• Member Since 28th Oct, 2011
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I am the Storm Scribe. Let my words thunder across all creation! Let my imagination rain down and bring life to new worlds and adventures. Above all else, may you enjoy what meager gifts I bring...


Starlight Glimmer has been arrested and brought to trial for her reckless magic use! And there's some hefty charges against her, including charges that will bring about a long prison sentence. On top of that, the prosecutor is one of the best in Equestria.

However, this trial isn't what it seems. Something strange is going on...

A commissioned story for Alex Warlorn
(Rated Teen for language and discussion of rape.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 53 )

> “The prosecution calls Rapey McButtfuck to the stand”

Rapey McButtfuck. :facehoof:

What did the Elements of Harmony due to you?

What did the Elements of Harmony do to you?

8199419 Facepalm is exactly the reaction I wanted to that name.

That was good! Though I wonder what else is happening in this little slice of the multiverse now...

I don't know that other prosecutors would have done better. The filly with pyrophobia would have convinced the jury not to convict. Also the thing abot cutie mark manipulations. Even if laws were passed in any fair judicial system they don't apply retroactively

Besides for "THAT NAME" this was a great story. When I read the rapist name, I swear I heard ties screeching, record needles scratching, and window breaking all around me. I have never face palmed that hard... EVER, I know that's what you were going for but I think i broke my nose.

And now we need something about Rapey's inevitable trial where in he gets ripped to shreds and his wife is sent to jail as well.

In my opinion i was actually hoping starlight lost the case but, still good story.
(you gain 2 Pinkie smiles out of 5 (:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:))

8199515 Strict is implying that other lawyers would make stronger attacks on her character. They'd bring up the events of A Royal Problem, put more emphasis on her powermad rule of Our Town, call in Fluttershy to talk about when she and the Mane Cast were brainwashed... Using Luna and Sunset as character witnesses to show the evils of mind control was a deliberately weak tactic.

8199996 Twilight would call counter witnesses.

Descent story, but as someone who went through a class on trial in high-school, there is a painful amount of leading the witness (Asking only yes or no questions, and ESPECIALLY forcing the witness to only answer with yes or no) here. It's not really important to the story, and it wouldn't really work if that was abided by here, but that shit is an offense in an actual courtroom.

8200499 It's why Final was so pissed with Strict. He was deliberately trying to get Starlight off out of gratitude for what she did to the one who brutally killed his daughter. Twilight went along with it because, well, she didn't want Starlight to go to jail. Strict also knows that he's going to get sued for what he did, and most likely lose. He just doesn't care at this point.

So the moral of the story is, only people who are biased in favor of Starlight are able to overlook all the reckless crap she gets away with?

Status quo preserved, case closed, get the hell out of here.”

Lol! I suppose any judge would be like that after dealing with a witness known as Rapey Mcbuttfuck.
I mean, the actual fuck:rainbowlaugh::facehoof:

8201240 I wanted the Cringiest Villain Name Ever. Did I succeed?

I made the mistake of reading that name before finishing my breakfast.
It was a terrible idea.

YOU MONSTER.:twilightangry2:

...I got time for that. :pinkiesmile:

I can imagine how it'll go for Night Glider's parents. The last thing they'll hear is Celestia yelling "TIME TO HIDE, COWARDS!!!!!"


So...they're just...not going to prosecute her for all the other, actually heinous crimes she DID do? Not even the whole 'destroying time' bit? That gets swept under the rug, like when Rainbow blew up the Weather Factory and suffered no consequences?

8202214 I'm not sure that Twilight ever told anyone about the destroying time part. Maybe her friends, at least.


8202221 Ah. So she escapes punishment because of cronyism?

8202281 I'm pretty sure that's the moral of the story, yeah.

Comment posted by KnightMysterio deleted Jun 1st, 2017

You wot, m8?

8202281 This trial was specifically about what she did to the rapist, the rapist's completely-in-denial wife pressing the charges. (He was basically Yoshikage Kira with a lamer name from Part 4 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure before this.) Her past actions had nothing to do with this trial beyond what Night Glider said (which is my headcanon backstory for her), and Strict was deliberately sabotaging the trial in Starlight's favor.


8202397 Wait, can't he get disbarred for that?

8202495 He's aware of that. He just doesn't care anymore. After his daughter was brutalized and killed, he lost a lot of passion for his job. He protected Starlight because she was the one who stopped his daughter's killer.

8202397 It might be about Starlight and the OC, rather than about Starlight's canon past and stuff, but it still ended up that because the prosecutor was willing to throw his career away for the sake of her "avenging" his daughter (for lack of a better word), she went free. The prosecutor outright states that anyone else would have gotten her convicted, and the judge seems to share that sentiment. Just sayin'.

8203111 And I'm saying the same thing. Nowhere in the story do I say that it is legally right for Starlight to get off for her reckless magic usage. Twilight simply doesn't care at the moment because her pet project (err, I mean new best friend) wasn't convicted for saving lives, and Celestia's distracted by Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight: "Celestia, I realize you're happy to have her back, but she does have responsibilities in the other world."

Celestia: "Nuuuu, I want to cuddle the Shimmy some more!"


8203375 And so a tragic miscarriage of justice goes through! Huzzah!
But seriously, why's the Judge letting it happen?


I'm sorry you two don't like the story. You are obviously not fans of Starlight Glimmer, and that's fine. Nothing wrong with disliking her.
However, because I feel I am starting to get angry and defensive, I am going to end the conversation here before I start a fight. Again, I apologize.

It is my hope that you will enjoy my other works in the future, and that your displeasure with this story will not prevent you from enjoying my other works.

8203433 Projecting kinda hard there, aren't you? Where did I ever say I didn't like the story, or even suggest it? Also, I do like Starlight as a character, my only problem with her is the way the show writers are using her, which is kinda parallel to the theme of the story, but that doesn't make me dislike the story. There was a Sonic crossover fic several years back (after looking, this is the chapter) that used the same example of the Elements forcefully changing Luna as legal precedent for excusing Luna herself changing someone else without their consent, it's a good thing to bring up.

Not my intention to make you defensive, and I was going to leave things as they were, but I'm replying just to clear any miscommunication here.

8203451 Sorry. I just... sorry.

8203456 No worries. Thank you for writing this.

8203461 I feel dumb now. I always say that I'm willing to take constructive criticism, but when the concept itself gets questioned... *sighs*

8203463 Critique for method is always easier to receive than critique for motivation. Again, no worries, I quite enjoy your writing.

I actually got half-way through with a fic very much like this, but it was more serious. In it, Starlight was definitely more of a villain. I stopped it mid-development because of a sudden lack of interest.

I'm glad to see someone else use this set up.

“The prosecution calls Rapey McButtfuck to the stand,”

I sincerely thought at first that you were going to use him as a prison rapist at the end of the story.


8203433 I am a fan of Starlight as well. I just don't think that this was handled this well as it could've been. Much like the show itself, actually.


Calling coats fur bugs me for some reason. No idea why, but I swear I'm not the only one, since I've never seen it used that much.

His name was Strict Justice. And he had never lost a case.

You could tell by his cravat.

“WHAT!? How do you even know about her?!” Twilight demanded.

I saw the movie, Ms. Sparkle. And may the record show that I thank Celestia it got a sequel, otherwise my star witness would bore everypony to sleep.

The judge, a severe-looking dark-furred unicorn mare

Who appeared to be wearing a Starswirl-cosplay beard.

“OBJECTION!” Twilight shouted.

And one out of five gone already.

“The prosecution calls Rapey McButtfuck to the stand,


commissioned story for Alex Warlorn

I blame you for this. I'm choking on laughter, hating myself for it, and so laughing even harder. If I pass out, its on you.

Miss Glimmer saved my life. She got me out of there when nopony else could reach me,”

Okay...recovering from the 1-2 punch of hilarity and horror, this is going in a much different direction than i thought. Points for creativity with the usurpation of free will.

“Miss Glider. You are a founding member of the former cult known as Our Town?

Was that really Ms. Glimmer's planned name? Well, was it?! We can get truth spells if we have to. The people must know!!!

“Horseapples!” Final said. “You're throwing the case!”
Strict quirked an eyebrow. “Can you prove it?” he said.


I call Princess Luna Nocturnyx

Living proof that everything is cooler when spelled with a y.

but I sadly came down with a case of situational incompetence and was captured

We were in the ocean, and a wave threw me on top of Pinkie Pie. That much skin contact drove me temporarily insane. They're still finding stores that were robbed of confetti.

8201266 Every fake villain name ever invented by the Nostalgia Critic, Linkara, and every other internet reviewer to showcase a dumb villain, combined with the villain names of every badly written angsty darkfic on this site COMBINED, have nothing on you. Yeah. You did it.

My key issue with the story is that the defense was more focused on debating the merits of criminalizing mind control than it was in proving Starlight's innocence, and as far as I know, that's... not how it works. It doesn't matter how beneficial her actions were if that level of psychomancy is still illegal. Which it is. You say it is at the very start. You can't overturn a law in a criminal trial, but that was Twilight's whole strategy.

Then there's the miscarriage of justice rather than a self-defense defense. The only instance of mind control on trial was the one used on Cringy McThatname. Yes, Starlight was defending someone else's self, but the extenuating circumstances might have held up, and any other instances of mind control would've been irrelevant to the case. And that's assuming that Starlight didn't get a royal pardon for her actions.

Granted, I'm not a lawyer, and we don't know a lot about Equestria's legal system. (And what we do know is largely from the comics and best disregarded.) Still, this definitely could've been presented better.

Also, how exactly did Double Diamond discover his talent given that background?


Family trip? Sand surfing?

Strict Justice nodded. “The prosecution calls Rapey McButtfuck to the stand,” he said.



You could tell by his cravat

Hopefully not for 40 years; the one guy who did that was an evil, evil bastard.
Yet the n00b who defeated him got no recognition for it whatsoever (it was his FOURTH CASE), despite a much more experienced defense attorney failing to gain a 'Not Guilty' when the defendant was clearly not a murderer. The only good news? That experienced defense attorney managed to get the evil bastard his first penalty (which, unfortunately, caused the bastard to shoot the attorney, thus starting DL-6's infamous, and wide-reaching, legacy).
So why no recognition for the new attorney for conquering the unconquerable? WHY?!?

Err...I seem to have gone off on a tangent; I apologise.

“OBJECTION!” Twilight shouted.

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