• Member Since 5th Oct, 2013
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago



All his life Button Mash has been absorbed into his video games. He lives them, he breathes them and every night he dreams of them. Then one day he wakes up in his dream come true when he is given the gift of the Gamer ability. Of course, now that he has the gamer power, he must play the game.

Editor: Malandy

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 167 )


i liked it until the cutaway. <3

Comment posted by Clockworklich deleted Apr 5th, 2020

Looks cool, hope you keep updating it.

Oooh, now this is interesting.

I came for the short description possibly being literal, staying for the interesting implementation of The Gamer mixed into Equestria.

And really wondering about what's above Cheerilee's head.


Main typo:

Strait > Straight x2

Thanks, I plan to. But honestly, the rate of updates I put up on a story depends on a few things and the number of likes and dislikes affects that. And so far this story was the worst so fare. But I probably won't abandon it.

Thanks for pointing that typo out. As for what was over her head, she asked why he thought he was dreaming and he looked up at her name and level floating over her head. I edited it to be more clear for future readers.


Do you mean there's a lot of dislikes?

If you want more views... Well, is this in any Groups?

Hmm... 4 groups.

Try some Button Mash groups?

And see if there's an Adventure Comedy one?

If this is how Button perceives the world...he may need some help.

Now, Graphics settings, and the other real video game settings...

Never seen that before! Nice!


Very good guess that Celestia's going to be kidnapped or something.

But hey, Tides of Darkness is a pretty good hint.


Mmm. The Earth Ponies aren't Flashy Mages thing. Nice use!


Oooh, bedwetting! Rarely see that in a protagonist!

Well, his Dex was already pretty high. Hopefully it's past 50 now and he can concentrate on other stats.

He's got a week, and 6 stats... Focus on 1 stat a day?


"10 points in vitality slows aging by 1%"



Presumably the math that Button wrote down isn't that revealing... Imagining if his mom reads the math.


Oooh... Very double meaning here!

And he did never use the Help option...

Oh, nevermind, he did use Help...

1- Thanks. I like adding a few little things to flesh it out, even if it has no effect on the story.

2- He's a little kid that's a hardcore gamer running on video game logic and the quest takes place when and where a princess is going to be. Is it a surprise with all the games where the hero must rescue a princess it's what his mind connected to the quest?

3- Thanks. The magic going into reinforcing an earth pony's body just made sense.

4- He's a little kid. Everyone should have their flaws. Even if the way I wrote him in this chapter made him appear more adult that he actually is, that's because he is still a hardcore gamer and knows how to bleed every point out of this that he can get. We all know that even by nerfing the power by making it work more like actual video games (Limitations for classes) He is still going to be OP.

5- Vitality is gained by strengthening the body, in this case by hard work. How do you think Granny Smith has lived for so long?

This is strange because I have restless leg syndrome and have trouble holding still.


Honestly if I was looking at button from an outside perspective I would be very worried for him right about now.

"I'm not that bad." He said, though his tone made it sound more like he was trying to convince himself than his mom.

Self-awareness or something! Nice!


It helps that he was sure he had high rep with this class giver, seeing as he was sure everypony had high rep with her.



Totally betting that Pinkie Pie knows! :rainbowlaugh:


I wonder who's available to teach Artificer...


It was at that moment that Button considered the fact that gadgeteer may be a complicated class to take first, especially when on a time limit.

Thankfully, Button levelling up means that their class levels as well, so that's an easy way to gain Class Levels.


Great chapter titles!

I wonder if the story's title means that Button will learn how to craft arcade cabinets or something...


Bon-Bon is likely suspicious of Button's reaction, but will she investigate further??


Nice Iron Mare origin story!

Yes! The best pony appears, and she's teaching button.

Epic gamer moment

This.... This has inspired me.

New chapter, so fast!

The way Mrs. Cake described the situation! :rainbowlaugh:

Oooh! We're gonna see Button's dad! Yay!

I wonder how much Int, Button's got now...

"Rush Job" Debuff... Interesting!

Bubble Bath! So cute! :heart:


Ohhh... Rarity as the Artificer, as a high-precision mage (unicorn), who works with the Very Artificer-y... Gems? And it's how he meets all the Elements?

Although, I can't figure out why he'd go to Rainbow, or Fluttershy...

AJ... maybe if the Apples are known as ponies of high Earth Pony skill, so he goes to get tutoring in Earth Pony...

If this branches into Romance, although it's not tagged as such... and goes the classic Sweetie Belle route, well, training as an Artficer under Rarity would help...

Gamers also typically get a Harem / multiple Love Interests... All 3 of the CMC, I see ways for that... Scoots likes him due to their shared mechanical skills...

Just remember the 3 rules button.

1. No kill like over kill.
2. All loot is good loot.
3. Don't F**k with the white mage.

And you'll be just fine little buddy

"Button, stop laughing maniacally and take your bath." Button's mom called out.

I love this.

Does Sweetie Belle appear in this story?

Curse you autocorrect!:twilightangry2: Thanks for pointing that out.:pinkiesmile:

Part of me hopes button is going to go full on spark.

Mad science is the best science after all.

(And girl genius is a awesome webcomic. I suggest you give it a read)

Just a few grammar corrections for you.:twilightsmile:

"Thanks mom gata go bye!"

You mean gotta go.

Quest Compleat!

It's spelled complete.

"Wana... take her for a spin?"

You forgot the second n in wanna.


Maybe. :trollestia:

:rainbowlaugh: :heart:


Lol, Button accidentally stealing his mom's bread!


The motor should go there. But how would I crank it? Oh! Petals!

Wait, do you mean Pedals? Or is that a reference to using flower-petal-shaped motor blades??


So, he's now a LV6 Gadgeteer & LV2 Button Mash... He's gotta max out Gadgeteer before he can become an Artificer... I wonder how long it'll take to master...

I'll guess that there's 10 levels, because that's a nice arbitrary number.


Well, well... A go-kart... That increases Button's Travel Ability by a lot? Possibly to other cities... I feel it's very unlikely he's going beyond Ponyville, as he's still a kid, even given how Free-range, ponies are...

I gotta remember we're in Season 0... the CMC aren't formed yet, and that Derby Race is Seasons away...


Oh, so Mommy Mash... Is her actual name in this fic, not just what Button calls his mom. It fits, given pony naming styles and her job.


He needed to finish his WIZ stat after all.

Ah. So... Lesse... Assuming his INT has gotten to 50 too, by now... He's just got VIT and MAG left to get to 50.

He's been doing a great job of completing his quests so far... But, 1 to 50 in a stat he barely knows how to use... in 3 days or so... And the 3 days are School Days, since the day in this chapter seems to be Sunday...

I'm open to the possibility that he doesn't get all 6 stats to 50.

Been really liking this so far, glad you're continuing it. Noticed he leveled up, but didn't distribute stats, that for next chapter? And how does leveling a class impact him?

As said before Button plan's to squeeze out every last point he can so he is saving them.

As for classes, some skills can only be attained if he has a class in it, and some require an amount of levels in it. The trait he gets when he gets a class evolves at certain levels in its class.

since he is a Gadgeteer he will upgrade that go-kart to something like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43rxThjYWsE

before the derby


Oh, so Mommy Mash... Is her actual name in this fic, not just what Button calls his mom.

Actually, fans have given her the name Cream Heart. I'm not sure if she has an official name.

She doesn't have an official name. When I checked on what name the fans gave her I found several so I just named her Mommy for the same reason I gave her a job at the daycare. Her cutie mark is a pink heart and a baby bottle.

Out of curiosity, what's the difference between normal and medium?

"Online" huh.

Well, they have TV or something. Magic can do a lot.

Really wondering about those arcade machines.


Is this the first we've seen the inventory? Interesting.

And first enemies.

Oh, so character levelling and class levelling as a result of that, is in separate messages, ok.


I wonder what Magic book he'll get.

And taking the chest! Nice! ... Hmm... Everything is about him being a Gadgeteer right now... So, how is that gonna be used to craft things?


That Bestiary should have some info now...

One level. I used an old game I used to play, can't recall the name at the moment, where easy makes the mobs and traps 2 levels lower than the players, normal is the same level and as you go up the mobs go up another level unless you choose insane. If you do then all of the mobs have the same level that the boss has, and as you saw the boss was much higher than Button. The boss also gets stat boosts as the difficulty increases and in insane gets several new attacks and has a passive regeneration. Traps become harder to detect and do more damage and in insane all traps are insta-kills.


Actually, most cannon info is what Button Mash Adventure called her *Cream Heart*. Why is it most cannon? Because hazbro shot them down like a duck.
I don't know how much more Mrs. Mash can take of her son being active.

Same as in the show. On the day of the summer sun celebration.

So this is before then?
You said Librarian was DEAD.

Yes, this is before. The time limit for the timed quest is the summer sun celebration. Remember no one worked the library when twilight showed up and she lived in it until it was blown up.

Somewhere in ponyville a nerd is having a meltdown.

since he is a Gadgeteer maybe he can make something like a Operation Orb from Youjo Senki here is a description https://youjo-senki.fandom.com/wiki/Operation_Orb

I love how Pinkie is effecting Button. These two are great together.

Imagine, as Twilight and spike are traversing through Ponyville on the day they arrive and watch Button in secluded area performing magic flare without a horn.

Plus, this maybe the video game Okami talking but would magic casting through Button's tail work for him as a foci since it is a point from his body and not constantly touching the ground like his hooves

So like a alicorn amulet but not all... bad guy like?

Think of it as a clockwork version of Harry Potter wands but you can also fly

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