• Published 18th Jul 2018
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JTHW: Journey To Hearth's Warming - Lighttone GryphonStar

Trapped by a spell Twilight and Starlight must live through the events of Hearth's Warming. Only the events aren't playing out exactly like the history books. All while a mysterious wendigo makes a move that might changes the future they once knew.

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S2 Episode 15: The Bloodiest Battle

Morning arrived quickly with the bright yet bleak light of the Sun. Such a sight meant only one thing. The day of the battle had arrived. And yet there was already a raucous going on the outskirts of the city.

A minor explosion rocked the Titan Airship. The blast tore a hole in the side. Luckily, the ship was already on the ground.

Within the explosion, Fredricson ran, shouting, "Where are you?! Ye be a blasted coward and an intruder." Below him, Lady Cat pulled a lever and extinguishers blew out the fires before they could spread.

Fredricson chased the figure behind the explosion. They had been chasing it all night. Despite their speed and the size of the airship, it could navigate the airship's large interior with minor problem and still keep a cold distance from them. But things had gone far enough. He knew this was the very end of the Titan Airship. There was nowhere more for this figure to run.

"Setting an explosion is a poor plan." Fredricson smiled as he cornered the intruder. Still surrounded by smoke, though, he couldn't get a good look at the face, only that it was a short pony possibly wearing some sort of tan brown fur coat. In the end, he had to stop this enemy, as the possibility was very clear this was an attack by Indigo Frost. "This is as far as you can go."

"Actually, everything went according to plan. The engines will be out for a while."

Fredricson was stopped by the voice of the intruder, so small and yet so familiar. "Who are you?" he aimed his cutlass forward. "No more hiding.

"A better question is how it took your systems a full hour to realize I was on this ship." The figure finally stepped forward, revealing its fleshy cloak.

Fredricson's eyes went wide to see a siren filly wrapped in a light tan fur coat hide cloak. However, it wasn't just she was wearing such a thing, but that it was covered in the same tattoos and wounds that once belong to his son. The filly was wearing the flesh of his son, Mon.

"How? Where?" Fredricson could barely compute what he was seeing before him. His guard was now wide open, and the filly rushed forward, stabbing him right in the thigh with a dagger and jumping over him in the same motion toward the exit.

Feeling pain shoot through his body brought him back to reality. He turned around and threw his cutlass before landing on the ground. The weapon missed because of a duck but was enough to cut off the hood of the intruder, revealing it was indeed a filly with purple ponytails. Fredricson slapped his hand hard on his leg and pulled out the knife. He attempted to chase after her, only for both his legs to go numb, knocking him to the ground again.

He reached for the wound only to realize her perfect movement and aim had sliced his chest without him sense it at first and hit an artery in his leg. Removing the knife had caused his legs to go numb from the shock, and blood was now pouring too fast for his body to keep up.

He could hear footsteps making their way to him and he hoped they were Lady Cat as everything around him went black.


Dawn's light tore through a beautiful teal bedroom with pearl white pillars and a purple bed. The beams reached slowly over the eyelids of a sleeping naga. His eyes opened, and he looked over to see a lovely princess lying beside him.

Seeing the naked form of her alongside his own made him want to turn away. Even after being together for four years now, he was still not used to waking up beside her. However, he couldn't keep his eyes off her for long. Tentatively, he looked down her back. He noted every curve and muscle. Finally, he came upon two massive scars near the center of her back. Though they had happened many years ago, the images still hadn't faded, nor did the burn marks.

Too much time passed, and he forced himself to look away completely. He got up from the blanket and looked at his armor. He grabbed each piece and placed them on quietly to ensure he didn't wake her.

He looked back at her and pulled the cover closer to ensure she wouldn't get cold. His eyes raised to his weapon beside the door. A mighty axe stood against the wall. Near it, a rapier only half of its size laid on a mirror standing at the ready as well.

Seeing the weapons made him remember what was to happen today. He sneered at the bright light from the window. Though the sun had barely risen, it was far easier to see here than anywhere else in the city because of the mirroring directions of the buildings beyond here.

He walked to the window and studied the view. He could see many buildings, include the Four Towers of Faith. From here it appeared Blood Diamond had not left his spot yet. Dim turned away from this and narrowed his sight downward where the garden stood. Just like always, it could be seen from nearly anywhere within the inner working of the castle. The princess had the castle built this way to ensure the sight of her father's honor would weigh upon all. But none more did it weigh on than him.

A single shadow cut the sunlight for a moment. His eyes narrowed at some clouds that had gotten through the mirror buildings. "Possible rain on this day. Is this your way of mocking me? Rain used to bring her such joy because it meant that you were always nearby, but now she only sees hatred in them."

Seeing the clouds creep closer and closer made his mind flashback to a memory he wished never happened.


A younger Dim traveled across a mud-soaked path as the rain beat down on everything. He held the umbrella over at a sound that differed from the rain. The sounds of loud splashing.

He stopped and his eyes caught sight of a little unicorn filly kneeling at a statue. She was hitting her fist into the ground over and over, not giving any care to the splashes of mud gathering on her lovely pearl white dress.

Dim breathed heavily and stepped closer. He held the umbrella over her and attempted to speak. His mouth moved, but no words came out.

"Why are you here?" the filly questioned.

"This... is the third time this week. You shouldn't be out here Princess Paltin--"

"My name is Mira!" she screamed out before hitting the ground so hard that blood poured into the puddle her hand was in.

Dim looked away and attempted to adjust his stance down to her height. Instead, she scooted away from him." Yes... but you must accept your title--"

"I don't want that title!" She stood up and refused to look at him, instead glaring at the statue, the figure of her father. "Make him take it back." She pointed to it.


"I said, make him take it back!"

"I can't." Dim refused to look at the statue.

"He said you were the bravest." She raised her hand. "That you are the strongest." She punched at the statue's base. "He told me you were the best!"

"I am--"

"Then, make him take it back!!" she screamed louder as she took another swing.


"I said, make him take it back!!" She swung again, this time harder.

"I..." Dim's face fell.

"Make him take it back!!"


No matter how many times she demanded, Dim couldn't finish his words. He remembered his leader's words so clearly now as they were back then. "Love her, spoil her. She needs so much of it." He finally articulated.

"Shut up!" She finally turned around. "You don't deserve to talk like him!" She punched at Dim. "You don't care about him or me!!" She struck harder. "I hate you!!"

Dim's face fell to her words and he let her punch him over and over. It was so much better than her rage toward her father because at least than his honor wouldn't be shamed. The echoes of each hit getting louder than any raindrop could ever be until the flashback ended.


In the present, Dim now walked down the hallway. His weapon was in hand, and he was walking toward the room that had been given to Twilight. He wondered if his legs had moved on instinct. "Maybe I could?" he questioned. "Then she wouldn't need to..." He stopped himself at the sight of Twilight standing at the far end of the hallway.

Her approach was slow, each step making the grip on his axe tighter. Did she know he thought? Did she already realize what his instincts had led him to? He didn't know what to think or do as she got up right to him.

However, she stopped just within range and brought her singular working eye up to his height. His axe swung forward. With all his strength, he stopped the attack. Twilight didn't even flinch. He was right; she knew what he was planning.

Twilight smiled at him as the grip released. "Thank you for proving me right about you as well."

Her words confused him, but he answered all the same. "You knew I had come down here to kill you and you knew I wouldn't go through with it?"

"I knew you would do whatever it took to protect her." Twilight pushed the axe aside and walked ahead of him by two steps before stopping. "But you also knew that killing me would only make her worst."

"What are you talking about?" Dim saw his chance. This lining could help him scan Twilight of any dangers. "How much do you know?"

"Somehow so much and yet so little." she couldn't hide her laugh. Her answer only confused him even more.

"What do you mean? What is your group's true purpose?"

"Oh, that's simple, they want an alathar. Meanwhile, all I want is to end a war..." Twilight kept her face hidden. "Before things get inescapably worse."

"Worse?" Seeing her leave, he walked with her, hoping to get as many answers as he could get. He hadn't realized that Twilight was after her own. The two talked until they reached their destination.

The late morning air was deathly calm, crisp with strife. Twilight and Dim Dusk arrived at the graveyard. Making their way to the arena, they spotted the princess kneeling at the statue of her father.

Twilight looked to the graves and to the statue before finally setting her sight on the naga. "Why are all these graves in this garden?" she questioned.

Dim Dusk waited until they passed Mira to answer. Softly he spoke, "These are the soldiers that were found alongside the lord when he died."

"When did he..." She stopped herself. She felt as if she was asking too much, especially when she saw the tenseness in his shoulders grow with each word of her last question. "I'm sorry."

The two entered the arena and Dim led Twilight to her spot. There, he finally caved. "She was only five years old."

Hearing those words made her sight go wide. Now everything made perfect sense. She looked back to that leap through his memories she had last night before, looking back up at the statue. It was just as she thought. Sir Sereal died mere months, possibly even days after that memory.

Now she knew more than ever the stakes of this battle. She looked forward and reached for her kopises. Gripping tightly to the hilts, she moved her sole working eye over the princess and waited for her to finish.

That wouldn't be long, as Princess Platinum was already rising from the ground. The unicorn mare turned to her side and entered the arena. Magic already buzzing from her horn.

Dim Dusk pulled out a white cloth and took a deep breath. Speaking far harshly, he pronounced, "When this cloth hit the ground, the magic can start firing. And the battle will not end until either this arena is flooded with blood or this cloth is soaked red. Die or withdrawal, that is the choice. Either way, blood will be spilled on this day." With that, the cloth was dropped.

Both mares watched the cloth move through the calm air as best as they could while also keeping sight of the opponent. The closer it got to the ground, the tighter their stance became. Everything slowed down around them to this moment. It was as if that cloth was the only thing that matter, as if it was the only thing moving in the entire world.

The cloth softly pressed onto the ground. Despite this, the two charged in at full force.

Mira blasted first with a rapid-fire of small magical beams. Twilight moved with her left kopises to slice through them while dipping to her right, slicing out a small crescent moon shaped blast wave. Mira jumped clean over it and into a flipped, dropping her rapier downward to an impale. Twilight barely knocked the attack out of the way with her left kopis by using the forcing of the flip combined with the kopis blocking to launch her to side.

However, with that move, Twilight had been pushed to be the right place to stand above the white cloth. It was still dry outside of some dust being kicked up from their attacks. That wouldn't last as Mira quickly jumped forward into a stabbing motion, chancing Twilight off guard and cutting her hand.

Just a small amount of blood splashed out, but some of it indeed landed on the cloth. Twilight barely jumped back and blasted out some magic at Mira to knock up some wind to move the cloth out of the way.

Now it was stained with two drops. Just two wasn't enough to end the battle, but it was shaving it far too close for Twilight. She charged up some magic and prepared for Mira's next attack.

Mira returned to her previous stance and smiled. "For your first time at this, you are certainly putting up a better fight than I hoped."

"Really, you expected disappointment." Under her breath, Twilight continued, "You are exactly like her." She charged forward, her kopis filled with magic. Slicing out a horizontal crescent and then a vertical crescent. The two attack far faster than the previous ones and Mira couldn't jump out of this time she pointed her rapier forward and filled it with her own magic, thrusting it made quick work of the attack, but she was quick to realize it was a decoy as Twilight rushed forward from behind the blasts and as it the broke she pushed on the rapier.

Twilight, remembering from previous fights that the rapier was a terrible weapon for clashing. Seeing her ground faltering, Mira continued to fill her rapier with magic.

Twilight smirked and pushed back with the same, "You always underestimate every battle. Expecting the worst out of everypony."

Despite the badly proportioned clash, the stance stayed longer than either of them expected as magic shocked out from the battle. Dim Dusk himself kept a firm stance. In the background, the onlookers couldn't help but be shocked by all of this.

Above all, on a nearby roof, Starlight was shocked to see just how much her teacher could send off under the right conditions. It wasn't the strongest she had seen her, but it was far beyond their training bouts. "I had my doubts, but she may actually win this, right Silver Pear?"

"Yeah, yeah," he barely answered her, as his mind was elsewhere. Pondering on the words that Starswirl told him.

"No, this battle is far from over.” Rex was quick to correct the young student. Clover and himself were watching as well and getting ready to step in if needed.

The truth pulled out quickly as screams brought Starlight to attention. She returned her sight to the battle just in time to see blood splatter out from Twilight's armor.

Twilight grabbed her side and filled the armor with magic. Luckily, the wounds were skin deep. She looked to the ground where the attack came from and saw white crystal reseeding back into the ground. "Crystal magic too..."

"Yes," Mira claimed her own smirk, "A little inheritance from my mother." She charged forward with another thrust, this time a rapid-fire of thrust, each one laced with white crystals now tapering the edges of the rapier.

Twilight dodged and knocked most of the attacks, but quickly a few slices got in, cutting her arms and her legs, skin deep. The thin form of the rapier made it very easy to work through armor. However, Twilight quickly noted that with the rapier altered with crystals, the weapon was far better at knocking back attacks and penetrating. She couldn't get enough room to make her own counters, yet the rapier was still thin enough to cut through her defenses with only minor difficulty. She had to think quickly before the princess gained the full offensive.

Mira, meanwhile, quickly noticed herself that something was off with Twilight's own attacks. Despite how hard she was pushing, she could sense that Twilight was holding back. Angered by this, she pushed her own ever harder and even changed things up with horizontal and vertical attacks, pushing Twilight back into another clash.

"Damn it, fight me!" Mira screamed.

"I am!" Twilight pushed back.

"Then stop holding back," The princess's boldness continued with a hard punch to Twilight's gut, breaking the clash and giving an opening wide enough for Mira to stab downward.

Twilight twisted in pain as her foot was stabbed through. She swiped with her right kopis and Mira ripped out her rapier and blocked the attack. Seeing this, Twilight swiped with the left kopis and Mira used her fist to grab the blade. The princess's hand bled out, but it was enough to stop Twilight's second attack.

"Stop holding back!" The princess filled her horn with magic.

Twilight tried her best to struggle, but things were too well locked in place. She was utterly confused. She heard every word that the princess had said, but they made no sense to her. She was already fighting at full strength. The only thing she had been holding back on her dark magic usage.

Twilight's eyes widened. Could Mira actually tell by the magic usage Twilight was relying on? She waved her head back and forth in disagreement. There was no way she could sense such a thing. As far as Twilight knew, Mira only had access to unicorn magic. However, the princess did just show she had at least some knowledge of crystal magic. "Maybe?" She closed her eye and formed a new plan of attack.

Once she was ready, Twilight pulled back her head and rushed her horn forward. Catching the bold princess off guard with no magic at all in her horn, simply using it as a battle ram.

The attack broke Twilight free and left a massive dent in Mira's armor. Seeing her own opening, she brought in her arms and charged her kopis with far more magic.

Starlight, watching this all go down, gasped at the sight of maroon magic forming over the rim of the blades. "No teacher. Don't!"

In Twilight's mind, she commented one last time on her theory, now knowing it to be true more than ever. "Rarity would often break down into outbursts when she wouldn't get things her way. Yes, you are Rarity..." No longer would she be unsure about this. It was certain to her now more than ever how this battle was going to go. She ran forward and swung outward and spoke aloud, "Double Crescent Moon!!"

Rex glared at the double crescent waves of darkness before falling into his shadow. Much to Starlight's shock, he vanished from sight. Clover followed through the shadow as both of them appeared near the arena, just out of sight. Starlight attempted to follow, but the shadow faded and the pathway with it.

Far above her sitting on a cloud, Cold Blue himself watched. He had been given orders to learn as much about Rex's allies while they were in the city and though he had kept a quiet tap through sound magic on all of them, he couldn't hide the fact he kept the biggest watch over Twilight.

He had been intrigued by her ever since he first saw her. However, it wasn't until her dark transformation twelve days ago did he long to get a closer look, particularly inside her mind. Though he was thousands of years older than he was, even worse at telepathic magic than she was at telekinetic.

He had been Rex's rival for many millennia and always kept up with him in battle. And could only read him at a surface level. This brought an intrigue as the only ones that could break this barrier were dark magic users, with him being the exclusive that couldn't. Because of this, Cold Blue would monitor all dark magic users around Rex. Twilight with her prowess in dark magic was the only one that not only brought an annoyance from Rex but also a rage.

Within himself, Cold Blue could also sense a growth purely from watching her as well. However, he's couldn't quite place what this growth was or why.

Back on the ground, the battle was getting bloody and brutal quickly. Twilight jump upward as blood poured from her leg, barely dodging a thrust that nearly went throughout her leg. She flipped in the air, using the waves of her wings hidden from sight. She landed, throwing some magic to slice at Mira's back.

Seeing this, Mira sidestepped and turned to punch the hilt of her rapier into Twilight's gut, sending her into a roll. Twilight blast dark magic out randomly to catch Mira off guard.

The rapid-fire made Mira toss a shield of crystal. However, at the strength of the attack, she knew this wouldn't hold for long.

Twilight came to a landing by stabbing one of her kopis's deep into the ground. She looked at Mira's shield and aimed her hand out at it. "Dark Embrace!" A giant maroon hand-stretched on her hand on the shield.

Seeing the attack, Mira sent up several crystal pillars. The giant hand slipped pasted each one and wrapped around her shield. It pushed down tightly, cracking it with ease. Though, Mira smiled and aimed her rapier toward Twilight. She bent her legs and kicked her feet down, launching herself and rapier through the shield, stabbing the giant hand.

Twilight winced as blood poured from her hand. However, Mira kept going until her rapier was tearing through Twilight's proper hand. Punching through the tip went right for her chest. Twilight barely stopped the attack as Mira's thrust movement came to a halt. Now pinned in place, Twilight was forced to swing her only good hand. Unable to block in her own, Mira turned her back to the attack, hoping the armor would stop it at this range.

Blood poured from both of them now as Twilight's kopis was only slowed by the armor. Mira pushed forward, hoping her rapier would get closer to her heart. Twilight in opposition pulled back for another swing to Mira's back, slashing it again and again.

Princess Platinum, in all her glory, pushed forward despite her wounds. She knew Twilight would push her for a withdrawal. She knew Twilight wasn't aiming for the kill, as she could have aimed with the tip of the kopis and instead used the body. "I will not fall... Not like him." She yelled through her pain.

Twilight's pinned hand shook from those words. She knew Mira's determination was strong, but this was too much. The battle had been hard and long, and despite how fast their speed was, three hours had the princess of all unicorns refused to relent, and now she knew why. The previous ruler relented and... died.

As the rain finally broke forth and poured over the arena, Dim Dusk couldn't help but remember back to the funeral. Gritting his teeth, he moved forward and asked her to give in. "Please, Mira."

"Never, never!" She struggled back into a stance. Kicking her feet forward into another thrust, another rush of victory.

Twilight looked at this with shame and took her own stance. They knew what was coming and deep down Twilight hoped it wouldn't end like this as she aimed the tip toward Mira.

Lightning clashed down at the very center of the arena as both attackers struck for blood. And as they wanted, or didn't want, blood showered out over the arena in all directions.

"Twilight!" Starlight shouted in fear as blood splattered from her teacher's chest. She had moved just a second too slow. Her kopis had only gone an inch through the armor, being slowed by the thickness of her kopis, yes, but also by her hesitation.

Mira’s rapier was slicing through Twilight's chest with ease. This sent utter confusion through Starlight's mind as she watched her teacher's armor fold like paper. Twilight barely could stand as the rapier had torn through a fall in her armor. The same fault. Starlight's eyes widened. It was the same spot where Cold Blue stabbed nearly two weeks ago during her teacher's dark transformation.

Twilight was so drastically wrong in the weapon's power as it grazed just millimeters to the right of her heart into her heart. The only thing that stopped it from punching deeper was her shredded hand, almost torn in half, punching against the hilt of the rapier. However, the pain was still so intense. Liquid flooded through her armor and splashing on the ground. Twilight's sight waned.

Her arms shook to pull herself back into a stance, but it was pointless. One of her kopises was on the ground, the other, despite caked in the enemy's blood, could barely be held in place. Her mind raced on everything, so faster that she didn't even sense the princess laying the tip of a hidden dagger against her throat.

"Looks like you will end your journey here." Princess Platinum smiled as her horn glowed. She didn't plan on killing her, but the enemy had managed a good fight, but now it was over. Crystals wrapped around Twilight's weakened legs.

A loud shred tore through the air. Mira stopped for only a moment. Spitting up a large amount of blood. She felt a massive pain in her side. Feeling the heavy gash tearing through her gut. She looked down to see a dark claw ripped through her armor like paper.

The claw clenched down twice, making her twitch in pain, making bile and blood rise from her stomach. The fingers moved inside her as if feeling each tube of her intendants. The claw pushed in deeper, pulling Mira back into reality. She dropped the dagger and gripped hold of the claw, stopping all advance.

Laughter echoed outward, making her finally look up at Twilight, or who was standing in her place. A mare with pale blue patches of frostbitten fur stared back at her with a twisted grin. Laughter echoing from it despite her mouth not moving at all.

In fact, the laughter was getting louder and louder. Mira looked in other directions as the sound amplified in all directions. All other sounds were going to a painful ring. It wasn't long before she realized the laughter was echoing deep from within her own head, and yet it was clearly coming from the pale mare in front of her.

Without warning, a magic pulsed outward, knocking Mira back at least a full meter and down to her knees, shredding the flesh of her legs across the ground. The rapier which was still tightly gripped in her hand had been pulled out of the pale mare, pouring more blood out, yet the pale mare refused to falter.

Mira barely had time to react, and a beastly hand rushed forward into her mouth and punched her whole body to the ground. The ringing and laughter stopped at the blood soak claw punched her hard into the ground over and over.

"How? What?" Mira's eyes raced in confusion. The same armor as Twilight, the same wounds, the same position. Everything she saw told her this was Twilight. However, every instinct told her this wasn't Twilight at all. All she could think was a simple word, "Pale mare?!" Her words made it finally stop.

It backed away and finally opened its mouth, laughter with its real mouth. For the first time, everypony could hear the evil wales. The more it laughed, the more its body distorted. The wings clacked loudly through the illusions that still kept them hidden from Mira's sight. All of them could only guess which way, why, and how the sounds were being made. The back popped just as loudly as bony spikes ripped through the armor, making it hunched down.

"Pale Mare!!" Princess Platinum shouted back at the laughter as magic filled her horn. "Your tricks will end and you will bow to me!"

"Rex..." Clover jumped as another magical pulse was shot off.

"I know." He took a stance, "But we are nowhere near that altar." His chains moved through his shadows.

"Yes! That name will do for now!" The monster roared out and rushed forward, punching Mira's head hard into the edge of the arena. Her crown flew off and Mira's head was lifted again for another punch. "You will call me, the Pale Mare!!"

The Pale Mare as she was known now lifted her upward and shook the princess in the air. "I the pale darkness with all, with this darkness you will be SHATTERED--" The Pale Mare was stopped upon feeling Dim's axe against her back. It turned to the naga and growled.

Dim's eyes widened, "Whatever you are? The Pale Mare, Shattered, Twilight, you will let the princess go--" He was stopped as Mira heard his words and began stabbing the beast repeatedly, "Stop, Mira!"

"Never, I will win, I will win!!" she screamed through her pain. "I don't need any help, especially from you!!"

The Pale Mare looked to Mira's arm and licked her lips and grabbed tightly, stopping the attack.

Mira's eyes went wide, and she wailed in pain. It was the only thing damping the cracking sounds of the bones in her arm. Mira screamed louder in agony as the grip pushed down tighter.

"No!" Dim swung forward, only for him to hit nothing. Even though just seconds ago he had his weapon against the skin, the Pale Mare dodged the attack so easily, jumping at least twenty feet into the air with a single swing of wind. The Pale Mare crashed her talon-like feet into Dim's back.

The Pale Mare jumped again as chains shot out of the nearby shadows. She tossed Mira away and rushed around the arena. Dim jumped to Mira's safety.

Rex's eyes went wide, realizing this the Pale Mare was now heading right for him. Despite Twilight not knowing how his shadowmancy fully worked, even in this crazed state, she could perceive him as the attacker. He pulled his chains back, and Clover aimed her bow staff forward. Starlight just stood by in shock. She didn't know at all what to do.

The two warriors charged forward only for crystal walls to rise all around the arena. "No," Mira screamed. "This is my battle!"


"I said shut up!! I will defeat her..." Mira's feet struggled. The Pale Mare looked to her and gave a toothy grin, charging forward at full force. Dim rushed forward as well, totally ignoring his princess' words.

Mira herself just held up her rapier with her other hand and closed her eyes. Her words before were just purely her pride, but her next words were the only ones she knew to be true, "Take care... my guardian..."

The teeth got closer and closer to Dim. As quick as the attack was made Mira teleported in the way aimed rapier forward, tearing through the Pale Mare's mouth and pinned her into place.

Realizing the attack made contact, Mira opened her eyes, tackled the Pale Mare to the ground and jammed her rapier deep into the ground. However, despite having the body of blade puncturing through entirely and laying against the spinal cord, the Pale Mare refused to relent, roaring and screaming as if the weapon wasn't there at all.

Seeing the effect her weapon did little to the enemy, Mira placed her broken arm into place to pin the weapon down. She pulled back her good hand and punched the chest of the Pale Mare over and over, aiming right at the very spot she first stabbed just before this evil transformation.

Each punch left a big dent in the armor. Its swing cracked Mira's own hand, yet she refused to stop until the thrashing stopped. However, nothing she did seemed to have any effect at all. When her hand eventually snapped, she stopped and fell to the side. The pain ultimately reached its peak and numbness followed.

Mira's eyes were so weak. Her bones were shattered, her pride was shattered, and her pain was slowly following behind. She now understood the meaning of the Pale Mare's first words to her all too well.

Deep within her head, the words echoed aloud. "I the pale darkness with all, with this darkness you will be SHATTERED."




A loud shattering sounds echoed around the arena, snapping her back to reality. Mira fought her sight and looked at the source. Much to her shock, the Pale Mare was bashing her hands into the ground, dark magic blasting upward out of her with each bash.

The Pale Mare, shattered in her twisted laughter, was pushing her mouth up over the rapier. Despite the blade now tearing through her teeth and skull, she kept pushing until the rapier flowed out completely. The weapon made a loud popping sound, still pinned in the same place on the ground. The Pale Mare simply turned away from the weapon and punched away, breaking the crystal outline and the metal easily.

The dark magic stopped flowing and pulled back to the Pale mare, wrapping around her head. She felt over her face, pushing fingers between the large gash through her skull. Measuring out the full wound, she placed her hand on both sides.

Much to the shock of all, she pushed the skull closed. The dark magic moved wrapped tightly to her flesh before forming into maroon liquid and filled the gaps in the flesh, bones and any part of the wound before falling to the side and vanishing. The wounds were instantly healed by this liquid as if they had never happened.

The Pale Mare brought her hands down and looked at Mira. "That fucking hurt!!" Her body distorted again at the sight of Mira. The Pale Mare's arms stretched and thinned, and each of her fingers tripled in length.

Seeing her aim and the waning of her sight finally ending, Mira gave in and turned away. She looked at the white towel. It was almost caked in her blood. She knew she only needed to wipe the blood from her broken hand over it. She didn't want to admit defeat, but she hoped this would stop the Pale Mare in place and let the weak Twilight return.

The Pale Mare laughed and walked forward, reaching closer, her legs now stretching in the same form as her arms. Her grin got bigger and more beastly with each passing second.

A soft sound cut through the gore of laughter. Without warning, the Pale Mare stopped. Mira noticed the same for a moment. She flinched a few times before dropping her guard at the sound of music. The soft sounds echoed from an ocarina.

They all turned to see somepony at the far end of the arena. Rex's eyes narrowed and his chained dropped, "So, Cold Blue. You are here as well."

Cold Blue gave no response as he moved into the arena. The crystal wall did little to stop at his advance, falling around him. Faster than others could compute, he rushed over and knocked Shattered to the ground.

For the first time, the dark magic ended. Cold Blue aimed his ocarina blade at the throat. He stopped his advance of taking her life at the sight of the tears that had been pouring from the eyes the whole time. Despite what the others were seeing, Twilight had been fighting this evil transformation the whole time.

Another dark magic pulse went outward. This was far softer and less harsh. Cold Blue pulled back his weapon and played another group of notes. The transformation reacted to each note, reverting each limb back to normal, each bone back to shape. From arms, legs to the back, everything was returning to normal.

His eyes raced over to Princess Platinum. His eyes once again filled with rage. Seeing what he wanted, Mira turned away and finished her advance. She placed her hand over the towel and beat her blood over it until the white was completely red.

Cold Blue dropped his rage. Taking a deep breath, he stopped playing before raising his ocarina dagger upward.

"No, don't!" Starlight pleaded.

"I won't, this time. She is still fighting it, she is not ready yet." On that, he turned the sharp end to his wrist. Much to the shock of the others, he cut his wrist open.

Starlight gasped as the blood poured forth. It was the same maroon color as the smoke her teacher breathed. The same liquid that had sealed her wounds so easily.

Cold Blue moved as quickly as possible as he poured the maroon colored blood over any remaining wounds. He knew he had very little time before the wounds would be unhealable. However, just as he thought, each wound slowly sealed up.

"There, there, drink up." Cold Blue moved his wrist over to her mouth to heal the inside next. "Please, mighty beast, calm your rage."

Starlight smiled at the sight of Twilight returning. She didn't know how he was doing this or why she was simply glad to have her teacher back. Twilight breathed heavily before falling back to the ground, unconscious.


Author's Note:

Sorry to everyone that this chapter came out so late. The series is back on track now with this incredibly gory chapter. This one gave us so much. In particular the importance of the Pale Mare.

As always comment, like and favorite. I would like to hear your reaction to easily the toughest fight scene I have ever created. Want to keep with updates, follow me here or on my Twitter. /Gryphonstar5678

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