• Published 23rd Jul 2012
  • 1,877 Views, 31 Comments

Mare in the Mirror - adcoon

Trixie is haunted by nightmares and begins to question if she let Twilight down in Dappleshore. When her dreams filter through to the waking world, Trixie scrambles for answers. How far will it take her, and can she face the mare in the mirror?

  • ...

5. Net Lift

Canterlot drifted by far below as the balloon rose steadily upwards towards the snowy peaks in the distance. It was in the middle of the night before they had managed to take off from Ponyville in the old hot-air balloon. Fluttershy had been first in the balloon, rolling up in the bottom of the basket along with Angel and promptly falling asleep. Rarity and Opal had quietly followed along with Spike, while Luna ensured that they had a basic supply of food.

Everything was going well until Pinkie began to complain that they couldn't leave without Twilight. She had stubbornly refused to get in the balloon without Twilight. It had taken a long time, and a lot of talking on Trixie's part, to make her come along. In the end, Trixie had managed to convince Pinkie that Twilight had gone ahead and they had to find her, that this was what the adventure was about. This seemed to work for Pinkie, and it didn't feel like a complete lie to Trixie as she thought of the filly in the mirror, feeling her heart sink in her chest.

And then to top it off, it had turned out the balloon was too small for them all to sit comfortably in it. With Fluttershy snoozing away it had fallen on Luna and Trixie to take turns flying next to it. Luna had taken the first turn, suggesting Trixie write the first letter to Celestia to let her know that they were—finally—on their way to Hoofswell.

Trixie sighed as she looked up from the letter. Both Fluttershy and Spike were soundly asleep, while Rarity and Pinkie were leaning over the edge of the basket to view the landscape below. Angel meanwhile hid behind Fluttershy to avoid the hungry-looking cat, and Gummy was happily nibbling at Spike's tail.

Trixie shook her head and looked back down as she wrote. The letter was getting a bit long, but Trixie needed something to take her mind off things, and she wasn't in a rush anyway to wake the sleeping dragon so he could send it.

Luna could only fly for brief stretches at a time before her wounds forced her to rest, so Trixie spent most of the night on the wing. It was a long and cold flight as the balloon rose high above the clouds, but Trixie pushed on. As the first rays of dawn burst forth, they had left the Neighagra Falls behind them. A vast tundra stretched out to the east and west as far as the eyes could see, and the imposing Crystal Mountains loomed ahead.

Trixie felt herself starting to wear out and struggled not to sag behind the balloon. “Is Fluttershy awake yet? I could use a rest,” she called to Luna.

Luna poked her head up from the basket. “No. Should I wake her?”

Trixie flew closer to the balloon, looking forward to a few hours of rest. “Yes, please. I don't think I could fly much longer.”

Luna nodded and disappeared back into the basket. A moment later a yellow and pink head peeked out over the edge of the basket.

Trixie smiled at her. “Good morning, Fluttershy.”

The pegasus' eyes widened, and with a squeak she vanished back into the balloon.

Trixie blinked and glanced down at the landscape below but couldn't see anything dangerous. “What's wrong?” she called.

Luna looked back up. “It would appear that our pegasus friend is afraid of heights.”

“You're kidding me?” Trixie flew closer and held on to the outside of the balloon, looking over the edge. Fluttershy was huddled together in the bottom, shivering at the hooves of the others. Trixie sighed. “It's alright, Fluttershy. Surely you've flown before?”

“But it's so … high!” the quivering pegasus whispered. Angel stomped his paw at Fluttershy, but she just rolled up even tighter. “I-I can't. I just can't!” The bunny slapped his paw against his face with a hopeless expression.

Trixie was tempted to do the same, but resisted. She took a look around. “What then? I can't fly much longer, nor can you,” she said directed at Luna. “Sooner or later we'll both have to sleep.”

Luna leaned over the edge, looking down at the land below. “Only one solution. We need to find a place to land for the day.”

* * *

The balloon touched down heavily in a small glade surrounded by sparse trees, and everypony got out. Fluttershy and Rarity seemed happy to have firm ground beneath their hooves, while Pinkie was already off exploring the area.

Trixie landed with a sigh. “Do you think it's safe for both of us to rest and leave the others on their own? They don't seem entirely stable, if you know what I mean,” she asked quietly.

Luna looked around before shaking her head. “No, I suppose not. I don't think this land is safe either. It's probably good that we're only here during the day.”

“It isn’t anything like the Everfree Forest, is it?” Trixie glanced nervously at the trees around them. She had never truly been to the Everfree Forest, but the stories about that place were plenty enough.

Luna shook her head again. “No, but we are close to the Crystal Mountains. This area is sparsely populated and not well explored. In any case,” Luna said as she pulled out some of the food they had brought along, “I can stay awake a few more hours while you get some rest, then we can switch.”

Trixie hesitated. “Are you sure? How is your neck?”

Luna smiled. “Don't worry about me, dear. I'll be fine. It's you who has been flying almost non-stop all night.”

Trixie nodded and crawled into the basket where she curled up under some blankets they had brought with them. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep.

* * *

Trixie woke at a gentle nudging. She groaned and turned to look up at Luna, blinking and holding up a hoof to shield against the sharp light of the sun behind the princess. “How long have I slept?”

Luna rubbed her eyes tiredly. “About four hours. I think the others are getting a little restless, and I could really use some sleep myself.” She glanced at the others nearby.

Trixie sighed and got up slowly, stretching herself as she stood up and looked around the glade. Pinkie and Rarity seemed to be having an improvised tea party with Gummy, Opal and a very displeased Angel, as well as a few “guests” made of twigs and stones. Fluttershy was sitting nearby, watching the butterflies dance in the sunlight. “Where's Spike?”

Luna looked around. “He's taking a walk. I told him to stay within sight of the camp, but I saw him not long ago.”

Trixie nodded, though a little concerned. “You know, it occurs to me that this whole plan was rather poorly thought out. They're awake while we sleep, but they can't be left on their own.”

Luna sighed and lowered her head. “It isn't exactly the greatest arrangement, but to be fair I hadn't planned on making any stops in the middle of the frozen north. I thought the balloon was big enough, and who would have guessed that the pegasus was afraid of heights?”

“We're off to a great start,” Trixie smiled and nuzzled Luna gently. “Don't worry. Get some rest. I'll keep an eye on everypony in the meantime.”

Luna smiled and kissed her before crawling into the basket. “Good day, then, my dear.”

Trixie stifled a yawn as she got out of the balloon. She narrowed her eyes as she scanned the tree line around them. After a moment she spotted a small bit of green and purple moving around among the trees. “Don't go too far, Spike,” she called.

The dragon gave a wave at her before turning back to his wanderings.

* * *

Fluttershy had been quietly sitting in the sun all day, watching the butterflies and listening to the birds and animals of this new land. She looked up as Trixie sat down next to her. “Oh … I'm so, so sorry.”

Trixie looked at her. “Why?”

Fluttershy looked down and hid her face behind her mane. “Because I'm a burden on you all.”

Trixie sighed. She couldn't deny that Fluttershy refusing to fly had made the whole thing rather more difficult. “Well, I would be lying if I said it wasn't inconvenient. But I'm glad you came along, Fluttershy. Still, it would be a great help if you would just try flying.” She ruffled her wings a little. “I wasn't born with these, you know. It was quite strange, and frightening, when I had to fly the first time. But there's really nothing to be afraid of, Fluttershy.”

“But … what if I fall? It's so, so high,” Fluttershy stammered and gazed up at the sky.

“You just need to get up there and face your fear. Stare it right in the eye like you did with Rarity and the cats. That was great! You do that with your fear and you can do anything, Fluttershy!”

Trixie smiled brightly and stood up. “When I was younger, I always got really nervous when I had to go up on stage and perform. But I knew that I could do it. I knew I would be Great one day, so I faced the crowd and my fears with raised head. And I didn't fall.” She pulled Fluttershy up. “And neither will you. You have got to believe in yourself!”

“I don't know if I can do that,” Fluttershy muttered with bowed head.

“Nonsense!” Trixie stepped back and place a hoof under her chin thoughtfully as she looked Fluttershy over. “The Great and Courageous Fluttershy! Yes, fabulous!” A grin appeared on her face. “That's you from now on. You are the Great and Courageous Fluttershy! Say it with me!”

Fluttershy whimpered. “I-I'm the g-great and c-courageous Fluttershy!”

Trixie shook her head, “No no no no! Follow me!” She jumped up on her hind legs with her front hooves in the air dramatically, gesturing at some unseen audience. “Watch in awe as I, Fluttershy, spread my wings wide and fly straight into the heavens above! Watch as I bring the world beneath me and soar to ever new heights! My wings shall never falter and nothing will ever keep me down, for I am the Great and Courageous Fluttershy!

“B-but I'm not c-courageous at all!” Fluttershy huddled together on the ground, quivering as she looked up at Trixie.

Yes. you. Are!” Trixie pulled her back up and stared into her eyes. “You listen to me now. I believe in you, and by Celestia so will you! I want you to stare yourself in the mirror whenever you have the chance, and proudly proclaim to the world that you are the Great and Courageous Fluttershy! Let no pony tell you otherwise, least of all yourself. Do you hear me?”

“B-but I don't have a m-mirror.”

“Then pretend! Just stand up and pretend you're staring yourself right in the eyes, and say it!”

Fluttershy sank and nodded.

“Good! Now let me hear it!” She grabbed Fluttershy, who gave a squeak as Trixie spread her wings and set off. “I'm not hearing you!” Trixie beat her wings, taking them both into the air above the canopy of the sparse forest.

Fluttershy squirmed and closed her eyes tight.

“Come on, Fluttershy! There is nothing to fear, so spread your wings and say it!”

Fluttershy's wings unfolded, every feather shivering with fear. “I-I-I am … t-the … g-great—I-I want to go down! Put me down!”

“No! I am here, Fluttershy. You are safe. Open your eyes and your mouth and say it with the conviction it deserves! You are the Great and Courageous Fluttershy!”

Fluttershy held on tightly and buried her face in Trixie's chest. “I-I can't … I just can't!”

Yes you can! And don't ever tell me you can't! Who are you? Tell me!”

“I-I am … I am … I a-am the g-great a-and c-c-c-courageous F-Fluttershy …” Fluttershy cried.

Trixie smiled. “Yes you are! That wasn't hard! Say it again!

“I am … I … the … the great a-and c-courageous F-Fluttershy!”

“You're doing great! One more time!”

Fluttershy opened her eyes. “I am the … the great and c-courageous Fluttershy!”

* * *

Trixie woke with a start as someone poked her. Had she fallen asleep? Fluttershy had made some progress but still refused to fly on her own. Trixie was still exhausted from the night's flight and too little sleep, and she had decided to take a break and sit down for a moment.

She opened her eyes and looked around, spotting Spike standing above her. “Spike? What's going on?”

Spike pointed towards the trees. “The others are gone. I saw them walking in the forest a while ago.”

Trixie sat up and looked around. The small clearing around her was silent. The balloon was standing where it had been before, but aside from her and Spike she couldn't see any of the others. She stood up and looked at the sky. The sun had begun its descent but was still shining. “Evening,” she muttered. “Alright, was Luna with them?”

Spike shook his head. “Not that I saw.”

Trixie nodded and walked up to the balloon to peek in. Luna was still sleeping in the darkness under the blankets. Trixie nudged her gently. “Luna, wake up. We have a problem.”

Luna stirred and peeked out from under her cover. “What? Oh my, how long did I sleep?”

“I don't know. A while. I fell asleep too.”

Luna got out of the balloon and looked around. “Where is everypony?”

“I don't know,” Trixie admitted. “I just woke up. Spike said he saw them in the forest a while ago.”

Luna gnawed her lip nervously and scanned the area. “Great. We need to find them quickly. I'd like to be gone from here before nightfall. Spike, can you point the way?”

The dragon nodded and pointed. “I saw them go this way.” He turned quickly and started running in that direction.

“Good, let's hurry,” Luna said as she and Trixie followed behind the dragon.

* * *

Pinkie trudged through the undergrowth of the forest. It had been way too boring so far, but that would all change once she found Twilight. Everything would be fine again once she found Twilight. “She's here somewhere, girls. Come on.” She smiled widely as she pushed her way through the bushes. Yes, everything would be fine again.

“I'm getting scratches and dirt all over! Why would Trixie have us go through this dreadful forest?” Rarity complained from somewhere behind Pinkie.

“Because it's an adventure, silly! And because Twilight expects us!” Pinkie stopped and looked around as if deciding on a path, then turned left and continued. “You heard Trixie, she's out here somewhere waiting for us to find her.”

Rarity sulked. “Twilight is not here, darling, and you know that. If you ask me, something is up with that Trixie. Do you think she's plotting something?”

“I, um, I don't think this is a good idea. We should go back,” Fluttershy whimpered nervously even further behind, but the other two ponies didn't hear her. She let out a frustrated sound and tried to keep up.

“Of course Twilight is here. And we're not gonna let her down!” There was a slight twitch in one of Pinkie's eyes as she continued on. “Hey, there's something over here!” she exclaimed and pushed aside a few branches as she stepped into a small circle of trees. “Somepony left their lunch here! Isn't that silly?”

Rarity stepped in behind Pinkie. “It's probably all dirty and rotten. And where is a bath when you need one? I'm terribly filth—WUAAH!”

“Aww, no cupc—HAY!”

Fluttershy jumped and shrieked at the sudden noise. Up ahead the forest floor seemed to rise up and swallow Pinkie and Rarity in a swirl of snow and fallen leaves, pulling both ponies high into the air among the trees.

Fluttershy squealed in panic as snow-cloaked shadows leaped out of the canopy, diving down on large wings towards them. Two winged creatures turned in the air and raced for her. Fluttershy screamed and felt her legs take over as she turned and ran.

Fluttershy could hear the beating of wings behind her as she plowed through the forest with Angel hanging on to her mane. Her pursuers were closing in on her fast. In a mad rush she dashed in and out between trees, hoping to shake them off. As she ran her mind cleared and a purpose emerged above the initial panic. She had to find Luna and Trixie. With lungs screaming for air she leaped over a small bush as grasping claws from behind narrowly missed her.

Her hooves touched back down on the soft ground, and with a terrible snap a pair of strong steel claws closed around her leg just below the knee. The sharp metal teeth sank deep into the bone. Fluttershy screamed in agony and fell, tumbling across the ground as two large shadows descended upon her.

* * *

Trixie skidded to a halt as a cry of pain cut through the forest far away. “Fluttershy!” she called back, her heart sinking at the cry.

Luna flew past Trixie and made a quick turn, racing in the direction of the sound. “This way, quick!”

Trixie set off again, following swiftly while Spike clung to her back trying not to fall off. Ducking branches and evading trees and shrubs, Trixie made her way through the forest behind Luna. Why had she fallen asleep? She cursed herself and set off from the ground, beating her wings as she rose upwards through the canopy. “I'm taking a look from above!”

She burst through the snowy cover of the forest and into the last light of the day. She blinked at the light and scanned the land around her. Something in the distance caught her eye, and she looked up to see several figures flying towards the north, carrying a large net beneath them.

Trixie narrowed her eyes. “Harpies! They have our friends!” she called and set off after them at top speed. But the harpies were already far ahead. Untrained and tired as she was, Trixie knew she could not catch up with them. She came to a halt and cursed as Luna came out of the forest behind her.

Luna placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Don't worry, we'll get them back. I'll go back and get the balloon, you follow them. Don't lose them of sight.” She picked up Spike and turned around, flying back towards the balloon on swift wings.

Trixie nodded grimly and set off again. “I won't lose you! Not again.”

* * *

“Put us down, you ruffians! This is no way to treat a lady!” Rarity yelled, tangled up in the net as the harpies carried them away. “This net is chafing me! I'm going to get marks!”

“Are all you harpies such big meanies?” Pinkie frowned from the bottom of the pile she was in with Rarity, Fluttershy and their three pets, all together in the net.

Fluttershy cried. Her leg was bloodied and pained, but the fear was even greater than the pain now. “I am the Great and Courageous Fluttershy,” she kept whispering to herself over and over as the forests passed by beneath them.

“I am the Great and Courageous Fluttershy.”

Silence fell over the group as the sun's last rays disappeared below the horizon. Only the sound of the wind and the slow beating of wings was heard. Fluttershy shivered as the night grew colder. With a sad sniffle she curled up tight. Angel's small body tucked against her shoulder did little to keep her warm.

“Here you go, darling.” Fluttershy felt Rarity's long, diamond encrusted scarf settle over her and opened her eyes to see the unicorn smiling at her. “Is that better?”

Fluttershy wrapped herself and Angel in the scarf and nodded a little. The scarf provided only little protection against the cold air around her, but Fluttershy was thankful for her friend's gift nonetheless. She closed her eyes and fell into an uneasy rest.

As dawn broke, the landscape below had changed to ice and snow-covered hills, and tall jagged mountains rose up ahead like a threatening wall. Fluttershy opened her eyes and stared at the scenery. “W-where are we?”

“I don't know, dear.” Rarity groaned a little. “But we've been flying all night.”

Pinkie Pie moved beneath them. “Ouch! I think we're landing.”

“Oh good, I can't wait to get back down on the ground,” Rarity said.

“Me too, sister! I can't feel my legs,” Pinkie moaned.

The harpies began a slow descent towards a large collection of tents and buildings below. Large crowds of harpies were already beginning to gather as they landed. The three ponies were thrown on their backs on the cold, hard ground and quickly pulled up by unrelenting claws.

“Tie them and lets get things going!” one of the harpies commanded. More harpies were drawn to the scene, some standing around, others pushing to get a closer look while the three ponies were tied up.

“A hundred bits for the pink one!” someone shouted among the crowd.

“Are you nuts? A pony is worth twice, at least,” one of the harpies tying up Pinkie said.

The first one pinched Pinkie's leg. “Yeah, but this one's not a proper work horse. She's too plump, and getting her in prime form will cost me more. A hundred is my offer.”

Pinkie snarled and struggled against the ropes. “I am not plump! And this is not funny! Let us go!”

None of the harpies paid them any attention. “A hundred and fifty for the pink pony!” another harpy called somewhere, overbidding the first.

Fluttershy cried as claws poked and pulled at her, feeling and probing. “Look at that leg,” someone muttered, and others chimed in. “She's hardly even fit for food, look how lanky she is. Barely any meat on her bones. I'll pay two hundred, but only with the scarf.”

“Three hundred for the scarf and pegasus!” another offered.

“How dare you! Uncultured brutes!” Rarity yelled as she struggled against the harpies holding her. “Let us go this instant!”

“Seven hundred for her horn!” someone shouted. Somewhere another harpy bid a thousand.

“That's a fine specimen. I'll pay three hundred for her skin.”

What? You can't—” Rarity choked on the words.

“Five hundred for the unicorn's skin!”

“Any higher?” No one spoke up. “Sold!”

* * *

“Fluttershy! Pinkie! Help me!” Rarity cried, but the other two had already been dragged off, sold for much less. A large, one-eyed harpy grabbed her and held up a long knife. The edge blinked dangerously in the light as the harpy pressed its tip against her throat.

Rarity closed her eyes, awaiting the cut of the blade and her final moment.

It was a moment that never came, as a resounding crack of thunder shook the village and caused everyone to stop in their tracks. Rarity fell to the ground as the harpy holding her let go and dropped the knife. It landed inches from Rarity's face. Rocks and dust flew everywhere from where the lightning had struck the ground.

A voice like thunder rolled over the tents and gathered harpies, commanding all attention. “The next one won't be a warning! Let them all go this instant. The rabbit, cat and alligator too!”

All eyes turned to the dark mare hanging above the gathering. Lightning danced dangerously in her teal eyes as she looked down at them. A nervous silence fell over the crowd. Finally, after a long moment of tense uncertainty, a harpy took a step forward. “You have no claim here, pony princess! We're not in Equestria, we don't follow your rules here. We caught these ponies fair and square in the wilds outside the border, so back off!”

Luna turned her gaze slowly to the speaker. “And I say you better let them go if you value your own hides. If you don't have to abide by our laws, then neither do I! Is that not clear?”

The harpy hesitated, glancing to the sides nervously. Even alone in the wilds, the princess of the night commanded a certain respect. “Y-yeah? What's one pony gonna do about it?”

“Who said I was alone?” Luna lifted a hoof, and all eyes followed.

With a distant beating of wings, a vast line of pegasi rose against the sky, the rays of the early morning sun flaring in their golden armors. At their head drifted a golden vessel, rising majestically with the sun.

Luna smirked. “So? What will it be?”

The harpies stared in horror at the golden host. The one who had spoken turned positively white as she stuttered. “O-of course, Your Highness!” She gave a nearby harpy an elbow in the side, and soon the three ponies and their pets had been brought before Luna.

Luna frowned and pointed a hoof at Fluttershy's leg. “If I were you, I'd turn tail and fly before my sister gets here and sees what you did to her.”

The harpies shared frightened glances. In a wild flutter of feathers they were off, disappearing swiftly against the horizon. Luna landed next to the three ponies and quickly untied them and their pets. “Don't worry, we're here.”

* * *

“That was awesome, Trixie!” Spike jumped excitedly as the balloon drifted down towards the ground where Luna and the others were waiting.

Trixie gave the dragon an exhausted grin. “You continue to underestimate the Great and Powerful Trixie's awesome magic!” Even she had to admit to herself that she had outdone herself with that display of illusions. “Although she did get a teensy bit of help from the sun this day,” she quietly admitted.

Spike shook his head and crawled out of the basket as they landed, running over to embrace their three friends.

Trixie jumped out and trotted over to Luna who was washing Fluttershy's wounded leg. “Oh Fluttershy, I'm so sorry …”

Fluttershy smiled weakly at Trixie. “I'm just glad you came. I was so afraid.”

Trixie smiled and sat down next to her, turning to look at Luna. “Will it heal?”

Luna looked up with a grim expression. “She won't be able to walk on it for awhile at least. I can't do much except clean it and hope that it doesn't get infected. If we're lucky it should heal in good time.”

Trixie nodded and looked back at Fluttershy, smiling warmly. “Don't worry. Tell me who you are.”

“I-I'm the Great and Courageous Fluttershy,” the pegasus whispered and gritted her teeth as Luna began wrapping the wounded leg.

“Damn straight you are, and don't you forget it! You'll be fine.” She gave the pegasus a friendly nudge before turning to Luna again, glancing around. “So what now?”

“We need to move on soon. I don't know if it's wise to stay in case the harpies figure out what we did and come back.” She took a look up at the sky. “We aren't much off course. If my navigation hasn't failed me entirely, we are in the mountains south of Hoofswell. If we leave soon we should be able to get there tomorrow morning.”

Trixie nodded at the balloon. “We need to rest along the way. The balloon is still too small for all of us.”

Luna bit her lip and nodded. “Then it will be a little longer.”

“I believe I can help with that!” They all turned and looked at Rarity who already looked much better after having found a house with water to wash in. She trotted over to the large net, and her horn glowed as the net lifted off the ground and floated towards the balloon.

“We hang this beneath the basket, line it with some blankets,” Rarity explained as she worked her magic, “and voilà! Not … pretty, but comfortable enough for one pony, I am sure.”

Opalescence gave an approving meow.

They all looked at each other, then at Rarity and the balloon. Luna smiled. “That is excellent! Thank you, Rarity. This will make the journey much easier.”

Rarity beamed. “You are quite welcome, darling.”