• Published 1st Dec 2011
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Doctor Whooves - The Series: Episode Two - Game of Stones - Loyal2Luna

Twilight, Rainbow and Applejack travel 3000 years into the past with their new friend the Doctor, to the ancient city-state of Roan. They meet the famous Leonard DiHoovsie, and find themselves embroiled in a deep mystery with dark implications.

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Epilogue: Not in the History Books

Epilogue: Not in the History Books

Books and Branches Library
Ponyville, Everfree Province of Equestria
6th of Summer, 1001 C.R. (Celestia’s Reign), 12:45 a.m.

…that goodbye was without a doubt the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

Twilight Sparkle’s horn glowed as the quill held in her magic scratched against the smooth page of her blue journal. Despite her tiredness, the soreness along the back of her head was just enough to keep her grounded in her surroundings as she poured the experiences of the last few days into the book with all the detail she could remember.

“So, then what happened?”

Twilight shut her eyes, fighting back the tears as she let herself slip out of her writing groove. The real world slowly seeped in as she started listening to the sounds coming from below her loft, rather than tuning them out so that she could concentrate. Apparently, the Doctor had reached the same point in the tale that she had finished writing about and, like any good storyteller, gave his one-dragon audience a moment of suspense.

“And then… we came back, had a good laugh, and made something to drink. Lemonade, I believe. Aaaaand that’s the end of the story,” the Doctor teased, his tone casual and bland to the point of nonchalance.

“Wha-- But… Oh, come on!” Spike could be heard, Twilight not needing to see that the purple reptile was literally on the edge of his seat, leaning forward and expecting more. “What about Marr Bell? And Graphis? What happened to him!? Or Leonard, or Oreo!?”

“Well, if you believe the history books…” the Doctor said, Twilight managing a smirk as she imagined the smug grin on his face and the shrug of his shoulders. “...then Leonard went on to be a famous artist and nopony even remembers anything at all about who else was involved in the events of those three nights in Roan. History goes on, after all. That should be enough, right?”

“No!” Spike sounded astonished and disappointed at the same time, Twilight having to picture his head drooping. “You didn’t… you couldn’t have just left it like that!”

Twilight smiled as she stroked a line across the page she had been writing, preparing for the next segment as the Doctor could be heard again.

“Weeeell… Now that you mention it…”

Western Trade Roads
Outer Province of Roan
30th of Summer, 1491 A.R. (Astrolia’s Reign), 1:57 p.m.

Marr Bell the gorgon had come to a single conclusion in the past two days: She was without a doubt the most miserable creature in all of Equis.

She had spent her entire life denying that she was, in fact, a monster; the sort of creature that ponies told stories about to frighten their foals at night. She had watched Roan grow from the ground up, but had hidden away in her caverns rather than risk a confrontation.

But when she had been drawn out of that home by a terrible blast, she had fallen under sway of something more horrible than anything she could have imagined. She had found a purpose… somepony to care about.

And she had liked it.

For years, she convinced herself she was happy with Graphis, fawning over him in a manner that now repulsed her, and ignoring the nagging feeling that what she was doing was wrong in every sense of the word.

Then, the Doctor came… and everything changed.

She had discovered that the pony she loved held little more than contempt for her; using her unique, cursed abilities to gather renown among his own kind while she had been the unwitting foal, believing she had been helping the entire time. In that time, she had been hurt worse than ever before, and although the physical injury from the explosion at Graphis’ studio was already on the mend, the pain on the inside was so much worse.

The things she had done filled her with so much regret it was painful. She had been completely blinded by rage, attacking an artist she once demonized, only to realize that he was completely innocent of the many accusations that she heaped upon him. Lashing out at the party-goers and guards that night that had been just as in the dark as she had been as to Graphis’ scheme.

How close she had come to crossing that line and becoming what she had always denied herself to be.

Lost in her thoughts, Marr could easily remember and repeat what had been said that night.

“I forgive you,” Rainbow Dash had said… How could she?

“Y'all ain’t a monster, Marr Bell,” Applejack had said… How would she know?

“Let me save you.”

Given the time to think about it, Marr realized that the Doctor had been exactly true to his word. But rather than swoop in and play the hero to her distressed damsel, he had, intentionally or otherwise, given her the chance to prove something to herself.

She could have easily escaped, then. Dove through a wall or down and out into the street. She had the time and the warning… But instead, faced with a moment of choice, she had curled around and protected him; taken the full brunt of a force she had no reason to believe she could survive, all to try and save one pony, then using what strength she had to drag him and the immensely heavy box containing his friends to safety.

And for a time, she thought perhaps she had won what she had wanted for so long, as the five ponies aided and tended to her, covering her scars with a miraculous stony mixture that eased the pain and was even now chipping away as she healed on her own, speeding her recovery and comforting her.

“She can’t stay here.”

It was too good to last, she realized that now. Of course Lady Astrolia, the much beloved Night Empress, would have to think of her city first, and most of them still feared her. With good reason.


Marr was jarred from her thoughts as reality came seeping back in with a bump in the road, becoming keenly aware of the squeak of wheels and the feeling of movement as she was pulled along. It was dark, something she was quite used to, with only a few faint spots of light coming from the air holes set into the top of the crate.

Feeling the weight of the net that had been pulled snug around her upper form, restricting her hood, and the two thick iron chains running over her backside, she sighed. She had remained coiled in very much the same position since she had been moved into this wooden box and set into a large carriage for transport across the countryside, to the western fringes of pony territory; the land they called the Wild Frontier.

The restraints were all for show, of course. She knew that, and her "jailers" had known that. She knew that she could easily break free if she wanted to, and had entertained the idea of breaking through the wooden crate and snapping the iron chains just to prove this point. But the crate and the locks on top of it were more for the peace of mind of the six earth ponies pulling the large cargo wagon than of any belief that she could be held against her will, and she didn’t care to think of the repercussions if news of a breakout attempt reached the merciful, but stern, Lady Lunar.

All she could do now was wait. Wait to be delivered into a forested land of hydras, manticores, timberwolves, and other sorts of creatures too terrible to mention.

She wondered if there would be gems there… What might they taste like...


Marr was again drawn out of her musings as she felt a sudden shift, and the momentum of the cart halted with the stopping of the wheels. They couldn’t have been there already. These wagon ponies worked in shifts to maintain a constant pace, day and night, in order to make the best time.

“Hey! What gives?” she heard a brash voice call out, belonging to a pony she had identified as one of the Foreponies.

What she heard next made her heart jump.

Gooooood morning, gentlecolts! Welcome to the first official Roan Department of Transportation Inspection Station!”

“...Doctor?” Marr squirmed slightly, turning to set her ear against the side of the wooden crate.

“Inspection Station?” the Forepony’s voice came again, clearly confused.

“That’s right! Here are my credentials if you care to take a look… You see, in order to maintain these roads, prevent potholes, and avoid injury to upstanding worker ponies like yourself, all carriages moving along this stretch need to be recorded, weighed and inspected for violations of Roan's transportation laws. Now, firstly, if you gentlecolts would be so kind as to unhitch from your wagon, my lovely assistant here will take your names for the record, and we can be underway. Shouldn’t take more than a few hours.”

Marr listened to the continued prattle and backlash as the Forepony neighed in frustration at the disturbance. About a minute after she heard the sound of the ponies' harnesses being unshackled from the cart, she felt something else suddenly moving nearby: a soft "thump" that drew her attention towards the back of the wagon and away from the Doctor’s voice.

“Psst! Marr, you in here?” she heard a whisper with the distinct scratchy voice of Rainbow Dash, the rainbow-maned mare she had only a few days ago turned to stone. “Give us a sign. Which one is you?”

“Ah reckon it’s the big one marked ‘gorgon,’ Dash,” came Applejack’s voice.

Marr was stunned as she felt a set of hoofbeats move closer towards her crate. She thought they had left her… It was two days ago… What were they--



Marr was shocked, hardly believing what was happening as she felt her crate being pushed against the wooden floor of the wagon. She shifted around in the confined space as she tried to figure out what was going on. Unable to maneuver to get her eye towards one of the air holes without pain from her injuries, she pushed a hoof out to tap lightly on the wall of her crate.

“Ssshhh. It’s okay, Marr. Jus’ stay still,” Applejack soothed quietly, straining as she pushed against the crate with all of her might.

“A-Applejack? What… What are you doing here?” Marr tried to keep her tone down to prevent being overheard, but loud enough to be heard through the walls of her crate.

“Keepin’ a promise,” the farm pony answered. “Careful… Careful, Dash.”

“I got her…”


Marr stifled a cry of surprise as she felt the crate fall a few feet to the ground, the restraints keeping the wood walls from cracking, but with the lack of padding, sending her bouncing a bit against them.

“Okay… So she’s a bit heavier than I thought.”

“Hey! What was that!?” the Forepony could be heard, agitation clear in his voice.

“Hmm? I didn’t hear anything. Now, if you could just sign here… here… here… here and here…” The Doctor didn’t miss a beat as he moved back into the center of attention. “...and initial here, declining the inspection so that you ponies can be back underway, we should be able to get the rest of the forms out to you in no less than three to four months.”

“Come on… Come on…” Marr heard Applejack say as she felt her crate being pushed again, this time more quickly as it scraped over the dirt and stone of the road with the earth pony pressing against the bottom while the pegasus pulled the top.

“If you would like to lodge a complaint, please visit our main office in Roan’s Royal District,” the Doctor could be heard to say, his tone growing more distant as the two athletic ponies pushed hard to slide the crate along the ground.


Marr felt something strange as the foremost edge of her crate suddenly popped up over something. The texture changed immediately from a rough earthy push to a smooth, flat surface that the two ponies pressed into with ease.

“Whew! Okay, let’s get her out of there,” Rainbow exclaimed breathlessly.

“Not yet. The Doc said to wait,” Applejack replied.

Marr heard a sudden rush of hooves clacking against the smooth surface the crate was now on as something quickly came towards them.

“Jeez, talk about a bunch of grumps,” came Twilight Sparkle’s voice as a resounding "slam" followed her. “You’d think they would welcome the break.”

“At least we lightened their load for them,” the Doctor was heard as his hooves quickly brought him around Marr’s crate, where he tapped against the wood with a hoof. “You okay in there, my dear?”

“D...did you jussst… sssteal me?” Marr found herself unable to believe what she was saying.

“Not stealing, liberating. We left a note,” the Doctor explained.

“That reminds me, Doc,” Rainbow interrupted. “How are we gonna return that armor you left the last note for?”

“Let’s focus on one thing at a time, Dash.”

“But… I thought…” Marr muttered, unsure what to think.

“Lady Astrolia said y'all had ta leave the city,” Applejack said, setting a hoof that Marr could feel against the crate. “She never said where ya needed ta go.”

“But, where… What… What are you doing?”

“You didn’t think we were just going to let you take all the heat and the blame for what Graphis did, did you?” the Doctor asked, his voice moving farther away as Marr heard a set of alien sounds; clicks and beeps and chirps that she could not identify.

“Well… kind of…”

“Don’t worry. If these coordinates are right, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised,” the Doctor was heard, followed by a buzzing sound and a crank.

Then everything went crazy.

The reverberations and shudders in the floor were completely beyond her experience, causing the gorgon’s heart to race as she felt her crate shift and slide along the floor. It felt as if the whole of the world was in upheaval. A violent churning that was more prolonged and chaotic than the explosion at the studio.

Then, just as suddenly as it started, it stopped, accompanied by a heavy thump.

“Doctor, how is the TARDIS doing?” she heard Twilight say as she tried to recover from the shock of the sudden movement.

“Down to nine percent power… She’s running on fumes now. Thankfully, that was just a move in space, so we should still have plenty to get her back to the Anchor. But even so, we shouldn’t stay long.”

Marr, completely confused as to what was going on, shook her head to try and get her bearings before she felt the crate being shoved again, this time in the opposite direction, back the way she came.


She felt the slight drop as the back lip of the crate dropped down over a threshold and started to slide against the…

Marr immediately realized something was wrong. She couldn’t see, but as far as she could tell, she had just been pushed back out through a doorway and should have been sliding on the coarse dirt of the road… but instead, she felt a smooth chipping underneath...


“Ah, here we go. Right there is good, girls. Marr, cover your ears, please,” the Doctor warned as she came to a stop again.

“Cover my…?”


Marr cringed slightly as she felt her entire body rattled by the tones from the wand-like device the Doctor carried, but quickly recovered as the side of the crate popped and fell over, the locks along its edge snapping open.

With the door falling away, sunlight blinded Marr Bell for a moment before she pulled herself out of the crate into freedom.

“Alright, let’s get these off. Aaaaand...”



The chains on Marr's body fell away as she blinked in the light, and what felt like a set of teeth took hold of the clip holding the net around her upper body and peeled it back and away. Blinking a few more times, Marr turned and took in her surroundings.

The four ponies stood before her -- or, in Rainbow’s case, hovered -- with broad smiles as they stood in front of the large blue box on the edge of a rocky cliff. Fluffy white clouds moved against the robin's egg sky and spread light down into a small valley below, revealing the mouths of several caves in easy view. Turning about, Marr looked out upon a vast mountainous region, covered in a labyrinth of craggy canyons and sharp stone peaks where no earthbound pony could think to pass, stretching off into the distance.

As she uncoiled and looked about, a confused wonder in her eyes, Marr Bell listened and felt for the signs of movement she had become accustomed to; the sound of hoofsteps, the reverberation of quarry hammers pounding, the cracking of stone.

And she found nothing but peaceful quiet.

“W-where... are we?”

“Your new home.” Twilight nodded kindly. “Lady Astrolia gave the Doctor directions. She said that you could be happy here.”

“Supposed ta be formed right on top of a gem field, so y'all have plenty ta eat.”

“And I can see at least three waterfalls nearby.” Rainbow put a hoof over her eyes, scoping the scene as she tried to add to the appeal of the location. “So water’s not a problem.”

“She called it Sanctuary Valley.” The Doctor nodded, moving alongside and setting a hoof on Marr’s shoulder in a comforting fashion. “And it’s all yours.”

Marr was absolutely stunned, looking about at what was a completely idyllic setting for her, and her alone.


“I… Th-thank you… I jussst…” She tried her best to express her gratitude, but couldn't mask the tinge of disappointment in her voice.

Twilight drew back, concerned at the gorgon’s reaction. “Marr, what’s the matter? We thought you would like it here. I mean, you didn’t want to go to the Wild Frontier, did you?”

“No, that’sss not it. It’ssss… amazing… Wonderful...“ Marr swallowed hard. “I guessss it’ssss… jussst me, right? You’ll be… going sssoon, I sssuppose.”

“Right away, actually.” The Doctor nodded solemnly. “I have to get these girls back home before our ride runs out of petrol.”

“...Out of what?” Marr tilted her head in confusion.

“Never mind. Just know that I’ll be checking in every now and again, to make sure everything is alright.”

“Couldn’t you jussst stay for…?” Marr stopped in mid-sentence, drawing back with a sigh as she realized that what she was asking was in nopony’s best interest. “I mean,thank you… Doctor, Twilight Sssparkle, Applejack, Rainbow Dash... For everything... Goodbye.”

The ponies nodded in turn as the gorgon took in a breath and sank suddenly into the stone under her, taking them off-guard until they saw her emerge from the valley wall several stories below them, slithering along the floor of the hidden canyon.

“Home sssweet home, I guesss,” Marr muttered as she slithered towards the caverns. Then, she paused as she felt something very strange under her coils. It almost felt like… stone... shifting

“Well, try not to sssound ssso excited.”

Marr Bell jumped in surprise, her hood opening on reflex as her tail curled in shock, and she twisted around in a defensive posture. “HISSSSSS!”

“Whoa! Sssettle down, good-looking.”

Marr’s eyes went wide and her tail went limp, her hood falling flat along her back, as a dull blue-colored colt’s head, topped with a coarse, bluish-grey mane, reared up from the stone under her, looking her up and down with pale, red-slitted eyes. “A little high-ssstrung, aren't you?”

Marr’s heart hammered as the blue colt’s body lifted up, his forelegs folding down against his chest as his color gave way to the slate-blueish grey stoney body that followed, nearly as large and thick as her own. “Y-you’re a…”


Marr twisted again on herself, barely able to draw breath as a dull red-furred young mare, trotting along on her forehooves like a pony while her own rocky backside trailed behind, made her way towards her.

“Back up, you big lump! You’re ssscaring her!” the mare chided as she pulled herself up quickly around and gave the colt a slight shove away from Marr, as well as thumping the back of his head with the tip of her tail. “Filly isn’t here for ten ssseconds and you’re already out here making usss look bad.”

“Ow! Aw, come on, Sssandy. I was jussst--”

“Sssorry about him. It’sss jusst not every day we sssee sssomepony new jussst slither right up into the Valley. I’m Sssan Ssstone. Everypony calls me Sssandy, though.” The red mare nodded pleasantly to the stunned grey gorgon. “The blunt blue rock here is my brother, Ssslate.”

Heeeey…” Slate grinned, giving Marr a wink as his thin forked tongue flickered out slowly. His antics then earned him another thump against the back of his head from his sister’s tail.

“Knock that off, you,” Sandy scolded for a moment before a pleasant smile returned to her snout.

Marr trembled all over, drawing herself down as she looked between the two of them, gasping for breath and feeling silvery tears well up in her eyes. “E… Ev… Every…pony…?” she found herself stammering.

“Well, yeah…” San Stone turned about and looked to the cavern openings.

Following her gaze, Marr Bell all but burst into tears as she took note of more than a dozen serpent forms moving into the mouths of the cliff-sides, each topped by a stallion, mare, colt, or filly form in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Even more emerged from each of the cavernous openings along the floor of the valley.

As Sandy turned back, she realized the state that the grey gorgon had fallen into and her smile faded, replaced by concern. “Hey… Heeeey, it’ssss okay. Come here.” The young mare moved over and put her forehooves around Marr’s shoulders as her tail moved to wrap comfortingly around the distressed gorgon. “You’re sssafe now. You’re among friends… What’sss your name, gemssstone?”

“F-friends…” Marr Bell reached around, hardly believing what was before her. This was a dream. It had to be. “I-I’m… M-Marr… Marr Bell.”

“Whoa… are you okay, Marr?” Slate slithered about, looking down the new gorgon’s serpent body and taking note of the patched scars. “What happened to you?”

“I…” Marr paused, drawing back slightly as she dragged a hoof over her eyes, trying to wipe away the tears. She turned to look over her shoulder, up to the top of the cliff.

There, she watched as three amazing pony mares moved into the doors of the mysterious blue box, and the Hourglass Stallion stood motionlessly watching over the scene below. She couldn’t make out his expression. but somehow, she knew. He was watching her with a mix of joy, regret… and a sad envy.

Marr blinked as pearly tears rolled freely down her cheeks. “I was sssaved… by sssomepony ssspecial. A pony who risssked everything.” She bowed her head, trembling as she closed her eyes.

Then she heard a heavy bass note reverberate across the valley, followed by that sound… That incredible, wonderful sound.

“Thank you, Doctor…” she whispered to nopony as the sound faded… looking up again to see that the magic box was gone. “Thank you…”


…making sure that she would never be alone again.

“So, there were a whole lot of 'em?” Spike sounded amazed at the Doctor’s description as Twilight drew another line, a method she had started to use to try and keep up with the various journeys the TARDIS made.

“A full colony, yes. Apparently, Sanctuary Valley lives up to its name. A place for what was left of the gorgon species to live out their long lives in peace,” the Doctor confirmed before he continued. “Now, all of the flying and jumping around the time-stream had really taken a toll on the TARDIS’ fuel supply, so after that, the four of us either needed to hurry back or start picking out a place to build a house.”

“So, you came straight back to Ponyville, then?” Spike asked curiously, amazingly still wide awake considering how late it had gotten.

“Not… right away.” The Doctor smirked slightly, Twilight taking another breath as she set the quill to paper again. “We had just one last stop to make...”

Manehattan Museum of the Arts
30th of Summer, 991 C.R. (Celestia’s Reign), 8:32 p.m.

“Oh, now really.” Mrs. Orange, the stunning Manehattan socialite, smiled warmly as she nodded to a dark brown, spectacle-wearing sophisticated stallion with an open scroll displayed proudly on his flank. “I insist, you really must come by our townhouse for drinks. It would be the perfect occasion to break out the 932 C.R. bubbly that we’ve been saving.”

“Well, if you insist, then we simply must, I suppose.” The brown stallion nodded to Mr and Mrs. Orange pleasantly, before giving a curious look to the small orange filly standing between them. “Oh, I say… Is this one yours?”

The young orange earth pony, her blonde mane done up in an uncomfortable bun, smiled as pleasantly as she could, keeping quiet just like she was told.

“Oh, this precious dear is my niece, Applejack. Why, she’s come all the way from the rural southeast to stay with us and learn the ways of civility,” Mrs. Orange explained proudly. “Only been in town for a few days and she’s already managed to shake off the mud of the farm.”

“The southern rural? You mean south of Canterlot? Oh, my word… That’s out near that dreadful Everfree Forest, isn’t it? Well, my dear,” the dark brown stallion nodded to the filly as he addressed her. “I assure you, there are far more amazing things here in Manehattan than down there. I should very much like to hear about it over drinks.”

“Why, yes… Of course, kind sir,” Applejack reciprocated, her southern twang suppressed as she followed her Aunt and Uncle Orange, the pair becoming involved in another conversation as they started for the door to leave the exhibition.

Little Applejack stopped short at the exit, her ears perking up as she looked out the corner of her eye. Something was amiss.

She… could have sworn she just saw somepony that looked... familiar.


As the filly started away, another orange pony with a blonde mane ducked back out from behind a wall, watching her leave and quite amazed to note the missing three apples that would soon adorn that filly’s blank flank.

“Awww, you were so adorable,” Twilight commented as they watched the Orange couple and the young Apple filly leave the Leonard DiHoovsie Exhibition.

“This is sooo weird…” Applejack said, shaking her head as she watched… herself… walk away. Knowing that in the early hours of the following morning, Rainbow Dash would perform her first Sonic Rainboom and set into motion events that would put her and her five friends onto their respective paths. “Ah’m still kinda confused, though. How is this not breakin’ Rule Number Two?”

“As long as we don’t interact with her and she doesn’t happen to see you, we’re not messing with events,” Twilight explained as she understood it. “Although I’m still not quite sure why the Doctor felt this stop was worth the possibility of getting stranded. I mean…” Twilight looked at the larger than life banners; a very remarkable likeness of a slightly older Leonard from the one she had left behind just a short time ago, looking out with a bold and confident expression. “After meeting the real thing, this sort of event almost seems like it’s too much.”

“Right here, you see?” Twilight heard the Doctor saying as she broke away from Applejack, smirking as the Time Lord pony waved the black case and blank piece of paper at the security stallion that was eying him suspiciously. “The Doctor and Guests. I’m the Doctor… and these are my guests.”

“Yes, I see, sir… but with you not being on the registry…” The security pony looked unsure.

“Oh, clerical errors, my lifelong foe.” The Doctor sighed, shaking his head with slight amusement. “I know you’re just doing your job, but really, what harm is there in four ponies just wanting to appreciate such an incredible icon of history? I mean, it is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”

“Well… alright, sir.” The security stallion nodded. “Enjoy the exhibition.”

“Gotta be better than the last one we were in,” Rainbow snickered as the stallion started away.

“Now that that’s settled, shall we join the tour?” The Doctor motioned for the others, pointing towards an elderly, bow-tie-wearing stallion that looked quite familiar to Applejack. A feeling given credence when the tour pony opened his mouth to speak.

“Now, this is perhaps one of the earliest examples of a ‘Class Portrait’ in Equestrian history,” the tour pony started in a drone that brought Applejack’s mind reeling back. Pointing out a drawing of six ponies standing side by side, she recognized Oreo on the far left, and next to him, Leonard, with four other ponies: a pegasus, two unicorns, and another earth pony she didn’t recognize. “Mouth-drawn in graphite pencil and credited to DiHoovsie’s student, Francio Oreo, circa 1500 A.R. Francio was the earth pony stallion who later took the reins as the second Chairpony of the Royal Astrolia Society for the Preservation of the Arts, again taking over for his long-time friend and mentor.”

“Excuse me, Professor?” Twilight raised a hoof.

“Um… yes, Miss?”

“I was wondering… before R.A.S.P.A., what was the art and education system like in Roan?”

“Oh, well, that is quite a tale. Many ponies don’t realize this, but R.A.S.P.A. actually replaced an older and outdated ‘Academia’ education model, which tutored DiHoovsie himself but catered only to unicorns. Following a scandal involving several key of the Roanan nobility, we are told that Lady Astrolia herself was advised by Maestro DiHoovsie on a newer approach, which became the forerunner of today’s public education system allowing all foals access to a free basic education. With offers of advanced education to those who do exceptionally well in the fields of science, historical study, art, and magic.”

Twilight smiled a bit as she looked to the portrait of Leonard with his first students, glad to see the satisfied expression he wore as the tour pony moved along.

Various sketches, both familiar and those unknown, caught the four ponies' eyes as the tour guide continued to speak, pointing out the models of flying machines (”He rebuilt them, good for him. They still don’t look like they work, but good for him,” Rainbow commented quietly), the original manuscript of A Study of the Miraculous (”Hey, Twilight, are those drool stains?” Applejack teased, causing Twilight to blush slightly), and a life-sized portrait of the famous model and first female Chairpony of R.A.S.P.A., Milk Ann Oreo. (”Oh, good, he took my advice,” the Doctor noted in appreciation).

As the tour wound down, the four ponies still amazed at seeing what was accomplished by Leonard, Oreo, and their later students, Twilight finally took a moment to ask, “Um, sir?”

The tour pony smiled. “Oh, yes? I do enjoy these questions of yours dear. Go ahead.”

“I was wondering… Have you ever heard the name Graphis Denarius?”

“Oh, I do believe so… A bit of a footnote in the grander scheme of history, but a funny story all the same. Not the sort of thing ponies would normally read about. You must be students, am I right? From the Trottingham University of Anthropology?”

“From the T.U.A… Yeah! O-of course,” Twilight stumbled a bit, while the Doctor kept back as he and Applejack looked over the portrait that had started this whole adventure, a painting entitled: The Impossible Machine.

“Funny?” Rainbow questioned with a tilt of her head.

“Oh, yes. Graphis Plagiare Denarius was the youngest colt of Duke Grand Denarius, who ruled Roan’s House of Unicorn in the early years of DiHoovsie's life. Graphis attended the old Academia alongside the Maestro, and is recorded as fancying himself something of a rival… although surviving records of the period indicated a lack of artistic talent, instead supplemented by using his family’s wealth to purchase works from other artists. He is remembered for exactly one notable contribution to modern Equestrian culture.”

“Oh? And what would that be?” Twilight asked, amazed at how little even a storied expert seemed to know as to what really happened.

“Well, one scandal involving a new form of creative theft was so widespread that it was named after him. That is where we get the word ‘plagiarism.’” The tour pony allowed himself a smile, although neither Twilight or Rainbow shared in the humor.

“That’s… really interesting.” Twilight nodded. “So, what happened to him?”

“Nopony is really sure.” The tour pony shook his head. “Although his one contribution did manage to get somepony’s attention…”

“What do you mean?” Rainbow asked.

“There’s a statue of him in the Royal Gardens of Canterlot,” the tour pony said plainly. “Funnily enough, it’s positioned to be constantly overshadowed by a two-story tall marble likeness of Leonard DiHoovsie. I suppose it’s somepony’s idea of a joke.”

Twilight and Rainbow stood dumbfounded for a moment as the tour pony moved on, both looking at one another in shock.

“Uhh… Twi…?” Rainbow started. “You... you don’t think…”

“No…” Twilight shook her head. “Noooo…

“Twilight!” Applejack’s voice suddenly shook both them from their horrified thoughts. “You’d better come see this!”

Glad to have something else to think about, Twilight rushed over towards the Doctor and Applejack, who were looking up at a canvas nearly half a story tall and almost as wide that dominated the entire back wall of the exhibition.

“Oh, yeah… Yeah, that’s the Mara Lighta.” Twilight let out a sigh of relief, recognizing the enormous art piece present in dozens of books she had read. “Probably the most famous painting in Equestrian history. Leo’s ultimate masterpiece. They say it took him ten years to finish it.”

“Twi… look closer,” Applejack implored.

“What is it, AJ? I’ve seen it before, it’s…” Twilight stopped, examining the painting in closer detail, and her jaw promptly hit the floor.

Against a starry black backdrop stood a perfectly rendered mare, many describing her as too perfect to have been real. Some speculated that DiHoovsie had used Astrolia herself as a model, a concept that had set fire to countless imaginations, considering the rumors of the Lady Lunar and Roan's Genius’ "close" patron/artist relationship.

But Twilight realized now, as she looked upon it with an all new perspective, that this was not the case at all.

The mare in the painting was unclothed, positioned as if she was floating upright with her eyes closed in silent meditation. It was easy to see the possible comparison to Roan's Empress, even if the subject lacked a pair of wings, herself. But Astrolia’s fur had not been purple… and her mane was not flared in such a manner, with a stripe of magenta and pink. A beautiful swirl of bright violet magic emanated from her horn in curls and shapes that accentuated her every curve and form.

Twilight fell back on her rump as realization set in, and her eyes finally fell to something that she had never even noticed in the books before...

The cutie mark adorning the Mara Lighta’s flank... was a six-pointed starburst, surrounded by five smaller stars.

As she sat numb in shock with her friends watching her cautiously, a patron of the exhibition passed behind her and looked her over from behind a fancy pair of glasses.

“Wow, Miss… You know… you look just like her.”


Twilight Sparkle closed the TARDIS Journal, still finding herself unable to sleep as she thought about the things she had seen and done... and the amazing adventure that had unfolded before them.

She thought about how they had come back home, how Applejack and Rainbow had both thanked the Doctor for bringing them along, and how he had joked about it and said that next time it was Rainbow’s turn, as if it were just a lark that they had stepped out for.

How Applejack had been shocked to discover they had arrived back in Ponyville the same day they had left; only four hours after she had arrived with talk of a strange dream and the Doctor had shown off his new suit. She had rushed back home to help Big Mac while Rainbow declared that she was going to find something "JUST AS AWESOME" to be part of her next trip.

But while they had both realized that their trip had led to something amazing... that they had taken part and done something truly good... Twilight was still troubled.

Perhaps Applejack and Rainbow Dash had forgotten, but she hadn’t. She hadn’t forgotten that somepony had sent that invitation to Marr, luring her to Graphis’ exhibition. She hadn’t forgotten finding a Still-Heart Charm in Graphis’ office. She hadn’t forgotten the doors of Graphis’ studio, locked in such a way that neither the Doctor nor herself could open them.

She had not forgotten the backlash when she had tried, seeing something horrible that still sent shivers down her spine whenever she thought about it.

There were still so many things she didn’t understand... things that shouldn’t have been -- couldn't have been -- a coincidence.

As Twilight leaned back in her bed, her horn glowing as she set the TARDIS Journal on her nightstand, she found herself trying to unravel these mysteries, and wondering, not for the first time, if there was something the Doctor wasn’t telling her.


“Wow... That’s just... Wow! Okay, hold on! I know we got a book of art around here somewhere! I have to see this picture of Twilight!” Spike hopped off his chair and raced for the library’s stepladder, still on a rush from the amazing story the Doctor had told and eager to see if there was any truth to it.

The Doctor, relishing the little dragon’s reaction, chuckled to himself a moment before calling his attention. “Oh, Spike, before you do, may I ask a favor of you?” The Doctor turned a bit, opening his satchel and pulling out a flat envelope.

“Huh? Oh, sure Doc. Whatcha need?”

“Could you open this for me? Hooves and all that, you know.”

“Oh, yeah. Of course.” The baby dragon took the envelope, not even bothering to look at the wax seal on the front, and slid a claw through its edge, pulling out a single sheet of white paper and handing it to the Doctor without looking at it. He was far too interested in finding a reference book containing the works of Leonard DiHoovsie to read somepony else's mail.

The Doctor took the paper, his smile fading as the dragon turned away, and unfolded it carefully, reading the flourishing script for the very first time.

The Clock Strikes One: The Game Begins


The Doctor jumped with a start, turning to the grandfather clock that stood along the wall of the library and reading its face.

One o’clock in the morning... exactly.

The Doctor looked back to the note, his mirth and humor gone. Something was wrong... Very wrong.

He had his suspicions before... but now he was sure.

There was so little that he knew, and so much more he couldn’t possibly understand...