• Member Since 5th Oct, 2016
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Israel Yabuki

Canon x OC, that's my specialty, both in art and in MLP stories


Comments ( 72 )

this better not be over I want....no need more of this story and by celestia's big flank (sorry tia) I hope it's sooner rather than later.

Oh it's far from over. And I'm gonna make sure this story exceeds your expectations

ikr, I practically cried when I wrote that part

Holy crap we're already at Rainbow?! Man i need to catch up on these.

Whew! Right in the feels, bro!

I have wanted a story about Rainbow Dash like this, keep up the good work

It's been a week, when will the next chapter come out, your stories are fast mostly

It's difficult when you're writing several different stories

I really like this story of how you're building up to the final chapter, keep up the awesome work :twilightsmile: Also have you heard of the game Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege?

It's a first person shooter tactical game PvP and its almost like Counter Strike: Global Offensive and it's really fun, you should check it out if you're interested :twilightsmile:

Just out of curiosity who do you think you will do next *cough* *sunset* *cough* :pinkiehappy:

definitely Sunset. And I've got a special surprise for what her boyfriend is going to be like.

Can't wait for this to update

About time you upload the new chapter. What took you so long

My little brother's birthday, my Heated Harem Funtime special AND my Rise of Equestria series

Her eyes turn to the TV and sees that your favorite movie is already on the basketball tournament scene.

which movie is this? I feel like I know which one it is but....I could be very wrong so can I get the name pls?

thank you I looked at it and thought it was space jam but remembered that was warner bros. looney toons not disney

When not as good in the clop part as your other stories, this chapter was definitely good on everything else.

Can you write one of the rainbooms getting pregnant in the next story

I'm gonna work on Sunset in the next story. However, if one of the Rainbooms gets pregnant, it'll have to be either Pinkie Pie, Applejack or Fluttershy, because of how Sunset is still a unicorn in a human body. I'll make sure to use your idea for one of the Rainbooms

Or you could try get sunset pregnant

Are there anymore of the girls you want to see get pregnant? If you want Sunset to get pregnant, then consider it done, but it's going to take a little while to get to that chapter.

This was a nice read, i liked it. And i see your gonna do Sunset next, very nice! gonna have high expectations for that.
But i would like to give a friendly advice: i dont think using the "pregnancy" route again is a good idea, it would just be a rehashing of the "Anthro Waifu" stories and wouldnt feal like a new seperate storyline from its predecasor. There has to be at least some kind of motive behind it other than just: "Ok, im gonna make this character pregnant because... i can"
However, if you do decide to go down this route, i believe that Fluttershy or AJ would be a much better choice.
Fluttershy is a kind,loveable,careing,gentle person who would be a perfect mother, no arguments there. And AJ already has a large family to support her if need be so she's also a good candidate.
You did bring up a good point with Sunset being a unicorn in a human body, would it work or not? well if you wanna get technical than i dont think they would be compatible. Most writers that ive seen tend to make her (and any other creatures from Equestria) not able to get knocked up and i much prefer this method being used. But since its fiction it depends on the writer.

As a writer, I'll find some good reason for Sunset to have a child. I don't have her go into pregnancy for no reason, otherwise it'd just be like a random clop.

Well thats good to hear but i still dont get why it has to be her of all people, lets say the girls are in their early 20's i just cant picture them wanting to have a kid that early in their lives, and Sunset doesnt strike me as the motherly type honestly (and im a huge Sunset fanboy) and why would she want to make a family with a person from a different dimension is just another obstacle.
I can see her getting lonely and look for a partner for company and to satisfy her needs and urges but making a family...nuh-uh.
I know im looking into this a bit much but thats just how i feal on this. I still think AJ or Flutters would a be a better choice tho.

yeah, maybe you're right. I think maybe after I'm done writing Sunset's story, I'll work on Applejack next and see how well it'll plan out when she ends up having a child.

BTW, would you do more of this on the crystal prep girls after you finished the main 7

Yeah, I'm actually gonna include the Crystal Prep girls since I know a lot of you guys like them

Comment posted by blaa6 deleted Jan 13th, 2018

Speaking of balloons, when is Pinkie's turn?

right now, I'm working on Sunset's story. Don't worry, the time'll come

Comment posted by Dan deleted Jan 6th, 2018

Do you think you will do a friend get together like you did with the anthro world?

I love this. Thanks. Glad she’s busty too.

I guy's gotta have a good scare every once in a while."
Don't you mean 'a guy gotta have a scare every once in a while'

Just re read the story again and the first chapter remind of of this song


I can say this: I have a high amount of respect for Tupac

Glad that someone know and listen to Tupac

I just wish he was still alive. He didn't deserve to die so young

Same with Biggie and Eazy

You've been living by yourself for a while and stayed cooped up in your room playing your video games way too often, but your mom worries about you isolating yourself, but you say you're fine.

Sounds about right. A second-person shipfic with emotional issues? I'm down for that. That being said, this story could use a proofreader...

Just then, one customer want a bacon double cheeseburger with a medium sized orange soda and a side order of medium fries with ketchup.

One of several examples of grammar errors I found. Also as an example, I'd change it to:

Jone customer wanted a bacon double cheeseburger

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