• Published 17th Feb 2018
  • 4,162 Views, 95 Comments

Two Bloodied Hearts - Kit-San

After a not so botched but still not fully thought out summoning, two similarly red hearts are pulled into a whole new world from their own and in whole new bodies.

  • ...

Two Bloodied Hearts: Chtp 7 : Flandre found a new...pet Goddess???

The giant wolf was sleeping in a field, minding its own business. It snored softly, protected against chill by it's fur and the flaming reflector on its back. Occasionally, a flower would slowly grow in its presence, creating a grove of flowers and even a small stream.

A deer was even present, resting easily despite the large predator nearby.

It was a very peaceful site as some birds joined in the little scene…

Until, a massive BOOM shook the forest entirely, right next to the massive wolf. The wolf lazily opened an eye, having sensed no malice behind the explosion and thus was unperturbed.

“Waaah~” A small voice grows in volume as the wolf feels someone small land on top of its head. “Ehhh~ Did it work~?” A voice says dizzily from up top of its head.

The voice was soon knocked off the large wolf’s head so the powerful beast could take a look at it. It was a little girl about Chara’s age with blonde hair, red dress and pink mob hat with a strange set of stick-like wings with crystals hanging off of it… and a strange medallion floating behind her, vaguely reminiscent of the wolf’s reflector.

The wolf licked the girls face a little bit, bringing her attention to it.

She blinks, getting rid of her dizziness before looking up at the wolf. An awkward silence reigned for a fleeting moment before the girl’s eyes… started to sparkle?

“AMMY!” She suddenly shouts, latching onto the wolf’s nose and giggling madly and cheerfully.

Hello, child of the night,” The wolf replied telepathically, amusement in its mental tone.

“And you can talk?!” She says, getting more excited as the scene started to sparkle a bit. Anime physics at work… “Awesome~” She says, the Red Sun-like disk glowing a bit at her excitement.

I can speak telepathically, yes. Why are you here, young one?” The wolf asked even as it moved her to its side to curl around.

“I was trying to get home to my dimension!” She says with a small breathy sigh. “Guess I screwed up again though… I guess that's normal with all the magic in me…” She says with a growl of frustration.

The wolf, ‘Ammy' for now, hummed mentally. “You may be closer to your journey’s end than you think. Reach out with your senses, if you cannot feel those with fourths of your power, then you are where you are needed,” The wolf said mysteriously.

“...How do I do that?” The girl asks in an innocent naivety before perking up. “Oh right!” She then closes her eyes and the Red Sun pulses a bit in response. “Hey, you’re right!” She suddenly shouts out, eye snapping open.

Hop upon my back, I shall take you to the ones who govern the mortals here,” Ammy thought to her.

“Okay, Ammy!” She says, flying up a bit before landing on their back, sitting sideways and kicking her feet. “I’m Flandre by the way, great to meet you!”

With that, the wolf bounded off to the castle on the mountain. “Weehehe~!” Flandre squeals out as this happens.

At the castle

“Princess, the giant wolf is approaching the castle!” A guard reported to Celestia who was sat on her throne.

“It is?” She says with a raised eyebrow in confusion and surprise.

“Please don't tell me I caused him to become like Godzilla and attack a certain City over and over,” Chara says her voice pleading really not wanting to turn Canterlot into the new Tokyo.

“What?” Celestia says with a raised eyebrow aimed at Chara before shaking her head, allowing the guard to continue.

“Your Majesty… Flandre is accompanying it as well.” He continues, getting a soft smile from the Sun Princess.

“Please let him be the new Godzilla for Canterlot!” Chara says quickly changing her tune as she knows she's never going to hear the end of the fluffy overgrown dog.

“Chara…” Celestia says with a giggle, shaking her head slowly in amusement. “Let them through then.” She orders the guard and he nods before leaving the throne room after a salute.

“Great Almighty, why didn't you let it be rampaging,” Chara says looking up at the ceiling as if expecting an answer.

“Oho come now, it can’t be that bad.” The other said but knew exactly how it was going to go either way.

“No, it's going to be much worse…” Chara groans as she puts her head in her hands.

The door then opened up and in strut in the wolf and Flandre who was sitting on the other’s head. “H-Hi Ch-” The girl starts before blinking at Chara’s attire and hairstyle. “...New figurine design.” She mumbles, gushing at her now adorable sister.

“That's princess Chara to you little sis~” Chara says with her best impression of the Arrogant Nobles with her nose in the air and everything.

Flandre giggles a bit, kicking her legs back and forth with a grin on her face. “Seriously, I can’t believe that actually works on you, Mini Chara.” She says, knowing the outfit.

“I will duct tape you to the wall!” Chara says with a glare as if looks could kill everything in that general direction.

“Aw c’mon you look adorable!” Flandre counters with a squee, holding her hands together.

“Final warning, I will get duct tape!” Chara said very tempted to make it a royal punishment.

Flandre pouts a bit, slumping. “You’re no fun…” She says, obviously not being mean or bratty.

“Of course I'm fun, I had plenty of fun at the corrupt Nobles expense,” Chara said with a smirk remembering all the shit she put them through. And all the shit SHE had to go through just to make it happen, which only slightly ruined her mood.

“If I had a camera…” The wolf’s mind echoes to Flandre who was the only one meant to hear.

“I know right…” She says, giggling and patting ‘Ammy’s’ head a little bit.

Celestia stands up from her throne as Flan comes over to hug her. “Welcome back Flan, we’ve missed you.” She gestures to Chara to join.

Chara comes over calmly and hugs flan as well, trying not to show how terribly worried she was, but anyone who actually knew Chara would see how relieved she was. The little blonde hugs Chara back, giggling childishly at that. Chara rolls her eyes as she sighs because the court was about to begin.

“Well, we have a court to attend to,” Celestia says with a laugh. “In time though Flandre, I’m sorry to say I have to take my magic back after this.”

“Awww, and I was going to tell you about an adventure I had~!” She whines a bit, pouting at the both of them.

“And now we have to hear the complaints of the non-Nobles again…” Chara says that she sits in her comfy throne that looked similar in design to Luna's except it had a red heart instead of a moon.

“Okay…” Flandre slumps, still playing around with her pout before floating up to the wolf. “Can you play for a bit?” She says, making the large wolf’s head tilt in response. “Please Ammy, I promise to treat you!” She says, hands close to herself.

‘Ammy’ looks up in thought before slowly nodding, figure it might as well get some entertainment.

“Just play over to the side, Flan, while we deal with grown-up stuff…” Chara said, envying Flan right now as the doors opened as the first Non-Nobel came in.

A family of four stops short at the size of a large wolf thing with some kind of flaming shield on its back walking out with a girl with stranger wings. “Uhm…” The man of the group says, obviously not expecting this.

“Just ignore my little sis and her pet…” Chara said that she rubs her eyes.

The giant wolf barks at her in annoyance but kept walking all the same.

“Just ignore Clifford and tell us what your problems are…” Chara says with the barest hint of a smirk.

“It's Ammy!” Flan yells back to Chara before the wolf had time to even react. It stares up at her before nodding in approval.

“That's your name for her, not mine! I found her first anyway…” Chara says it in a neutral tone but her eyes said she was thoroughly amused. All the while, the two had finally left the throne room, Celestia giggling to herself.

“Now, back to business.” She says with a semi-large smile.

“Yes back to the boring business of day Court…” Chara said really wishing she could still be a kid again.


The wolf was currently stalking, sorta, the royal gardens looking left and right slowly as if searching for something. ‘In all this time never expected to be playing hide an’ seek with a kid with Christmas wings…’ It chuckles to itself, looking into a hollowed out tree.

Oh, it new where she was though. It just wanted to amuse her, from her place on top of its ‘shield’.

It had heard her giggle several times already and it wasn’t hard to feel the gigantic amounts of magic in her. Still, it amused her so it amused it.

After another minute or so, the wolf finally decides its time and looks to her, turning its head. “Found you.” It spoke, merriment ringing in its voice.

“Aw!” Flandre faints disappointment, giggling as she floated up from her seat. “My turn!” She yells before covering her eyes and starting to count down.

The wolf quietly moves, though purposely making some noise. After a little bit, it hides behind some trees rather lazily and lays down a bit. Honestly, it was more than enough to watch Flan have fun rather than be the winner to satisfy the wolf.

“Ready or not, here I come!” It hears some distance away. Not five minutes later, Flan peeks around the trees. “Found you!” She says, jumping the wolf and hugging its snout while giggling madly.

“Yes you have.” It says with a laugh included in its mental voice.

Goddammit, I said no! That's it get me the fucking duct tape and the super glue!” they heard Chara scream out from the castle channeling the Royal caps lock.

“...So, what should we play next?!” Flan asks, highly amusing the wolf at her complete dismissal of the shout.

Quite honestly, the wolf had practically fallen in love with the young girl. Her energy and positivity were infectious to it and everyone around them. Even the guards had a bit of pep in their step when Flan neared them, even if it was just to pass them.

This is something everyone needs to have in their life, a child such as this really.

No Celestia I will not to come down now give me back my goddamn duct tape!” They heard Chara scream again.

Again, Flan ignores this, instead of asking a few guards to play, with one of the most innocent of smiles to boot. While the guards politely refused, the wolf had to ponder. This was just one of those smiles that one HAD to protect in any way possible. It was hard to think her as weak, but she was naive. And there were dangers more threatening than Tirek.

What do you mean I can't boil them in oil! I'm a goddamn princess I should be able to boil them in oil if they offended me too much!” Chara yells out.

“And honestly, she might need a bit of protection from Chara’s overprotectiveness…” The wolf thinks, sweat dropping a little bit. “I wonder…” It looks to the little blonde with an expressionless face. “It may be worth it…” It thinks before nudging Flan in a certain direction.

And why can't I use a God damn Guillotine on them!? Well if I can't use the God damn Guillotine can I fucking hang them?!” Chara yells again and some of the nearby guards look at each other questioningly, wondering what the hell the poor bastard did to incur Chara’s anger.

“Oh please…” ‘Ammy’ sighs, it's telepathy hitting Flan and the guards.

“Where are we going?” Flan asks as ‘Ammy’ leads her deeper into the garden.

Oh come on Celestia, people can live without their eyeballs and several other organs!” They hear Chara cry out.


“Ooo!” Flan says as the two entered a sort of grove like area in the garden.

The wolf nods in agreement. “Yes, it is beautiful,” It says, though not entirely impressed with it by that much. “Now then, I need to speak to you about something…” It says as it walks to a patch of ground and sitting down with a plop.

Flan floats to it before sitting on the ground in front of ‘Ammy’ and looking up at them.

“Well Flan, to start I should thank you for giving me a name. I’ve… never been good at naming so it seems I'm now to be called Ammy.” It starts. “Please refer to me like that, as well as a female.” She says with a grin as her tail wags a bit. “Next of all… as a sort of reward and a favor I have to ask of you… I would like to become a sort of… familiar to you, and you to be a sort of… messenger if you will.”

“Familiar, messenger?” Flan repeats with a tilt of her head.

“I am quite literally a goddess, but I have no followers… worse still, my powers… they drain and escape me far too fast for me to keep up as things are.” Ammy starts with a nod. “But, becoming a ‘familiar’ will while weaken me, but it’ll help me retain and build my reserves in the future, till I am ready.” The wolf tells the little girl. “And as your familiar, I will be helping you as a guide or guardian as well as sharing some power if you so wish. As my messenger, you will help me spread my influence.”

“Sure!” Flan says, surprising the wolf a bit.

“Uhm, do you want to know the details about what I mean?” Ammy says with a small sweatdrop.

Flandre waves a dismissive hand to the wolf. “Nah! I don’t need to!” She says, bouncing a bit. “If it helps you, I’ll do it!”

Ammy couldn’t help but bark a laugh, pun intended. “Then, let us begin!” She says, still laughing a little bit. ‘This girl is too awesome!’

Just then, a sort of M like mark appears on Ammy’s forehead and she bends down. “Touch your forehead to mine… that is all that needs to happen.” Then she stopped. “Oh, and for the record we will be exchanging blood to finalize- I just realized that’ll technically make us related.” She stops mid-sentence. “Oh, the irony…”

“I’m not sure how it works...” Flandre says. She giggles before holding the wolf’s face before bringing her head to Ammy’s, connecting her forehead to the wolf’s soft fur.


Oh come on princess I'm sure the bastards will survive I mean if they complete their test!” Chara yells out as she was being held up in the air by Celestia and everyone in the room had a green face after Chara explain what she wanted to do to the non-Noble.



She was silenced by a loud and shrill shriek of whipping wind and a pillar of two colors, one golden yellow and the other vermillion red twisting around each other and rising high into the air.

Chara used this distraction as a chance to jump on the non-noble and start beating the shit out of him again.

CHARA, THAT IS ENOUGH!” The voice, nearly thirteen times stronger than Chara’s, alone was enough to throw Chara off of the noble.”YOU. LEAVE!” Celestia orders the noble and he nods...a stain at his pants forming as he runs off. “CHARA. With me.” And suddenly Sweet Celestia is back. “I believe Flandre might have gotten herself into something.” Chara nods her head rapidly extremely terrified of Angry Celestia.

They followed the pillar of light as it kept to the air for a while. Later, they stumbled onto a scene where Flandre was pressing her forehead to the semi-large sphere of light, in the center of the pillar.

“Flan get away from that!” Chara yells out as she rushes forward.

Only for Celestia to hold her back. “Hang on Chara…” She says with a smile, seeming to know what was happening. Chara nods her head reluctantly as she didn't want to see Angry Celestia again.

The light grows for a few seconds before it died and Flandre sat down slowly, throwing her head back with a sigh.” Dizzy~” She says as the sphere slowly falls to the ground, turning into a mini...familiar wolf. She also looked pretty dizzy… Chara glares at the wolf before going over to Flan to make sure she's okay.

The girl looked fine besides a small M like mark on her forehead glowing… and bleeding just bit a before clearing up as the mark disappears. “That...wasn't what I was expecting…” Ammy says feeling a bit ill and having some very similar side affects.

“What did you expect and why should I not turn you into a rug!” Chara says rounding on the wolf.

“Chara don’t be a bully!” Flandre yells, in front of Chara and holding out her arms.

“I'm not a bully I'm a protective older sibling and I will not let some flea-bitten stray mutt harm my sister!” Chara yells out about ready to pull out her soul weapons.

“I’m not hurt, Ammy just became my Familiar!” Flan yells, swinging her arms and legs cutely. “And I’m her Divine Messenger now!”

“Yeah right she is about as Divine as Alucard,” Chara says her voice dripping with sarcasm.

The two of them blink and looked at each other. “Who?” Flan starts out.

“I don’t re-oh my god my voice!” The now purified wolf laughs hard at her now adorable heart attack inducing voice.

“As I said she's about as Divine as Alucard, the most Unholy abomination in existence... at least if you go by the Catholic Church,” Chara says using one of her idols in comparison.

“...I am a Japanese Goddess of the Sun and of Nature that kills demons as a pastime.” Both Flan and Ammy, who is now mounted on Flan’s shoulder. “You’re argument is invalid.” She finishes in a deadpan tone.

“And I have an item that gives me the powers-

“I’m not talking about power and who has more power idiot!” Ammy barks at her. “Let me translate for you! Me Sun Goddess, Me Nature Goddess. Me not Evil Scumbag demon!” She couldn’t take herself seriously. “My voice is ruining the insult!” She laughs.

“And I don't count you as a goddess unless you have one of three traits: being omnipotent, having omnipotence, or being omnipresent,” Chara says with a deadpan because anything else could honestly not be counted as a God in her opinion.

“Bullshit.” All three of them said in a deadpanned tone.

“You’re talking either reality god or gods that can only exist as a concept.” She Shudders at that one. “Horrible existence for the record...or supreme God. I’m not a Strong god but still a god.”

“You're not a God and you never will be in my opinion,” Chara says rolling her eyes because in her mind anything that can be beaten with power is not a god. “And by Royal Decree, if you do get a church or religion it needs to be called the religion of Clifford the white wolf.” Chara said with a last parting shot as she starts to walk away.

“Now you’re sounding like a Totalitarian.” Ammy snorts with a roll of her eyes. “Even if you do that, you know you have to have the Princesses agree. And you do know you will be embarrassing or trying to I mean, your little sister? You know, being my Messenger and all.”

“Why the fuck do you need her to be a messenger after all!” Chara says, her anger reigniting as she glares at the wolf; really wishing she had just killed her in the forest.

“Because of fuck you, that's why then.”

Chara went on.

“You're under the assumption that I wanted to be in charge of the government when, quite frankly, I was fucking happy when I didn't have to run this bunch of toddlers!” Chara yells at the wolf, she knows she was kind of in the wrong but this Beast was too close to Flan and she had no knowledge of it as well as no way to predict it.

There was no response from the wolf, it simply looked at her with disinterest and a hint of disappointment.

Flan, however, was shaking, arms at her sides and teeth clenched as her wings twitched erratically. She was very tense, and very mad but holding it as best as she could.

“You know what, I don't need to stay here and deal with a false goddess.” Chara says putting emphasis on false. Chara turns and starts to walk off preparing to teleport.

Celestia shakes her head and before anything could happen, she teleports her and Chara away back to the throne room. “Courts dismissed for today.” She tells the guards and they nod to leave. “Something I’ve learned over the years Chara. To act so harshly and rashly to something of the unknown can only make enemies and make you the villain you’re so desperately trying to identify. Better to smile and watch. Closely. Silently. Better to make friends than enemies.” She tells her in a no-nonsense voice. “Goodnight Chara.” She says as she starts to leave the throne room.

Chara sat in her throne thinking because for the first time since she got here, she honestly didn't know what to do and she was terrified. She was supposed to be this powerful being that could face anything through sheer determination, not a scared weak child! She was Chara and she wasn't supposed to be scared anymore so why was she!?

“Excuse me, your Highness?” A rough voice in front of her asked, making her look up. In front of her stood one of the guards who stood at attention in the throne room, seeming to be the only one in there. “I realize this may not be my business, but are you alright?” He asks her.

“...I honestly don't know…” Chara says, and it was true she didn't know as she honestly felt like she didn't know anything anymore.

“Need a rant? One of the guard’s duties is to never share info about the royals.” He offers to her, face straight still.

“I don't know what to do anymore, a being showed up that I have no knowledge on, something that should be near impossible! It shows up, bonds with my sister, and calls itself a goddess, what a joke, I can't outright kill the fucking beast because I don't know what will happen to my sister then, I know that I'm probably assuming the worst but 9 times out of 10 when something calls itself a god or goddess it's a psychopath! And I don't want that anywhere near my sister… And I'm terrified because I have no idea what to do!” Chara finishes as she starts curling up into a ball on her throne.

“A-And that's another thing! I'm not supposed to be scared anymore! I'm supposed to be this powerful being that can take on anything with determination! I'm Chara not some weak or scared child…” Chara says Whispering the last part where the guard was barely able to hear as tears were threatening to spill from her eyes.

“You know what I think your highness, I think I see a child who has taken on way too much for one so young.” The guard says boldly and slightly surprising Chara.

“You believe that everything is hinging on you and that only you can handle it. That’s okay, a lot of people feel like that.” He says. “You’re terrified. That’s okay. We all have a little child in us ready to cheer or ready to cry.” He says casually.

“You know that sounds like what someone I truly admire would say…” Chara says as she thinks about one of the oldest and kindest people she ever knew of.

“Sounds like someone you need daily.” He jokes a bit, very tempted to pat her head. “You need to just...relax and enjoy yourself. True, you don’t want to get too complacent, but you don’t want to lose yourself either.” He tells her, still casual but each word hit.

“You're right but I probably will never meet him…” Chara says with a sigh as Chara knew he was right. “Hey what's your name?” Chara asks as she really wanted to know the name of the guy who helped her.

“Smooth Tail.” He says with a shrug.

“Hey Smooth, tell me, do the other princesses have personal guards?” Chara asks half tempted to make her own.

“Yes, they do.” He nods his head. “Why do you think I’m still here?” He taps a heart crest on his chest plate, only now Chara realizing the much smoother and red armor he was wearing. His eye was matching her own and the hair almost chocolate brown like hers.

“I'm going to have to check out my own guards' training to make sure it's up to Snuff then!” Chara says with a smirk having a new thing to keep her mind occupied.

“Tomorrow.” Smooth Tail says as he points to the setting sun.

“Aww but I'm not tired yet!” Chara says pouting like a child and Crossing her arms.

“But the others are.” He counters with a smirk. “Besides, I don’t think anyone wants a little one shouting at them when she’s so tired.” He teases her just a bit. Chara rolls her eyes good-naturedly before yawning and rubbing her eyes.

The doors shut suddenly but only Smooth Sail notices. “Come on, I think it’s been a long day for you.” He says, offering a hand to her. She grabs it getting up and sluggishly follows with her holding on to his hand.

He leads her by hand, chuckling at the sight. However, before he even got to the door he was forced to pick her up. He curls her up a bit and puts her head to the side onto his shoulder, supporting her weight with an arm under her. She soon falls asleep in his arms and he slowly carries her back to her room that Celestia and Luna set up for her stays in Canterlot.

After this, he places her into the large, incredibly soft bed which had a few stuffed animals on it that she got from Nobles. She soon grabs onto one of them and Cuddles it in her sleep her arms wrapped around it in the death grip.

“Hmm. Acts so tough, yet she can be as cute as any child…” He mumbles as he closes and locks the door.

Her sleep was far from restful.


Chara stared in horror at the changelings Sombra and Tirek tearing apart Canterlot as a shadow Pony looms overhead watching. “Nonono!” she says rushing in trying to fight them.

A single Changeling restrains her almost immediately, forcing her to the ground.

“No I won't be beat!” Chara says struggling to get up trying to equip her weapons but couldn't access her inventory or anything really not even her own soul would respond.

“Just watch and enjoy the show…” A female’s voice calls out boredly from somewhat. “While you can anyways.” It sighs. “Losing interest and fast….”

“You won't get away with this! I won't let you!!!” Chara screams out continuing to struggle even if she knew it was pointless.

“Lost interest…” The voice says as a giant ball of red and purple magic forms high in the air. None of the villains were expecting this as it rockets towards the ground, intent on obliterating the city.

“NO!” Chara screams out getting loose just in time to watch the magic hit the ground obliterating Canterlot! “I failed them... I'm so sorry I should have been stronger… I should have been better…” Chara Whispers falling to her knees.

“ENOUGH!” A familiar voice yells out as the entire scene freezes and turns to moon dust slowly. Chara turns to see Luna, she jumps up and runs over to her nearly tackling her into a hug and crying into her stomach.

Luna silently hugs Chara...and glaring in a direction. “Hm, what a bore…” The same voice from earlier speaks, sounding a little more clearer.

Chara turns around to look at the voice glaring at her too “You tried to use my dreams against me, but if you ever try to do what you did in my dreams in real life I will not hesitate to end yours.” Chara says her voice dripping with hate and the way she said it let everyone know that it wasn't a promise or threat it was an absolute fact.

All she saw was a dark orb of energy. “Hm. It depends if its entertaining or not…” The voice response, its energy flaking off, signaling the start of its departure.

“You sound like Alucard the vampire to me with his need for entertainment …” Chara said still glaring wanting nothing more than to kill her right then but knew it would be pointless to try as this was just a dream.

“Only difference is...He found it, and I haven’t…” The voice says, sounding dead bored at this point.

“Begone Nightmare!” Luna yells out, firing a laser, only for it to bounce off the orb.

“I have to agree with mama Luna, get the fuck out!” Chara yells out not realizing what she called Luna.

“Mama Luna?” The Lunar princess repeats while the voice lightly giggles, just barely amused.

“It slipped out!” Chara says blushing in embarrassment even if the thought of luna being her mom was something she didn't mind, she then looks back at the voice. “Oh look a distraction!” Chara said pointing at the said voice hoping that it would distract Luna from what she said.

The orb was disintegrating before it finally vanished. “Dammit, I needed a distraction you stupid orb!” Chara yells out. ‘It had one job, one fucking job!’ Chara thought to herself.

“Chara...what was that about Mama Luna?” Luna says with a smirk.

“I-I… um… I mean… I um…” Chara stutters trying to find the right words as her blush grows a little.

“Well?” Luna says while ruffling Chara’s hair a little bit.

“I guess I see you as my mama more than anyone else and you've always been there for me when I needed a hug or help,” Chara Whispers just barely audible enough to hear as she tries to hide her face.

“Even more than Twilight?” Luna jokes a bit, hugging her back a bit.

Chara nods her head “She's more like a sister or an aunt then she is a mom.” Chara says quietly admitting how she really felt about Twilight.

“Best not tell Twilight that, should we?” Luna says a little serious.

“I guess…” Chara says that she holds onto Luna, glad that nothing bad came out of her accidental admittance of seeing Luna as her mama as she had never felt safer than when she was being hugged or hugging mama Luna.

Luna smiled down at Chara, noticing how she relaxed around her which made her happy as she finally had a foal to call her own.

She would never be able to Bear her own thanks to being a natural born Alicorn, so Chara calling her mama made her heart soar and she swore right then and there that she would be the best mama ever.

Author's Note:

Somebody once told me (that the wor-) that they really did not like it when people introduced a new character in a later chapter...

And instead of avoiding that I did...exactly...that...thing...again. XD Uh, sorry but I couldn't pass it up for whatever god (no pun intended) damned reason and this time it's even worse. Now please bear with the writing of Ammy for a bit as, well, originally she was being written by someone who decided to back out due to personal issues. So Since I am in charge of her character, it might be a little bumpy for the next few chapters.

So what do you guys think of my inclusion of her? Intrusive, interesting, bad, or somewhere in the middle?