• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
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David Silver

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The girls are out of town, again. Spike and Big Mac are left behind. All the farm chores are handled, but there's little to do. Spike has an idea that he's willing to try, if Big Mac is up for it. A little roleplaying can pass the time and cement friendships, or drive them apart, either way.

Chapters (28)
Comments ( 263 )


Good story, jokes aside. I'm going to keep an eye out for this one in the future.

Whenever I look at the title, the voice of Tiny Tina when she's narrating Bunkers and Badasses gets in my head

Not complaining, and while I haven't gotten to the point where I've read more than the intro to pathfinder, unless Oubliette's and Ogre's is like the second edition of D&D, first season of roleplaying is magic, or World of Darkness, I would assume there was definitely bound to be some confusion with regards to the explanation on the first read through. Even if it is explained as make believe with rules.

And, then the rules get even more confusing if the different races or classes have different dice to roll in addition to whatever bonus checks they get, as with the 'Wheel of Time d20 set up. Or, alternatively, small changes as in 'Courage is Magic where they reduced the number of stats you have to work with to four which is not necessarily easier when the explanation for how the D&D system works has been parsed as well and the secondary stats are secondary to a combined stat that must also be combined for conversion functionality.

Not to mention, while I'm sure Spike has speed reading mastered at this stage, fantasy being what it is where psychometry grants instant comprehension or deus ex machina allows for understanding this sort of thing immediately, learning to DM requires supplements and time to read those supplements, possibly even a living example. While the tools beyond the books and dice are clearly make-do items, if you're co creating the universe with someone else it still requires some event planning. Otherwise, the audience might get confused, like in the game of thrones clip where baby stark was discussing the layout of the city and selling oysters with her patron and you thought is was a choice dilemma exercise of some sort, but then come realize it actually happened/ was happening? Already the performance lost clarity since it exists as a fantasy and performance in the first place.

Spike has, so far, succeeded at reading the list of races and classes, and following the numbers on the pages to make basic characters. That's all he's done so far. He has shown no actual mastery of the game.

I don't know he seemed to pick it up WAAAAAAAAy to quickly without any confusion for someone who just realized this was an actual thing. With pretend, obviously everyone had an internal compendium or pokedex of magic, arcana, and other ephemerally equivalent esoteric subject matter. The concept is easy, freestyle works, character creation __within set limits__ and managing stats (even if it is only a 2 player game at this point) is not something I would expect to go without complaint. I've seen no evidence that Spike had anymore friends than Twilight before going to Ponyville.

And, I can't help but think about Spike as the Tailor/dungeon master from Only Sense Online. First thing he did was make a thousand point character with a hidden alignment that was literally beyond morality, he an his 'familiar spirit' then stalked a prospective player (like Rarity) because they were either thinking with the wrong brain, overly optimistic, or just obsessed with that character's quirk or charisma, then when they find another player they make an exclusive Tavern/cafe/ or Black's Books equivalent that only he and his closest friends would use as a guild hall or similar, after that he builds a dungeon crawl from there, and assumes word of mouth will provide for seed money in action or the wholesale of swag.

This looks to be quite interesting, any chance Twilight will be walking on the two during their roleplaying?

The pony that he faces - The pony that he faced -or- The pony facing him

Spike make a quick dash - Spike made a quick dash

Feels like things are off to a solid start! I'll be looking forward to how the story unfolds from here.

Hm... Well, Mac's position on why he wants to join seems somewhat clear, with him basically spelling out he's a bit jealous of his sister.

Spike seems to have not picked up on it though. Nor does he appear to have as serious a reason to pick Wizard... but time will tell.

This looks like a promising start. Seeing the rest of the background fill in should be quite interesting.

I will do my best to continue the story and interesting fashion. I happen to like both Spike and Big Mac. I also have something of a liking for role-playing, not that you ever would have guessed that.

That sounded like a big job, but also kind of an exciting one. "I'll get to be in charge, for once..." He wriggled a few claws on his free hand, supporting the book on the other. "They will face my challenges, or suffer the ultimate price!" He broke into a wild cackle before he cut himself off with a clearing of the throat. "I mean, yeah..." It was all just theory if he just wandered around with the book.

Once my brother was generally being a jerk and his DM transported his character to a pocket dimension and had a bone dragon chase him for 3 in game hours.

Comment posted by Chrome Masquerade deleted Jul 30th, 2017

Both had forgotten all about hoofball. A new game had entered their lives.

Let the adventure... Begin.:pinkiecrazy:

Two of them held a side of a net a piece, aiming


The wizard Garbuncle, of course. He wanted to test his new companion. :trollestia:

The smaller figure brushed his hood back, revealing his draconic head of the clearly aged wizard, flowing grey beard and moustache flowing--

"Ya said that twice," cut in Big Mac.

"I'm emphasizing!"

Haha. That's great.

What foul monster dears to menace a pony on my watch?"


I see they also do some basic character building, at Mac's behest. That's pretty good.

sign hang over the door - sign hanging over the door -or- sign hung over the door
Garbuncle stirs - Garbuncle stirred
He quickly rolls - He quickly rolled
He brings up - He brought up
knocks them - knocked them
the long ring - the loud ring

And the epic journey begins! :yay:

The smaller figure brushed his hood back, revealing his draconic head of the clearly aged wizard, flowing grey beard and moustache flowing--

"Ya said that twice," cut in Big Mac.

Sir McBiggun is a split class warrior/proofreader! :derpytongue2:

Garbuncle waved his staff and with a sparkle, summoned several boxes of popcorn. The imps accepted the offered treat with a communal cry of joy and they all sat to watch McBiggun and the imp champion fight.

If this isn't the most perfect MLP:FIM moment, I don't know what is.

Ha! Reminds me of my first time DMing a game with my brother. Jeez, that was super awkward.

Spike messing up a female voice? I thought he was good at doing girl voices. He's voiced by one, after all. :P

And real subtle with that crush of yours, Spike~

Spike is new to this tabletop running thing! He'll get to the typos later... maybe...

Spike, your not so secret crush on Rarity is painfully obvious. Just ask her out already. :facehoof:

The way you worded that makes it sound really dirty:pinkiesick:

If she said yes it would be creepy because of the age difference:rainbowwild:

I am intrigued...and wouldn't be surprised by a guest appearance from the BBBFF that probably suggested the book (head cannon is a bad thing sometimes)

Have a like and I'm going to keep an eye on this one.

*rolls percentile for accurate teleport*

Drat. *slinks away through the door*

Welcome aboard! I hope to continue pleasing. You actually gave me an idea.

Of course they meet in a tavern. Why wouldn't they?

Spike improvises well. I know I've fumbled harder when my players go off the rails. Which they seem to do every ten steps. :ajbemused:

Still, loving the adventure.

Its dungons and dragons lad, probably one of the funnest games to grace this earth.

I think Shiny would be a better DM, but he is busy right now. I wonder who else will join up for the fun?

He might have the time... but only infrequently. It means he can hardly be a long term player... but might help our boys get their feet wet, so to speak.

Hey, Twilight played the game with Shining Armor when she was younger. Why can't she join the fun for a bit? I mean Shining Armor's very busy with his wife and possibly his daughter depending on when this takes place.

Now I am curious. Did the show ever show Twilight playing O&O?

8343002 No, but Friends Forever #4 (which is secondary canon and may or may not be contradicted by the ending of "Dungeons & Discords") reveals that Twilight and Shining used to play Ogres and Obulities together when they were younger.

8343014 I thought it only showed them pretending to hunt monsters from the game as a sort of LARP? She might not have ever played the game itself.

A nice close to the arc, and a fantastic teaser for the next one. An experienced player will be able to guide these two to far richer adventures.

Shining does explicitly refer to her character in the Katie Cook vignette in "Neigh Anything...", though the canonicity there is even more uncertain then usual for the comics.

Glad to see you writing D&D stuff again. I missed it.

The writing never ends! But, yes, this one is very RPG oriented.

What Garble should have been, instead of the bully he was.

I liked this line. There were several others like it that helped me get into the characters' heads.
That's very nicely done.

Just wanted you to know that it spoke to me.

High praise that I accept with a smile. Glad you're enjoying it.

The girls are out of town, again. Spike and Big Mac are left behind. All the farm chores are handled, but there's little to do. Spike has an idea that he's willing to try, if Big Mac is up for it. A little roleplaying can pass the time and cement friendships, or drive them apart, either way.
Really that doesn't sound dirty to you?

Didn't, though you show how it could be.

"Big Mac eats Spike's peanut butter" Anything can sound dirty if you look for it.

I find this beggining very clever given the context of Big Macs insercurities in Sisterhooves Social and Spike mention of Hoofball with big mac in Cutie Map. Head cannon accepted

I am a blend of the two. I knew a munchkin who was a heavy rules bender. Could make a mage the could use a long sword that could hit harder and more reliably then the fighter.

Aaaand Shining shows up and just... starts going. Spike seems pretty bewildered, until he starts talking about what weapon his pony would use, then he seems to start getting into it, a little.

Shining is going to use his high level character alongside Spike's low level character, isn't he?

That matches up with a faypony, strong, but not very, fast...

Did he mean 'fast but not very strong' instead? That's how the dice rolled, I think.

you get a few trick - you get a few tricks

I'm relieved to see that Shining Armor, while having a forceful personality, is not steamrollering Spike or burying him too deeply under 'the rules' of the game. At least not too deeply. Spike for his part is willing to give it a spin and is already trying to come up with a story behind the character, which I fully appreciate.:twilightsmile:

He's strong, but not super strong. He's fast.

Ah, I see where I went wrong. I missed the comma between 'very' and 'fast'. The pause that changes the meaning of the sentence. :facehoof:

I'm a rules-heavy guy myself, but I've found that all too often this tends to result in people who think that the RAW (rules as written) are like a set of commandments, to be slavishly obeyed. The real trick is to figure out what the rules mean in terms of how they model the game world, and then extrapolate from there.

Narrative games - which are rules-light in favor of heavy amounts of free-form play and "distributed authority" - aren't nearly my bag as much.

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