• Member Since 22nd Jul, 2016
  • offline last seen May 20th

Zamorakas Devilhorn

Hi, I'm just a dude who likes ponies, horror, comedy, and video games.


Spike had disappeared from Ponyville as we know it after the Diamond Dog incident, and somehow ended up in the TF2 universe. Now watch as he returns to Equestria, and balances having 2 families with similar morals and different ideals. THIS is gonna get wierd.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 38 )

RIP Rover, talk about brutal......... :fluttershyouch:

Good work keep it up! If you need any aid on finding stuff out on the tf2 side just shoot me a message

Over in Coaltown, Arizona, we see a man in a hard hat and red work clothes working on a strange device, using parts from scrapped robots. All of a sudden, a green and purple, anthropomorphic, adolescent dragon comes over. The dragon is wearing what seems to be red camouflage, with tall black boots, a pair of black fingerless gloves with metal studs on the knuckles, and a red beret. “Hey, Uncle Enji. What’cha workin on?” He says, catching Engineer’s attention.

three things
1) writings in this style should be in the past tense, it's called the “literary past tense” for example
dragon came over
dragon was wearing
He said
I can’t show you every sense because its constant through the entire writing so just keep this in mind if you decide to fix it.
2 )we need art of spike in this fic.
3) just gonna put this here
descriptions for the weapons are in the links.

Thanks, but I have youtube and the internet for that... though I do need a proofreader that is fluent in TF2 speak.

Sure thing I can do that fairly easily

Sorry, it's just...
I hate that character, something about him just... doesn't feel right to me.

Also, It seemed in character for demo, with the whole 'demo-knight' subclass, to hate anyone who harms a lady.

Yeah so I can tell
Who sent what mine is just this username plus @ gmail.com

Okay then, mines... A bit more private, but you'll recognize the title

Okay, did NO-ONE see the SUV bit, or did everyone just ignore it?

I like the premise. Keep it up :moustache:

Heavy laughs lightly, revving up his minigun. “You think little baby company scares us? We have faced much bigger odds , against much tougher enemies, and not only survived, but TRIUMPHED! We are efficient killing machine!”

“bigger odds” ages it sound like they had better odds I think you mean “worse odds”.

A few hours later, the battle seemed to be at a stalemate. The Diamond Dogs couldn’t do anything to push back against the RED team’s more advanced weapons, and the Reds couldn’t push forward, either. Apparently, there were a lot more of the beasts than first anticipated, and the Reds were not running out of ammo, having brought multiple surpluses of it for the trip. Spike was getting VERY impatient. “C’mon, just die already!” He shouted.

Ok two things
1) “multiple surpluses” doesn't make sense I’d try “a surplus of it for the trip.”
2) that still doesn't make sense considering how much they would have used it would have been better just to explain that they were using a dispenser, considering I’m pretty sure the dispenser takes particles from the air to make ammo and metal,

“Uh, hello, wizard for a roommate? I’ve seen AND fought weirder, and so have you lot. Seriously, though, what do we do?”

congrats you made this make sense while keeping everyone in character.

Spy nodded, “The amnesia was memory-based, so only something that reminded ‘im of those memories, such as a smell, a voice, or a visual, could fix it. Anyway, we had to teach ‘im how to fight, as war was our way of life.” Spy smiled again. “I remember when he first picked up a rifle. He was around 17, an acceptable age to teach someone how to shoot back home, and he ‘ad already proven to have superior strength to almost everyone on our team. Only ‘Eavy, who he took to as a father-figure, could beat Spike in an arm wrestling match by that time, and for his first shooting test, he had chosen a bolt-action Colt M1 that ‘ad been nicknamed ‘The Bullhorn,’ by the manufacturer.” -------------------------------------------Flashback #2-------------------------------------- “Okay, Spike, that M1 has quite a kick,” Sniper said, clearly worried. “Even with your strength, it might be a bit dangerous to use while standing. You remember what I told you about using rifles, right?”

I kinda like what your doing but he seems too much like a mix of snipers weapons and hevys health right now, he needs something truly unique suggestions would be
1) Primary-the Lava Launcher- it would be filled with sand or gravel that would be heat by spikes firebreath and would shoot a projectile ball of lava at enemies similar to the Loose Cannon except instead of exploding after a set amount of time it would either explode on enemies and set them on fire continuously so it couldn't be put out before it burns itself out or while shot at the ground it creates a pool of lava that sets enyone who walks on it on fire.
2) Secondary/Medi Gems- a handful of lab grown gems with some of the medics uber beam trapped inside making it so when he eats them he heals a bit and movies a bit faster.
3)The Trident- In the comics he had a trident while fighting off a giant mutant cockatrice, so I thought why not give it the range of a sword and give him the ability to throw it as a projectile that causes bleed.

Spy cleared his throat, getting the mares’ attention. “He took ‘is first life at 16, a deer that he ‘ad hunted with Sniper and Scout.”

If he was taught how to use a gun at seventeen then how did he kill the deer at sixteen?

He then frowned. “Of course, I’m used to dollar bills, so I had to make a FEW estimates, because Equestria uses gold for its currency, which is a precious metal back on Earth.” He then proceeds to go on a small rant about finances, the value of precious metals and currency differentials, which made the two ponies feel a bit awkward, having limited knowledge on the subject.

I’ll admit I've never seen spike as a “numbers man” but it makes perfect sense considering his upbringing.

Okay I'm not going to lie, for the first two chapters and half of this one, I thought you meant Red team as in Red vs Blue. :facehoof:

Thank you for your points and kind tone, and allow me to make a rebuttal, please.

I now realize I didn't explain this well enough, but I intended him to function like a cross between Heavy and Sniper with Pyro's speed and Demo's health, though your Medicine-gem weapon idea might make a good tertiary weapon,

Also, Hunting does not always involve guns, you know, and it is explained later on in the same chapter that they weren't sapient deer, but killing an animal is still taking a life.

Oh, and by 'multiple Surpluses' I had it in my head that it would be interpreted as many, MANY dispenser refills, and I didn't make that clear either


I now realize I didn't explain this well enough, but I intended him to function like a cross between Heavy and Sniper with Pyro's speed and Demo's health, though your Medicine-gem weapon idea might make a good tertiary weapon,

still everyone has something unique and while being well rounded is a good thing I still think he should have something exclusively for him as an option, that and the trident doesn't get enough love I mean look at this camo.derpicdn.net/46a59af112839acf558261f50dea1cc6495371e9?url=http%3A%2F%2Foi48.tinypic.com%2F2e4de7k.jpg thats like one of the THREE pics I fould while looking it up, though I found one peace of fan art pre00.deviantart.net/7574/th/pre/i/2013/252/4/7/battle_of_canterlot_by_dutchgirl626-d6lnmt4.jpg https://dutchgirl626.deviantart.com/art/Battle-of-Canterlot-399171640
Admittedly I couldn't even sell myself on the lava launcher but I couldn't think of anything else.

Also, Hunting does not always involve guns, you know, and it is explained later on in the same chapter that they weren't sapient deer, but killing an animal is still taking a life.

I know it wasn't sapient I was just wondering if they taught him to use a bow before that or if that was just an inconsistency/mistake.

Though I really want to think of a “specialty” item for him sniper, soldier, and the pyro have banners/jetpacks, heavy has the food items, demo has shields, scout has the soda, spy has the deadringer, medic has anything other than the stock medigun, and engi has the wrangler, gunslinger AND the short circuit. Each has a weapon that completely changes there options and abilities during battle and I feel like spike needs something equally out of left field. Maybe instead of the gems healing anyone else spike can throw them and anyone who picks them up will minicrit for their next shot I mean there essence pure energy in a gem so shooting them out of a gunbarrel would probably do extra damage.

This is why his primary is a machine gun, and his secondary is a combat rifle. Inspiration from his family figures, but still his own.

8863730 You’re welcome. I’m especially looking forward to Chrysalis being found out by Jarate.

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