• Member Since 31st Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 7th, 2023

Sky Charmer


Short stories based on Spike's relationship with the members of the royal family.

Cover Art might be replaced in the future.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

Not bad, but I do wonder what exactly I'm supposed to picture as I read this. Twilight claims Spike is tall, but I never recall anything in the narrative to indicate exactly what I'm supposed to be picturing. It's good to have an image for what you're reading, but knowing that Spike isn't the same as he is in the show yet no clue as what he should be takes me out of the narrative a little.

Yeah, I definitely could have done that better. For this chapter I imagined Spike being as tall as Big Mac. Maybe a tad bit shorter. So he wouldn't have to actually look up to talk to his friends, but he'd still have to look up to talk to Celestia.

Definitely, worth the wait ^^, I can't wait for the next chapter. Good job also of incorporating the cannon distance between Spike and Celestia into this, it ties the cannon and story quite nicely together; in my opinion.

Quite curious about Luna's reaction to all this as well (more so than the mane 6). I doubt Celestia would have kept Luna in the dark over Spike, but if she did I can easily imagine her being royally pissed at Celestia for keeping her nephew from her and elated at having a nephew who isn't Blueblood xD

...failing that, I can imagine her going badass aunty mode over Spike (not to mention extremely protective to the point of bodyguard status...though that might just be my imagination getting away from me...).

I'm actually working on the next one-shot right now. I think Celestia would hide Spike being her son from Luna until she was sufficiently used to the newer modern laws in Equestria. No doubt when they ruled together before her banishment, there were laws against having an adopted son as a Princess. Or something along those lines. But yeah, I can totally see her being ecstatic that Blueblood isn't her only nephew. I actually like the idea that Luna is super protective over Spike, I might incorporate that into a future chapter.

This was pretty nice.

However I wish it didn't end the chapter right there...I feel a little cheated. I wanted to see the reaction of everypony in there once the proverbial cat's out of the bag, and Spike reveals that his 'mom' (adopted still counts) is none other than Princess Celestia.

But I guess following installments would focus on that, especially if the next installment is indeed Luna realizing that she has two nephews, not just one, and that the second nephew is much easier to be around with.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

Yeah, I was really conflicted on how to end this specific chapter. I ended up choosing to end it this way because I felt like adding their reactions wouldn't actually contribute much to the story, and the chapter would have most likely ended immediately after I wrote out their reactions to the news. I could always just add an extended version or maybe an entire chapter dedicated to their reactions to this. If that were to happen, it'd be after I finished a lot of the other chapters I had ideas for.

I will be doing a Luna & Spike chapter in the future, I didn't want to do it immediately after this one, as I feel that'd be too much Spike in a short period of time. I want to explore the relationships between other royal family members before bringing it back to Spike. I did do a bit of a change to the Spike & Luna idea though.

That's cool. I can deal with that. And you're right--too much of a good thing tends to turn bad...

I would like to see a chapter on Blueblood and Cadence--yes they are cousins, but what if they act around each other more like brother and sister? Somehow I could really see Blueblood's apparent....assholishness for lack of a better term...at time as a bit of a mask because of his care for Cadence similar to like how a stallion would be looking out for his younger sister...
...honestly why hasn't that been done more? Not to mention of the idea that Blueblood is Celestia's nephew because he is Luna's biological son?...

I like the idea that they act more like brother & sister. I'm not sure about Blueblood being Luna's biological son. She would have had to have had him before she was banished to the moon. Even then, he'd have to be an alicorn to still be alive when she returns. I don't think it's plausible that she had him after she returned either.

Very nice. You've set up well for the rest of the stories while bringing more attention to how, given all we know, Princess Celestia would be seen as Spike's mother. Even Issue #40 of the MLP Comic pointed towards how twilight played more a support role in raising him, for very obvious reasons. So the closest he'd have to a true mother figure would be Celestia.

Quite touching and very thought provoking as to what would happen if it were made public that Celestia is Spike's mom. She hasn't had, to known knowledge, any children in her lifetime so such a revelation, be it through adoption of sorts, would definitely send some waves through the Equestrian community. :)

My thoughts exactly. I feel that if the Canterlot Elites found out that Spike was technically the Prince of Equestria and a possible heir to the throne if something were to happen to Celestia & Luna, they'd riot. Or at least protest loudly. Knowing how they act, not many would like the idea of having a dragon as their ruler and would probably do anything they could to stop it from happening.

It's just clicked with me that they're all one-shots. Bit of a shame if I'm honest since I think you have the makings of a great multi-chapter story with just that first chapter alone...or playing with the one-shot style...a great continuity thread you could stitch all the one-shots together with; like its own little universe.

May have just pointed out the obvious there ^^;;

That is actually something I'm unsure about, My original plan was to write a group of one-shots surrounding the royal family, but since I've posted this first chapter alot of readers seem to want me to just continue from here and sculpt it into a different story entirely. I'm still very unsure which way to go, which is why I haven't gone ahead with writing any other chapters.

Why not go for the big brother of one-shots then and turn this into a set of short stories instead...like the Casebook of Sherlock Holmes (if you've ever read it). Nothing too long, just 1-2 chapters (as an example) for each story and then move onto the next. I think that would suit this story (well...more like a book as it would be many stories tied together) much better than either a multi-chapter that runs the risk of stretching the premise thin (which hinders you from firing off the short tales that you clearly want to do) or a bunch of one-shots that run the risk of either being too long or cutting short an amazing plot line. At least in my opinion at any rate.

For example, you could make "Mother's Day" the first story, wrap it up neatly, move ahead in time a bit, write a short story about the reveal to Luna, ahead a bit further to Spike coming to turns with the reaction of the upper-class, one where he tells the mane 6/CMC a story about him and Cadence when they where young, etc., etc.

Hope that makes sense by the way, literally came up with it off the top of my head as I typed ^^;

I really like that idea, might actually end up doing that. :twilightsmile:


Let them riot. It's kinda similar to when Barack Obama became U.S President back in 2008 becoming the first African-American to hold the highest office. Change is inevitable. What the Elites need to do is either adapt to that change, or stay stagnant and eventually die out...

...and in advance I apologize if I may have offended or otherwise piss off anyone by my comment. It is just my opinion.

And to be honest, the nobles would be extremely stupid to even mutter a single word against it. Why? Well, Spike has more connections than them, spearheaded an alliance with the new Changeling Swarm, formed an alliance or at the very least a Non-Aggression pact with the dragons and is a close, personal friend of the Dragon Lord, which in all due technicality he gave up the position to, is the venerated hero of the Crystal Empire, knows plenty of powerful and influential celebrities and figure heads, is the best friend/little brother of Twilight Sparkle, close friend with the rest of the Element Bearers, is in good terms and maybe even friends with Discord, the Buffalo Tribes downright worship him and all dragons in general, AND has an official court title of Ambassador. It may be a somewhat token title, but it is clear there is some real value behind it.

And that's without even going into his personal relationships and the time he spent in the castle as a hatchling, the guards who obviously know who he is, and his dispositions.

Bitching at him just because he is a dragon without any other reason, except maybe that little incident during "Princess Spike" but that is understandable given the position he was in... and maaaaaaaybe that incident about giving into his greed has also a lot of value, though I think that's been cleared out and solved, is the equivalent of political fucking suicide.

I don't understand the hate towards Canterlot's aristocracy. Yes, they're snobs, but the Mane Six invaded their party and ruined their night while drunk. Fancypants was just remarkably chill about it.

I mean, they probably wouldn't even care. I mean, if anything, they'd be wondering why their Princess's son was given to Twilight's care, considering the whole Lesson Zero thing.

good story but no actual build up to the conflict, maybe try to convey spike's thoughts about the situation about him and his mom or how he's mad at twilight for not being considerate about said situation. the argument between them really came from nowhere and felt out of place.

Hey what gives? Why's the story completed? I thought there's going to be more than just one chapter here.

There was going to be more chapters originally. But life got a bit hectic with College and I wasn't satisfied with what I did manage to write. I'll probably make more chapters sometime in the future, hopefully.

I'll be waiting then.

ITS STABBING ME IN THE FEELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Spike chuckled and shook his head, “Well, thanks girls. I really appreciate you doing this for me. Thought I was gonna have to spend Mother’s Day doing chores or something boring like that. Maybe even doing research for Twi on one of her scatterbrained study binges.”

“Hey! They are not scatterbrained study binges!” Twilight huffed as she walked into the room, carrying a few carefully wrapped boxes in her magic. She carefully set the gift-boxes on the table Spike had set up to hold them.

Spike looked at the table and Applejack could swear she saw the beginnings of a tear in his eye. She scrutinized him for a few moments until he replied to her, “Oh really? What was that about wanting to study bananas last week? You tried to supercharge them if I do remember.”

Twilight froze in place and blushed, turning around and chuckling sheepishly. “Oh, right, that. I thought we agreed not to talk about that again. Ever.” She glared towards Spike and he looked away from her, whistling innocently.

Spike, you are such a little brother.:rainbowlaugh:

Love Spike-son/Celestia-mom stories.:twilightsmile:

I view this as canon myself, for one thing Twilight was WAY too young to take care of a baby dragon at the time. There is the option of Twilight and Shining Armor's parents, but I'm sure Celestia was one of the few (if not the only one) who actually knew how to take care of a baby dragon.

And I think Celestia only wanted it to be kept a secret so that Spike could have a relatively normal childhood, with no royal duty pressures, dealing with prince-in-general-fangirls, or snobby ponies who'd refuse to accept a non-pony as Celestia's successor. Plus it prevented the risk of Spike becoming another Prince Blueblood.

Hey! This was released on my birthday! And it's my favorite mother and son duo?! Awesome!

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