• Published 25th May 2017
  • 840 Views, 34 Comments

The Lunar Engineer - Randomfastreader

Luna becomes an Engineer in a world where war is more common, she is now left once the carribou takeover canterlot to regain it.

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the partner

Luna had been running trains for the past six years with no incidents, however late one night she had a familiar dream. She was surrounded by ponies, specifically the nobility calling her things like useless, a killer, etc. she immediately knew who was back and asked for her presence.

"Nightmare Moon come here." Luna said calmly in her dream.

Nightmare moon appeared in front of Luna frowning saying, "Why aren't you saddened or angered by this?"

"I am no longer the ruler of equestria I now drive trains all day long. And I live a relatively stress free life, also I am now Tia's superior legally."

"How did you accomplish that?"

"Turns out Tia was stealing our bits while we were on the moon. I had some guards arrest her and charged her with getting me this job and running the country."

"Okay then so I suppose there is no reason to remain, so I should leave?"

Luna then frowned in thought, It was kind of lonely running trains all the time never really communicating with anyone on the outside.

"No. I have an idea! Give me about three or four days then meet me in the dreamscape."

"Ok sure."

By this time it was morning and Luna woke up, she immediately called her boss asking if she could use some of her vacation time. naturally since Luna was the only one qualified to drive her engine he was reluctant but after Luna quoted some labor laws he finally caved giving Luna around a week off.

She immediately went to the castle and started working on her project, it was long tedious work but after two straight days of straight black high octane coffee she had a marvel of engineering a fully autonomous android body, it did however cost her around her entire savings, of 4 million bits, but she finally had it mostly done. She ran a full systems test and made sure everything worked in the body, and then began on the most tedious part yet, creating the soul containment unit, that took another full 12 hours. Now all that was left was to mesh the two together once she convinced nightmare moon to separate and inhabit the body. Luna then checked the door was locked, passed out. she had a dreamless sleep however so she couldn't meet with Nightmare Moon.

The next morning Luna awoke and began drawing the runic circles, and glyphs needed to complete the project.
after doing that it was late afternoon, so Luna curled up and went to sleep in her designated spot.

Naturally the second Luna was asleep nightmare moon was there to greet her.

"Hello Luna, would you like to explain what your idea is?"

"Absolutely, I realized that driving trains was a bit lonely, and as everyone else I know has there own lives, and wouldn't want to join me I thought I would extend the invitation to you."

"And how would I be able to join you? I doubt you would be allowed to sleep drive a train."

"Well if you agree I actually have a body for you to inhabit, brand new never been used and one which age has no effect on with regular maintenance."

"So basically ageless."

"You could say that."

"Well why not? it would certainly be more interesting then being here." Nightmare Moon replied distastefully.

"Great I already have the glyphs drawn, so we may begin, I suppose. I will however warn you this will definitely hurt a lot." while she was saying this in the waking world Luna began to put magic into the runes.

Suddenly in both the dreamscape as well as in the waking world everything went white, as there was a giant flash in Luna's room. Thankfully she had all the window's blinds closed so no one would see.

After two or three minutes Luna and nightmare moon finally woke up, Nightmare moon was shocked however about the look of the body she was in.
It was like a regular pony body but it was clad in osmium and boron, in a elegant design. (a/n need to find picture or make one eventually) which was the strongest metal in existence (osmium) along with the most magically resistant metal known to anyone, the outside of the body had runes implemented into the design for added strength and durability and magical resistance. The armor was also enchanted to be stronger and once again more magically resistant. It could possibly also be struck by a lightning bolt resulting from all the power from the sun being stored up for a millennia and still not shock the electronics, or conduct it at all. The body was incredibly heavy however around 5 tons. for Luna however it was incredibly difficult to make as the metal had to be around the temperature of the center of the sun to be even slightly formable. The result however was a magically impenetrable, and unpierceable body.
they were standing there for around two to three minutes before Luna said "well what do you think?"

"It's beautiful I love it."

Suddenly pinkie popped out of a potted plant and squeed, while saying, "yay I get to throw a 'nightmare moon separated from Luna and inhabited her own body' party!"

Pinkie was then grabbed in Luna's magic and held up to her face as she said "you will not throw a party for this nor mention this to anyone! understood! I don't quite think the general population would be too pleased with me right now."

"sure" Luna replied

Author's Note:

hah it is done and now my hands and wrists hurt ah well expect the next update relativly soon.