• Published 2nd Feb 2017
  • 5,127 Views, 892 Comments

Prickle Berry Tries to Be Careful - David Silver

Prickle didn't ask to become so strong, but it just happened. Now, as a growing foal, she's mightier than many grown stallions. What's an earth-filly to do? She tries her best to move forward and not draw attention to her supernatural strength.

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45 - Start Episode 12 - Conference

Prickle was on her way home from school. She was getting good grades, and that made her and her mother happy. "Even if I'm a super pony, that's no excuse to not study," she said to herself, almost singing it as she trotted with a smile.

"Mail!" came the excited cry of a mailmare as Muffins landed in front of Prickle. She looked Prickle over. "Yup, it's for you." She reached into her saddlebag with her snout, rooting around before plucking free a large envelope. "Here you go!"

"Thanks," noted Prickle with some surprise. She didn't get mail often and she sat on her haunches to turn the envelope around in her hooves carefully. It wasn't addressed to her, exactly. Right there in big bold letters it said 'Tiny Titan'. She squeaked and hid it away. "Hey!"

Muffins tilted her head a moment before it seemed to click. "As a mailmare, it is my duty to know the address and identity of all the ponies in Ponyville." A smile split her wall-eyed face. "That letter belongs to you. Have a nice day!" She rose into the air on her wings and fluttered away on her route.

Prickle let out a sigh as she resumed her walk. It was becoming easier to name the ponies in town that didn't know her 'secret' than those that did. As if conjured by her thoughts, a pony that was one of the few unaware came trotting towards her.

"Hey, Prickle," called out Diamond as she approached. "I'm onto you."

Prickle blinked and flinched away. Not her, anypony but her!

Diamond flashed a wicked smile. "You're going to teach them a lesson."

Prickle deflated as confusion took the wind out of her sails. "Teach who what?"

"I figured it out, why you're not just using that freakish strength of yours." She sat on her haunches and pointed back at school. "You're studying because you want to show that earth ponies can do whatever they want, and I respect that." She cuffed Prickle on the shoulder roughly. "That takes real guts. I mean, you could just be using that freaky strength to get by, but noooo, here you are, trying to show you're more than that. That earth ponies are more than brute help." Her nose wrinkled. "I'll admit it, I was wrong about you."

Prickle's mouth worked without sound a moment. Part of her rejoiced to hear acceptance coming from Diamond's snout, but... But...

"Don't look that way." She rose to her hooves. "Look, we're in this together, as earth ponies. The world doesn't expect a lot from us, as a tribe, but we're both going to show them they are so very wrong." She gave a firm nod. "We're not gonna be lame farmers or builders." She waved towards Sweet Apple Acres as she mentioned the art of farming. "I'll be the brains of the outfit, but maybe I won't be alone. You keep on studying."

"Y-yeah," agreed Prickle without force or conviction, her eyes darting about. "I... want to be able to be whatever I want."

"Exactly!" roared Diamond. "I knew I got a bead on this." She laughed, almost hysterical as she shut her eyes and enjoyed her victory. "Silver Spoon'll lose that stupid look on her face when she sees I've figured it out." Suddenly, she trotted away, likely to confront Silver Spoon.

Prickle wobbled in place a moment before a little laugh forced its way free. She imagined Diamond proudly reporting her 'discovery' to Silver. The reaction... "Poor Diamond..." She blinked as she said it. Was she feeling sorry for Diamond Tiara? She put the thought out of her head and got herself home.

"Hello, my little hedgehog." Junebug put a hoof on Prickle's head, mussing her mane lightly. "Princess Twilight came by and dropped off a few things." She pointed to a basket on the table. "Seems there are some things to talk about, but I'll let you get comfortable before pouncing you about that. You should read it yourself first."

Prickle gave her mother a careful hug before sitting at the table to peer at the basket. Two bits of mail in one day? She was becoming popular... She pulled out the big envelope and set it beside the basket as if to compare the two a moment before she undid the clasp of the envelope, or tried. Clasps were not the easiest thing for hooves to get at. She got tired of wrestling with it and grabbed a corner in her teeth. With a wrench, the poor envelope tore in half, spilling its contents to the table.

"What's that?" asked Junebug as she sat beside her daughter.

"I don't know." Prickle let the emptied envelope fall to the table before starting to sift through what had fallen, sorting it out to three sheets of paper, two pins, and a smaller envelope. The pins showed what looked like almost painfully stereotypical superponies. One was an alicorn and had a subtitle of 'Leader' and the other was a pegasus and it said 'Sidekick'. "That's... odd. I don't think I need these..."

Junebug reached for one of the pins, turning it over in her hooves. "They're nicely made, but what are they for?"

Prickle shrugged and looked to the papers, hoping they would give a hint. They seemed to be an application, though most of it had already been filled out, there were plenty of spaces waiting for her to put information. The top claimed 'Super Pony Conference' and had a stylized icon much like the leader pin.

Junebug reared back a little. "I think you're being invited to... a sort of professional meeting. It seems your exploits have been noticed in the wider world."

There was only one final place for answers. Prickle tore open the smaller envelope and pulled out the letter, reading hungrily.

Esteemed Tiny Titan,

News of your impressive start of duty has reached our ears. We would like to formally invite you, and your sidekick, to our next conference. As you likely already know, knowledge of this is to be kept confidential. While some super ponies work under their public identity, many do not, so we must operate under the assumption that everyone's identity is safe here.

You may be wondering why you should come, so let us go over some of the benefits. At the conference, you'll get to meet established super ponies and exchange tips, methods, and stories. We'll have a host of panels about how to fight crime in an ever-evolving society and how to avoid backlash from the citizenry that may become intimidated by our presence.

We'll also have contests and games to practice your abilities and show off in a safe environment with other super ponies. No one will be scared of you here. This is a safe place. You'll also get a chance to meet some of the great non-super but super-servicing partners we've rounded up! Need to get a secret lair fast? Need a suit made for your unique branding and safety requirements? We have dozens of vendors eager to help heroes.

You may be worried about fees. Your first conference is entirely free, a gift from the super pony society to welcome an up and coming hero to our ranks. The pins you've received double as badges that will allow you entry into the event. They change yearly, so feel free to collect them as you continue fighting the good fight. Your sidekick, as mentioned, is entirely welcome to accompany you, but should not be told when or where the conference is before arriving. She will need to pass a few tests before she can be trusted with this information in future years.

Looking Forward to Meeting You,
Crimson Streak

Junebug had been reading over Prickle's shoulder. "Who's Crimson Streak?" She asked quizzically. "Do you plan to go?" She pointed then at the back of the paper. "It's in Baltimare. That's quite a distance away."

Prickle turned the paper over to see the address, and the date listed. "There's a few weeks... I'll think about it."

Junebug suddenly hugged Prickle from behind. "If you want to go... I'll go with you."

Prickle warmed in her cheeks at her mother's kindness. "Thanks mom, but you're not a super pony."

Junebug raised a hoof. "I'll stay in the hotel and make myself busy around Baltimare while you enjoy the conference."

Prickle shook her head. "That's really nice, but if you're there, that'll make it really obvious who I am." She hopped up to plant a smooch on Junebug's cheek. "You're the best mom ever though!"

Junebug let out a little sigh even as she smiled. "And you're a wonderful daughter... If you go, be careful. And watch out for your friend. I know she's older than you, but you're the more mature pony. I don't want either of you getting into trouble."

Prickle bobbed her head, but her eyes were on the basket. She had one more bit of mail to take care of. As she reached for it, a hoof intercepted the motion.

"Do your homework first. You've had enough distractions today."

Prickle stuck out her tongue a little. She wanted to see what was waiting for her! Still, she capitulated to her mother's request and got out her homework, scribbling away busily. Her eyes darted to the basket over and over as she worked. The maddening urge to know what it contained built with every passing minute. When she finally slapped her notebook shut, she lunged for the basket with a triumphant cry. "All done!"

She buried her snout into the basket, rooting around. The first thing she noticed was bits. It had them! She pulled her head free, blinking. Curiosity building, she reached for the handle of the basket and tipped it over. Bits spilled out across the table, more than she had ever seen in one place before. "What is this?!"

Junebug pointed at the basket. "You should read the letter."

Another letter? Prickle reached up inside the basket and found the letter, pulling it free. It was more of a scroll than a letter, and she unfurled it to reveal crisp writing.

Salutations, Prickle Berry

Congratulations! I've submitted the forms for your pay as being a public servant and for fulfilling your cutie mark. Your line of work includes hazard pay, considering its dangerous nature. Due to your age, you are encouraged to finish your schooling, should you desire, and it will not diminish your scheduled payments. Once you are an adult, time taken away from your work will count against your stipend, so enjoy this opportunity and expand your mind.

Princess Twilight Sparkle

PS: This is Spike. I'm writing this for Twilight. I know she likes reading and everything, but nopony will be upset with you for taking a break once in awhile.

Prickle set the letter down and smiled. "Twilight is a nice princess."

Junebug nodded in agreement. "To think, she arrived a neurotic mess not that long ago. She's grown quite a bit since then, and so have you, little hedgehog." She kissed Prickle's cheek gently. "This comes with many... responsibilities and privileges."

Prickle pointed at the mass of bits. "Besides having money?"

"Well, there is that to start." She put a hoof on the pile. "I hope you trust me enough to play banker with this, to start. We'll get you an account at the real bank and start going over how to handle an income. It isn't as easy as I may make it look. A public servant... That's an honor in itself."

"Or is it?" Prickle smiled brightly. "I can't really tell anypony about it."

Junebug looked confused a moment before it struck her. "Oh! Yes... I suppose that's true... But there are many ponies right here in town who already know about you, and Tiny Titan. There's nothing stopping me from gushing about you with them. Besides, if you ask nicely, maybe they'll give you a 'public' title to use?"

That was a thought. Prickle wondered what that title would be, if she was given one. What would her fake job be? She flashed back to what Diamond was saying. If she pretended to be involved in construction, that would be a very easy story to swallow, but...

Author's Note:

Things happen! Letters! So many Letters! All this writing means one thing. Typos. It's their natural habitat, after all.

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