• Published 25th Jul 2012
  • 2,978 Views, 226 Comments

Fever Dreams - The Descendant

The Descendant is the author of various works. These are some of them.

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The Sixth Story: "First Day on the Job"

The sixth story, written as a submission for Mt Little Pony Stories prompt number 67...

“First Day on the Job”
Written by The Descendant

The Nameless Unspeakable Ancient Evil raged, fumed, hissed and poured forth its venom in a frothing torrent of black will and malicious intent.

Spike simply picked up the bell jar in which they had trapped it and gave it a good firm shake.

“Jerk,” he said as he placed the bell jar under his arm, carefully avoiding all of the tubing with which they had surreptitiously both enticed and entrapped the demonic being.

Spike arched his back, the strain of carrying all of the rubber hoses still falling through him. Even as he did so he was surprised to feel a set of hooves rest gently upon him.

Setting down the Nameless Unspeakable Ancient Evil once again he looked over his shoulder to find Fluttershy already providing him an impromptu back-rub. She smiled down over him as her careful touch drove the strains and pains of the day from him.

As her animal companions gathered nearer Fluttershy thanked him profusely.

“Oh, yes, thank you so much for noticing the change in the animals,” she said, looking down at him happily, “if it weren’t for you who knows what that… thing…”

“Oh, it was nothing,” he said, hiding the few bite marks that demonically possessed rabbits and squirrels had left upon his tough scales, “glad to help out.”

With that the Nameless Unspeakable Ancient Evil wrapped around itself inside the bell jar, painting a horrific vision of blood, gore, and death upon itself that sent the animals scurrying in panic and Fluttershy herself the ground in fear.

“Jerk,” said Spike, giving the jar another firm shake, and then another for good measure.

Fluttershy, perhaps uncharacteristically, pretended not to notice and then went of to re-assure her animal charges.

Spike walked a short distance to where Applejack and Pinkie Pie sat cleaning up the remains of several dozen cakes that had taken on the forms of the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.

Spike gulped as he stepped gingerly through the remains of the cakes…

… knowing full well that this is what would have happened to the animals, and his dear friends, if he’d not been so vigilant.

Inside the bell jar the Nameless Unspeakable Ancient Evil seemed to be laughing, sensing the thoughts of the whelp.

“Jerk,” said Spike, giving the bell jar a resolute shake. As a wobbling, bruised, dizzy, and battered Nameless Unspeakable Ancient Evil stumbled around the interior of the jar Spike heard the earth ponies calling to him.

“Well now, here’s the hero o’ the hour! Well done, Partner!” said Applejack, giving him a firm slap on the back that made him lose his breath and juggle the bell jar. “Whoa! Excuse mah’ enthusiasm, but ya’ pulled out a close one there…

“You sure did!” called Pinkie Pie, “I don’t think I’ve ever baked cakes shaped like my friends faster! Or ever! But with your help we sure did!”

Spike looked down, still saw some of the flour sticking to him. He felt the melted butter still sitting among his frills.

“Aw, it was…”

The Nameless Unspeakable Ancient Evil mouthed Pinkie’s and Applejack’s worst fears, the terrors somehow communicating to them even through the vacuum of the jar. Their faces went white as the horrors flew at them.

“Jerk,” said Spike, giving the bell jar another good solid round of shakes, ones that lasted perhaps a touch longer than necessary and which a slowly recovering Pinkie Pie and Applejack did surprisingly little to end.

As the earth ponies turned back to their work Spike felt the rush of wind behind him, and he turned to find Dash standing next to him. “Twilight was right Spike!” she said, giving him a few good-natured shots to the ribs. “Your mirror trick did work! I still don’t think that Ugly in there has figured out what happened to him!”

“Yeah,” he said, focusing on the sting that went through the charred edges of his frills, his own natural tolerance for heat having been tested to it’s limit.

“You did real good, Spike!”

Spike had been about to tell her that it was nothing, that he was simply glad to have shared in one of their adventures, when a soft feeling went across his cheek.

“Oh! My Spikey-Wikey showed that insufferable… thing… a trick or two, didn’t he?” Rarity cooed, touching her face to his once more. If he had been glad he’d come along before this cemented it.

Spike inflated himself despite the chuckles of Dash, and spinning to his ladylove he called upon his best heroic voice.

He opened his mouth just to find the Nameless Unspeakable Ancient Evil slandering the unicorn and the pegasus, somehow managing to question the state of their maidenhood and their preferences in company in turn and without the benefit of being heard.

Spike looked upon it with disgust. To him it seemed that the demon was somehow becoming lesser, losing its power, and was now just down to basic insults.

Didn’t keep him from giving the bell jar another firm round of shakes, though.

As he bid adieu to Dash and his ladylove he stuck the jar back under his arm and walked the short distance away to where the familiar glow of Twilight’s magic hovered over a freshly dug pit beneath a massive, ancient oak.

“Hey Twi,” he said, rubbing his eyes.

“Heh,” replied Twilight, “you look beat, Spike! I can see why, what with all you did today.”

“Yeah,” he said drowsily, setting the bell jar upon the mound of fresh dirt, “about that… I-I think that it might be best if I only do this adventure stuff with you guys like, I dunno, once a week, maybe? At least until I’m a little bit older? It’s… tough…”

Twilight gave a small laugh and looked upon the bitten, dirty, and partially burnt whelp before her. She leaned down to tell him how proud she was, how glad he’d been there when the occupant of the bell jar suddenly caught her eye.

With that it placed it’s misshapen arms behind it’s head and began to thrust it’s boney hips at her. All that remained in the demon was the ability to perform this tawdry and lurid display of disrespect, an insinuation of what it would do to her if…

As Twilight rolled her eyes and turned away the flash of green wrath that exploded from Spike’s eyes cascaded off the surface of the bell jar. She listened to him shaking the jar as she slowly and methodically opened three caskets; one of wood, one of lead, and one of gold.

She listened as he shook it over and over and over, forcefully, and for a good long while.

She waited for Spike to finish shaking the jar, and soon after they began wrapping it in black velvet cloth, tying it tight with a silvery thread. As though realizing what was about to happen the demon shot Spike a look of fear.

“Jerk,” Spike replied, and with that they entombed it within each of the caskets in turn, locking each tight with keys of wood, lead, and gold.

Later, after they had planted the caskets among the roots of the sacred oak, they walked to the bridge nearby, and there she withdrew from her saddlebag a dagger made of a white metal that Spike could not name.

As they stabbed each of the keys in turn they erupted into ash, coal dust, and golden powder. With that they tossed the remains into the stream to be washed away.

“Good first day on the job, rookie,” Twilight whispered as Spike leaned against her, “Don’t try to show us up too often, though.”

After a few minutes she felt him begin to droop. With a giggle she lifted the drowsy form of her little dragon whelp upon her back, and set off towards their home in the library beyond.
