• Member Since 24th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen May 25th

Nightmare Darkness


The story that begins right after you lose sight of Noble six with his duel against the elites. After the fall of Reach he finds himself in a set of events that lead him to Equestria.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 24 )

why use a halo 3 module if the fic is based on reach?

8140824 Its the same bubble shield you can use in the reach game

8140853 i know that. but if you're basing a fic on reach, then it makes sense to use something from reach/

8140855 I should call it a Drop shield I'll correct that.

After the fall of reach

You mean: "The fall of REICH"?

sorry, i had to put that there, ima Ger-Mane General, so i just HAD to to it

you don't need to change ANYTHING lol

“I am a Spartan.” Ken said simply.

*dramatic sting*

I disagree with your Author's Note. It's just more challenging to make a good one, that's all.

Also why didn't Lyra freak out over Kens hands?

8145487 I toned down her craziness over humanity to a just interest not a obsession like most of the fandom has her as.

Cumulus, it always gets worst before it gets better.


“I don't know if it could get worst than that.” He said almost to himself.

Same thing.
Overall, this right now is pretty good.

8145788 thanks for seeing that I was tired XD

“Plan for the worse, then think it can get even more bad then that.” He said.


“I don't know if it could get worst than that.” He said almost to himself.


Ken looked to see several elites lit up energy swords and charged.

Light, not lit. This is in present tense.

The first elite was charged by a pegasus’s spear hit the elites shield causing it dissipated

The first part needs something done to it, but the second part needs to be "to dissipate"

the newly formed twerking till the saw several grunts


and he rife was automatically in his hands scanning for contacts. He jogged several feet and knelt keeping g his weapon up.

his rifle, get rid of that extra g
There is probably a lot more.

You know those things were you don't know how much you wanted it untill you got it? This fic is one of them. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE!!

8146251 I fixed all the problems you found, thanks again :3

8146375 Im glad your enjoying it :3

were fifteen dead, twelve wounded, .

Extra Comma

WHat happened? I didn't get any proper reports

Extra Capitals.

While I love this story, I noticed that it could be slightly improved.

He continued to climb and found the hanger several of the crew had met cruel ends

He continued to climb and found the hanger where several of the crew had met cruel ends

He half expected to crash himself I into the hangar doors

He half expected to crash himself into the hangar doors

Pulling back on the flight stick as they took to the atmosphere. Warning, fragment sentence detected, complete this sentence using United Nations Space Command approved grammar.

Pulling back on the flight stick as their Condor took them higher into the atmosphere.

He removed his helmet and grabbed a water bag that was on the ground (If he was still inside the Condor the water bag would be one the floor, not the ground.)

He removed his helmet and grabbed a water bag that was on the slip-resistant floor

The sun moved slowly but noticeably faster than it had during it had all day not long after the sun disappeared the moon appeared in the sky quickly. (Say this sentence out loud. When you say your words out loud your ears catch mistakes your eyes may not recognize.)

The sun moved slowly during the morning, midday, and afternoon, but then moved noticeably faster at sunset. And then, after the sun had set, an equally fast moving moon quickly appeared in the sky.

His years of being ONIs assassin and go too reconnaissance specialist against insurrectionists it was easy to move about undetected in the sleepy village that wasn't expecting to be infiltrated. (Make an effort to place your reader into the mind of, and behind the eyeballs of your protagonist.)

“Look, listen, plan to advance to your next objective, and when the path is clear then get to it”, drill sergeant Chu’s words played in his head as they had thousands of times before. Those words had saved his life during years as one of ONI’s most successful assassins and go-to reconnaissance specialist against insurrectionists. After sneaking time and again past watchful guards, sentry guns, and security systems, he allowed himself a smile as it was easy to move about undetected in the sleepy village that wasn't expecting to be infiltrated.

“I hope the ride wasn't to uncomfortable.” Celestia said. Ken shook his head.

Rule 3b. If the quotation comes before he said, she wrote, they reported, Dana insisted, or a similar attribution, end the quoted material with a comma, even if it is only one word.

"I don't care," he said.
"Stop," he said.

“I hope the ride wasn't too uncomfortable,” Celestia said. Ken shook his head.

“Please have a seat Spartan,” Celestia offered.

“Nothing you have would support my weight, I will stand,” Ken said simply. Celestia exchanged looks with several of the ponies at the table.

Celestia replied, “Then I’ll use a transfiguration spell to reshape that chair for you.” Her horn lit up with a light gold aura, a beam of energy unknown to Kisara stuck the chair nearest to ken. That chair became bigger while turning from wood to steel, the outside surfaces appearing like the outside surfaces of his armor, complete with tiny blue lights. (If Twilight knows the transfiguration spell, then so would Celestia. Also, I want to see Kisara’s reaction to the transfiguration spell. That spell could be used to make firearms and ammunition for the pony soldiers, while turning Covenant weapons into harmless objects or bombs set to explode one second after they are created.)

“Projected one cruiser is going to crash land…but both are heavily damaged.” She said as all of the ponies had emptied their seats and we're looking at the sky in horror with the thoughts of what Kisara had just shown them. (We’re, a contraction pronoun of we are.)

“Projected one cruiser is going to crash land…but both are heavily damaged.” She said as all of the ponies had emptied their seats and were looking at the sky in horror with the thoughts of what Kisara had just shown them.

The bed was large and the room was quaint as well as the ceiling was vaulted so he had (lost) of room to stand.

The bed was large and the room was quaint as well as the ceiling was vaulted so he had lots of room to stand.

"This is the battle of the beach on Reach, we lost a carrier of civilians here(.)" he said looking over his shoulder as several elites, grunts, and jackals emerged from two troopships as the all familiar sound of (he) main cannon fired its pink plasma at their position.

"This is the battle of the beach on Reach, we lost a carrier of civilians here," he said looking over his shoulder as several elites, grunts, and jackals emerged from two troopships as the all familiar sound of the main cannon fired its pink plasma at their position.

"(Yea get some)!" one marine yelled out as he shot several rounds. Luna recovered her (sense and) looked over the (cover and several) advancing covenant forces.

"Yea come and get some!" one marine yelled out as he shot several rounds. Luna recovered her senses and then looked over the cover, seeing several advancing covenant forces.

"They are advancing up the ridge(.)" One marine said before the sound che che che was heard in rapid (succession before) the (marine) beside Luna was struck in the helmet by three pink pulsating crystal spikes and within a moment they glowed brightly then detonated causing the (marines) head to (explod) with gore. Marine is to be capitalized since it refers to a title and is sometimes used in place of a proper name (e.g. “Hey Marine, adjust your cover!”)

"They are advancing up the ridge," One marine said before the sound che che che was heard in rapid succession. Luna saw the Marine beside Luna was struck in the helmet by three pink pulsating crystal spikes and within a moment they glowed brightly then detonated causing the Marine’s head to explode with gore.

"Pick up that rifle and fight this nightmare(.)" he said before turning from the column and dashing to another (cover as) he (mowed several) grunts down (and) body checked (a elite) causing its shields to dissipate as they fell to the ground (and it was to quick) to see but a combat knife was in his hand and being plunged under the mandible of the elite warrior killing it instantly.

"Pick up that rifle and fight this nightmare," he said before turning from the column and dashing to another cover. To Luna, she saw a skilled dance of death, without any wasted time or effort, as he mowed down several grunts down and then body checked an elite officer causing its shields to dissipate as they fell to the ground. His arm was too quick for Luna to see but a combat knife was in his hand and being plunged under the mandible of the elite warrior killing it instantly.

"Your weapons seem to be lacking something though." she said with a more malicious smile.

"Oh and what would that be Princess?" Kisara asked.

"A bit of Magic." she said.

I’m thinking that magic would be bits of gemstones infused with magic that will explode with the force of a grenade.

Why I have a feeling those cruisers are not covies.....

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