• Member Since 9th May, 2016
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Tropical Applejack

All bubble-blowing fillies will be beaten senseless by every able bodied pony in the bar (bar).


Derpy, Dinky, and Carrot Top: one small, happy family. After years of foal-sitting, farming, and comforting one another, Cara realizes a strange feeling she might have for the clumsy pegasus. All her hard work is about to pay off... but how?

Inspired by the well-known Beyond Her Garden made by our good friend Glaze. (And if you're reading this, Glaze, thank you so much for the inspiration. Hope to see you continue to make great things!)

Contains unpopular shipping; be warned.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 22 )

Do you know how I can talk to Glaze? PM me if you have to.

I don't know how; I was just putting the message there for if he ever sees this. However, if you want to talk to him, I would recommend commenting on his channel's discussion page or trying to establish contact via social media.

This. Was. Amazing. This is one of the better ships, even though it is strange, but it works really well. something that confused me was this

I tend to point at the sun when it's about to set, and now is no different. When this happens, we always go through the same routine.

Just curious as to why. Wonderful story that left me smiling. Good job, and keep up the good work. ~:derpyderp2:

Thanks a bunch for leaving such a lovely comment and favoriting this silly shipfic! :twilightsmile:
I've written another unpopular-shipping fanfic that you may enjoy, as well as one about my OTP. Maybe you'd like them too!

I'd like to say I understand what you mean when you say you're confused about the quote, but I guess I can't. If you mean why Carrot Top would do that, it's because she's a farmer - workin' dawn til' dusk! But if you mean the wording, I'm not sure how to make it better.

Again, thanks for writing something so kind. What in particular made you enjoy it, if I might ask? Is it more so my style, or is it the pacing... the romance... what made you tick?

The buildup to the romance was what made me really enjoy it. As a farmer, the whole dawn to dusk thing is just a rumor, it's rather just checking on this every so often. The quote confused me because I didn't understand why she didn't just say something about it. I'm gonna go check your other stories! ~:derpyderp2:

This was rather adorable. The perfect thing to pick me up after a day I just had. Derpy/Carrot is a cute ship indeed. Keep up the excellent work good sir.

Aw, thanks so much! I'm glad to have another follower and a happy favorite added to my notification bell!

Awww, this was super cute, I really enjoyed it! With so few words, you've created a wonderful story that gets my fave. :yay:

7995769 I tried my best to establish a good connection with this one. I'm glad that it seems like I did good.

This review is brought to you by the group, "A for Effort".

Name of Story: Growing Beyond Her Garden

Total Score out of 10: 7.5/10

-Such fluff, many wow!
-Packed with some nice character backstory and development (which is pretty good for 2,000 words)
-Some nice humour that made me laugh :rainbowlaugh:
-Shipping galore! Lot's of cute moments abound!
-A good moment of realization

-The nickname "Cara" feels a bit forced and off-putting
-Multiple times in the story, the perspective is a bit skewered, as in, you're switching between past and present tense. A good editor or proofreader can help with that, or, if you can do it on your own, make sure you set your mind one tense and stick to it. Most of the story is in present tense, so make sure you stick to that
-Derpy's kiss comes out of nowhere and is actually a bit out of place. I know you're trying to get at the "moment of realization" romance, but this just wasn't the right place to put it (completely my opinion, so you may shoot me)

Additional Notes:
Okay, I've got to say, this is a pretty good one-shot romance that packs a lot of character and love into 2,000 words. I must say, I like this. However, it should be noted that tense is very important. Unless you're using specific participles in the correct way, switching between tenses is not a good idea. But yeah, I definitely can say it was a good read! Didn't exactly see the ship as contemporary, but I liked how it worked out. Very good!

Keep on writing my friend!


~Doctor Disco

Thanks for the review, doc! I'm glad you seemed to enjoy yourself reading this, and your notes on it are helpful. :twilightsmile:

Maybe I should address a couple of the cons you addressed, as I believe it's best to improve all that I can and discuss such things.

The nickname "Cara" feels a bit forced and off-putting.

I'm really not quite sure how to change this for the better to be honest, but I'm happy to listen to suggestions. If you're saying I should really just stick to Carrot Top, I can do that.

Multiple times in the story, the perspective is a bit skewered.

It does that when I take control of events' past: stuff that already happened, I mean. It would be out of place to have stuff that occurred in the past occur at the same time as the present. But if there's a point where I change tense without actually referring to the past, you can let me know. After all, I'm not perfect, and you might be right.

Derpy's kiss comes out of nowhere and is actually a bit out of place.

Although I'd defend myself by concurring that this is an opinion-based complaint, it's definitely noted. I'll take another look at it and see if I can't do anything about it. No promises! :derpytongue2:

But all in all, if you really enjoyed this like you said you did, I would suggest checking out my other shipfics. I'm especially proud of Two Eyes, One Heart - and I think you might just love it if you like this fluff. :pinkiehappy:

Personally I liked it lol it's such a cute story. I always liked this ship more then Actually Doctor Whooves, but still nobody probably sees it that way.:twilightsheepish: anyway thanks I think I got enough fluff to last the whole day :pinkiehappy:

I actually agree. As much as I think Derpy x Doctor Whooves is cute, I still think that CarrotDerp makes a MUCH better pair. :heart:

And so lovely of you to give me a follow! :yay:

Nice to see a very original fic pairing.

Quite the unique ship, if I do say so myself.

I never knew how much i wanted this ship to happen until now, thank you Tropical Applejack.:derpytongue2::heart::carrottop:🥕

Glad you enjoyed it! Be sure to leave a like. Maybe you could check out some of my other shipfics, or just fics in general.

This is a vastly underrated ship, to be sure.

This story is just too adorable. My heart is very full.

Thank you! Derpy x Carrot Top is so underrated

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