• Member Since 4th Aug, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


How could you do this? And on Jueves?!


Twilight and Spike observe Owlowiscious eating for the first time.

For some reason, they just can't look away.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

There's absolutely nothing wrong with watching, just because you're not directly participating doesn't mean you can't enjoy it.

A decent SL. It was an enjoyable quick read.

Hey, someone had to post it.

In any case, yeah, when you adopt a wild animal, you're probably going to end up with a few bits of rat carcass on the couch.

Also, your first episode of pony was the worst episode of Season 1? Yikes. I'm glad you gave the show another chance, but I would't have blamed you for dropping it after that. In any case, thank you for a lovely and slightly bizarre slice of life featuring the local Athena analogue and her symbol prior to the former's full apotheosis.

8306483 It didn't impress me, but there was enough about it that I did like to make me come back to the show.

I wish I could remember what the second episode I saw was...

Posh, this might be a weird question to ask here, but what's your strategy for getting in the head of each different character? Personality notes? Natural talent? Lots of practice, obviously, but with what method?

I find it a bit ridiculous that so many authors portray Owlwiscious as not eating meat, but simply "choosing" to be a vegetarian.

As wise a being as he is, I don't think that means that he would willingly forgo his natural ways. There's nothing wrong with eating meat, even in the land of Equestria. You can't possibly tell me that every single being in Equestria is a herbivore.

It's a pretty land, carnivorism doesn't necessarily ruin that. Simply nature. Nothing disgusting about meat. Circle of life.

That said, this was a very simple, but enjoyable story. Too often the Random and SoL genres result in a boring experience. I'm glad to see that people can still tell the difference between casual and boring.

Well done :twilightsmile:

Once Spike had been chased off to other chores and Owlowicious had returned to his perch to sleep off the bloody meal, Twilight Sparkle took a few minutes to check out the damages.  It really was not all that bad, since she had a spell to remove blood from fabric and had gotten quite a bit of practice with it due to the Crusader's tendency to run inside the library⁽*⁾  for medical treatment after any of their plans went sideways.
(*) Twilight tried to think of her 'patching-up' sessions more as basic anatomy lessons for the CMC than attempts to hide evidence of illicit mark-gaining activities from overprotective siblings.

She swept the leftover fur into the trash, mended a tiny rip in the chair's lining, and went outside to where the trash was put until collection day.  Ostensibly, her task was for disposal, but as long as she was out there, she took a quick peek inside the rat tunnel that had been chewed into the library roots and counted the inhabitants.

As she suspected, there was one missing.

"Stupid owl," she muttered under her breath.  "Hunt in your own territory.  I was saving that one for a special occasion.  Now I'll need to talk to Fluttershy again about getting a replacement."  She heaved a sigh and returned to the library, considering just what other dietary changes she had undergone since she became a princess.

Pretty nice. Probably one of most SOL stories I've read in the past year.

I don't remember the first episode I watched, mostly because it was just on for my nephew while I was babysitting, but I do remember the episode that got me interested; Luna Eclipsed.

8306594 WARNING this is NOT canon, this is SEASON ONE twilight and is sequel is UNAUTHORIZED

...I just realized that I don't actually indicate anywhere that this is season one twilight. Whoopsiedoodle.

8306538 I'm actually M.A. Larson.

The first “episode” I watched was actually the fan short Musicians of Ponyville. Needless to say, I was intrigued.

As far as real episodes, I started at the beginning and moved forward chronologically.

Fun Fact: I was actually introduced to Scootaloo in FoE before I saw her first episode.

Spike should do payback pranks.


Spike's face twisted. "Is watching him eat making you hungrier?!"
"Mmf?" Twilight glanced at her salad, swallowing. 

"Sorry Spike, I just suddenly remembered I need to visit our friends on the other side of the mirror portal for another trip to that 'stake' house, whatever it was."

And then Spike started eating ponies. So did Twilight. :pinkiecrazy:

8306619 Dragons are immune to lava, steel needles, and can chew diamonds. But owl talons can rip through them like toilet paper. :twilightoops:

There's a reason rats and other rodents tend to have large litters, and to grow quickly to maturity. They serve as a way to turn inedible material into meat for small-to-medium sized predators.

I've reviewed your story HERE!

Perfect characterization. You hit Twilight spot on especially.

The little "Spee-kay" jab got a good snort from me.

9677287 I don't know what inspired this story, exactly, but I wish I had more of it.

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