• Member Since 2nd Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen May 19th

Flicka Ravenhide

Comments ( 19 )

It begins! Honestly, there isn't really a whole lot to say about this at this point. You really just set up Twilight here, and your author's note covers the obvious thoughts on that so I don't have anything of substance to say at this point. All I can really say is that I'm sure this will be good based on your track record, so I'm going to go ahead and preemptively like and fave this even though I would normally wait for more substance before doing so.

I need more.... plz

Ooohhhhh this is gonna be good!

more please and thank you, a lot more, if possable

It is an interesting situation where shadow demons was the less traumatizing option of what happened at that party. Also glad to see this series get some attention.

Glad you decided to write this can't wait for more

Yeeehehehehe! FINALLY!

This is gonna be good, I’m so excited! And what a intro! That’s how you do backstory!

If only we'd get more! :pinkiecrazy:

What’s this? An update? It’s not even my birthday!

Lovely to see an update. Also Twilight appears to be of the Dante school of handling excessive heights.

This fits this particular version of Twilight

Inspired by trails of cold steel? I like it enjoying the update and loving seeing Twilight grow


While I don't have anything of substance to say about this chapter, I wanted to chime in that it's great to see you writing again. I haven't really seen this kind of serious AU work in years, so it's great to see the kind of real creativity and quality that originally drew me into the fandom from of you.

9764608 Stay tuned, as I have a new chapter for Valkryie in the works. It would have been published already, but it turns out that I had never even started the next chapter; I have a bad habit of starting a chapter then never finishing it and letting it sit for ages before I decide to finish it and publish. It took me a bit of soul searching before I decided to hit the keyboard again, and ended up publishing for Fate's Armor because I'd already had it half done.

But now that I'm back (for the moment anyway) I'm going to see how much work I can put into a couple of mine on here as I also prepare to start working on my original work light novel. With so many setbacks that have happened in my life recently, I finally admitted to myself that if there is one thing I'm good at its telling a story.


It's great to hear you're writing again and have figured that out about yourself, although life setbacks are never fun. We all have messes of varying degrees, but you do eventually get through them so I hope you're past the worst of it and things go better for you moving forwards.

Im loving the story so far. Keep up the good work lass/laddie.

Sweet! Hope there's more to come!

I really hope this story and the author return. :twilightsmile: Great beginning!

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