• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 1,107 Views, 8 Comments

A Different Perspective - Shadow of Death

Twilight discovers a spell and tries it, as it's supposed to help her understand her friends better

  • ...

Chapter 3: Twilight, What Have You Done?

"Twilight! Twi-light!" pants Spike as he ran in from upstairs where he had been napping until this point since it was rather late by the time Twilight got back from her travels, "Princess Celestia got your message about that book you said you were looking for! She said that if you managed to find it, to not to use any of the spells in...it."

He looked around the room which still had blue smoke with golden sparkles swirling around.

"I'm too late...Aren't I?"

"What...What..happened," coughs a voice near Spike. it sounded like Twilight.

"You-tell-us," a voice a bit further back demands haltingly, "You cast the spell after all!"

"I'm not Twilight, I'm Rarity," she retorts indigantly, her voice regaining some of its strength. "I wouldn't foolishly cast a spell if I didn't know what it did!"

"Hey!" exclaims a voice further back in the room, "I resent that!"

"S-s-sugar, what did you do?" stutters a voice that sounded oddly like Fluttershy's, but it could only be Applejack.

"What's going on?" shouts somepony else. "Ahhh! Where did they go?!?"

"Where did what go sugar?" asks a worried Applejack, still sounding strange.

"My wings, that's what!" uttered the now panicky voice, "I can't fly and I don't even feel them there!"

"I got them!" exclaims a rather excited voice, "I can fly! Zoom zoom!"

There is a crashing sound, and several thuds are heard which could only mean that the pony crashed into a bookshelf, knocking some of the books down.

"Who has got my wings!" demands the voice in a way that made it certain to the rest that it could only be Rainbow Dash, even though it sounded different,"Give them back!"

"I'm Pinkie Pie...Silly," says the voice woozily, "How do you work these things anyway? Ohhh, my head..."

The sparkles had died out entirely at this point, and the smoke finally started clearing up a bit, but all that could be made out were shadowy forms shuffling around confusedly.

"That just leaves...Fluttershy," mutters a voice, "Where are you?"

"O...Over here," replies a meek voice off to the side of the room.

Suddenly there is a gust of air as the front door was opened. The wind quickly cleared away the remaining smoke in the room leaving behind six befuddles looking ponies, plus one dragon. A quiet fell upon the room until...


"What the hay is going on here?"

"Twilight, what have you done!?!"

Everypony kept making exclamations and demanding answers, ending only when Rarity's horn suddenly glowed bright white and a bang went off, shocking everyone into silence. Once quiet descended upon the room Rarity spoke.

"I...I don't know what exactly happened, but it seems that the spell I used has caused a bit of an...Accident," states the pony that appeared to be Rarity, looking worried.

"Twi....Is that you Twilight?" asks Fluttershy, or so it seemed.

"Yes, yes I'm Twilight," she replied distractedly. Looking up she asked "OK, who is everypony?"

"I'm Applejack sugar," responded 'Fluttershy'

"Rainbow Dash!" exclaimed the pony that looked like Twilight.

"Rarity," stats the one that looks like Applejack, hat askew.

"I..I'm..Fluttershy," whispered 'Pinkie Pie'.

"Then the pony who is currently buried under a pile of books must be Pinkie Pie," mutters the Rarity-Twilight. "Speaking of which, we really should get her out of there."

The pony that looked like Rainbow Dash pulled a still woozy looking Pinkie Pie as Rainbow Dash from beneath the pile of books in front of one of the bookshelves.

"Now what," asks the real Rarity, rather curtly. "Certainly you can set things right?"

"I don't know, I don't know," responds Twilight, as she paces around the room. "I'm sure there is a counter-spell but I'll have to translate it. That is, assuming it hasn't been...."

Twilight suddenly rushes to the Starswirl book with a rather frightened look upon her face, causing the other ponies to stare at her with uneasy expressions on their faces. Their expressions grew more worried the longer Twilight spent perusing the book. When Twilight contorted Rarity's face into distraught expression normally reserved for the real Rarity when she wanted to be extra dramatic, the rest of the ponies started sweating profusely.

"You...You CAN set this right....Can't you sugar?" croaks Applejack, rustling her newfound pegasi wings in a way which made it all too clear she was as nervous as the body's original occupant normally was. "Right?...."

Twilight turned her stricken face towards Applejack and uttered in an anguished cry, "The spell...The counter-spell is completely illegible."

Authors note: From this point on the ponies will be written as they actually are, not as they appear to be though some references may be given (by the characters) in a hyphenated form. For example, Rarity-Twilight is Twilight in Rarity's body, in short the appearance followed by the actual character that is inhabiting said body.

Comments ( 4 )

OK, I'm seriously interested in the rest of this!
Good job on capturing the feel of everypony. The dialog made it clear who they were even with the switch.

Thank you very much ^_^ I was really trying to make it 'sound' like them when they were speaking. It's especially important in a story like this I think.

960070 I agree because otherwise you would likely leave us wondering who was whom. :applejackconfused: (This is only how I think people would feel if you didn't provide a way to tell them all apart, I'm not confused at all for right now)


I know it was a bit of a reach for her to just try the spell out, but at least I gave some reasons for it (she wanted to have something to report after several weeks). You know Twilight, whatever anypony says she likes to get things done in a timely manner. Besides, where would she read more about the spell, seeing as it is a tome full of 'lost' spells XD

There isn't really a specific time period for this story. Much like the episodes themselves, most of them are self contained (episodic) in nature.

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