• Member Since 14th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Equine Speed Runner

I see. It is- a wild story running about?!

Comments ( 13 )

This was good stuff. I've read the Divine Comedy, and am delighted to see someone doing a story with this for a premise! :twilightsmile:

I'll give this a read when I have free time, just because of the Divine Comedy.

I was never good with poetry but this is the first I've ever seen on here. It's clear you put a lot of work into this so you get a like from me~

Surely those of higher authority than I 37
will laugh and make mockery, a fool’s word 38
they proclaim. Magic Kindergarten would be upon me nigh. 39

That was genius. Pure, beautiful genius :rainbowlaugh:

I'm loving this story, and I really look forward to seeing more of this tale of Twilight's journey. ^_^

Oh you spotted that? I hoped somebody would. :rainbowkiss:

I hope I can keep up to your expectations. Sometimes when writing this story, especially the purely Equestrian tangents I'm afraid that I'm either getting too close, or maybe my writing isn't quality enough. Feels like barely keeping my head above the water, but I'll work hard to improve my terza rima and writing skills. :twilightsmile:

*Imagines Flim and Flam and Tirek being tortured in hell*


Where would Tirek go? I could see Flim and Flam in one of the Bolgias.

Hmm... Tirek would be hard to place. His defining trait is his greed, but it's for magic rather than money. And he's also very wrathful... but also noted for treachery - both to his brother and to Discord. So maybe he'd be in the Caina?

He would be in one of the bottom levels of hell, being Equestria's closest equvilent to Hitler.

So... It doesn't take place in Tartarus? Well, you get points for being original. Please respond to this comment.

Well, Tartarus is not appropriate for most ponies. Also, tartarus is based on greek mythology, and this is a story based on the Catholic afterlife.

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