• Member Since 15th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


I see people two ways who they are and who they can be.


Being struck by lightning sucks.
Being struck by lightning and transported to a world of technicolored pastel talking ponies really blows.
Especially when you get turned into one of the most powerful Apex predators to grace the silver screen.
I'm talking about the Indominus Rex.
So here I am a giant prehistoric type monster stuck with a bunch of ponies.
And truth be told I'm one of the biggest softies you could ever meet.

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 166 )

Are you all right you're acting like Applejack when she' playing cards with Big Mac and Spike," Twilight Sparkle asked stepping closer to her friend.

What is it missing?

Also nice I can't wait to read more please continue I have been looking for books like this for awhile but the only one actually like this just made a huge twist in the story that didn't make any sense From dinosaur to human mercenary in the future But you have succeeded in that storeys place (for now)
So keep on writing!

More dangerous than anything in that world?pfft

Daybreaker ,who can make the world turn to ash like the season 6 darkest timeline.

+1 like for a new type of displaced and no tyrant Celestia :P

This is a good start, but this is in need for many edits

I have a dreem where some one will make a story were the human has balls and is a kicks ass!

Love the story, can't wait for more!

Can't wait for the next one

Main character's kind of a pussy, but nothing I can really do about that. Other than that minor complaint, good story.

Good question. I really hope so. I'm sure Kindred would like to meet him :pinkiehappy:

Great chapter can't wait for more

This looks interesting, I'm going to track this.

Before I read this, what is the Gore tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?

I love this story! You've drawn me in!

Stalking, killing, and eating prey also the maybe a fight or two with either a dragon or hydra.

Sounds something like what I would do in that situation but instead of running away I would just do the saddest expression that the face could and start crying to get the point across that I didn't like that and when they apologise I would slowly stop crying. And they would be sure that they are not to judge a book by its cover
or i would wait for another chapter...

yea good luck finding something that doesn't want to be found

Perhaps look into finding an editor? There are quite a few missing commas & run-on sentences.

Also Zecora's rhyming was 10/10 👌

Trollestia is already at work!

oh i look forward to see the gregs reaction to the 4 dragons that WANT HE D

More soon please

Ur alive!!! YAY!:yay:w

Nice work with Greg's tough's on 'not-doing-celibacy/not -becoming-monk' , and then introduce four dragonesses, who seem to be lifting tail /rolling on their back for him in about week's time...:rainbowlaugh:

Could use some editing thou... That is all for now. Keep up writing.

Please make more (I Will Ignore the getting laid part if there is one though)

Great chapter keep it up

....... WOW 4 dragons gonna have his hands full

can make more chapters please.,


Hello friend

"An and it's very nice to meet you Mr. Dragon sir," Fluttershy said still hiding behind her mane.

stop Indomitable is female or are you taking liberties If so keep going
But I admit I wanted to see a female dinosaur since the other 2 stories that I read are male dinosaurs
Here's the address if you are interested in seeing the other dinosaur stories.
That I am collecting

Man I just found this story so far I like it can't wait to see the next chapter good job keep it up

Good job man can't wait to see you next chapter also first

Nice interaction with the Crusaders, I can totally see them trying their hand at Crusading as egg sitters, dino sitters, and dragon/dino sitters. Also, got to try Dino and Dragon Riding Cutie Marks, even if they don't get a cutie mark how many ponies can say they've gotten a ride from a dragon or dinosaur??? Will Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon come around while Greg is in stealth mode and get scared away by him when they start teasing the Crusaders? Or will the four Dragonesses scare them off?

Good chapter. And here's hoping that Celestia indeed does NOT intend to use Greg as leverage/weapon or quest completer (like Twilight), thou it would create interesting conflict of sort...

Great work can't wait for more

seems like this chapter has some pasing issues but they are minor keep up the good work

Otherwise, the screaming and destruction of property could have been avoided.

Umm, Cutie Mark Crusaders Demolitionests, YAY?

Great work keep it up

Why is my mind filled with questions about how a meeting between Greg and another human who had turned into one of the Super Raptors from Killer Instinct?

Seriously, a meeting between an I. Rex, with all it's capable of, and a Super Raptor, which is genetically modified, cybernetically enhanced and has human intelligence, so long as the raptor instincts don't start trying to override the human logic. Also, they can spit acid and a bunch of other fun stuff.

Man that was a good chapter can't wait to see the next one good job keep it up

I wonder what other dragons might think about daughter's of Bahamut boning an Ancient Lord?...
And princesses are having 'interesting' plans, it seems...

Keep it up.

I'm not going to ask!:rainbowderp:


Fucking pansy ass dino

I just skip over songs and keep reading as if they never happened

Greg making Spike a member of his family is great, when Garble shows up again if he starts bullying Spike I can just see Greg and the Drakena getting ready to rip him a superflorous new a$$ hole

So Luna and Celestia like the idea of futa... tha'ts kind of scary but also... BOW CHICKA BOW WOW!!! And with all the mares in Equestria it might be a fad that grows. I can't wait to see

I've only read chapter one and now your scaring me

I have read the rest and now and scared

"Oh man I'm the stupendous pony in all Equestria, I got to make this right and get back my friends and apologize to I hope my new friend," She said to herself before taking off into the sky leaving behind a rainbow trail.

This is straight from this site: https://www.merriam-webster.com/
It's an online dictionary and a few other things

Definition of stupendous

1:causing astonishment or wonder :awesome,marvelous

2:of amazing size or greatness :tremendous

I don't think you meant any of these with what RD said... think you meant "stupidest"

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