• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


A Changeling Queen Daughter of Shining and Chrysalis However Current family is Shining and Cadance. Great love of imagination and creativity


Twilight was born under the stars and night sky; she has always been special. Her mother is an author and famous at that for her writing of Daring Doo. Her brother is a member of the Royal Guards her father a Royal Astronomer. Twilight's family is full of great feats and she is no different. This tale is about the journey of achieving those great feats and of course the changes along the way

And when the 1000th year of the Summer Sun Festival rolls around she will learn just how special she really is.

Sex for reference to sexual spells and Gore for scenes of blood, injury, threats of death and violent illness.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 24 )

not that I'm disliking this story, but work on your spacing and pace, as it seams that were just getting glimpses of the story but barely any context.

Thanks I'll try better this is my first story to be honest. Not that it should be an excuse I'm open to sugestions and tips if you'd want to give them.

I too have trouble writing sometimes, but I find that if you write it how you would read it, then it comes a little easier to figure out how others would like to read it.
Right now the only problems I have are the spacing and pace.

I'll do better with the next chapters but As I noted in the first chapter this whole story is already finished I am just working on editing it further. I may come back to this and revise it but I felt I NEEDED to post what I have or I'd have just kept this story hidden cause of nervousness I'd rather it be a little clunky and get fixed later then never see the light of day.

Also by spacing could you p.m me and tell me what you mean exactly I THINK I know what you mean but I'm not 100% sure

Hey for being dyslexic I think I do rather well when it comes to that but you are corrrect punctuation has always been a hang up in my writing

no worries. hope you get better at writing soon cause I like what you have so far.

Interesting i shal be watching ..... even despite the bad grammar

Not that I don't know I have a problem with grammer but I have seen some rather popular stories almost as bad as me, but I do wanna fix my misakes eventually if I can.

No kidding. What to help me with mine? We could throw ideas off each other?

this isent what happened in the episode i wached but thats okay because in my opionion this is even better than the actual show.
in fact this is what the animaters should have done.
plz continue!

Woot just under a year to post the last chapter.....yeah okay I'm at fault for the long wait sorry to all who did wait I was nervous to finalize the chapter and post it but it's up and done so enjoy my first story.

Yes I actually spent time when I originally made this story idea and wrote out a time line up to the end of season 2 more or less

This comment is a little late, but,this story was actually pretty interesting. I can always appreciate and transformation story, especially when it's best pony, and the obvious grammar and such was pretty annoying, but i could deal with it.

Overall, Pretty solid work

I apologize for the grammar issues I have been meaning to go back and edit this story but life's been keeping me busy, eventually, I'll fix it...and get started on 'episode' 2

I mean hey, as long as you make an attempt, that's good progress, take your time. And i'm looking forward to the next episode.

The book that broke the table was "Perfection: The Impossible Pursuit

Groans of soreness erupt from the 5 mares before Celestia as they all jostle awake slowly Rainbow the first to speak. "Anypony get the name of the carriage that ran me over?"

It's called "badass moment"

I don't mean to be nitpicky, but Daring Do is spelled with one O, not two. I've noticed it often and have come to see it as a common mistake among a lot of writers.

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