• Published 21st Dec 2017
  • 3,701 Views, 392 Comments

Brotherhood and Sisterhood - CartoonNerd12

King Tirek has six sons that are engaged to Chrysalis's daughters. Can these princes love these girls?

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Chapter 31

Fancy had noticed the solemn mood that Soarin was portraying during dinner and as soon as Tirek dismissed himself and the others, Fancy immediately went to the second eldest and requested Rainbow to let him speak to her husband alone. Dash agreed and told Soarin she would be waiting in their room.

When Fancy and Soarin found a secure room where no one would disturb them, Soarin admitted to the noble of what transpired this afternoon much to the older man's dismay.

He inquired, "Do you think your brothers are better than you?"

Soarin stammered, "Yes- no- I don't know! I never really thought any of that until he brought it up."

"Oh Soarin, you and your brothers are always going have different talents that make all of you special in your own way. You cannot take the words of a man whose sole purpose is to make sure everyone follows his orders and does things his way."

"Still though, when I came back to my room and Dashie suggested we play games I noticed that she was being better than I was! I know I shouldn't think otherwise but it is upsetting to think that my wife can one up me just has my own brothers have been doing that my whole life!"

Fancy sighed, "Soarin, your marriage should not be a competition. Your wife maybe better than you at some things but you cannot forget why you love her in the first place, can you do that?"

The prince sighed deeply, "Yes, I suppose can."

The noble smiled and patted his back, "That's a good lad."

Soarin tried to smile back but it was hard to since his doubt was still lingering about.

Capper and Rarity were walking around the hallway as he pointed to her the portraits hanging and he explained which were real and fake until they heard the sound of a ahem and they turned to see Tirek standing there. Immediately the couple bowed in respect as Capper said, "Father."

"Son, a word if you will." he crooked his finger at him.

Rarity told her husband, "I'll wait for you, darling."

He smirked, "I look forward it."

She released a small giggle before curtsying to the king and left.

Capper then got serious and approached his father, "I suppose this is about the truth to me being a chosen heir?"

"In a way, but also that I must congratulate you." Tirek made a sly smile.

The prince was genuinely surprised by this, making him question in confusion, "Congratulate me? For what?"

"What else? For being the perfect prince! Since I hear you have excelled well in your studies and is quite the gentleman as needed. I'm truly astonished that I didn't notice it sooner. Even your choice in a mate is perfect because Lady Fleur tells me she has raised far beyond her expectations and that it only took the first day to do it!"

Capper was suspicious of this friendly manner his father was displaying and carefully replied, "That's my wife, a true lady through and through."

"Indeed… perhaps I misjudged these girls and that they can be useful after all."

The prince didn't say anything as he waited for what else Tirek had to say.

"As for the reason why you became an heir, I knew you would be charismatic enough to appease the court because ever since you were a little boy you would charm your way into people's hearts all the time."

Capper slightly frowned at that, he could remember that and he didn't like it. He could recall his parents stoking the egos of the other nobles whenever they wanted something from them, and they especially used him to their advantage. After all who could say no to such a cute face as his? It was true his charms were able to make him into the prince he was today but half the time he felt like a fool, a puppet, and a stooge all in one. And for the king to compliment him on this, it just made his stomach turn.

"Just think in a few years, you could be the king I always hoped you would be."

His eyes widen, "Me? King?" being utterly taken back by this news.

"But of course, you have what it takes and as long as you keep it up, then you shall have no problem taking over for me. Doesn't that sound appeasing?"

Capper gulped, "It's… it's something alright." feeling his mouth go dry.

"Well, I just thought you would appreciate me telling you this because as far as I am concern you don't need any private lessons from me but I didn't want your brothers to know that, you understand that don't you?"

The prince slowly nodded.

"Good," he started to go, "glad we could have this little chat like a father and son should… Have a good night." he went down the hall and slightly turned back to see the look of devastation on Capper's face making him smirk evilly then went straight to his chambers.

Capper felt like he was on the verge of fainting, he knew he had to do what he had to survive the pressures of being a royal prince that he never once thought he did too good of a job! He needed a few more moments to process this information then he went to his and his brothers' suites were and was about enter his room until he heard shouting coming from Discord and Fluttershy's chamber before the door opened and Discord was shoved out.

"But Fluttershy!" he retorted.

"No Discord!" she countered, "You need to start giving me more space, because I can't handle you smothering me much longer!"

"It's not smothering! It's making sure you're safe and protected!"

"That's just as bad! You can't keep me from bad things happening! That's not how it works!"

"But I love you!"

"If you love me you would stop treating me like a caged bird!"

"Well you can't keep me out of my own bed!"

She humphed and slammed the door on him.

Discord let out a frustrated yell and sat down on the floor with his arms and legs crossed it was then he saw his brother and sighed, "Go ahead and gloat. I know what you're going to say," he mocked his voice, "'Having trouble with the little lady are we?'"

Capper just stood there before sighing, "Even if I wanted to, I know it would just be pointless."

The elder prince grew concern hearing that, "You okay? You're not your usual bothersome self."

"It's nothing, I'm just tired from today. So… you're just going to sleep on the floor then since Fluttershy won't let you back in?"

"No!" he blurted till his face softened and he muttered, "Maybe…"

Capper just shook his head and offered his hand, "Come on, I'll let you sleep on our couch."

"Sure your wife will be fine with that?" he asked as he took his brother's hand and got up.

"Uh… Let me check quick." he opened his door and went, "Honey! Can Discord sleep on our couch tonight?"

Rarity came and questioned, "Why what's going on?"

Discord bitterly replied, "Fluttershy and I had a fight."

"Oh dear! Is she alright?"

"Hey I'm the one that was thrown out! Why are you concern for her?!"

"Sorry darling, but I should at least check on her." she went to the suite door and knocked, "Fluttershy, dear? May I come in?"

The door did open and Rarity was allowed in before it shut behind her. The boys could hear talking going on before the prim and proper girl opened the door again and told them, "I'll be staying here for the rest of the night, so Discord can stay in our room."

Capper inquired, "Um, why does that sound like he's going to be staying longer than intended?"

"Sorry sweetie, but until Discord learns his lesson, I'm afraid I'll be staying with Fluttershy for the time being." She blew a kiss, "Nighty-night." and closed the door.

The brothers slowly looked at each other with Capper glaring, "You so own me for this..." he went into his room as he said, "It's bad enough that Father practically compliment me on my behavior now I can't even sleep with my own wife!"

"Wait… that's why you were down? What did Father do?"

He sighed, "He told me that he was impressed by how princely I can be and that the only reason he chose me was because of my charisma. But it's not like I want to be charismatic all the time! Most of the time I feel like an absolute fraud!"

"Aren't we all theoretically frauds? Since we always need to put on a smile and wave when we feel otherwise?"

"That's exactly my point! But I don't want to be some pawn that father wants to control!"

Discord scoffed, "Join the club, why do you think I've been as she puts it 'smothering' Fluttershy? It's because Father wants me to be as manipulative as him. He knows my wife is my weak spot and he has made it clear that he will hurt her if I don't watch my step. Face it, you know we'll never to be able to escape this role we've been put in. We tried to run away once but that didn't work and we almost lost our loves that if it wasn't for the miracle that was Sunset Shimmer our lives would be so much different right now."

Capper sadly said, "So what you're saying is that we should be grateful for what we do have and just leave it at that."

Discord nodded, "It's only way…"

The third prince sighed again and sat down on his bed with his head hanging wishing there was some way to escape his awful fate. He did not want to be become his adoptive father and quickly thought of ways he could do that.

Soarin was having trouble sleeping and could see on his side of his wife already sleeping away as she made slight snoring sounds. He frowned, thinking, She's even a better sleeper than me! He groaned and turned away. With his father's words still plaguing his mind he ended up having a very rough night.