• Published 29th Oct 2017
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Songs of the Spheres - GMSeskii

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081 - Eternity Courses Through Her Veins

Lady Rarity was more than a little concerned about Corona.

She hadn’t left her house, as far as anyone could tell, for three days. She wasn’t answering her phone and nobody had heard anything from her during that time. It was almost as if she’d dropped off the face of the Earth.

And yet, her house on Lai was still using power in such a way that suggested she was still living in it. But her neighbors had not seen her. And no matter how much they knocked, she never answered the door.

So Lady Rarity had decided it was time to get to the bottom of this. She marched up to Corona’s front door and knocked, not expecting any response. She courteously waited two minutes anyway before teleporting to the other side. The entryway needed dusting, but it didn’t look too out of order. Lady Rarity skittered around, taking advantage of being unarmored to move around the walls and ceiling for better vantage points. She moved around the house with ease. The dishes in the kitchen had clearly been piling up, but there didn’t appear to be enough for three days worth of meals. She didn’t see any sign of Corona on the entire ground floor.

So, obviously, Corona was in the basement.

Lady Rarity skittered down the steps, her ears perked. She heard no noises from the basement, but her predatory senses told her there was a living thing down there. She carefully moved down and pushed the door open, looking into Corona’s lab.

It was even more disorganized than usual. Beakers were all over the floor,magical glowing liquids within many of them. There were more than a few blast marks all over the walls, and at least one of the big monitors had been turned into a bush. The strangest part was that none of the large pieces of machinery were moving at the moment, just a bunch of chemicals sitting around, dormant – their glow only accentuated by the dimmed lights.

The center of the lab was occupied by Corona herself – but something was wrong about her. It wasn’t the psychotic grin on her face, although that raised a few red flags. It wasn’t the fact that she was standing there completely naked, her body covered in black markings that made her look like she was a cow about to be cut up into different chunks of meat for later consumption. It was the fact that she was glowing, as if something alive was moving around inside of her.

Oh, she was also holding a knife in her hands, carefully tracing along one of the black lines to a point where several of them crossed, just under her left set of ribs.

Lady Rarity was so dumbfounded and horrified by what she was seeing she couldn’t formulate a response. She didn’t even cry out when Corona slid the knife across her skin, breaking into a blood vessel. Her blood poured out – but it wasn’t red. It was a bright, golden, shimmering color. Corona’s ears twitched in excitement as she used her magic to levitate the fluid into a tall bottle. She set the bottle down on a table and created a crimson arcane circle around it.

The spell made a copy of the bottle one inch to the left.

“YES!” Corona shouted, jumping into the air and spreading her wings. “YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!” She flew around, did a swing dance in the air, and promptly crashed into the ceiling. She slowly floated down to the ground, shaking her head. “Okay, calm Corona, calm.” She healed the wound and put her hands on her hips, beaming with pride. “It is done! It i- oh, hi Rarity, when did you come in?”

Lady Rarity stared at her in disbelief. “But I was… and then… you were… what?”

Corona snapped her fingers and pulled Raging Sights to her with her magic, creating the battle-dress she normally wore, complete with the red angled shades. “All right, I’ll put this simply.” She levitated the bottle in front of Lady Rarity’s eyes. “This is the Essence of Eternity. I did it Rarity. I found easily duplicatable immortality.” She pointed at the second bottle, duplicating it with a simple spell.

“H-how!?” Lady Rarity blurted, still not quite processing what was going on.

“Complex substances don’t duplicate well, and enchantments almost never do. However, I found a loophole where if I infuse my immortality with a biological component inside my body, I could ‘trick’ the magic into duplicating with the serum!” She whooped. “It’s a lot more complicated than that – as all these lines on my body will tell you. …As well as all those failed essences on the floor. But hey, it’s done!”

“…Corona, you’re glowing,” Lady Rarity said.

“Wow, I really must have done a number on your mind,” Corona said with an awkward smile. With a wave of her hand she increased the light level in the lab to normal daylight levels. Her glow was no longer noticeable, though the glow of the bottles were. “Don’t worry, everything’s completely safe, even if at about midnight last night I kinda threw safety procedures out the window out of desperation.”

“Have you slept?”

“Sorta? Not really. Complicated consciousness spell that can replace sleep for about a week before you start going nuts.”

“You sound ‘nuts’ already.”

Corona chuckled. “Maybe. But hey, it paid off! Everyone can live forever so long as they drink this!”

Lady Rarity smiled. “I’m glad you finally pulled it off.”

“Hey… You want to be the first?” Corona asked, levitating a bottle over to Lady Rarity.

Lady Rarity stared at the bottle, taking it in her own telekinesis. For a moment, she wondered if she wanted to. If she should take it. If she really wanted to live forever...

She quickly threw those thoughts out the window and downed the whole thing in twenty seconds. She let out a gasp – it tasted like… gold mixed with pure nectar. It was such a bizarre flavor. “This won’t make me glow, will it?”

“You should have asked that before you downed it.”

“...It will!?”

“No,” Corona said, chuckling. “I mean, my glow is permanent now, I need to be anchored to the stuff I’m duplicating at all times for it to work properly. Won’t be too hard to set up a mass duplication matrix though…”

Lady Rarity’s eyes flashed yellow for a moment and then returned to normal.

“And there you go! Immortal. You won’t age beyond what you are now.”

“Huh… Doesn’t feel any different.”

Corona nodded. “Be glad. There was a previous one that worked but made you lose control of your bladder. Decided it wasn’t worth it.”

“…How exactly did you figure that out?”

Corona tapped Raging Sights. “Simulation after simulation. Tested it on seven thousand spirids before I gave it to you. All worked fine.”

Lady Rarity smiled. “Well… What are you going to do now? Celebrate?”

“Heck yes. Actually, later. First I need to talk to Eve and the Overheads about the regulations for this stuff. I’ve got a long day ahead of me!”

“You’re not going to sleep!?”

“Only three days in! I’ve got four more in me!” She laughed. “Thanks for being here, Rarity!”

“…You’re welcome?”

“Oh, was everyone worried about me?” Corona facepalmed. “I’m such an idiot! Tell them I’m fine and what I did. Though don’t tell the public about it, we don’t want a panic. Or a craze.”

“I know what to do, don’t worry. I do need to calm down first.”

Corona chuckled. “Yeah, you do. Good luck with that! See you around!” She teleported away.

Lady Rarity glanced around the lab. Then she let out a dramatic sigh and walked out.

Crazy woman.


Eve looked at the glowing bottle sitting on her desk. “So, this is it?”

Corona nodded with the stupidest grin imaginable. “Yep!”

“Did you find the duplication loophole through your own organic connection, or was this random inspiration?”

“The former,” Corona said. “I told you the secret was within the body. Did we bet on that? I don’t exactly remember.”

Eve shrugged. “Don’t recall. Let’s just say I owe you lunch and keep it at that.”

Corona gave her a thumbs up. “I’ll keep you to that!”

Eve lifted the bottle and examined it. “What would it do if I drank it?”

“It would prevent you from getting any taller or whatever other effects come from aging as an alicorn. I would strongly recommend you don’t drink it.”

“What about beings that don’t ingest material to survive?”

“The majority of those are unaging already. There are time spells available for the few aging intangible beings. The main problem was those spells weren’t mass-producible.” She raised her hand and duplicated the glowing concoction. “This is. Granted, I have to do the producing, but after about a week of duplication there should be billions of bottles. And they have an infinite shelf life. Which really shouldn’t come as a surprise.”

Eve nodded. “This is the point where I ask you, again, to reconsider what you’re doing. Maybe we’re messing with things we shouldn’t be, yada yada, but I already know you’re dead set on this. And, frankly, if we can’t solve sudden, tragic deaths… At least we can make sure there aren’t any long, drawn out ones.” Eve pushed a bottle back to Corona. “I’m not giving you my endorsement.”

“Yeah, I know this.”

“But there’s no way in the name of the Tower I’m going to be able to stop you,” Eve admitted. “If you want this out, get it out there. There will be consequences you won’t think of until it’s too late.”

Corona nodded, face serious. “I know.”

“Most of those probably won’t show up for several years… Regardless, what exactly is your plan? Sell it?”

“Are you crazy? Of course not! This needs to be government-regulated to an absurd degree,” Corona said. “I was hoping you could patch it through to Oversight so they could create the regulations for it.”

“Oversight and Justice.”


“The two divisions work together to create regulations so neither one can one-up the other.”

“Right, forgot.” Corona shook her head. “The point is I need a politician type to send it over to them, get them to figure out how to distribute it to everyone and how to determine who’s old enough to get it. If it’ll be a medically regulated substance or available in stores. I’m expecting medically regulated.”

Eve nodded. “I’ll send it over to Renee – she’s always been a lot better at internal affairs than me. She’ll get it to them looking prim and proper.” Eve smiled sheepishly. “When you’re Overhead of Relations, the new societies give you a pass for being slightly unprofessional because they don’t want to insult your culture.”

“Sounds nice.”

“Sometimes it is. Sometimes not.” Eve shrugged. “Everything comes with a little good and a little bad if you look into it deeply enough.”

“Just make sure she puts in my only requirement.”


Everyone in Merodi Universalis has to be able to access it at a good point in their lives – no waiting for people to be on death’s door, and no excluding people because they’re healthy. Everyone needs to be able to get it.”

Eve nodded. “I’ll remember that.”

“It was the whole point of all this painful research.” Corona rubbed her stomach. “Had to cut myself open more than once…”


“Oh, uh, not surgery. The serum was produced in my body, I had to let it out somehow. Took forever to find the right place.”

“Is that why your arm has evidence of permanent marker on it?”

Corona smiled sheepishly. “Yeah. I haven’t exactly tried to clean it all off yet. Just enough scrubbing to be presentable.”

“You can’t just magic it away?”

“I used a magic bath spe-” she blinked. Then she lit her horn and lifted the marker completely off her skin. “Scatterbrained me, bath spell was the wrong choice.”

“At least you smell like soap now.”

Corona chuckled. “Anyway, I’ve got a few deliveries to make. I take it I don’t exactly have to keep this hushed up anymore?”

Eve shook her head. “I bet they’ll want to start shipping it out within the month. You’re free to even make an announcement if you want.”

“Nah, I’ll leave that to you unless you’ve got a specific role for me. Not the politician here.”

“You give good speeches!”

“But I don’t want to take away from your spotlight,” Corona said with a wink.

Eve smiled. “Fair enough.”

“See ya, Eve!”

“…Hold on. This has been bugging me for a while.”

“Hm?” Corona said, turning back to her.

“Are you… glowing?”

“Oh, yeah. Guess this isn’t as bright as daylight.”

“…Is that permanent?”

“I can remove it whenever I want. Except when I do I won’t be able to duplicate the serum anymore. So I’m going to keep it.” Corona grinned. “I’m slowly turning into a sun as time goes on.”

Eve facehooved.

“Bye Eve! See you around!” Corona spread her wings and took off toward the ceiling, teleporting away before she hit.

Eve looked at her own wings for a moment.

“C’mon, why are hers so much prettier?”

No answer was forthcoming. Eve decided to leave pointless envy to the side and call Renee.


Corona strolled into Iroh’s Teashop, trying to keep up her smile. But the moment she walked into the kitchen, the smile had vanished completely. She sighed, opting to stand in the doorway until he noticed her.

Iroh was far too engrossed in the art of tea making to notice her instantly. He moved slowly and with great creaks in his body – clearly not a man who would function in a fight anymore. Yet he didn’t let it bother him, still going about his relaxed work with a smile, using the occasional puff of fire from his fingertips for some extra spice.

It just made Corona sad to see him like this. He had been old when she’d met him, but he’d remained strong and sprightly for long after that. He had trained her – and then he had started training Corea. But that was when it started to set in. Magic medicine could do wonders for a person, but unless they wanted to actually de-age themselves and suffer the mental side effects, it only went so far.

He was in his mid-nineties. He only kept himself here and away from the spirit world because Corea was still young. But Corea had recently turned seventeen – she was, in many ways, ready to be the Avatar for the Elemental Nations. Corona had seen her do many things for that world already, and she was certain the young Avatar would do many more.

Corona grimaced, realizing what she was about to do.

Iroh must have sensed a disturbance in the air, for he finally turned around and saw her standing there, gloomy. He smiled. “Ah, Corona… My favorite student.”

“You really should play favorites with the Avatar, old man,” Corona said, a small smile coming to her face.

“Nonsense. I choose favorites based on my own thoughts, not obligation.” He moved slowly to sit down at a table in the back – graciously allowing Corona to help him into his seat. She sat down opposite him. “Nice glow, by the way.”

Corona chuckled. “Thanks.”

“…Where is it?” He asked after a moment’s silence.

Corona produced a bottle filled with Essence of Eternity and placed it in between them. “Drink it and you won’t age any further. …But we both know you aren’t going to take it, no matter how much else I can do for you.”

Iroh let out a deep sigh. “Yes… All this means is that it is finally time for me to leave these worlds and let the next generation take their place. The endless generation.”

“…You sure Corea’s ready?”

“There is little I can teach her in the ways of spirits and the Avatar. She may not have completely mastered the bending arts, but she is on the right track. She’s already done my world proud.”

Corona smiled. “I’m… glad to hear that.” She sat back. “…You never really explained what’s in the spirit world, Iroh.”

“It is not something for those who do not feel an inner urge to seek it.”

“I think you owe me a bit more explanation than that, now that the time has come.”

Iroh nodded. He sat back, collecting his words. “It may or may not be another universe. It may just be a plane of existence out of phase with Elemental Four. It does not matter, for it is a holy place. It is the world where the spirit of the Avatar, Raava, originated. It is the world of many forces of nature. It is… It is the reason our world exists with the balance it does. It may exist separately, but it is the defining backbone of everything that drives our lives. That is why I fought so hard to have it be declared a protected world – a disturbance in the Spirit World could do drastic things to Elemental Four, things to our very souls.”

“That’s why it’s important,” Corona said. “That doesn’t answer why you’re going.”

“…Originally, it was to look for my son,” Iroh admitted. “You know how I lost him. I strived to be with him again, always, even through all the adventures. But I have come to realize that, if his spirit is there, it won’t recognize me. It will have taken a new form…” he shook his head.

“I now go because it is the way to end my story and begin another. I will likely achieve ‘immortality’ of a sort there, but not of the kind you are offering me. I will become but a spirit, wandering, eventually unable to comprehend the physical world fully… but I will retain my memories. I will become its internal guardian – but also just a denizen looking for a sort of peace. An end to the pain.” Iroh looked into the distance. “The world is a cruel one, Corona. Even your home suffers in the shadows. And we hail from the better worlds.”

Corona nodded – thinking of ‘grimdark’ universes. Galaxus Immaterium...

“I guess that means part of the reason is selfish,” Iroh said with a pained chuckle. “I want the pain to end and find true peace. I will find it there since I have spent most of my life meditating on the Spirit World and what it means to us. It will welcome me.”

Corona wiped some tears from her eyes. “All right. I won’t try to stop you.”

“Thank you.”

“I will demand that you let those close to you bid you goodbye,” Corona said, standing up. “Everyone who wants to… will congregate at Elemental Four’s south pole to wish you off.”


“That’s my condition. You get to attend your own funeral.”

Iroh smirked. “I’ll agree to the terms, but it isn’t exactly a funeral.”

“Right… But that’s what it’s going to feel like.”

Iroh nodded. “It will be difficult… But I do owe them all at least that much. I’ll arrange it.”

Corona smiled. “…Good.”

Iroh stood up, groaning. Corona helped him walk to leave the kitchen, entering the public area. Iroh coughed for attention. “I’m going to have to shut down the tea shop for a few days. I apologize to those of you who have not been served yet, but there’s something I have to attend to.” He coughed again. “I hope you understand.”

Everyone in the teashop took one look at him and smiled warmly. There was a bunch of nodding heads and polite bows in Iroh’s direction.

Every person in the room had a deep respect for the man. The show of it brought tears to his eyes.


A few hours later, Corona knocked on a door to one of the Hub’s houses. She had timed it perfectly so a particular person would answer the door.

Renee answered. “Yes, w-” she stopped when she saw Corona. “C-corona! Y-you’re not supposed to be here!” She glanced over her shoulder nervously. “Quick, before he sees you, g-”

Corona wordlessly held up the glowing yellow potion.

“O-oh…” Renee said, biting her lip. “I… I see.” She cleared her throat. “Daniel? Dear!”

“Yeah?” Corona heard Daniel call.

“Go sit down on your favorite chair. You’ll want to be calm for this.”

“…That’s not ominous at all.”

“Dear, I love you, go sit down, and try not to hate me later.”

“All right,” he said without hesitation.

“He sure trusts you,” Corona said.

“Yeah…” Renee said, a wistful expression crossing her face.

“It’s beautiful.”

“Let’s hope it stays that way, hmm? …He should have sat down by now. Stay behind me.”

Corona obliged, softly walking behind Rarity as she made her way to the living room. Daniel was sitting there in his favorite blue chair turned away from the television. He looked old and tired, but there was life in his eyes. He also didn’t look as old as he actually was, thanks to magic medicine – he looked like he was in his late fifties, not mid-seventies. “What’s going on?” he asked Renee.

Renee took a deep breath. “Don’t jump out of your chair.” She gestured for Corona to come out from behind a wall.

The instant he saw her he jumped up and took a defensive stance, starting to perspire from the sudden shot of adrenaline. “G-get her out of here.”

Renee gulped. “Ah… I don’t think I can do that this time, dear.”

Corona nodded slowly, levitating the Essence of Eternity into a coffee table near Daniel. He nervously tapped the table with his leg, scooting it away.

Renee bit her lip and shook her head.

Corona spoke as softly as I could. “This is the immortality serum, Daniel. Drink it and you’ll never age another day again.”

“You made it, I’m not t-touching it!” Daniel shouted.

“Look, dear, it’s safe!” Renee said, nudging Corona. She produced another bottle and handed it to Renee. She tanked it quickly, in desperation. “See? It’s fine!”

“The other bottle could be poisoned!”

Renee took a small amount out of Daniel’s bottle and ingested it just as her eyes flashed yellow from the first dose. “See? All fine. Everything’s fine.”

“S-she could use her magic or something! I d-don’t need immortality anyway! I’m doing just fine so long as I don’t see her. I’ll just Ascend and de-age myself next time!”

“Daniel, love…” Renee shook her head. “…You’ve had many ‘deaths’ since the games. You haven’t Ascended once, even when you should have. You might have been damaged.”


“And I’m trying to fix it!” Corona blurted.

Daniel took several steps back, until he hit a wall. “F-fix me? Actually kill me!?”

“Wha- no!”

“You just don’t want me to ever Ascend again! You want my energy for yourself!”

Corona’s eye twitched. She had to force herself not to burst out in anger.

Renee put a hoof on Corona. “O…. Okay, Daniel. We’ll leave you.”

“Take the bottle too!” Daniel demanded.

Renee did so, picking it up in her magic and taking it with the two of them to a parlor.

“He needs to take it,” Corona said.

“It’s his choice…” Renee reminded her.

“He’s just reacting because he knows it’s from me. Aside from his reaction to me, he’s perfectly healthy.” She sighed. “I’m wondering if I should have tried to trick him…”

“He would have figured it out the moment I said it was immortality serum,” Renee said. “It’s no secret what you’ve been working on, Corona.”

“I know,” Corona shook her head. “…Hold onto it. Maybe you’ll be able to catch him on a good day.”

Renee nodded slowly. “I have every intention of convincing him to take it one day. It just looks like that day isn’t going to be today.”

“…I wish I could help him,” Corona said. “I really wish I could… But it’s me in there. All because I thought, one day, there wouldn’t be any consequences.”

“I’ve forgiven you, you know this,” Renee said. “And I know he would too if he was able.”

Corona nodded. “It’s a small comfort, at least.” She rolled her shoulders back and stretched her wings. “…I hope you get through to him.”

“Me too. You should probably leave now. I’ll have those documents sent out by tomorrow.”

“Yeah, thanks,” Corona said, teleporting away.

Renee teleported the serum into the closet. “Daniel, she’s gone.”


“You know I don’t want to hurt you right?” she said, trotting back to the living room.

“Y-yes,” Daniel said, “I know for sure.” He looked at his hands. “I know either I’m crazy, or everyone else is…”

Renee wiped tears from her eyes.

“But whenever I think of her… All that is gone. All I have is absolute certainty.” He put a hand to his face. “There’s nothing I can do. Nothing I can do…”

Renee kissed him. “You don’t have to, love.”

He pulled her close, saying nothing for the longest time.


The Primary Team was eating lunch at some random place in Ponyville that served plates that were food. Some of them were like giant cookies and pizzas, but there were a few dishes that were pasta bakes somehow cohesively held into a plate shape. It was best not to question it. Just like it was best not to question how Pinkie fit the entire plate in her mouth at once.

“Deeeeelicious!” she declared, giggling.

“Well now none of the rest of us will know how good it was! Because you ate it!” Nova declared.

“Five out of five stars, best plate ever. Soooooo bad you girls didn’t get to try it!”

Jotaro raised an eyebrow.

“And guy! I didn’t forget about you!”

It was Flutterfree’s turn to raise an eyebrow.

“Psh, I don’t forget Jotaro exists. He’s just too big!”


Jotaro grabbed his hat. “Yare yare daze…”

Vriska fell down from the sky. “I have drinks.” She dropped a tray with four golden bottles onto the table. “The best of drinks.”

Flutterfree blinked. “Okay, I’ll bite, what is it?”

“Corona’s completed research,” Vriska said, walking around the four of them like sharks. “The secret to eternal life, procured early by yours truly.”

Flutterfree, Nova, and Jotaro just stared at the drinks, processing.

Pinkie downed hers the instant Vriska had finished talking.

“P-Pinkie!” Flutterfree gasped. “Don’t you think we should talk about this!?”

Pinkie’s eyes flashed yellow. “Eh, don’t really feel like I need to. I will now live forever! WOO!”

“But do we really want to?” Flutterfree asked.

“You know what, why am I even considering this?” Nova asked, chugging hers next. “The answer is duh, obviously. Who wouldn’t!?”

Jotaro turned to Vriska. “…This will be publicly available, right?”

Vriska gave him the thumbs up. “Corona wouldn’t let me have it if it wasn’t going to be.”

Jotaro nodded. He gripped the bottle, examining it closely.


“Chances are I’ll die young in combat anyway,” Jotaro said.

“You’re in your fifties!”

“So are you.”

“Ponies live longer!”

“…Then I’ll need to catch up.” He downed it, taking a breath after. “…Curious taste. Hope it’s not addictive.”

“You’ll never need another one,” Pinkie pointed out. “Woohoo! Eternity!”

“It feels underwhelming,” Nova observed.

“It won’t after a few millennia,” Flutterfree commented.

Vriska rolled her eyes. “Flutters, trust me, so long as you keep yourself occupied, you’ll be fine. And this doesn’t give you the nearly endless immortality I have. You’ll kick the bucket eventually from a stray arrow or something.”

“…Cheery thought.” Flutterfree lifted the serum up with Lolo’s wires. “It’s a monumental decision…”

“Just take it, c’mon,” Vriska said. “You’re surrounded by immortals as it is. Might as well join.”

“She doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to,” Nova said. “She might want to find her end at some point.”

Flutterfree nodded. “But… You know what, I’ll have eternity afterward. I won’t have eternity here. Maybe this existence is broken, bruised, and full of evil… but I like it right now. I can enter eternity after a near-eternity here if I must.” She took the bottle and looked at it closely, her red eyes reflecting in the glass. Then she closed her eyes and drank it. She set it down carefully, opening her eyes just as they flashed yellow.

“Fuck yeah!” Vriska shouted, grinning. “Now we’re all going to be together forever! Best explorer buddies until the end of TIME.”

“Aw look, Vriska’s getting sentimental!” Nova ribbed.

“Psh, you ponies rubbed off on me a lot. At this point if I wasn’t sentimental something would have to be really wrong with my head.”

“Implying something isn’t wrong with your head,” Jotaro deadpanned.

“SAVAGE BURN!” Pinkie shouted, hooves around her mouth. “SSSSSSSSSSSS!”

Flutterfree, Nova, and Pinkie burst into laughter while the slightest hint of a smile crawled up Jotaro’s face.

Vriska folded her arms. “By the way you all just drank Corona’s blood.”

All the laughing stopped instantly.

“…You’re serious,” Nova said. “Holy cow you’re serious.”

“Yep. The production of this stuff is really interesting, considering what I grabbed from Lady Rarity’s mind on the subject.” She kicked her feet up on the table and smirked.

“Vriska, you know you’re not supposed to dig into people’s minds,” Flutterfree chided.

“Hey, she wouldn’t tell me how the stuff was made. I was not expecting to learn that Corona was smokin’ hot in more ways than one or that she was fully capable of going full chaos cultist for SCIENCE at any moment.”

Nova stared at the empty bottle that had contained the serum. “Corona tastes like gold and flowers, apparently.”

“I was always expecting bacon, personally,” Flutterfree said. Then she blushed. “Eep! Not that I think about what people taste like!”

Jotaro raised an eyebrow.

“…Okay fine. When I see you I think steak and marshmallows. Are you happy?

Vriska shook her head. “Steak and marshmallows? What kind of meal is that!?”

“And why marshmallows?” Nova asked. “He’s not a horse!”

“That joke’s run its course, Nova,” Flutterfree muttered.

“I dunno!” Pinkie said, hoof to her chin. “Let’s spin the wheel of joke graveyarding to see what should happen to it!” She turned to a game-show wheel that hadn’t been there a minute ago and gave it a good spin.

The five of them continued enjoying their day, more or less forgetting the major change that had altered their bodies forever.


Corona knocked on another door. Man, I’m making a lot of house calls today.

The Sunset known as Sunny opened the door. “Oh. Hey Corona, what’s up?”

“I just came to drop by, say thanks. Where’s Jane?”

“Inside,” Sunny said, beckoning for Corona to come in. “Thanks? For what?”

“Someone’s thanking us?” Jane asked, poking her head out from around a corner. “I’m all ears.”

“If you’re all ears why don’t you ever hear knocks at the door?”

“Selective hearing.”

Sunny rolled her eyes.

“So, Corona, what’d we do?” Jane asked, leaning against a wall.

“Well… This might sound a little awkward and bring back some weird memories.”

“Should I get a drama couch?” Sunny asked with a coy smirk.

“Nah, no Raritys here.”

“Unless I’m secretly one in disguise,” Jane said, smirking.

Corona rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Anyway… Remember the time Aradia took you to see your Pinkie’s grave?”

The two nodded. “How could we forget?” Jane asked.

“Yeah. You may or may not recall that was the day I came out of my depressive funk. Because you got me to declare war on death.”

“Wasn’t our intention by any stretch of the imagination,” Jane pointed out.

“I think it was a good thing,” Sunny retorted.

“Not saying it wasn’t. Just saying it wasn’t what I would have done.”

Corona shrugged. “To each their own. Anyway, the reason I’m coming to thank you today is because I did it.”

“Did what?” Sunny asked.

Corona pulled out one of the bottles. “Dealt a big blow to death. Behold, the Essence of Eternity, an immortality serum invented by yours truly.”

The two of them stared at it for a while.

“You do realize you could have just asked us for an immortality serum and we could have given you one, right?” Jane said.

“…What.” Corona deadpanned.

“There’s even a Fountain of Youth in my records!” Sunny said. “Did you not think to look in there?”

“…No,” Corona said, blinking. “…That would have saved a lot of time. And sleepless nights. And the glowing blood.”

“Glowing blood? Sweet!” Jane said.

Corona rolled her eyes, shutting off the lights and showing off her skin’s golden glow. “There you go. I’ve literally got this stuff swimming in my veins.”

“That looks pretty cool,” Sunny said. “Makes you completely useless for stealth though.”

“If I ever need to be stealthy I can just put up an illusion spell, no problem!” Corona said with a huff, turning the light back on. “…But seriously, I could have just asked you guys and avoided the whole thing?”

Jane and Sunny nodded.


“Hey, don’t be hard on yourself, you still did something great!” Sunny encouraged. “Immortality serums aren’t exactly the easiest things to make. Or mass produce.”

Jane thought about this. “…Did we really find enough immortality serums to know that for sure?”

“Twenty-seven serums, three of which could be mass produced,” Sunny recited from memory.

Corona blinked. “You should take my job. The physicist part anyway.”

Sunny rolled her eyes. “I’m not a scientist. We Sunsets may be smart, but not all of us are cut out for that kind of work.”


“Regardless, this probably works best for Merodi Universalis anyway,” Sunny pointed out. “The secret to their longevity was created by one of their best guardians. It’ll be a point of national pride.”

“Ooo, careful, don’t want to turn into Murica,” Jane said, snorting. “I still can’t say that with a straight face…”

“It is a bit absurd, isn’t it?” Sunny said. “…Oh, right. For what it’s worth, Corona, you’re welcome. Even if we really didn’t do anything.”

Corona rubbed the back of her head. “Yeah. This is a little awkward isn’t it?”

“A tad.”

“Well, before I go, any strange inventions or technology or magic I should know about before I spend the next few years of my life trying to create it?”

“Ragdoll patch,” Jane said.

Corona blinked. “What?”

“Allow me to demonstrate.” Jane placed a small brown square on the back of her left hand. Then she punched herself in the gut with her right. She lost all control of her body and went flying like a body in a video game, laying across a table with a stupid grin on her face.

“…What is the point of that?”

“It’s funny.”

Sunny rolled her eyes. “I’ve never really found it that funny.”

Corona nodded. “Yeah, I don’t get it either.”

“You two don’t understand comedy.”

The two fiery women snickered at this.

“Fine. Mock Jane. She’ll sit at this table upside-down and not care.”

“Ooh, ooh!” Sunny raised a hoof. “I’m going to call Trixie to give you third-person lessons!”

Jane let out a disinterested grunt.

“I’ll leave you to that,” Corona said with a salute. “See you around!”

“See you too, Corona!” Sunny said with a wave.


Oversight Division:

Policy Regarding Immortality Serum Distribution and Control

Final Revision.

Approved by Overhead Sarsaparilla Fern (EqCo)

Co-approved by Second Bonnibel Bubblegum (Ooo)

Co-approved by Overhead Freyr (EaTa) [Justice Division]


This document details the policy regarding the new invention by Princess Corona “Sunset” Shimmer, PhD – an immortality serum better known as the Essence of Eternity, referred to as the serum in the rest of this report. The sections are split up as follows: Production, detailing the requirements for producing the serum, Distribution, pertaining to the moving of the serum to Merodi Universalis, Restriction, where the availability of the serum is discussed, Medical, in which information important to medical professionals is located, and lastly Judicial, where illegal usage of the substance is discussed.

The serum can be produced in vast quantities, but only one individual – Dr. Shimmer – is capable of doing so. All serum to be distributed by the Oversight Division is to be created at a pre-approved location while under constant surveillance. Dr. Shimmer will be required to meet a quota during each production session, with early sessions expected to produce a few billion portions of the serum.

Dr. Shimmer has confirmed this is well within her abilities, given enough time to do so.

Each portion of the serum is to be stored in a standard-issue plastic bottle containing precisely 100mL of the serum. This is 10% more than is required to initiate the immortality effect, but there are no side effects from ingesting more than required. Some races require larger doses due to body size or multiple-body conditions. Such cases will be handled by Oversight directly as they are made known.

The general process by which the serum is produced is public knowledge but it is suggested that the finer points of the initial procedures not be discussed openly. No video or other visual documentation of the process is allowed to enter the public domain.

The serum is only to be distributed to full Merodi Universalis member universes. It is prohibited to ship any of the serum to universes outside Merodi Universalis without Overhead or Second approval. The serum will only be transported from the Oversight Division warehouses when a request is made and approved by three Oversight Division Regulators, at which point a ship will be loaded with the precise number of portions requested. Upon arrival, every serum portion must be accounted for before delivery.

Drivers of these ships must be Oversight Division personnel.

The serum is not to be stored in places aside from the Oversight Division warehouse for longer than a month.

The public sector is not permitted to purchase the serum directly under any circumstances.

The only requests are to be given by the medical sector, or local equivalent in universes that may not have a defined medical sector. Every patient in a hospital, or under the purview of a doctor or other suitably qualified and registered medical personnel, is to be given the choice of taking the serum, regardless of their state of health. This offer is only contingent on the individual’s age – no children or adolescents are permitted to obtain the serum. The exact age where a person is permitted to ingest the serum varies with race and is expanded upon in Appendix A.

If a citizen of Merodi Universalis is for some reason without a doctor, they may petition the Oversight Division directly for the serum.

Every citizen is expected to ingest the serum once in their life – but never twice. All ingestions must be done in the presence of a medical professional or recorder of some kind, so that confirmation may be added to the patient’s personal record.

Ordering a shipment of the serum requires evidence of Merodi Universalis citizens that have not ingested it in the form of census data that can be obtained easily through our website. Medical credentials are also required, though exceptions may be made in the special cases with certain universes. Calling the Oversight Division’s Medical branch is required for these special cases. In all cases, form SSEE-001 must be filled out.

If too much serum is accidentally ordered, it must be returned before one week has passed.

The serum activates instantly when 91mL is ingested within a thirty-minute period. This volume is consistent for most standard races. A yellow flash to the eyes is the indication the procedure is done. Their only known side effect is a soft yellow glow added to bodily excrement for the next day or so.

If the individual suffers from a rare genetic condition that stunts growth or aging, it is up to a medical professional whether or not to allow ingestion. If the individual is of an as of yet unknown race, a medical professional has the authority to decide for ingestion or not. If the individual is not fully biological in nature, Oversight Division Medical must be consulted on the matter.

Crimes relating to the serum:
Class 1 Crime:
Illegal ingestion.

Class 2 Crime:
Posting visual records of the creation procedure.

Class 4 Crimes:
Stored longer than a week.
Illegal storage/possession.

Class 6 Crime:
Purposefully leaving behind excess serum and storing for later use.
Withholding access to serum.
Forced ingestion.

Class 7 Crimes:
Illegal distribution.
SSEE-001 Fraud.

Class 11 Crime:
Illegal ingestion: underage. (Administered to the entity who administered the serum, not the underage victim in question)

Eve put the document down. They were certainly taking this seriously, which she appreciated. The lack of long-term planning bothered her, but Oversight was not necessarily known for thinking of the long term – that was Aid, Cultural, and Labor’s jobs. It wasn’t like it even needed her approval – this had just been sent to her because she’d asked for it.

She really should bother to learn what the classifications in the Judicial Division meant. Higher numbers meant worse, she knew, and the biggest one she had seen was Class 50, which had been assigned to Randall Flagg for Masterminding the Attempted Destruction of Merodi Universalis.

Class 11 was probably still pretty bad. It was the theft of a child’s right to grow up or develop… A horrifying thought. She saw more than a few parents thinking they could keep their kids young forever with the serum. Just one of many possible problems…

She shook her head – it at least looked like it was going to work. Public approval was expected to be through the roof. But there was always going to be that nagging doubt in the back of her mind… And the minds of many others.

Unfortunately she was not in a position to watch internal affairs closely – she was always busy with external Relations. She just had to have faith that Sarsaparilla knew what she was doing. Eve may not have known her that well, but the Equis Cosmic alicorn knew what she was doing.

Eve folded the file away.


“Daniel, love, did we use all the saffron?”

“No,” he called from the next room over. “It should be in the back!”

“Ah!” Renee called, plucking the spice off the back of the rack. “Found it!”

“You in one of your cooking moods?”

“You know me, sometimes the culinary urge strikes!”

“What’s it gonna be this time?”

“Experimental spicy chowder,” she said, pouring the saffron into one of two small pots. “I know you like it with the ‘perfect’ amount but I’ve felt the need to give it a bit more ‘oomph’ this time around.”

“The occasional ‘oof’ is what life is all about!”

Renee stirred both pots. “In many ways, that’s exactly what it is.” She poured the white chowder into two bowls, levitating them into the dining room table, taking her seat at one end. “Dinner’s ready!”

Daniel walked into the dining room and sat down, breathing deeply. “…You weren’t kidding. That’s going to be spicy.”

“And we both have to eat it,” Renee said, spooning some into her mouth. “Hm… Delicious, but perhaps more salt…”

Daniel set to work on his soup, soon sweating slightly. “Wow… Hooooooooo this is an experience.”

Renee was sweating profusely. “Y-yeah…” She downed her glass of water. “But Celestia, it has flavor.”

“That I can only taste for about a second before instant tongue agony.” He laughed. “What did you put in this?”

“Just about every spice on the rack and habaneros,” Renee said, panting. “It… miiight have been a bit much?”

“Might?” Daniel said incredulously.

“Just eat your soup dear.”

Daniel looked for a moment at his soup – and then brought it to his lips and started drinking it.

“S-so funny…” Renee tried to deadpan, but her voice faltered.

Daniel set the nearly-empty bowl on the table, smacking his lips. “There’s a faint taste of gold in here…”

His eyes flashed yellow.

That was just too much for Renee. She started weeping. “I’M SUCH A HORRIBLE WIFE! I’M SORRY!” She tossed her bowl off the table, spilling its contents all over the freshly cleaned floor. She splayed her front half over the table and kept crying.

Daniel stood up quickly. “Renee, what’s wrong? What happened?” He moved toward her in concern.

“I tricked you…” she managed. “I… You didn’t want to but… I just couldn’t do it. Stars, I’m so selfish…”

“Hey… Renee… It’s okay to mess up once in a while. Whatever you’ve done, it’s fine. Nothing you do will break what we have.”

“…It’s… Good to know that’s how you actually feel…” Renee wiped her eyes. “I’m going to cherish it.”


“Because when I tell you a lightswitch is going to go off in your head!” Rarity wailed. “And then you’ll hate me!”

“Renee, that won’t happen.”

Renee looked Daniel in the eyes with her own sad orbs. “…You just drank the immortality serum.”

Daniel’s eyes widened in panic. He took several steps back and shoved his fingers down his throat, triggering the gag reflex.

“Daniel, don’t…” Renee called. She winced as he heaved up his entire dinner right there on the floor.

“There… It’s out of me…”

“It has already taken effect,” Renee said. “Your eyes flashed. You’re immortal now.”

“N-no…” Daniel said. “N-no! She’s gotten to me Renee! This serum!? It might make all you immortal but she just wants me dead! I’m not going to be able to Ascend anymore!”

“You couldn’t Ascend anymore since the accident!” Renee shouted back.

“We didn’t know that!”

“I couldn’t take that risk!” Renee blurted, tears rolling down her face. “I… I… I couldn’t handle it. I was weak. I saw you growing old while I haven’t even started getting wrinkles. I…” She ran off into another room of the house, placing her hoof on a wall, shuddering violently.

I’ve betrayed him. I’m just the worst… I should have stood by him until the end…

She felt Daniel’s face press into her mane and his arms wrap around her. She tensed.

“Shh…” he said. “Relax. Relax…”


“Relax,” he said, lifting her up. He took her to the bedroom and laid her down gently, kneeling down at the left side so he was eye level with her. “…You… You just did what you thought was right.”

Renee put a hoof on his cheek. “I had no right… I shouldn’t have…”

“If you really think I’m not right in the head… then that was the right thing to do.”


“I’m absolutely terrified now,” Daniel admitted. “I know I can’t Ascend anymore. Because of what was in that potion. But you’re sure it’ll keep me from growing old. …It might, just to keep you off her trail. But when it does happen… Please, please don’t blame yourself.”

Renee choked. “Daniel, I’m sorry!” She yelled, throwing her hooves around his neck.

“It… It’s okay,” Daniel said, returning the embrace.

He was lying through his teeth. He most definitely wasn’t okay. But he could live with it for Renee’s sake. It was a sacrifice he was more than willing to make.


The South Pole of Elemental Four was brutally cold. Luckily Corona was a master of all kinds of heat magic, so she could surround the cold area with bright miniature suns to keep everything at a comfortable temperature. The ice was too deep and ancient to melt significantly simply from one day of comfortable heat, so the majesty of the icy wastes was maintained.

The true South Pole had a small forest of dead trees. How these trees had ever survived in such brutal conditions was unknown, but it was suspected it had something to do with the Spirit Portal. The answer would remain a mystery, for this was one of the places research was not allowed. People weren’t even allowed to come here without special permission.

Today, special permission had been granted. It was open to anyone who wanted to bid Iroh a final goodbye.

Hundreds of people had shown up to wave the great leader of Elemental Four on to the next phase in his existence.

Corea and Tenzin stood in front of the frozen glow of spirit energy. Both were older – Tenzin had actually managed to grow a beard, and Corea was almost a full grown mare. She had her cutie mark not in being the Avatar, or bending, but in cooking, discovered when she had taken a slight break from potion making. It was a beautiful apple sitting in a simmering pot.

For a moment, it looked like they were going to work together to execute a complex bending pattern – but Tenzin turned to Corea and shook his head. He took a few steps back, reuniting with his wife and newborn child.

Corea glanced to Iroh. “Guess this is the final test of the Avatar, huh?”

Iroh smiled. “I have other ways in, Corea.”

Corea took a breath. “But this is the best one.” She spread her hooves wide and focused deep within herself. She held an image of Iroh close in her mind. She took in a sharp breath and opened her eyes wide – entering the Avatar State. A ball of air surrounded her, enclosed by distinct rings of fire, water, earth, and pure arcane energy. She moved her front hooves in a circular fashion, tapping into the spirit of the world around her. For a moment, everyone could see the past Avatars behind her, all assisting.

Aang waved to Iroh.

Iroh chuckled and nodded to his old friend.

Corea shoved all four of her hooves forward, prompting the spiritual energy within her to smash into the frozen spirit portal. It surged with energy, breaking free from the ice with a great rumbling. A beam of light shot from the ground and into the sky – the signal that the portal was open.

Corea dropped the Avatar State and floated to the ground. She wiped her face. “Door’s open. Don’t worry, I’ll close it once you get through.”

Iroh nodded with a warm smile. He placed his hand on Corea’s head. “You’ll make a fine Avatar, Corea.”

She beamed. “Thank you, Iroh. For everything you’ve done for me and this world.” She hugged him. “I hope you find what you want in there.”

“I hope so too, child,” Iroh said. The embrace ended, and Corea returned to her friends. ‘Team Avatar’ as it were, with Tenzin, Applebloom, and three others Iroh had never really gotten the opportunity to know that well. …It was not something to regret. He’d only had so many years.

Applejack walked up to him next. “Ah wanna thank you for tellin’ her what she was, and lettin’ her figure out what that meant on her own. You’ve basically raised her since day one, and for that Ah… Ah can’t thank you enough.”

“All you have to do is take good care of her, Applejack,” Iroh said with a warm smile. “That’s all I ask for payment.”

“You’re a good man.”

“I try,” Iroh admitted, moving on to his family.

The current Firelord, Zuko’s daughter Izumi, embraced him. “…I don’t want you to go.”

“My time is up, Izumi. Continue taking the Fire Nation to an age of peace and honor. You haven’t needed my presence to do that for years.”

Izumi nodded. “…You’re the best great uncle ever.”

“Oh, I’m sure there are better ones out there.”

“You were the best one to me.”

They embraced a while longer before Iroh moved on. His own brother was next, out of prison for this special occasion. Ozai’s expression was unreadable.

Iroh extended a hand. Ozai didn’t hesitate – he grabbed it and shook it.

“Good luck,” Ozai said. Iroh knew that was all he was going to get out of his brother.

Iroh’s niece, Azula, on the other hand, couldn’t remain impassive. She embraced him, tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry.”

“I know,” he said.

“Not for all the things I’ve done… But for not letting myself know you. Treating you like the enemy.”

“You’re forgiven, Azula. You’ve always been forgiven.”

“…You never know what you have until it’s gone or going.”

“And you never know what’ll happen unless you try,” Iroh said, looking Azula in the eye.

“R-right,” she said, wiping her eyes. She released him.

He gave her a smile and moved on – talking to old friends from Elemental Four, giving them slow but sure goodbyes. Applejack’s children. People from the Order of the White Lotus. Regular customers at his teashop. Eve herself. Renee, but without Daniel. The entire primary team…

Pinkie nudged Iroh, giving him a present. “Don’t open it until you’re on the other side!”

Iroh smiled, graciously taking the present. “I wonder what it is?”

“Well, you know how in the Spirit World you generally can’t take things, or the things that you do take may just disappear over time? You can take that, and you’ll want to take that. It’ll never go away. Pinkie Pie guarantee.”

“I’m sure it’s wonderful.”

Pinkie gave him a wink. Jotaro and Iroh shared a moment, clasping hands with a loud clapping noise and saying all they needed to say with a glance. Vriska gave the old man a thumbs up. “You’re not bad for an old guy. Hope you get back to being a badass in there.”

Nova and Flutterfree just opted to hug Iroh at the same time, thanking him for what he did for them. Many others did the same.

Iroh had helped many, many people in his life.

Eventually, he came to Corona, riding atop Lady Rarity. Toph stood to one side, Olivia on the other. Olivia gave a slight salute. “Didn’t get to know you all that well Iroh, but I know you’re quite the character. I’ll let you have your moment.” She walked away, leaving the rest of the group with Iroh.

Toph placed a hand on Iroh’s shoulder. “…Thanks for the tea.”

“Thanks for the talk.”

They embraced. “Take care of yourself, old man.”

“Rule with wisdom, your highness.”

Toph stepped back, her armor clanking. She gave her friends a smile and walked back to the rest of the crowd.

Corona dismounted from Lady Rarity. The spirid shook Iroh’s hand. “It’s been an honor.” Then she left the two alone.

Corona put on a sad smile. “Thirty years.”

“Is that how long it’s been? Time’s hard to keep track of.”

Corona nodded. “That’s when I met you. When you began to teach me. Not just the art of firebending, or the art of tea – but the art of your lifestyle. Caring, but powerful. Understanding, but passionate. Quick, but wise.” She spread her wings, allowing their glow to surround Iroh. “I would not be where I am today without you. You shaped my life.”

“I had no intention of turning you into a pony-angel-thing.”

Corona laughed. “What did you always say about the best of intentions?”

Iroh chuckled. “I know, I know…” He spread his arms wide. “Come here.”

She did, surrounding the two of them in her luminous wings.

“There’s no way I can thank you.”

“You’ve done all you need to,” Iroh assured her. “You’re letting me go.”

Tears formed in Corona’s eyes. She squeezed him tighter. “…I don’t want to let go.”

Iroh said nothing. He let her have her cry on his shoulder. It was a full minute before she allowed her wings to open, letting Iroh go.

“Bye,” she managed.

Iroh wiped his own face. “Goodbye, Sunset Shimmer.”

She choked at the use of the first name he knew her by. She couldn’t speak – only wave.

Iroh walked to the Spirit Portal, passing everyone. He heard tears and sobs – but the closer he got to the portal, he started hearing people applauding, cheering, celebrating.

His life had been something great.

He passed Corea last.

“There’s something evil in there,” Corea said. “I can sense it, just past the portal.”

“The Dark Spirit lies sealed within the tree,” Iroh told her. “Just remember to seal the Spirit World off once I’m through. It will never bother you.”

Corea nodded. “…I’ll protect everything you worked so hard to build. And I’ll do it with a smile!” She grinned. “Avatar Corea of the smile!”

Iroh smiled back at her. “That has a nice ring to it.”

“You think so? I think so.”

He nodded. “You’ll certainly live up to it.” He turned and walked toward the beam of light, stopping one step short of it. He turned around, taking one last look at the world he was leaving.

He could see everyone waving at him. Some were crying – but despite the tears, all of them were smiling.

It was a great final image. “All of you. Live your lives to the fullest!”

They were his last words. He took a step backward into the Spirit World, cutting himself off from the world of the living. He felt his body transition to a completely different realm with completely different rules. A dark tree stood behind him, but he ignored it – instead looking at the impossible beauty of the rest of the Spirit World.

The column of light in front of him sealed up a few seconds later. Corea had done what she’d been asked.

Iroh opened the present, not all that surprised to find that it was a digital image frame. It only had one image in it – an image that could not have been taken before the frame was put in the box.

It was of all of them waving him on at the last second.

The digital frame allowed him to zoom in to see any of their faces he wanted in detail. He even saw Aang’s spirit hanging behind Corea. Even Ozai was waving…

He zoomed in on Pinkie. She was smiling biggest of all, looking right at him.

At her hooves was a small sign.

Cherish your memories.

Iroh planned to. He slid the digital frame into his ‘pocket’ that may or may not have actually existed. All he knew was that he’d have that picture forever, regardless of what the Spirit World had to say.

It was the best parting gift he could have been given.

He stretched his limbs, enthralled to find there was no pain. With the dark tree to his back, he set off into the Spirit World, ready to see its wonders…


“’That’s all fine and dandy, Rev’, you say, ‘but what are we actually supposed to do about it? You haven’t given us any suggestions’!” Rev looked out at her congregation – packed full for the first time in weeks, because everyone needed to know what to make of the new immortality serum that was suddenly available.

“I say take it,” Rev said. “We are not here to antagonize or scoff at the culture around us for being ‘unclean’, that was the old way, back before the gift of grace.” She held up the Bible in her magic. “You see this? There isn’t a word in here that says ‘death is good’. Death is the enemy. It can be worked together for good, but death itself is always described as the final enemy. We can fight it however we want – but we have to keep one thing in mind.”

She looked out at the congregation with a steeled expression. “We, alone, cannot win. Death will not be defeated until the time of Revelation. Do not fool yourselves – just because you won’t age does not mean you have escaped the cold embrace of the end. There are still accidents. Diseases. Criminals. Evil. We know all too well about immortals falling to the darkness inherent in existence.

“But I want you all to know – you still have a choice. You don’t have to take my recommendation – there are no doubt those among you who have been waiting to go for a long, long time. It is not a sin to want to be with the Lord. I’m not telling you to end your lives, but I’m saying you don’t have to extend it to eternity if you don’t want. Most should. But it’s not for everyone. I know this will make things difficult, but please, bear with one another in this time. Respect each other’s decisions, regardless of what they are.

“Don’t think eternal life will come without consequences. Like most progress in society. It is both good and bad.” She placed her hooves on the podium. “…Let’s close in prayer.”

The prayer lasted a few minutes. Rev wished everyone a good rest of their day and walked away from the podium, down the aisle. A few people waved to her and gave her greetings, at least until she came across one pony in particular.

“Eve?” Rev said, eyes wide. “I have to say I’m surprised to see you in here.”

“I figured it was one I’d want to hear,” Eve said, Flutterfree at her side.

Flutterfree smiled. “Glad you came?”

“Yeah, though probably not for the reason you’re wanting.”

Flutterfree shrugged. “It means you might come again.” She paused. “I’ll leave you two to it,” she said, backing away.

Eve turned to Rev. “So, did you actually take it?”

Rev shook her head. “I’ve been immortal for a while. Fell into a magic fissure during my time in the Nexus. Came out stunted. Didn’t realize for several years what had happened.”

“O’Neill can relate.”

“I am aware of the nanobots. Don’t think he minds though.”

“He complains about his back from time to time.”

Rev rolled her eyes. “He has access to ways to fix that. But if he did it’d remove his excuse to grump around like the old man he is.”

Eve chuckled. “And he just can’t have that!”

“Never. The horror.”

Eve smiled – but slowly the smile dissipated. “…Corona would love to argue with you about truly defeating death. She knows there’s unconditional immortality out there.”

“And even they can be destroyed with the right combination of universal power,” Rev said. “There’s a simple way to take care of any being that isn’t split across multiple universes. Simply toss them into the outside emptiness – the Sea of Infinite Possibility. They’ll stop existing.”

Eve nodded slowly. “I know… I know all of this.”

“You have a lot of reservations about this.”

“The whole thing stinks to me of something we shouldn’t be messing with,” Eve admitted. “There are a few of us like that. Me. Aradia… There’s something that seems… natural about death. I was somewhat hoping you’d back that up here.”

“The Word is never what you think it is until you read it,” Rev said. “Death is not natural. Death is the final enemy. Death is seen as the worst blemish in existence. It is something that should not be at all. But it is. We’re to blame for it as well.”

Eve looked into the distance. “I’m not sure I can take that.”

“You’re immortal.”

“Yes. And until today, I was going to outlive my friends.” Eve looked at the ground. “Now I’m not. Applejack was the only one who seriously deliberated not taking it, but in the end she did. Virtually the entire society will keep on living. …We’ll have each other. Very few will outlive the others because of the tragedy of age.” She looked Rev in the eyes. “So why do I feel as though everyone’s joined me in a horrid curse?”

“I can’t really answer that,” Rev said. “Maybe by treating it as a good thing, you’d have to accept something you’d rather not think about? Maybe you’ve spent too much time thinking about how tragic immortality would be in the later years and can’t get rid of it? Maybe, by admitting death is a horror, you’ll have to reopen some old wounds about those you’ve lost?”

Eve blinked. “Possibly all of the above?”

Rev put on a soft smile. “…That’s how it generally works. A million little things shape you into what you are.”

“Yeah…” Eve rubbed the back of her head.

“You don’t always have to get to the bottom of it,” Rev said. “It helps if you can, but it’s not always possible. What does help is talking it through. Which you’re doing right now.”

Eve smirked. “So you’re telling me I’m doing it right?”

“More or less. Could stand to have faith mixed in there, but y’know, nothing’s perfect.” Rev grinned.

Eve rolled her eyes. “Yeah yeah… Want to grab lunch? Or breakfast? Or… Honestly this is a weird time lull between breakfast and lunch.”

“Yes I’ll go out for brunch,” Rev said.

“Oh, we can go to Iroh’s teashop!”

“…It’s still open?” Rev said, blinking. “Who…?”

“You’ll never believe it. Azula dropped her job as an agent and just started running it. He was still her uncle, taught her everything she needed to know.”

“This I have to see,” Rev said, eyes wide.

Eve grinned, using Seraphim to open a dimensional portal. “Behold, a teashop run by an ex-psycho.”

A bolt of lightning shot out of the portal. “You don’t get to leave without paying your bill!” Azula shouted.

“…Okay, current psycho.” Eve admitted.

“Just get us to a table,” Rev said, smirking.

“HEY AZULA! TABLE FOR TWO!” Eve said, stepping through the portal.

Azula put on her ‘I’m trying to be nice’ smile. “Welcome, welcome, I have a table for you two right here. Please sit down, the menu will be provided the moment I beat the tar out of this cheapskate.”

The unicorn and alicorn chuckled, taking their seats.

Author's Note:

Hey everyone! Couple announcements that couldn't wait for an end-of-arc post.

First off, some really exciting news: there are currently TWO new Songs of the Spheres sidestories! Yiyxa, a story about exploration and deep mystery, and the League of Sweetie Belles, a story that focuses on the titular Sweeties exploring fanfic worlds and beyond! Both work perfectly well as standalones, but I'm sure you'll all enjoy them.

Second, it's time to make an announcement: I have a Patreon now and have opened up general commissions. There'll be a blog post coming up detailing all of this, but for right now you can just go take a look.

Why did I make a Patreon? It's not just because I'd like to make money (though clearly, I would). It's because I want the 130th chapter of Songs of the Spheres to be an animation a-la a Homestuck {S} page, and I'll have to pay quite a few artists a lot of cash to make that happen. So, until SotS 130 is completed, most (if not all) funds gathered through commissions and Patreon will be put towards that effort. I hope you're all as excited as I am for that!

Blog post now exists here.

-GM, master of patriarchy.

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