• Member Since 22nd May, 2015
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago



Let's face it. There's no way everypony was going to instantly change their minds about Thorax over a song.

So instead, Spike tries a different approach, by pointing out that Changelings are not the only threat Equestria has faced.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 46 )

Man equestrias legal system chill as F*ck starlight should have been put down for attempting to kill EVERYPONY and they should have never took a baby dragon or let a changing in


And that´s how you actually end a Spike´s episode :moustache:

Yeah, in that episode, I was really hoping for a Spike logic rant.

Instead we got a Spike song.



Yeah, now that I look back at this, it's not that good as I remember it.

Now THIS is how it should of ended.
Not a stupid song about change.
Whoever came up with that must of been smoking too much weed.

Loved this beautiful display ofSpike

Yeah. Definitely a better ending to the episode than the one we got in my opinion, though I do still like the song... :pinkiesmile:

We need more Spike logic rants.


Never blame on drugs what can be explained by incompetence.

8163093 Spike.

Ther Hero Equestria Needs.

AND Deserves.

Anything would have been better than what we got in canon, but the logic bomb was extra spicy. Thanks, Spike. T+You'll always be more than a dog to me.

Hmm, what eloquent and poetic words could I use to describe my vivacious feelings regarding this take on what should have happened?

:raritystarry: I LOVE IT!

Naw, people on weed wouldn't do something as stupid as that. I'd blame coke.:eeyup:

Reminds me of that other fic, where something like this happens, but without the happy-ish ending

EDIT: Grief is the Price We Pay! That's the one!


Welp, you can't have everything. :P

Remember: Show for little girls. Don't take it so damn seriously.

Pause #18 · May 15th, 2017 · · 3 ·

I know people want to go around saying it's better than the actual ending of the episode but it's really not.

First, I know a lot of people like to believe this series is more than it is but it is still a children's cartoon first and foremost. This "ending" would fit if the show was bumped up a couple demographics but if it was applied to the actual show it wouldn't work. For the show to make a sudden turn into a "logic rant" in which Spike outright calls someone a bigot does not fit the actual cartoon.

Second, this suffers from the same problem as many accusation/fixfics in which the main character is basically a mouthpiece for the author and all the "opposing" characters suddenly become less eloquent and lack the ability to put up any decent argument. Spike controls the entire flow of the argument while everyone looks completely stupid and he just proceeds to browbeat everyone into submission.


He turned to glare at Starlight. "An entire nation destroyed. Ponies' lives ruined. Friendships broken. All because one unicorn couldn't get over the fact that her friend moved away."

And people are still repeating this. *sigh*.

Starlight became anti-Cutie Mark and eventually created/led Our Town because of what happened with Sunburst.

What happened with the map was purely out of revenge against Twilight and her friends for "ruining" Our Town. Meanwhile she was completely unaware of all the bad futures going on until Twilight managed to drag her back into one.

This is just another of the generic fixfics. Not really a good one either.

This was perfect. A straight and narrow BTFO from Spike.

Comment posted by Vinci The ClockWork Pony deleted May 15th, 2017


What you said was so moronic it's sad

Huh, if this random guy is going to start off by calling what I say moronic he must have incredible counterpoints!

The first point is what ever

Confidence inspired much! I'm being sarcastic because the way you ignore this point is beautiful.

, second one makes little since with a half second thought. I mean how are you suppose to respond with your entire argument is shot down and comes crashing down to the earth like the hindenberg?

Congrats. For someone talking about another person moronic you sure did miss the entire point of what I said in point two.

This is less about how good or right both sides arguments are but far more about how the author decided specifically to make a snarky teenager (at oldest he's a teen), suddenly have the ability to browbeat a two Princesses, Captain/Prince, Starlight and just incase Sunburst (with at least one of those two being well read and very intelligent) with his words. The author going out of his way to dumb down/keep the intelligence of one side incredibly lowered for the sake of Spike/his mouthpiece to be incredibly right with no real opposition. He even has Spike disrespectfully cutoff Twilight during her talking point.

It's incredibly one sided like a majority of bad accusation/fixfics for the sake of the author being right. Doesn't matter if Shining Armor's side is "wrong", it doesn't mean make their entire side lack the ability to make a decent argument for their side with a lack of supporting details while the "right" side SUDDENLY can do it okay.

And your last point is so ridiculous as it just "I'm going to find a way to correlate any bad event in my life and my reaction to it must be linked to this one earlier bad event in my life!".

Starlight must have put in a lot of effort in order to create/control Our Town and proceed to maintain it and then Twilight and her friends roll up in there and ruin everything she built up within a day. Starlight sought revenge because they "ruined" Our Town not because of Sunburst.

And being completely unaware of the fact that Twilight is a massive Mary Sue and that her and her friends have to be together or Equestria is fucked actually does make it better because it's honestly stupid that Equestria requires them or they're fucked. No sensible person would ever believe that.


Thats like saying all asians are dangerous cause that one north korean guy is a tyrannical ruler/moron.

That's an example of false equivalency, though. Asians are still human, and there are plenty of examples of Asians being perfectly decent people around the world.

Changelings have a closer analogy in the aliens from Independence Day. In that movie, we got a full-on invasion with absolutely no evidence of individuality, empathy or compassion amongst the aliens. Now, imagine if people were to discover a lone Independence Day alien mucking around outside a city. People would naturally treat it with extreme suspicion, and I don't think they can be blamed for that. It's not bigotry (yet), it's practical caution when facing an individual of an enemy nation that they're at war with. There was no official ceasefire.


That said, I do agree that the episode could have done better with Spike appealing for leniency in taking Thorax as a 'guest' with limited privileges and eventually working his way up to amnesty through good behaviour. Better than a quick song that abruptly convinces them to drop all objections, at any rate.

However, there's this:

"So you're determined to judge him solely for his race, something he has no control over? You're a lot of things, Shining Armor, but I never took you for a bigot."

Unfortunately, this does not sound like Spike. It's dialogue like this peppered throughout the story that strains suspension of disbelief, where some start seeing the author using Spike as a mouthpiece. It's arguably the story's biggest weakness.

So, If you guys could please forget that comment that was posted alittle bit ago by me, that would be great.

My brother decided that he wanted to dick about with my stuff while I was out. He likes to be a dick to people in general.

Sorry about that.

Though Looking at the stuff, I do mildly agree with some of your stuff, and others not so much. But ehh. Also, I am getting a vibe that you like starlight(Rhyme!). You do see that whether or not it's directly related or not, sunburst leaving still caused the map incident. It might not be a straight line from A to B, but more akin to a boulder gaining speed as it rolls down the mountain. The nudge that sent it off being sunburst leaving.


Starlight became anti-Cutie Mark and eventually created/led Our Town because of what happened with Sunburst.

What happened with the map was purely out of revenge against Twilight and her friends for "ruining" Our Town.

Meanwhile she was completely unaware of all the bad futures going on until Twilight managed to drag her back into one.

Yeah, but she mainly did it to split the friends up, and even when she knew that this would just result in fucking up Equestria, she still decides to plunge Equestria into eternal damnation, all while bitching about how a union between six friends could be so special.

It's very hard to defend Starlight Glimmer when people remember her for traveling back in time, actively hurting a child to ensure she doesn't inadvertently unite the six thus resulting in many villains taking over. It's harder to rationalize her logic when she shows just how petty she is over Sunburst.

Hell, I'm gonna take a leap in logic and say that, if averting the Rainboom did not result in shit like Sombra or Nightmare Moon taking over and instead just an AU where the friends are miserable and have no Cutie Mark with Twilight having to unite them together without that common thread linking their Cutie marks, then we'd probably view Starlight in a more sympathetic light.

It's just that this action caused eternal night, chaos, terrorism, war, strife, and even a freaking apocalypse to occur. It's hard to forgive, yet easy to hate.

I myself forgive Starlight, since they managed to fix things before it went past the point of no return, but if she had done a "damage she could never undo" kind of stupid, like inadvertently killing Twilight via Nightmare Moon, then there'd be a lot more hate towards her. Then again, the karmic retribution she'd gotten would have been very cathartic.

Agreed. His opponents aren't even allowed to mention Spike was raised by ponies, not dragons.

In fact, Spike points this out himself:

"I have." Spike said. "You always taught me to stand up for what I believe in. " He moved to Thorax's side and placed a scaly hand on his neck. "And I believe in Thorax."

Thorax wasn't raised by ponies. It's not the same thing.

That's not even going into how Spike is being very unfair to Starlight. Chrysalis intended to overthrow their nation. That was her goal. Starlight wanted to break friendships, Chrysalis wanted to destroy Equestria.

Lastly, Thorax was part of the attack on Canterlot. Spike is being very dishonest here.


Changelings have a closer analogy in the aliens from Independence Day. In that movie, we got a full-on invasion with absolutely no evidence of individuality, empathy or compassion amongst the aliens. Now, imagine if people were to discover a lone Independence Day alien mucking around outside a city. People would naturally treat it with extreme suspicion, and I don't think they can be blamed for that. It's not bigotry (yet), it's practical caution when facing an individual of an enemy nation that they're at war with. There was no official ceasefire.

That's the best way I've seen that argument worded yet.

By the way, Spike didn't even address all the arguments made. Starlight pointed out how they only learned Thorax was a Changeling when his disguise broke down. He immediately flips it around on her, but... during that time, right before Starlight did the time spell, how would Spike have reacted if they found Starlight hiding in the bushes? Looking like she was about to attack a baby? Would Spike have bought it if she said she wasn't bad anymore?

I think, the problem I and some other readers have with the story really comes down to potential and execution. The idea is neat, we can see that by the number of fics going along the exact same patterns. However, like most of the others going along the exact same patterns, they don't then take that last step of actually making it a deeper discussion. It would be satisfying to see both sides treated somewhat respectfully, both sides being allowed to make their arguments. I'm on Spike's side here, but I would like to see him faced with serious arguments that might not have easy answers so that by the end of it, it feels like he overcame a significant challenge.

I'm not meaning to say the story is bad, because it isn't, not by a long shot. It's just so frustrating to see this idea done, but without that last step. It just feels like the story missed out on it.

While a good alternate universe fic for this moment, there were a few moments where Spike's wording and agressive tone or name-calling seemed just a bit out of character. Felt less like Spike and more like the author's thoughts through Spike. Everyone gets carried away with anger from time to time, especially if your friend or family are involved, but there were a few moments that went beyond even that, for me.

Shining's looking like a fool. :rainbowlaugh: Spike zinged him with three or four powerful points, yet not one valid counter argument. I think we may have benefited from having him actually make more of a comeback than just, 'but, Chrysalis!...'

8167737 Name-calling? I don't recall any name-calling. At least not on Spike's part. I could be wrong, though; could you point it out to me?

Also, yeah, I admit, I did use Spike as a mouthpiece - it was unintentional, but it happened. It was also unintentional to make everyone look like idiots. My intent was to have Shining come across as stubborn, not stupid - the stallion was brainwashed by the Changeling queen and his bride was held hostage, you don't just immediately let go of that kind of prejudice.

And, yeah, I did kinda let my hatred of Starlight get the better of me. I'm sorry, I just don't buy her as a 'good' guy. When Sunset was redeemed, she actually had to suffer the consequences of her actions, becoming the school pariah, and not even her own friends trusted her after all the crap she pulled. She had to earn their trust and prove she had changed.

Starlight, though? No one outside the Mane 6, Spike, the former residents of Our Town, and possibly Discord and the Princesses even know what she did thanks to the timeline resetting itself. No one in Ponyville has any hatred towards her. At most they're annoyed with her because she kept shoving her magic down their throats. She has not truly suffered any consequences for what she did.

All that said, I'm not gonna delete this fic. I'll keep it on as a reminder of how not to write an accusation fic, and let the conversation in the comments section continue, let the differing viewpoints clash.

Thanks to everyone for the constructive criticism, and I'll try to do better next time.

8168663 I was mostly thinking of when Spike called Shining a bigot to his face. :derpytongue2:

Well I certainly wouldn't delete it, regardless. :) It's not as if it's terribly written. There's just a few finer points people are focusing on regarding Spike's role and usage, as well as the lack of a noticeable counter-argument from the other characters. :twilightsmile:

Spike really only needed to bring up the first point in the story for his argument to be credible enough to make Shining Armor question his mistrust of Thorax. All the other stuff was over-the-top. He just needed to point out to Shining that there was no attempt by him back in the day to have Spike thrown in Canterlot's dungeon after he destroyed a good portion of Ponyville, including the Town Hall. If Shining could still trust someone like that, then logically he should be able to trust a being who had done far less, aside from being born a Changeling.

It's not name-calling, if it is 100 % true.

Shining was a bigot in this fic, saying stuff like 'changelings are all bad,'

Griffins and minotaurs.

Actually, the very fact that the changed timelines ended up being, in a way, an isolated incident with most ponies none the wiser makes it more believable that she didn't get punished than if she did, because no pony was affected, really, and only Twilight and Spike really know what happened. Since Twilight is a Princess, that makes her have ultimate authority in this case, and she chose mercy. As for Starlight using magic on the townsponies, she only really used magic directly on Big Mac and Twilight's friends. Everyone else, she just used magic as a shortcut. And again, they were isolated.

There's a lot of common sense and details to facts missing in some of the episodes on this show. Good thing we have this website and so many talented people to bring it all to light and make a great story!:twilightsmile:

Awesome job!:moustache:
P.S. I hated that song!:applejackunsure:

I'm kinda surprised that Spike didn't also mention the fact that Starlight was practically doing the same thing he's doing when she befriended Trixie despite Twilight telling her that she couldn't be trusted.

This is obviously a more realistic take on what would've occurred, though it was a bit painful to see Spike recount Starlight's gravest error in front of others to prove his point. I don't believe he would actually do that either, he's too sensitive to humiliate her like that.

And to be fair, the 'wasteland' reality didn't prove that all of Equestria was as such. There could've easily been some flourishing lands and thriving civilizations if they had just traveled far enough. You can't judge a whole world by your line of sight in a single spot.

But I digress, I understand why you chose the Starlight comparison, as Nightmare Moon was transformed by magic, Discord messed things up but never seemed to really hurt anypony, and the other redeemed characters weren't responsible for acts bad enough to mention as the example.

I guess I just would've preferred it if Starlight had offered up the information herself to defend Thorax alongside Spike. She was the most likely among them to have a change of heart first, given her past. Then it would be less like a break of confidence between friends and more of an honest confession for a noble cause.

That said, this story was actually rather well-written. Spike's arguments carried weight and things flowed convincingly. You chose to have Shining not completely accept that Thorax was safe to be around as-of-yet, but he was willing to give the benefit of the doubt in light of Spike's actions and arguments. I like the song too, but this was a more logical turn of events. Thank you for sharing.

Great story you have here, keep up the good work.:twilightsmile:

Yeah Starlight hardly did anything too bad Spike is just being an asshole, and Starlight isn’t being a hypocrite she’s using something called common sense.

And being completely unaware of the fact that Twilight is a massive Mary Sue and that her and her friends have to be together or Equestria is fucked actually does make it better because it's honestly stupid that Equestria requires them or they're fucked. No sensible person would ever believe that.

Thank you, yeah I wouldn’t believe that either, I mean Celestia could just get different Element Bearers even Starlight points out that is unbelievable.

Shining your an idiot

They would just say that he wasn't in control of himself and that twilight as his guardian should have been aware of the dangers of his species and how to care for him properly. Thorax might have not gotten a choice either the queen was pretty mean.

"No!" Spike yelled, stamping his foot. Everypony went quiet in shock. " She opened this door!" he pointed accusingly at Starlight. "I will defend my friend and my position!"

THAT'S HOW IT IS! You show who's boss! Take out your member and put it on the table and break it!

“There's a lot of common sense and details to facts missing in some of the episodes on this show.”

Tell me about it... :facehoof:
Common sense and good communication are all tossed out the window the minute it’s convenient for an overdramatic plot. It gets real frustrating at times.

I agree. Pardon my foul language, but this is the type of Spike I like. One who will have absolutely none of anypony's shit.

OMG! I can't believe someone liked this fic enough to do a Youtube reading! :pinkiehappy:

Whoever did this, thank you so much! I'm unbelievably flattered!

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