying about.

She had given the changeling a scathing glare that made the bug pony cringe and quickly fly off in the other direction. To Twilight and Starlight, the changeling hadn't done anything wrong, merely going about it's business like the others.

Both girls had remained largely silent due to Chrysalis' intimidating and domineering presence—the two of them not speaking out of turn for fear of... they didn't really know what. After a moment of silent debate with Starlight however, Twilight finally decided to ask more about what was going on.

She went to speak, when Chrysalis suddenly growled, did an about-face, and trotted in the opposite direction, causing both Twilight and Starlight to yelp in surprise and scramble out of her way.

"I meant to take you both directly to my castle and explain more about the changeling race there," Chrysalis said with more than a little annoyance coloring her tone, "but it seems we've run short on time, so I'll have to give you the abridged version on the way back."

"The way... wait, we're done already?" Starlight asked in surprise, "we're going back to the... actually where are we going?"

"I'm sending you two back to Aeon," Chrysalis answered curtly, "there are many things that require more of my attention than I can spare for the two of you, so you're going back."

"But," Twilight stammered, "b-but you haven't told us any—"

"If you'll shut up and listen I'll tell you now," Chrysalis hissed, casting an irritated, but brief side glance at Twilight before returning her gaze forward, "pay close attention, because I'm not repeating myself."

Twilight winced and looked over to Starlight, only to see that the other filly was watching Chrysalis intently. She furrowed her brows in bemusement at the light pink filly's behavior, but didn't get a chance to comment on it before Chrysalis began speaking.

"The first thing you two need to know about changelings is that we're all connected," Chrysalis explained, "our minds are as one, and I am at the very center," she cast the two fillies a side glance, "that means I have eyes and ears everywhere."

"So... you can all hear each others thoughts?" Twilight asked, watching a pair of changelings fly by overhead, "is that how you communicate normally?"

"For the most part, yes," Chrysalis replied with a nod, "it's far more efficient than verbal communication, as commands can be issued at the speed of thought. I trust I shouldn't have to tell you how useful such an ability is, yes?"

"Wow..." Starlight uttered in earnest awe, "could we learned to do something like that?"

Chrysalis merely smirked in response before moving on.

"The second, and arguably most important thing you need to be aware of is the reason we're called changelings to begin with..."

Without warning or preamble, a bright green flame engulfed the Queen and both Twilight and Starlight found themselves standing before the Solar Princess herself. She turned to the two shocked fillies with a gentle smile, that caused both of them to shiver slightly.

"This, my little ponies, is what it means to be a changeling," the disguised Queen said in the warm motherly tone of Celestia, "this is one major reason why you should fear us."

Her smile then became an uncharacteristically lopsided smirk.

"We can change our forms to any creature at will as long as we have the energy necessary to do so," she explained, transforming back to her jet black, hole riddled self in another flash of emerald fire, "we are many, and as long as we roam the land, you can never be too sure who is a friend or loved one, and who is one of our own, waiting to drain you down to a withered husk."

Twilight gave Starlight a fearful glance, but Starlight's fearful gaze was directed towards the many changelings around them. Chrysalis chuckled at their distress and continued her explanation as they all made their way up the steep slope and towards the cavern entrance.

"While we're on the subject, I may as well explain what we use for sustenance," the Queen continued, "you see, changelings aren't like other races you may have seen. We have a very... unique diet."

"Unique how?" Starlight asked warily, "from what I can see, you all look like some sort of carnivores."

Chrysalis turned to Starlight and flashed her a toothy smile, showing off her many sharp teeth as she replied.

"Oh, we can and do eat meat, little foal," she purred, "but our main diet consists of something much more... intangible to most."

"Intangible?" Twilight asked in confusion, "what do you mean? How can you eat something that's intangible?"

"A combination of our natural magic and our unique physiology," Chrysalis answered matter-of-factly, "with these two working together, we can make a meal out of your... very... emotions."


Chrysalis laughed at the fillies' simultaneous shout of surprise. She spoke again, talking over their stuttering and stammering questions.

"Joy, sorrow, jealousy, fear, gratitude, lust," Chrysalis said, making her way to the top of the cliff overlooking the city, "we can acutely sense, manipulate, drain, and eat every single emotion you can think of."

The bug-like Queen stopped at the entrance and turned to the two changelings that had been following after them. She gave a quick nod and the two saluted in turn before turning around and flying back towards the city. Ignoring the fillies' confused looks she continued her explanation.

"They all have their own distinct flavors" Chrysalis said as she trotted through the open doorway and back into the resin-like hall, "but none are as desirable and nutritious as love."

"Why?" Twilight asked, her curiosity momentarily overtaking her unease, "what makes love so special?"

"Love is the most powerful emotion a sapient being possesses," Chrysalis replied, "it can work miracles in some cases, and I teach each and every changeling not to underestimate those who are motivated by it, and you can both count that as your first lesson I suppose."

"You said you drain emotions," Starlight interjected with a nervous frown, "what... what happens to the ones you take the emotions from?"

"Haven't you been listening, you witless foal?" Chrysalis retorted with an irritated scowl aimed at the light pink filly, "depending on how much we drain, they will either be somewhat weakened for a time, or become living husks, unable to function to the point where they may as well be dead."

Starlight had nothing to say in response. Chrysalis eyed her for a moment before rolling her eyes and turning back towards the hall entrance, her eyes narrowing and an ear twitching slightly.

"I swear," she muttered to herself, "that mare has the worst timing. Bringing foals to see me when I have so much to do. She knows the future of my hive is riding on this, and yet she insists I play the role of mentor. Bah!"

Before either filly had the chance to question Chrysalis on what exactly she was talking about, she suddenly spoke aloud once more.

"I believe that's enough on changelings for now," she announced, "we'll have more opportunities to discuss our ways in depth once you begin your tutelage under me, but for now... your current mentor approaches."


Starlight's question was cut off by a low hum that sharply grew in pitch in a matter of seconds. The sound caused the fillies' ears to flatten against their skulls and the follow flash of white light made them snap their eyes shut.

Another second passed by and all was quiet again. When the two fillies opened their eyes, they saw a familiar shining doorway in the front of the hallway entrance.

From out of the familiar doorway stepped a familiar cobalt unicorn mare, a mischievous smirk plastered on her muzzle. She stopped just before Chrysalis and gave her a simple nod.

"Good to see you again, Chryssie."

The bug Queen snorted and gave the mare an unamused frown.

"You do realize you owe me for this, don't you, Aeon?" Chrysalis grumbled, "I have my own plans to attend to and foalsitting these two is going to cut into what little time I have left."

"Oh, please, Chrysalis," Aeon replied with a roll of her eyes, "we both know you have plenty of time to spare, and if you need more..." she stepped closer to Chrysalis and lowered her eyelids suggestively, "you know you only have to ask."

Chrysalis pushed the mare away with a low growl, her face slightly flushed a dark green. Twilight and Starlight merely looked between the blushing Queen and their chuckling mentor in confusion.

"Just... take your foals and go!" Chrysalis hissed before turning around and stomping off in the direction of the city once again, "I don't have time for this nonsense..."

Twilight, Starlight, and Aeon watched her go until she disappeared behind the organic door. Aeon chuckled again and shook her head with a smirk.

"Same old Chrysalis," she muttered in amusement, "maybe someday I'll get tired of teasing her... probably not though. She just makes it too easy."

Her ears suddenly perked up and she turned to the gaping fillies still standing near the shining doorway. She smiled and gave a single wave to the two before making her way back over.

"Hey girls, I trust you had fun hanging out with my little love bug?"

Author's Note:

Sorry guys, chapter took longer than expected. :twilightsheepish:

Anyhow, Twilight and Starlight are off to see the next future mentor! Who could it be? Well... we'll find out soon enough in the next chapter... :ajsmug:

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