• Member Since 11th Apr, 2018
  • offline last seen Sep 24th, 2023


I'm 23 years old and I watched MLP Season 1 to 7 at least four times and I'm currently watching Season 8. I like to write stories and I hope the reader enjoys it


  • THeart's Warming + 1
    Heart's Warming is right around the corner and all the students return home to celebrate their respective fests... well, almost all. Gallus stays in Ponyville and is prepared for winter holiday all on his own but his partner has a different idea.
    PonyPlays2014 · 6.4k words  ·  17  2 · 595 views

The first exams are due at the School of Friendship and Gallus needs help with a subject.
Luckily Sandbar offers his help.
Can they work together to pass the exams? Is Sandbar able to help his friend? But how will this all work out? And how will those feelings they have for each other play into the mix?
We will see!

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 104 )

I think this is a promising story so far

Thanks. I really hope it will stay a good story ^^

Comment posted by Stonecrop Sedum deleted Apr 19th, 2018

Okay I really like the idea that the characters only teach classes one day a week. That would explain a lot.

Yeah xD I spend more time walking to school every week than they spend in school xD

I like the story thus far, but the present tense(using "says" instead of "said", or "replies" instead of "replied", for example) is a little odd, and for a character thinking one should really use italics instead of quotation marks(so when Gallus was thinking that he felt like an idiot, it should read like I would look like a complete idiot. But... that's exactly what I am when I'm confronted with Generosity.) Using italics instead of quotations help to keep things clear on when a character is speaking VS. thinking, and will avoid confusing the reader.

I can't wait to see this continue! GallusXsandbar is my favorite pairing out of the 'student six' characters, and I'm glad to see more and more people pick up on writing for this pairing. They're so cute together, and I like your interpretation of Gallus' character.

Oh thank you very much for the advice :)
I will try to change^^

I saw the promo for the new season and when I saw them my heart melted.


I'm really excited to see where this story goes, keep up the good work ^^.

Thank you very much :) I'll try my best. The summaries of the chapters are done so I think I know how this story will go. Hope I don't disappoint anyone ^^

Okay, I love the Gallus and Sandbar ship, I admit. Your sentences can be worded more smoothly but you have the right flow of story going, keep writing! I'd really like to read more.

Thank you very much^^ Yeah, english isn't really my native language but I really like writing and talking in english. Hope I don't disappoint you

If you need any help on editing with future stories, you can ask me! I'll be willing to fix up a few sentences and choice of words for you. Just let me known whenever :twilightsmile:

Thank you for your offer! :raritystarry::yay:

I hope it's not that bad... 🙈

Comment posted by PonyPlays2014 deleted May 6th, 2018

Like I said, just a few awkward sentences imo and a few spelling errors. Your ideas and story flow are actually pretty good! :D

Oh my god, this best fic i've read of these two (gallus x sandbar) gah! the characterization is amazing.
is fauna a cousin of pinkie pie? cause of her reaction to sandy liking the griffon.
what country are you from? since english isn't your first langue. pm me your reply, if you can:)

The world is pretty small so it would not surprise me if they were related.
Thank you so much! I really want to keep the characters the way they are because I like them this way^^

I require more of this! Can't wait til the next one comes out, keep up the good work!

I found your fanfic and I could not stop reading until I finished the 8 chapters. It's great :)
  I love how you take the time to develop the relationship between them. And I hope that following the last episode of the series, you include that Gallus has no family.
  I really want to see how Sandbar reacted before that news.
  Good luck with the fanfic ;)

"I mean, isn't friendship something you just... know? What kind of questions do they even want to ask? 'What would you do if your friend ask for your help? A) Ignore him, B) Tell him you're busy or C) Agree to help him because you are a great friend!' Please..."

This is something I can't completely agree upon, but I often have the same reaction and sometimes find the school a bit....well not exactly needed. However there are some creatures who at least gain something from the experience of being together with other creatures.

With hippogrif you meant Gallus right? or was it Silverstream? I honestly forgot what they named themself and I think for a short time there was a small debate about the griffons name.

"There was no D Silverstream", Sandbar points out with a hearty laugh following his words.

Okay my first thought was right it'S Silver.

"We discussed how someone can show Generosity in daily life and which different forms of Generosity there is.

Especially for some creatures there is something to learn yes, but what do you seriously want to teach them for a longer period than a a month or two?
It is like just collecting a bunch of situations or picking it really appart and trying to cover every situation.

We also took a few lessons to figure out what you should do when someone will or can not accept your generous help.

a) accepting it?
b) being very annoying for a long time till you get what you want.

The last topic we discussed was what happens when you are too generous with your friends.

Isn't that a possible result of "if someone doesn't want my gift and I keep bugging him?).

Gallus is known for his rough personality but somehow he sounded not like himself today. The change in his voice startles Sandbar and, with a worried expression on his face, he backs off and returns to his seat while keeping his eyes focused on the blue male.

Not sure why I get those thoughts today, but this sounds like the pony version where they think something like that is a matter of life and death.

Nice enough first chapter. I had my fun with it and it is really not bad. I finally have read everything else I had to read and finally reaced this story.
I care for the other stories as well, but there are just some stories that can sometimes feel more like work than entertaining, they have some good parts in them but also some more boring aspects or something like that if you know what I mean.
I also have some stories wherre I just can expect something that suddenly turns it into something bad for the moment.

I didn't saw it but the story said they have only class one time in the week?, yep that would probably explain a lot.
I mean how else are they still able to either have a personal life or care for their animals and stuff like that.

I know Gallus seems like a real jerk here but he is a griffon who lived with other griffons his entire life so it makes sense that he has this rough attitude (at least for me...)

I'm not exactly seeing him as a jerk, maybe a bit confused, a bit like Gilda because he doesn't knows it better anda part of me thinks, that if you would combine Gallus poin of view (black) and Rarity's point of view (white), then you would get (grey) how it would work the best.

I know it doesn't applies there, but when he said lending someone money, I thought of course and the next day I don't find him anywhere or the number and adress I got to get my money back is wrong (maybe he meant doing it with a friend). The giving what you like away....depending on what it is I would maybe rather try to find a different way to help them or something similar good.

However I'm a bit uuuuhhhhh ....let's say on the funny side and like to make a fun out of taking this a bit more serious than needed at the moment, but I have my fun with it.
I think I will like the whole story.

It wasn't his fault after all! He only stood his ground after his friend not only insulted him but his entire race!

I honestly didn't saw him doing anything like that.

"But if he learns by doing the task... why is he so bad at sewing?"

I thought he never did anything in the class at all.

"Wait! That's it! Someone, or should I say somepony, who has a griffon as her friend. Someone who is always very loyal and brave!"

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, maybe it's because I don't want to feed her ego, but somehow I think calling her the expert here isn't completely right, but she knows the most I suppose.

well I had nothing to add here.

Are all of the thoughts from Sandbar here? half of the chapter I thought it was from Gallus.

I kind of liked this chapter, I stopped at some parts maybe, but it was not enough for me to be mentioned here.

Okay I give you the short version and more when you ask since I just forgot to post the comment i prepared when I had nothing else to add to it.

I think at some parts of the chapter, maybe even others too, it's hard to tell if someone else is talking/thinking. I mean at some point I notice "oh it was that guy," but once in a while i keep thinking if I was maybe wrong about some other parts to. I mean when I thought he was thinking, was maybe the other one thinking something?

Like when I was suprised why Gallus was saying he was falling for the guy "again", since I thought i saw him having the thought for the first time and only Sandbar having those crazy heartbeat moments.

"To be honest: It was pretty obvious to me. The way you talked about him and I really felt how much care for him. I didn't want to ask because it would've been rude to ask something when he was around but now I can! So..."

I feel like giving you an extra :pinkiehappy:, because one of your characters actually thought about something like that. I mean I know many situations, half of them probably including Cadance, who would be less sensible and understanding with this situation in some stories.

"See! You are totally crushing on him. Case solved", Fauna suddenly interrupts him and a big smirk took the smile's place.

Normally I don't like it when they do that, but you somehow did something right here because I like it. I guess I really only had bad examples in most stories.

"You will get together... trust me. I have a sixth sense for things like that and I've never been wrong my entire life!"

nope no magic sixed sense please.

I liked the scary griffon.

I think I will be pretty happy with the shipping.

I enjoyed this chapter and that Smolder wasn'T jumping to conclusion right away. I never liked it when the story/character pretend that they would know that two characters are in love and all that stuff, mostly even before they know it themself.

Since nobody's leaving any about this chapter I will...such beautiful character interactions & development.
especially love the scene when sandbar talks about designing clothes and gallus doesn't make fun of him for his interest:)
aww sandy admits he loves gallus
p.s: I had those thoughts several hours ago but didn't comment until now.

So sweet, these two wholesome boys really are really lovely together.

I just want a more sarcastic Gallus from time to time.

Suddenly a bright light blinds the griffon for a brief moment but the effect wears off quickly.
Wow! What was that! That was like staring at the sun during a solar eclipse, he thinks but immediately after thinking that he identifies the light's source. It is Miss Rarity herself! Her face literally glows with happiness and joy!

For a second I thought my greatest fear came true, that the cutiemap was included in this story.

Yep... Now it's set in stone. He hates listening to boring tutorials or theory but without the theory he can't set anything in action

yeah well I guess he can really refrain from listening to the history of needles.

I wanted to say something about the bathroom scene, I hope no matter what you make Gallus learn, he never completely stops to act like himself and do stuff like that to other, that will make it more cute if he is nice to Sandbar.

I think it's save to say now that I really enjoy this story. It was a good chapter.
I allow myself to leave an upvote this time.

I require MORE of this, loving it! Keep up the good work!

This is literally one of the only things keeping me ALIVE after I finished reading the "Brushed Away" franchise (By TheVClaw):fluttercry: Please post more often....um...if you want to.....:pinkiesmile:

Me too, I just noticed how much I actually like it when i was reading a story about those six, I suddenly wanted to read more here.

I think I would be interessted in a sequel where they are maybe grown up, meet again and decite to live together or something.
Maybe make it three stories and we have somthing in the middle leading to them living together and then adopting someone.
As much as I like them, I think I want to avoid including the main six in the sequels.

Sometimes as much as I like them, it's nice to get a break from them. I mean it could be because of how or what others always include when they write about them.

Meh, you just want something different from time to time.

You raise a good point, it would definitely be interesting if there was like a sequel taking place in the future where the young 6 are all grown up and they meet each other again (implying that they have not seen each other in a long time)

OOOOO! That DOES sound fun! Ohmigosh it would be interesting to see how like they've changed since they were younger. You know like what they do now and how they act around eachother (Ships *hint hint*)

I am working on it as often as I can ^^ And I will try my best to post something as soon as it's done! I am glad you like it :pinkiehappy:

Thanks! Looking forward to it! SO EXCITEEEED!!!!:pinkiehappy:

When is the new chapter coming up? ^-^

Yeeeeeessssss!! When *IS* the next chapter coming uuuuuupp???:raritywink::raritywink:

You two seem to be very excited^^ I think today should be the day or tomorrow... I need my test-reader's answer first.
It's a pretty long one so it took some time but I like it the way it is :raritywink:

I bet it's good! :33 uff, I'm really getting into that ship ;D <3

Glad you are^^ I got into it the first time I saw them :heart:
But looks like the show is currently supporting Gallus X Silverstream (at least a bit)

I've seen that. Just because of a hug .-. Sandbar X Gallus is best gay ship ^~^

And it would make way more sense.
The season was about accepting differences and having the first canon gay couple or characters would have made great stories^^

Indeed! :D I wish it would be official.

IM SOOOOOOO EXCITEEEEEED!!! Like all the time. About everything. WOW! I agree too honestly because THEY ARE. THE. BEST. SHIP. EVEEEEEEEEEERERRRR:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

kEEp iT uP !1!1 <3


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