• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2014
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"Be good to yourself, because nobody else has the power to make you happy."


In the aftermath of 'All Bottled Up', Starlight and Trixie think they've got off scot-free. Aha, but they reckoned without the keen observational skills of one Twilight Sparkle, and what followed is now documented here for posterity...

And your enjoyment.

Featured on 16/4/17 to 18/4/17

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 91 )

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh my gosh I got a bit of a kick out of that. Overpowered neurotic mages really do have a lot in common, don't they? Even the same rage settling methods. Not sure how well this fits with canon because Twilight is a lot more open to talking about stuff than Starlight but it's a really amusing story nonetheless about an equally amusing episode. Though I really wanna give Starlight a hug right about now. I wanted to in the episode as well. Spike needs one too. That poor guy must be at the end of his tether. Though I must protest :P. Twilight has changed her style more than Starlight. Very temporarily to be sure but the number of changes is more drastic. Unless we count Starlight's rapidly growing stress styles which are becoming pretty common.

Twilight having the entire castle measured is a worrying thought. I'd start to get worried about anything being out of place. Gosh, imagine how bad Starlight got it during the cleaning up in "Every Little Thing She Does." Must have been murder with an OCD alicorn breathing down one's neck. Though if you're an equally OCD unicorn, maybe less so? Either way, an interesting little tidbit.

Overall maybe a little OOC but I enjoyed it regardless. Less OOC and more dialled up to 11 I guess is a better term for it. Twilight was genuinely terrifying for the first part of this. I thought she was going to fly off the handle. However, she commendably brought herself back, with a little help from Spike. Then, the bottle broke. Oopsie doopsie. When that happens, yeah it can get ugly. Been there, done that. The pettiest things, like not flushing the toilet gets really serious. Which is exactly what happened. *Gives everyone involved in the story a hug.*

I enjoyed this short little read. Keep up the good work. Only "complaints" was slight dialling up to 11 but just because it's not really to my taste doesn't mean it wasn't amusing. Sorry if this review is a bit blah, it's 8 am and I haven't actually slept yet... Though now(probably because of sleep deprivation) I'm imagining Twilight popping out from behind a shower curtain just to make sure Starlight flushes it behind her... That's a really...really weird image... :twilightsheepish:

8099194 Well, sometimes a bit of exaggeration is good for comedy, I'm glad you pointed that out. Glad you enjoyed the read, and hope you can shower in peace from now on... :moustache:

8099196 If Twilight shows up behind my shower curtains I know who to blame. Then I'll have to ask you how you mastered trans-dimensional transportation via nothing more than words on a page. Though it would be the least threatening thing ever. As soon as Twilight saw she was in a new world she'd flip out into adorkable Twilight science mode.

Could be worse.

I want to be optimistic for season 7, I really do, but the released episode descriptions... More glimglam Poochie shilling, more OOC BS, more godawful "You're redeemed now, Glimmer!", and soon, the Flurry Fart baby Poof babysitting episode we all knew was coming. Then an episode where Miller's going to pretend Big Mac has his "First crush" and it's on his shitty Pinkie Pie knockoff.

Needs more cowbell!

8099498 EVERYTHING is better with cowbell... :raritywink:

"Flush the toilet when you've used it!"

You should never have to bottle up this form of anger. The people who don't flush rank right up there with the people who don't lift the seat or pass toilet paper over when your stall runs out. Calling them out is justified.

Other than that, I love how most of the things Twilight gets mad about are mom-level stuff. Good fic.

8099520 Hi again! Glad you liked it, the idea just popped in my head after the episode aired and I had to write it down. Thanks for reading, and Happy Easter! :pinkiehappy:

So, Twilight keeps her anger in check the same way Starlight did/tried to in the premier?:rainbowlaugh:

8099596 That's the general idea yes... :scootangel:

8099600 And it fails in the same way as Starlight's attempt.:rainbowlaugh:

Totally realistic. Twilight would likely notice a lot of things and can only laugh at the talk they had about when to burst into song. XD

All this over a table being two inches off?

8099618 The over exaggeration makes it funny. (I hope) :twilightsmile:

This would be perfect for the episode and was so funny and true! :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

I would definitely got a lawyer for Trixie :trixieshiftright:

This story needs more cowbell.

This is hilarious! I can definitely imagined this scene at the end of yesterday's new episode. :rainbowlaugh:

It's an amusing concept, but I think the execution leaves something to be desired. For one, while Twilight is neurotic, she felt really over the top here (I am guessing it was played up for the purpose of comedy, but it strained my suspension of disbelief). For another, I'm not sure how much I like the idea of Twilight bottling her anger just like Starlight - albeit this is more personal taste on my end. Finally, I felt that the story itself was overly wordy, and there are multiple run-on sentences. They were slightly disorienting.

8099636 It's weird, I can't think of a single lawyer character in MLP. Hmm... :unsuresweetie:
8099822 Thanks, I thought it would've made a good epilogue too. :twistnerd:
8099834 Well, she's certainly demonstrated quite a bit of neurosis in the past (Remember Lesson Zero) and I tried to keep her behaviour within reason while still trying to be funny, but some are bound to find it a bit over the top. Still, thank you for your comment. :scootangel:

"Needs more cowbell."

Wait, when did Twilight meet The Bruce Dickinson? Was it the last time she visited Sunset Shimmer? :rainbowlaugh:

This is Twilight we're talking about... :twilightoops: :rainbowlaugh:

This story triggered my OCD.

Thank you.

This was a fun little read and so totally Twilight! Trixie, as always, is just worried about Trixie. Starlight was very well done.

Just an aside, I was wondering what you thought of the season premier. I thought both episodes fairly good, though kind of missed them being an epic adventure, as they usually are. It seemed more slice of life, which made it a very nice and interesting change, IMHO. Really liked Celestia having more of a part in an episode, as well. Loved the bottled anger plot, too. I have a tendency to do that myself and it was nice to see how the show talked about it in such an interesting way. What are your thoughts?

8099845 Perhaps a future candidate for a guest voice? :moustache:
8099872 Oh dear, sorry about that. Still, I hope you enjoyed reading it, at least. :scootangel:

8099427 ...and how's the stick lodged firmly up your ass, is it snug?

8099875 Hi, glad you like the fic. It was a snap idea I had as soon as the episodes were over, happy to see a lot of people seem to be enjoying it! :twilightsmile:

In terms of what I thought of the initial two episodes, my feelings are very much the same as yours... it was nice to have a 'cooldown' pair of episodes for a change where there wasn't much at stake and the ponies could just live a typical day, if you call almost sending away your star student and equine possession 'a typical day'. Still, when you consider what normally goes on in Equestria, it probably could qualify as pretty dull. :twistnerd:

This was just GREAT Good work :D

Heh, and here I was expecting Twilight would assume something totally different as the explanation for why her table was two inches out of place, initially catching Starlight and Trixie off guard as that wasn't what really happened, but then decide to run with that so to spare themselves more trouble in the end.

I think this is better though. :rainbowlaugh:

That pic sums up Twilight so well... :rainbowlaugh:

'needs more cowbell'

made my day xD


>Claiming someone noticing a declining level of quality and effort has to have a stick up his ass
>>No stories, no blog posts, memeface-tier avatar, six followers.

Alt detected. Blocking now.

A faithful reproduction of the show, with a change in point of view. That works.
I understand that the show writers needed a sympathetic reason for Starlight Glimmer to be angry, but I just hope the over-the-top uncaring wastrel version of Trixie depicted in Season 7 Episode 2 isn't the one they're going to keep through the season.
She's like Fluttershy's brother Zephyr Breeze, but with with magic to make the situation even more dangerous.

Trixie has better potential than that, I think.

Ah, the old "post a rant that has nothing to do with the story that's been written whatsoever" maneuver.


This is Twilight we're talking about... :twilightoops: :rainbowlaugh:

I wouldn't expect this to be the last time Celestia says to her, "Sound familiar?"

now THIS is how it should have ended just needed also starlight and trixie fleeing town never to be seen again :twilightsmile:

8100130 I wouldn't go that far. Don't you like their characters? :pinkiesmile:

8099844 I don't think so, but I'm sure there was someone in the background in either Manhattan or Canterlot. Or unless Rarity counts :raritywink:

It's funny, but the ending feels just a LITTLE teeny tiny bit out of character for Twilight, just a little.


Damnit man I wanted to make that Joke.

8100431 I'm talking about the bottling up her emotions part. Other than "What about Discord?", Twilight doesn't really have a history of doing that. :applejackunsure:

8100440 Well, that was kind of my major punchline. Gotta end the story on a twist, and I like to think even Twi has some everyday frustrations she keeps hidden away just like everyone else... :scootangel:

Those two need to be placed in a small box, not quiet tall enough to stand up, and not long enough to lay down, and left there for a few hours.

I'm thinking somewhere in the area of two to three hundred and twenty hours, and after that flip and repeat..

8100080 She HAS the potential, but it won't be used when she's around Glimmer. Where Glimmer goes, characters act OOC and jump into roles regardless of logic or reason or personality. When the plot demands it, ponies will do or become anything. Trixie has gone from an interesting character that contrasts most of the Mane Six in instesting ways while still being her own character to a walking prop that exists to try and rub her fame off onto Glimglam.

Heh... needs more cowbell.

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