• Published 21st Feb 2017
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The Skyla Pseudonym - iisaw

Young Flurry Heart has no interest at all in being a prim and proper princess, and would much rather have wild and dangerous adventures like her Aunt Twilight.

  • ...

9 Making New Friends

Chapter Nine

Making New Friends

"Bind their wings, hobble them, and dump them in the hold," Skyla ordered after she had gotten tired of blustering, insults, and general uncooperativeness. (About five minutes from the moment her hooves touched the desert.)

"I am Baron Ironhoof, Imperial Governor of the Western Territories!" the big earth pony shouted indignantly. "You will keep me in quarters befitting my station until my ransom is paid!"

"Gag that one," Skyla said. "Cream Puff, take a boarding pike and keep watch over them. If it looks like there's any chance of one getting loose, yell for help. If one of them does get loose, pin him to the deck, baron or not."

Cream Puff swallowed hard, but saluted her and said, "Yes, Captain!"

I kept out of sight, even though the pegasi had gotten a brief glimpse of me earlier. Whatever they had against alicorns might work in our favor, but we needed to be clever about getting information out of them to make sure we weren't fed a pack of lies.

I settled Swift Wing into the second mate's berth with a splint on his broken wing. I treated him with several spells and a dose of a Zebra potion, with the promise of a more prolonged session of healing after we'd gotten clear of the area.

"I'm sorry I can't use the more powerful spells I know," I told him. "I'm afraid you're going to be off that wing for at least a week."

"That's alright, Ms. Nightshade," he replied. "I'm just glad—"

He was interrupted by Skyla entering the cabin. "How are you feeling, Swift?"

"Hardly hurts at all, Captain! Really!"

"Good." She leaned over and examined his splint. "That was very brave of you, Swift Wing." She turned her head and gave him a rather lingering kiss on the side of his muzzle. "Thank you."

She might as well have hit him over the head with a dropstone for all the sense I got out of him after that. I left the job of getting us back to Palo Verde to Skyla and went back to my cabin, where I studied the baron's broken gun while I cast healing spells on my own wing.

The gun was powered by a crystal about the size of a hen's egg, and the matrix was not overly complex. A simple mechanism closed a contact between the crystal's setting and the waveguide for about a second with each pull of the trigger. The matrix was designed to focus the mana into a tight, hot beam. Nothing fancy, but nearly four times as powerful as an average unicorn guard's magical strike and quite deadly at close range. The gem held enough of a charge for at least six shots.

I wished that I had been able to get a look at one of the crystals powering the airship's guns; it would have given me a good idea of their general capacity, and that was something that I was afraid we would need in the near future. Judging by the force of the explosion of the broken crystal in the forward gun pod, my rough estimate was between five and ten shots.

Thinking about that explosion, I put away the gun and went topside to survey the damage. My poor Nebula was badly scorched at the stern of both her hull and her envelope, but the anti-magic coating had saved her from any significant damage. The coating itself had been degraded and was flaking away in a couple of spots. I made a mental note to get some more of the alchemical goop out of stowage and paint on another layer as soon as possible.

Thanks to massive over-engineering, the broken liftstay could wait until we were done at the town. The damage to the starboard bow seemed to be, thankfully, mostly minor. The shrapnel from the explosion had peppered the planks and scoured away most of the paint and anti-magic coating, but some telekinetic probing revealed that the planks and ribs were sound. Considering we'd been jumped by an unexpectedly powerful enemy, we had gotten off lightly.

"Coming up on the outpost!" Sirocco cried out from the quarterdeck.

I got out my spyglass and scanned the area. There were a score of earth ponies setting up big wooden shields around the buildings and wreckage of the tower. They had set up several tripod-mounted magical guns and well as smaller hoof-held versions, and the now-bandaged and splinted ponies that had been pulled out of the rubble were operating most of the stationary weapons.

I snapped my spyglass shut and trotted back to the quarterdeck, calling out to Skyla, "Captain, may I borrow one of your prisoners for a while?"

= = =

I'm not sure whether the governor was well-liked by his troops or they were just wiser than the average group of soldiers, but in any case, they didn't fire on us as we eased up to the grounds of the outpost with the baron tied to the bowsprit.

He ordered them to surrender and to cooperate with us, but we herded them into the barracks and nailed the doors and window shutters closed just to be on the safe side. We collected the guns and hoisted them aboard Nebula before we broke into the warehouse.

Now… I think I need to take a moment to justify our behavior, both on that occasion and afterwards. An Equestrian pony witnessing the resupply activities,[1] might be forgiven for failing to grasp the ethical niceties of the situation.
[1] Oh, all right, looting.

A pirate is an airborne or nautical thief who pursues her profession solely as a means to self-enrichment. A privateer engages in nearly identical activities, but under the auspices of a government in time of conflict. The former is a criminal, the latter, a legal agent of one of the combative nations.

And that is why I had taken the time to draw up a formal declaration of war before attacking the Empire's outpost. I even had Sirocco look through a couple of the books we'd gotten to make sure that the document was dated correctly according to local usage, though I didn't tell him what I wanted the information for.

Skyla frowned down at the document when I presented it to her for her signature. "Are you sure this is necessary, Twilight? You want me to use my real name on this?"

"It won't be legal unless you do," I explained.

"But… I'm declaring war in the name of the Crystal Empire! How can that be legal?"

"Your mother and father aren't available. You are the highest ranking imperial royal on this world."

"Why can't you do it?"

I sighed. "You are in charge here."


"Look, it's just a technicality. It doesn't mean we will actually get involved in an interdimensional war. You see, we don't know enough about this world to trust whatever they have in the way of a postal service to deliver this declaration, so we will have to hang onto it until we can guarantee the emperor will receive it. Now, the likelihood of us meeting him personally is vanishingly small, so we'll just file this away as a little bit of insurance in case of… legal complications."

Skyla tilted her head and raised an eyebrow at me. "You've done this before, haven't you?"


"How many times have you done this?"

Off-hoof, I didn't really know. "Quite a few times, actually," I muttered. "I'm technically a queen, so… well, it's convenient[2] sometimes."
[2] It can also be a gigantic pain in the rump. Twilight Town once fought and won a war that none of its citizens were even aware of. When an unexpected delegation of giraffes, offering an official surrender and asking for reconstruction money, arrived in town, Buzzy took it in her stride. But she was a bit cross with me for months afterward.

Skyla frowned and tapped a hoof on the chart table. "Well... if it's worked for you so many times before…" She floated over a quill and inkwell and signed the document. I had a bizarre moment when—for some inexplicable reason—I pictured pasting the declaration into one of my scrapbooks next to Flurry's baby pictures.

At any rate, that document—and a Letter of Marque to authorize Nebula's activities during the conflict—made our attack and acquisition of supplies perfectly legal according to the majority of sensible international treaties.

= = =

The inhabitants of Palo Verde had gotten a good look at us as we toppled the outpost tower, and the fireball that rose from the desert when the airship Ironhoof[3] crashed would have been spectacular, even leagues away. So the townsfolk weren't all that welcoming as we maneuvered to a position above the town square. In fact, they had barricaded themselves inside their shops and homes, and the streets were completely deserted.
[3] Yes, I confirmed that the baron had named his ship after himself. Who does that? It might be great fodder for a comedy act, (e.g., the uncertainty concerning which big flaming gasbag one was speaking of) but it would be bound to cause a lot of inconvenient confusion in practice.

Palo Verde was a charming little town with mostly one and two story flat-roofed adobe buildings surrounding an arcaded plaza. There was a large tiled fountain in the center surrounded by healthy shade trees. The plaza itself was paved with natural stone slabs, which was very convenient for us. The sound of gold coins hitting them from a height made quite a noise.

Doors and shutters creaked open by a narrow amount; just enough for the good folk of the town to visually confirm that their ears had not deceived them. The rush started an instant later.

When the plaza was packed side-to-side, Captain Skyla, her wings once again hidden beneath her greatcoat, stepped to the rail and spoke to the crowd. "Good people of Palo Verde! I am Captain Skyla Windsong of the pirate ship Nebula and the Free Company of Friends!"

The townsfolk looked up with varying degrees of wariness, and Skyla scattered another bucket full of gold by way of reassurance. "What the Empire has taken, I return to you!"

The chest marked "taxes" had probably been a collection from most of the territory rather than just Palo Verde, but most wealth-redistribution schemes are fundamentally flawed in some way, so we were in good (or at least typical) company.

While Skyla gave a stirring, if deliberately vague, speech, I scanned the crowd from a half-open port on the crew deck. Most of the people were burros, mules, and earth ponies, but there were a dozen or so unicorns as well. The only pegasi were a pair that stood on either side of a frowning earth pony on the roof of one of the buildings that faced the square. They had crossbows slung across their barrels.

I examined them and the building they stood on more closely. There was a big wooden sign that bore the same symbol that had been on Ironhoof's side. (The airship, not the pony.)

"The Free Company of Friends holds that all ponies are equals and all people of any stripe stand equal with ponies! Our crews have all the tribes among them and we rise by merit alone!"

That caused quite a stir, and the earth pony with the pegasi bodyguards bared his teeth and said something to them I couldn't make out above the general noise of the crowd.

"You have seen what we can do today!" Skyla continued. "When our fleet returns from the west,[4] you will see even more! The people of this land will be free once again!" She gestured grandly with a sweep of her foreleg, and Lance and Puff upended the tax chest, spilling the last of the gold into the eager hooves below.
[4] A deliberate misdirection, of course.

"Wait! Wait!" somepony cried out from below.

It took me a second to pick out the pony who had yelled at us. She was a buttercup yellow unicorn with a white mane toward the back of the crowd, rearing and waving her forelegs to catch our attention. "Take me with you!" she screamed. "Please!"

The grin dropped off my face when the earth pony on the roof bellowed, "Shoot that screwhead!"

The pegasi leaped into the air and unslung their crossbows, taking aim at the unicorn who had called out to us. I brought my gun to bear on one of them, hoping that Filigree would make burning them out of the air unnecessary, and indeed he did. The deep whump of the net launcher shook the deck and the weighted bundle of unfurling mesh smacked both the pegasi out of the air.

The net launcher was designed to work at a height that would allow time for the parachute attached to the net to open and soften the landing of the captured pegasi. We were well below that altitude. The chute had just enough time to stream out into a festive-looking bit of red and white cloth before the two tangled ponies crashed through a wooden awning over a balcony and landed in a groaning heap.

To register my disapproval, I swung the barrel of my gun to the building where the foul-mouthed earth pony who had ordered the outright murder stood, gaping. I did not shoot him dead. I put a blast into the parapet in front of him. The spatter from the shot and the fragments of adobe shrapnel may well have done some damage, and falling backwards down the hatch in the roof probably did him no good, but that was purely incidental.

"Anypony else want to use that word?" I growled out of the port, leaning forward just enough to let my horn show.

The general murmur of the crowd included no clear insults, and I settled back, reaching out with my telekinesis for the yellow unicorn. She was light enough that I probably could have lifted her aboard by myself, but we had arranged to work in tandem, so Skyla's magic joined mine almost immediately, and the mare floated up and over the rail in moments.

"Anyone else want to join my crew?" Skyla asked, putting a hoof on the rail and tossing her head in a rakish manner. "Even earth ponies are welcome. Isn't that right, Lance?"

Stalwart Lance snapped her a salute. "Right indeed, Captain!"

Ah, theater!

One of the unicorns glanced around nervously, but eventually sighed and hung his head.

"Very well then!" Skyla said, with another carefree toss of her head that sent her mane rippling. "We go now, but look to the west for our return!"

That was Sirocco's cue, and he rang the engines to Half Ahead, slowly turning Nebula above the square to display the huge Jolly Roger flying at her stern, and pointed her nose west.

It wasn't a minute later when I heard the clatter of galloping hooves behind us. Skyla looked over the stern rail, then called out to me, "We've got another one, Ms. Nightshade!"

It needed the both of us to lift the big jack mule aboard. He probably weighed twice what the unicorn mare did.

"Whoo…" he gasped as his hooves came down on the deck. "Thank ya, kindly! I didn't wanna git stomped to death back in the zócalo, so I held my tongue until I could git clear of the crowd. I didn't think I was gonna make it there for a—holy spirits! What in the seven hells are you?"

"This one is a kirin," Ao said calmly. "This one is from a land very far from here. As the captain said, all are welcome aboard her ship." She did not smile; not even a little bit. "Even mules."

The poor guy's ears were flopping all over the place. Glancing around, he caught sight of me, which, even though I was wearing a light cloak over my wings, did nothing to help restore his calm. "Oh… what have I got myself into?" he moaned.

"Please," Skyla said softly. "You won't be harmed. If you change your mind, we will set you down on the road outside of town. But won't you have a meal with us first? The young unicorn who joined us has gone below to meet the rest of the crewponies and to eat some supper. Do you know her?"

That settled him a bit. "Daisy? Uh, yeah… I know her to say hello to, anyways. Nice little filly. Thanks for not lettin' El Jefe shoot her, by the by."

"Our pleasure, I assure you." Skyla said, smiling. "And what is your name?"

"Oh." The mule's ears drooped. "Well… my given name… what they call me… is Barro."

"That means 'mud'," I said, translating for Skyla.

The mule cleared his throat. "Yes… ma'am. That it does. My grandpappy hung it on me. Sorta a joke, I guess."

"You're starting a new life, so you'll need a new name," I said through my teeth, barely able to contain my fury. "What shall we enter into the logbook?"

He looked up at me, obviously thinking that I was also playing some sort of cruel joke on him. "Is that right, ma'am?" He looked to Skyla for confirmation.

"Absolutely. You are free to choose any name you like." Skyla cocked her head in thought for a second. "The crew will likely shorten it for you, so choose carefully," she advised.

"Huh." A slow grin spread across his face as he began to believe we were telling the truth. "Well, I always did fancy the name Star. Would that be alright, ma'am?"

I almost bit my lip before I remembered what my teeth would do to it.

"An auspicious name, this one believes." Ao to the rescue!

"That would be fine, Star," Skyla said, and her smile could easily have been taken for a kind one. "Now… you must address me as Captain Skyla, or just Captain. This is Ms. Nightshade, our first mate and sailing master, and this…"

= = =

The officers joined the crew for the evening meal, and we all got to know our new members a bit better. Skyla and I still kept our concealing clothing on; we thought there were enough shocks to fill the day as it was. Time enough to reveal the full extent of our alien nature on the morrow.

Filigree showed them how to rig their hammocks when dinner was cleared away and the tables stowed. Both seemed nervous but hopeful, and I eagerly anticipated getting to know them over the coming days.

I took the night watch, as usual, and wasn't surprised to see our new recruits walking the waist together, looking out over the moonlit desert and talking. Their lives had been dramatically changed in a matter of moments, and the only familiar things left were each other. I thought I could guess the general content of their conversation, but an unexpected outburst from Daisy proved me wrong.

"What?" she cried out in dismay. "But I like my name!"

= = =


Author's Note:

Thanks to Fana Farouche, Jordanis, and Present Perfect for pre-reading and editing!