• Member Since 12th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Not a brony. No really, I'm not. I'm just here to see what awesome stuff this crazy fandom puts out.


Some time has passed since the Lightbringer's journey came to an end, and the Followers of Apocalypse are hard at work healing a very important pony. While progress has been made, it's proven to be a slow and difficult process. But then a mysterious package arrives, the sender hopeful that it's contents will aid in the pony's recovery.

However, the package doesn't contain psychology books or ancient medicine. Instead, it holds echoes. Echoes of ponies who once held Equestria's fate in their hooves. Echoes of mistakes, regrets, and possibly even forgiveness.

*Contains massive spoilers for the original Fallout: Equestria.*

Editors: mikemeirs, Soge, and a few others from an editing group.

Pre-Readers: BioQullFiction and PinkieDP

Cover Art by Sakura

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 20 )

Huh impresisve how long did this take you eh?

Very nice just read the first chapter

woah there, das a lot of words

The premise had me hooked immediately. To be honest, it is surprising that more side stories are not trying to build off of the original fiction's cast of characters and explore new interpretations and perspectives with them. And for the most part, I enjoyed the execution on the idea as both this story's Rainbow Dash and protagonist Silent Cry are at least interesting to read.

However, the premise does mean that the majority of the writing in this chapter is dialogue, so the quality of the dialogue will make or break the story. Fortunately, I found that the dialogue reflected the personalities present rather well and embodied the theme of the chapter and the overall atmosphere. Though, there were moments where the dialogue exchanges seemed to be beating the reader over the head with the main message, especially in the middle of the chapter. In those instances, I had to ask myself whether Rainbow Dash and Silent Cry would really be talking about the message so eloquently. The choice of diction and sentence structure were really the factors that broke the immersion there.

All in all, I think this introduction chapter is great. It gives the reader a fine impression of the story to come and makes for a great expansion on the source material. I look forward to the next one.


To be honest, it is surprising that more side stories are not trying to build off of the original fiction's cast of characters and explore new interpretations and perspectives with them.

I agree, that is very sad. Interpretation and examining something from a different perspectives is what keeps world of fiction alive. But this also is very difficult task: to reimagine events or personalities and stay true to the spirit of the setting, spirit of the original work, to avoid situation when sidefic just basically says "Yeah?! Now this is how everything really was!"

There sadly a reason, why numbers of people would scream "HERESY!!1!11" and come with pitchforks and torches at a slightiest attempt of reinterpretation.

That. Was a solid story from beginning to finish. You had me tearing the hell up around time the letters came up. A beautiful spin-off. <3

Keep up the beautiful work, my dude.

Christ almighty I thought I’d never see this story again. Took you long enough to publish it!

I have been touched by this story very much and cried many times, especially reading the history of Pinkie Pie. Thank you for an excellent writing!

Alright. Let’s see how good the latest FoE dlc is.

For a pony that say that they don't want to be noticed, that they ain't worth attention, do they sure blow their own horn with unique talents, saying that it is their memories which will surely identify them unless they never say their name or look into anything reflective... Ohh and they sign the letter with their name as well :facehoof:

Ghost whisper, us properly having to listen to each and every of the minestery mares in turn about what there are keeping them on this plane... Ehhh pass

Is it the concept that's putting you off, or my writing? I know it's fairly amateur, but I'd like to know how I can improve. Thanks for at least giving it a shot all the same, though.

that last part reminds me of a silly fan-comic appropriately called "crazy future" by Vavacung (aka loveless nova). one of the characters could talk to ghosts.

a quote comes to mind:
"the only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history."

Very nice indeed. I like the span of the story, a few isolated moments from a whole lifetime. Worked quite well.

That was a very good read, and very touching, especially the final chapter. Well done.

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