• Published 17th Aug 2017
  • 7,895 Views, 117 Comments

Outlier - SociallyAwkwardPegasus

A human turned equine is thrown for a loop when he is suddenly transported to Equestria. The ruler of the fair land has only one request for the former human. Unfortunately, it is easier said than done.

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Hello from the writer everyone. What do we have here? A neglected story getting some love? Well, I just felt like writing today and this was the story that popped out to me. So I chunked out a chapter. I really hope you all enjoy. Feel free to comment or hit me up. Im always down to talk.

Chapter 6

The sun was just beginning to make its way past the horizon as a certain green unicorn spontaneously appeared in her office. It was the destination she set most of the time when teleporting to Canterlot Castle, and today was no exception. Looking down at her watch, the mare read the time as a little past five thirty in the evening. It would be another half hour before court was concluded and Princess Luna would be available. Utilizing the extra half hour, Skylight rummaged through her office for some of her paperwork that still needed to be completed. Seeing as how she was also moving into the new residence of the thestral, she wanted to make the least amount of trips possible. Despite being efficient in the art of teleportation, it still took its toll on the mana reserves of any unicorn. Skylight had been blessed with a large mana capacity, however, it still did not detract from the fact that teleporting used an exuberant amount of mana.

After storing most of her unfinished paperwork in a leather satchel, the mare checked her watch once again. About forty five minutes had passed and now was as good as any time to go talk to the princess about the current predicament of her charge, as well as update her on his current status.

The trip to the princess’s study took less than ten minutes, due to a combination of Skylight’s office location in the castle and the fact she had memorized the most efficient route since she had done it thousands of times. Two guardsmares stood outside the study with stoic expressions. Upon seeing the Major, both ponies saluted while offering the greeting of the day.

“Good evening Ma’am,” they both said in unison. The major returned a quick salute with a small smile.

“Good evening to you as well. Hope there hasn’t been much trouble going on today,” Skylight asked. The guardsmare on the left shook her head before responding.

“Today has been a quiet day, which I am thankful for. Only a couple more hours until we are off, so I hope it stays that way.” Skylight nodded her head with a chuckle, understanding the exact sentiment of wanting nothing to happen on your shift, because it would then become your problem.

“Well I hope all goes well and everything stays quiet for the day. Also, is the princess here by chance?” Skylight asked. Both guardsmares nodded their heads before opening the door to let the major in. Normal protocol would be to knock and to inform the princess of who was seeking an audience. Though both mares had been with the guard long enough to know the relationship between the major and the princess. It also hadn’t been the first time the two had let the mare in before announcing her presence, seeing as how the princess was also expecting her. With a grateful nod from Skylight, the mare walked through the doors and towards the large cushion chair the princess was currently residing in.

Looking towards the door, Princess Luna put down her book as she beckoned her friend over with a smile.

“Skylight, it is good to see you. We assume you brought an update about our friend?” Luna asked. Skylight had to stop herself from recoiling slightly at the word friend, seeing as how Devin was currently not in good standing with either of them. Though that didn’t stop the unicorn from making her way in front of the princess with a nod.

“Yes I do princess. We made it to the new home and he managed to get himself settled in. Sergeant Streamline took him shopping for some clothes to hold him over until he can visit somewhere that caters to stallions,” Skylight stated before pausing briefly.

“I also told him about the therapy you want him to do.” She added before pausing once again.

“And how did he respond to that request?” Luna asked, as she sat up more firmly in her chair. Skylight couldn’t help but sigh and shake her head as she told the princess his response.

“He did not take it well, princess. He was adamant about not attending and used some very choice words to reiterate that he won’t go.” Princess Luna could only nod her head in understanding, seeing as how strong-headed the stallion was.

“I see. Well, I’m sure there will be a way to convince him to go along with it.” It was with that statement from her princess that Skylight was about to do one of the most difficult things she had ever done in her career.

“Princess, permission to speak freely,” Skylight asked. Even though Luna was her friend, she wanted to show the princess that she meant no disrespect from what she was about to say. With a simple nod from the princess, Skylight began to lay out her thoughts on the matter.

“Princess, I know why Devin is so important to us and that every avenue should be made to keep him healthy, both physically and mentally. But… I disagree with the way we have been handling this situation.” Skylight waited a moment to gauge the princess’s reaction. When Luna did not give one, she used it as her chance to continue.

“Every day that we determine what is best for Devin, is another day that he will come to resent us. We are limiting his freedoms. He hates us princess, and I can’t argue against his position. If it were me, I would be acting out the same way. What he needs more than anything right now is for him to make his own decisions, whether they be good or bad. He will learn like we all have. But being coddled and treated like a foal will only continue to build resentment until he is at a breaking point. Of course we will watch out for him and keep him safe, but he has to be able to fail. And when he does, he will have us to help him back up. Right now, we shouldn't be focusing on his ability to produce stallions. That will come with time. Right now, we need to make sure he is happy and that he can build trusting relationships and be able to trust us. I wouldn’t be able to bear the fact that we forced a stallion to do things he doesn’t want, including turning him into a foal maker. Because if we did, we would be no better than her,” Skylight stated.

Silence continued to fill the space of the study as Princess Luna mulled over the thoughts of her friend. It was true that it was hit or miss for her when it came to making incredibly important decisions, and right now she was leaning towards the latter.

“You, are quite right, Skylight,” Luna admitted. “It seems I have been focusing too much on the result of what this stallion can do. And from your opinion, I see how wrong I was on many fronts. With that being said, I have a new order for you,” Luna added, as she watched Skylight straighten up and focus all of her attention on the new order she was about to receive.

“Seeing as how I have approached this situation from the wrong angle, I am appointing you as final authority over Devin. You will determine for yourself what is best for him and act appropriately. You will have any resource you need at your disposal and my full backing. Is that understood?” Luna finished. Skylight acknowledged her princess with a strong salute and resounding ‘Yes ma'am’, before smiling to herself that her gambit paid off. With no further business to attend to with the princess, Luna dismissed Skylight so that she may be able to relay the information to a certain thestral.

Wasting no time, Skylight exited the room before covering herself in her magic and popping out of existence and reappearing in the courtyard of her new residence. Only a couple of hours had passed, though the sun had set a little while ago as the moon began to crest over the horizon and high into the air. Taking a moment to recover from her teleportation spell, Skylight let out a steady breath before making her way inside.

After making her way inside, the major could hear the telltale signs of voices coming from the kitchen. After stepping through the doorway, the mare was surprised as she witnessed the thestral holding his sides in laughter and a pouty looking Streamline holding a burnt pan.

“Stop laughing! I know I'm not the best cook, but cut me some slack here,” she demanded. Devin couldn’t help but continue his laughter as he just stared back at Streamline and the pan.

“Y-You burnt water. WATER!” He said, before bursting out into another fit of laughter. This only angered the pegasus mare more as she fluffed up her wings and puffed out her cheeks to look more intimidating. It was only when the two noticed the additional presence of Skylight that Devin quickly came down from his fit of laughter before adopting a more neutral tone.

“And now the fun is over,” he mumbled before sitting down at the table. Streamline took this as her opportunity to dispose of the pan in the large, double-sided sink before looking towards the mare.

“Hey ma’am, I see you are back from the castle.” Skylight nodded her head before making her way over to the table.

“I am. Took a bit out of me from all the teleporting, but it was a good trip,” she admitted before stopping before the thestral. To his credit, Devin looked up at her with a bored expression as Skylight took this moment to take a seat next to the stallion.

“Devin. I know that you are upset with me, and you have every reason to be. I know you are not particularly fond of me right now, and I deserve that. I destroyed any trust you had in me under the guise of what was best for you. I am truly sorry Devin. It wasn’t fair what happened to you and the way you have been treated. That is why I went and talked with Princess Luna today,” Skylight stated. To her surprise, the thestral’s neutral expression shifted slightly to convey a sense of curiosity.

“I told the princess that I did not believe the way you were being treated was correct. And after some reflection, she agreed. She gave me the order to determine what is best for you and to act as final authority.” A few moments of silence went by as Streamline made her way from one part of the kitchen and next to Devin, offering him support if he should need it.

“And what do you think is best for me, Major Skylight?” His tone held no emotion, which Skylight could only consider a positive. It took the mare a few seconds before she shook her head.

“I don’t know what is best for you Devin. The only thing I do know is that you should have the ability to choose for yourself.”

“And if I choose something that you do not agree with, then what happens?” Devin retorted?

“Then I will accept whatever decision you make and help you to see it through. I don’t want to fight with you Devin, I want to work with you. I want to cooperate and be your friend. I know we got off on the wrong foot when we first met, but I will do my best to earn back your trust. Can you please forgive me?” Devin was at a loss for words in the current situation. It was true that the mare in front of him had been a contributing factor in making his life hell for the first few weeks when he had shown up. But as he thought about it more, he couldn’t help but admit that his anger had been misplaced and targeted at a mare who didn’t deserve it. Sure she was following orders, but those orders came from the true culprit of his whole situation, Princess Luna. And he had been taking out his anger on the mare because she was close to the princess and he couldn’t take it out on the princess herself. Despite this knowledge, his body still couldn’t help but feel a little resentment towards the mare. However, if there was one thing he learned back on Earth and in the military, there was only one way to settle things and start over.

“Fine, I forgive you. But on one condition.” Both mares froze as the stallion relayed his condition. There was nothing they could do to change his mind, and they knew that. This was going to be the first test for Skylight to stand by her word and help the thestral with his decision, even though she did not agree with it. The mare could only utter a prayer under her breath, because she knew he was going to need it.