• Published 15th Jan 2017
  • 7,617 Views, 498 Comments

My Little Paper Mario - Codex92

Bowser has another heinous scheme on his claws to defeat Mario and take Princess Peach once and for all, but the mushroom-eating plumber will have some help from six mares accidentally transported to the Mushroom Kingdom by a botched dimension spell.

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The Dangerous Lava Piranha

Deeper down the group went down in Mt. Lavalava, and it only kept getting hotter and hotter. There couldn't have been much more volcano left to explore, the lair of Bowser's trusted soldiers must be getting close. They steered clear of any gaps filled with lava as they continued onward, the ponies sweating up a storm from the unbearable heat.

"I hope we find the Star Spirit before we encounter whoever's guarding it," Twilight hoped. "After all this, when I find us a way back to Equestria, I'm going to spend a month's vacation up in the Crystal Empire and roll around in the snow outside the barrier."

"And I'm in desperate need of an hour long bath!" Rarity complained, letting out a disgusted whine as her sweat-covered mane lost its curls and draped over her face and neck.

"Anypony have any water?" Rainbow asked. "I feel like I'm gonna pass out." She soon sputtered as Sushie squirted water at the pegasus, cooling her down a little, but the lava's heat quickly evaporated what moisture was on her fur. "Not what I had in mind, but thanks."

"How do you have so much water in you, Sushie?" Fluttershy asked curiously. "Don't you need it?"

"I've been around underwater volcanos in the ocean several times. It's like boiling water down there, but I'll live as long as I don't jump in the lava like a lunatic," Sushie said. "I'm a special kind of Cheep Cheep, so water's not really any trouble for me, and we don't really need to be in the water all the time."

"I'm guessing you don't have enough water in you to make Mt. Lavalava a dormant volcano, huh?" She shook her head, confirming Kooper's thoughts. "Yeah. It probably would take thousands of gallons of water to actually turn all this lava into obsidian."

"My sister Maud would love to mine obsidian!" Pinkie said randomly. "You think we can get some Mushroom Kingdom obsidian so she can compare it with Equestrian obsidian?"

"Isn't it the same kind of rock regardless?" Bombette questioned.

"Pinkie will find a difference in some way," Twilight said. "...Then again, Maud might actually spot a difference."

As they got closer, the same Putrid Piranha scout back when they entered popped up in their path. "MARIO AND CO. STILL APPROACHING! IDENTIFIED AS SEARCHING FOR STAR SPIRIT! CODE RED! REPORT TO BOSS! ALERT! ALERT!"

It sunk back into the ground to warn its boss, which means they're just about close to encountering the leader. "I'm going to take a guess that the boss here is going to be a giant Piranha Plant made of lava," Pinkie said. They continued on until they arrived at a circle of lava on the solid stone path. They didn't see anything out of the ordinary, no sign of the Piranha leader. Suddenly, the ground began to shake, everyone panicking as they thought the volcano was about to erupt. It stopped as something began rising out of the little pool before them, three long, sharp vines slithering out of the lava, the captor of the Star Spirit inside the volcano revealing itself: the left and right vines had a Piranha Plant bulb head on the ends,but the one in the middle was a fully grown head, looking down at them with invisible eyes and a menacing grin. "Hah! I was half right!"

"BLECK HYUCK HYUCK YUCK!" the Lava Piranha laughed robotically, shaking its head back and forth intimidatingly. "YOU HAVE ARRIVED, MARIO! AND YOU BROUGHT THE CREATURES NOT OF THIS WORLD TO ME!

"Too bad, ugly!" Rainbow goaded. "We're gonna prune you right out of that little lava pit of yours!"

"We're not as helpless as we may appear!" Twilight said, lighting up her horn as she and the rest of her companions prepared for a fight. Fluttershy, however, hid behind everyone, terrified of the lava-dwelling plant. "Just hand us the Star Spirit, and maybe we'll consider letting you off! You and the rest Bowser's troops are going to be outnumbered!"


The Lava Bulbs reared back, then lunged forward as they spat out fireballs from their mouths. Everyone scattered as best as they could with the limited amount of ground they could stand on without slipping into the lava. The fireballs were aimed more at Mario, the Lava Piranha smart enough to know who was the bigger threat out of all his compatriots and Equestrian allies. The plumber pulled out his hammer, the Lucky Star glowing as it made his hammer glow like it had when the Kamek attacked them after meeting Twink back in the kingdom's capital. He blocked the first one, then slammed the second one back, but the fireball didn't do much to the fire-spitting plants.

"Wait, when was Mario able to do that with his hammer!?" Kooper asked.

"It happened once when a Kamek attacked us by near Shooting Star Summit!" Goombario said. "He fired magic at him, but the Lucky Star seemed to have activated and helped him deflect it! He must also be able to knock back other projectiles that aren't physical to strike, too!"

The Goomba's theory was put to the test as the Lava Piranha reared back and took a deep breath. Lunging forward, he breathed out a large ball of swirling flames unlike the fireballs its buds spat out. Mario held his hammer out before him, thinking it would bounce off as well, but the moment the larger flames reached his hammer, he yelped as he was engulfed in the explosion of flames. The ponies were relieved to see him still standing, slightly scorched, but thankfully not as bad as Bowser's powered up fire breath.

"Ok, maybe not everything," Bow said, stating the obvious. "Hey, big mouth! How about going after someone else!?" She flew up to the Lava Piranha and gave it several hard smacks in the face. Its head was too big while connected to the incredibly thick, spiky green vine it was attached to, unable to spin it around in a dizzy state. It grinned, barely feeling anything as it flashed Bow its sharp teeth. "...And by someone else, I meant not me?"

She yelped as it snapped its jaws down on her, but as a Boo, she turned intangible and flew back to the others. "Wow, that's a tough plant," Kooper commented. "I better not try using my fire shell move since that won't work on that thing."

"Then let's try some normal shells!" Twilight said. Using her magic, she grabbed both Kooper and Parakarry, both Koopas ducking into their shells to be prepared to be flung. The alicorn sent them spiraling around her, then gave them a hard toss at the Piranha Plant. She aimed for the bulbs, hitting them both at once, making them wilt as their vines seemed to scrunch up painfully. Levitating both Koopas back toward her, she grinned as she easily took care of the Lava Piranha's sidekicks, whether they were a part of his body or not. "There. That should make things easier for us."

The Lava Piranha continued spitting out more fire at them, barely phased that the Lava Bulbs assisting it were knocked out. The party scattered, making it difficult for any of them to get closer to strike back. What was worse was that those who were able to attack from the ground like Bombette weren't able to get a lift from someone who could toss them up, especially with how tall the Lava Piranha was. While split up, the Piranha Plant spotted Fluttershy all by herself, shooting out a plume of flames at the defenseless pegasus.

"Fluttershy!" Sushie called out, quickly breathing in and shooting out a stream of water out from her mouth. Fluttershy cowered as the fire came toward her, but the water made it to the pegasus first, shifting into a protective block that surrounded the mare, yet didn't drown her all at once. The flames struck the water block, saving her as the defensive barrier turned into steam. "Are you alright, dear!?"

"T-Thank you, Sushie," Fluttershy said.

"I didn't know you could do that!" Rainbow said, everyone staring at the Cheep Cheep in awe.

"Oh, I have plenty of tricks up my fins," Sushie said, leering at the Lava Piranha. "I knew my Water Block would come in handy for any nasty, fire-spitting monsters, or an extra wall of defense from a heavy blow. You're not harming a single patch of fur on any of these ponies' bodies, you giant brute!"

Rainbow was really mad after watching the Lava Piranha try to burn her best friend, snorting angrily as she charged forward with a yell. "Hey! Aim for me, not Fluttershy!"

She leapt up high with a flap of her wings, landing on the Piranha's head and stomping down on it repeatedly. She hung on when it tried to shake her off, refusing to let go until it was beaten to a pulp. Before Twilight could berate the pegasus on how crazy she was riding on the Lava Piranha, she noticed the Lava Bulbs beginning to twitch. Their vines returned to normal and began moving, focusing on Rainbow Dash as they noticed its boss being attacked.

"Rainbow, watch out!" Twilight warned. "The bulbs are awake!"

"Huh?" Rainbow looked up, spotting the moving Lava Bulbs as they began to lunge at her.

Watt came zipping in, electrifying herself and shocking one of the bulbs. It made the other bulb and the major Piranha jolt, all three of them seemingly connected to one vine deep in the lava. With the distraction, Rainbow gave the other Lava Bulb a buck in the face, keeping it away from her as she leapt back down to safer ground, struggling to keep her wings to her sides to avoid being lifted too high by the heat coming from the lava mere inches below them.

"I don't understand," Rarity said. "Twilight, didn't you just knock out those smaller ones with Kooper and Parakarry?"

"It seems like they're connected to the same stalk," Goombario pondered. "We need to take out the big guy if we're going to get rid of all three of them."

"Easier said than done if they weren't in the middle of a pool of lava!" Bombette exclaimed, yelping as she dove away from a fireball shot by one of the Lava Bulbs. "Not the fuse! I don't wanna prematurely explode!"

"Can't you stop yourself from blowing up if it gets lit!?" Rainbow asked."

"Not if someone else lights it!" Instead of questioning how the Bob-ombs explosions work, the pegasus was too busy avoiding more fireballs, Bow and Watt trying to focus their aerial attacks on the Lava Piranha since they can hover without being lifted by the heat in the room while Mario and Goombario tried bouncing off the plants since they were more agile and could attack foes above ground level.

Up above where the battle was taking place, Kolorado watched them from the upper pathway. "Oh my. This doesn't seem like things will go well with that Piranha Plant." As much as he wanted to search for the treasure of Mt. Lavalava, he wasn't going to have any luck with the danger present if it was down there. "Should I help them? Or would I just get in the way and be scolded by Bow and Twilight?"

Mario bounded up onto the Lava Piranha and pounced off its head. It opened its mouth as he fell back down for another stomp, but he feinted the plant and used his hammer, slamming it down hard on its head. Parakarry dove down on one of the bulbs about ready to shoot a fireball at Mario's back, kicking it hard and knocking it out. At least the Lava Bulbs didn't have any sharp teeth, but the constant barrage of fireballs they shot were more of a nuisance, especially when they just keep waking up after getting knocked out a while later. And the Lava Piranha was smarter than it seemed, keeping itself over the lava it rose from to make any of his foes drop down into the fiery pit if they missed, never lunging out to chomp on any of them if they were on solid ground.

It breathed out another swirling fireball down on them, Pinkie and Rarity screaming and diving out of the way. "I hate this evil plant monster!" Pinkie exclaimed. "There's enough fire here in the volcano! We don't need anymore!"

"It can't keep going forever!" Goombario said, tensing his muscles as he charged himself up to increase his strength. "Mario, give me a boost!"

While avoiding the fireballs, Mario ran over to Goombario and lifted him up. He tossed the Goomba high into the air, then threw his hammer up after him. Goombario flipped over until he was upside down, readying himself for a headbonk, Mario using his levitation powers to grasp his hammer. As soon as Goombario's feet pressed against the head of his hammer, he swung his arms down hard and fast, propelling the Goomba down to the ground like a ten ton weight. His powered up skull slammed into the Lava Piranha's, making its vine stiffen from the impact, as well as stunning the Lava Bulbs as they practically felt the powerful blow.

Goombario leapt back and landed on the ground, falling over on his behind as he panted heavily in exertion. The Lava Piranha let out a pained groan as it and its bulbs flailed a little before sinking into the lava. The ponies cheered at the Lava Piranha's defeat, the conflict ending quicker than they thought.

"Take that, you giant weed!" Rainbow taunted. "I wonder if Applejack could have done a better job plucking that thing out from there."

"In a pool of lava?" Rarity reminded the pegasus, earning a nervous giggle from the pegasus as she completely forgot about where the Piranha Plant's roots were.

"At least it's over," Fluttershy said with relief.

"We need to find the Star Spirit before the volcano decides to eru-" Twilight was cut off as the entire volcano began to quake, startling everyone as they panicked.

Mario had a feeling that fighting against a Piranha Plant who loves the lava was truly defeated just yet. Preparing himself while standing his ground from the quake, the Lava Piranha and his two Lava Bulbs shot up from the lava again, this time breaking through some of the stone ground near its little pool. The others gasped in surprise as it had revived itself, the bulbs and large head now covered in flames, the Lava Piranha hanging its tongue out like a dog. It chomped its teeth, trying to say something to them, but it seemed to have lost its robotic voice after that debilitating blow to the noggin from Goombario.

"I-It's still alive!?" Rainbow exclaimed in shock. "I thought it was dead!"

"Tch. Of course," Goombario grumbled, struggling to get back on his feet. "It's a Lava Piranha. That thing lives in extreme temperatures like this. It faked its defeat to rejuvenate itself for a second round."

"I knew it!" Pinkie shouted with a pointed hoof. "I knew it was going to be on fire at some point! Kill it with fire!...Wait, no! That's a bad idea! Don't use fire!"

"Oh, perfect!" Bow said sarcastically. "Now there's barely any way all of us can hit that thing without getting burnt! As if we aren't limited to who's able to hit it before! Can things get any worse!?"

To answer the Boo's tempting of fate, the Lava Bulbs reared back as if ready to attack. Instead of shooting fireballs, however, they spat out seedlings with a small flame burning the tops of their stems. Most of the group looked back at Bow, who let out an irritated groan as she ended up jinxing them. The Lava Piranha took in a big breath, getting everyone's attention again, then blew out a more powerful fireball from its mouth.

"Look out!" Twilight warned, quickly using her magic to create a barrier around them all. The flames exploded around them, making the alicorn wince as the blast managed to break her spell, but it at least protected them from harm. She let out a groan and looked up at the Lava Piranha, its panting face almost looking like it was laughing at her. "It's gotten stronger. I don't know if I can protect us all from something like that again."

Up above, Kolorado panicked as his companions were in trouble, and all he was doing was watching. "Oh dear. This is far worse than I imagined...I need to do something..." The Koopa then got a crazy idea as he looked down. He was directly above the Lava Piranha, and it was distracted by the group invading his lair. The Bulbs seemed to shoot out a couple more Piranha seedlings, the ones already spat out diving down in a kamikaze attack on them, exploding like little bombs. Thankfully, Mario, using the enhanced speed from the Lucky Star's blue glow, rescued the exhausted alicorn, and Pinkie zipped in to save Goombario by smacking a seedling away with her new hammer, but sending it at the Lava Piranha didn't do much with the veil of flames on its head. "Well, I haven't done something this crazy as a young Koopa, but as long as I stay in my shell, I'll keep from getting burned again.

"Here goes nothing!" Kolorado got a running start and leapt over the edge, quickly hiding in his shell and dropping down over the Lava Piranha. He let out a battle cry as he dive-bombed the Piranha Plant, but he brought attention to himself as the enemies looked up at the falling brown shell. "Take this you fiend!" Kolorado shouted as he got closer. The Lava Piranha shifted its head and neck to the side, easily avoiding the Koopa. "Oh no!"

Kolorado popped out of his shell and flailed in a panic as he missed, landing in the pool of lava. He let out a painful yell and flew up from the molten rock, landing beside the others as he patted his behind to keep it from catching fire.

"Professor, are you alright!?" Kooper asked worriedly.

"Yes, I am quite fine," Kolorado assured, despite the steam coming from his tail. "A second time my buns were toasted, but I've been hurt worse. I thought I could help out."

"...Well, at least it was an attempt," Bow said. "Albeit, a very stupid one."

The explorer wilted, almost receiving a compliment from the Boo, but he'll take that over all the berating she gave him today. "Oh, well. I at least made a distraction and gave you all an opportunity to think of a plan to stop that Piranha Plant, right?"

"No, we haven't," Twilight said. "The only ones who can hurt it now are Mario with his hammer, Parakarry and Kooper if I toss them like projectiles, or Sushie if she can manage to squirt water at the plants and the seeds those bulbs constantly spit out."

"Actually, I think I can take them all in one shot," Sushie said. The Cheep Cheep flopped forward, ignoring the hungry gaze of the Lava Piranha as it licked its lips with its panting tongue. "Everyone, stand back. I don't want to get any of you swept up in what I'm about to do. It's been a long while since I was able to do this, but I'm giving it a go!"

"Sushie, what are you doing?" Fluttershy asked, but Sushie was going to show them as her response.

The Cheep Cheep sucked in a deep breath and held it, puffing up her belly with her mouth tightly pursed. Seconds passed as nothing happened yet, the Lava Piranha, Lava Bulbs, and seedlings tilting their heads as they looked at Sushie in confusion. They soon began hearing water swelling up inside her, her body shuddering as she tried to contain it all inside her long enough to let it out. Heeding Sushie's earlier warning, the ponies and Mushroom Kingdom inhabitants backed far enough away before she finally unleashed the built up torrent of water filling her gut.

"She's gonna blow!" Pinkie exclaimed, ducking and covering behind Mario.

Sushie finally struck, spitting out water and shooting off like a rocket as she bounced all around the room. Instead of propelling herself to be used as a projectile from her attack, the water she released built up where she bounded about, creating a massive tidal wave that rose above the Piranha boss, his bulbs, and seedlings. The plants all let out a startled yelp, unable to get away as the giant wave of water crashed over them. Loud hissing came from them as the flames were doused from them, killing the seeds as they fell to ash while making the bulbs and Lava Piranha wilt and scrunch up in a daze.

Sushie came to a stop above the Lava Piranha as she sputtered out the last of the water she built up, letting out heavy sigh of exhaustion as she fell. Mario quickly ran forward, leaping up and bouncing off the Lava Piranha, catching the Cheep Cheep before landing back down to safety.

"Whoa! What was that!?" Rainbow exclaimed excitedly. "That was awesome!"

"A...little tidal wave," Sushie said, panting heavily. "I used to be a troublemaker myself as a young Cheep Cheep. Whew...Took a lot more out of me than I thought."

"Then let's keep attacking!" Goombario said, reminding everyone of the situation they were in. "No idea how long that Lava Piranha's going to stay stunned, but now's our chance before it wakes up and tries to set itself on fire again!"

Wasting no time with the opportunity Sushie gave them, the group charged forward and attacked, Fluttershy staying behind with Sushie and Kolorado as the Cheep Cheep rested. Twilight flung Parakarry and Kooper again as they ducked in their shells, focusing on taking out the big boss and not the Lava Bulbs. Rarity helped give Goombario and Bombette a lift up, the Goomba headbonking the unconscious Piranha Plant normally while the Bob-omb blew up in its face as soon as Goombario leapt away. Mario then gave Pinkie and Rainbow a boost up before backflip jumping after them, Watt attaching herself to the pegasus to give the mare an added electric jolt to her stomp, Pinkie cheering as she flipped rapidly, then slammed her hammer down hard on the plant's mouth, hearing its teeth shatter from its closed jaws. Mario added even more pain with his stronger hammer after Pinkie, then bounced up to let Bow smack the Lava Piranha with her fan several times.

At the peak of his bounce, Mario noticed the Lava Piranha twitch, sparks lighting up around him as he was about to re-ignite himself with fire. The others who physically attacked it got away, but Mario decided to end this now before it caught on fire again. He flung his hammer down hard, sending it spiraling down and striking it just as its head began burning again. The impact knocked it unconscious and doused the flames, apparently weakened in defense when in this state in exchange for more firepower, and literal fire power. The Lava Bulbs had woken up, but they looked up too late as Mario dove down and slammed both his fists down hard on the Lava Piranha.

The dangerous plant let out a pained groan as it flailed about wildly, the Lava Bulbs doing the same as their fire had been snuffed out as a sign of the Lava Piranha's defeat. Mario leapt back to the ground with everyone as they all watched it, waiting for any surprise attacks it might be hiding. Thankfully, that was the end of the Lava Piranha as it fell limp, all three vines slamming down on the ground in front of them. It didn't move, neither did the party as they eyed it carefully.

"...Is it over?" Twilight asked. "Did we win?"

"I think so," Kooper said. "At least I hope so..."

The Lava Piranha and its Lava Bulbs slowly slid back into the lava, still unconscious. Before its large head slipped over the edge of the broken pool of lava, something bulging from its vine began crawling up, as if it was going to vomit. It then spat up a card, along with a few broken teeth, and finally disappeared back down in the molten rock.

"Eww," Rarity uttered in disgust, the others holding a similar expression as the unicorn. "Please don't tell me that thing actually ate the Star Spirit."

"Well, at least that monster has been vanquished," Kolorado said. "Now, let's continue hunting for that treasure! Onward!"

"Wait!" Kooper called out, but yet again, Kolorado ran on ahead, moving further into the volcano through the pathway that was behind the Lava Piranha's lava pool. He let out a sigh and shook his head. "Why do I bother sometimes?"

As the others relaxed, Fluttershy was the first to approach the edge of the pool, ignoring the broken Piranha Plant teeth and looked at the trapped Star Spirit inside the card. Grabbing it with her wing, trying her best to wipe off the saliva coating the paper prison.

"At least it's one good hiding place in a volcano," Fluttershy said, not bothered by the slobber as she's been around other creatures that secreted slime, mucus, or even drool, some letting out more than normal animals. "It would have burnt up in the lava, and it would have hurt her or freed her."

"I doubt it would free a Star Spirit if the card got burnt if she's trapped in there," Bow said.

"And as disgusting as it was, I'm actually grateful I wasn't threatened that way," the Star Spirit said. "Now, can you please get me out of here? I feel really dirty after living in that monster flower's digestive tract."

"Oh. Ok," Fluttershy said. "But, how do we do that?"

"Just give Mario the card, Fluttershy," Twilight said.

"And give him another super power from us!" Pinkie added. "I wonder what Fluttershy's is gonna be? Healing? No, that's the Star Spirit's power we're gonna get now. Flight? No no no no, that would have been with Rainbow Dash..."

While Pinkie went off on a tangent over what kind of abilities Fluttershy's magic would bestow on the Lucky Star, the yellow pegasus approached Mario and held him the card. He was thankful he always wore gloves, the card still a little slimy after the saliva was wiped off. As soon as he grabbed it, the card began glowing, making Fluttershy squeak in surprise and back away, but it was long enough for the Lucky Star to glow as well, a pale yellow light shimmering from underneath his shirt. The imprisoning card floated out of Mario's hand and began spinning around, the blinding light tearing away the card and freeing the Star Spirit. The pink star slowed her rapid spinning, her orange ribbon floating elegantly above her as she held it in her hands.

"Thank you all," she said, letting out a shudder in disgust, relieved to be out of the enchanted card and the Lava Piranha's insides. "I thought for sure I was going to get digested alive. Anyway, my name is Misstar."

"Nice to meet you," Twilight said. "Now that's five Star Spirits down, only two left."

"We're on a roll!" Rainbow cheered. "Bowser's going to think twice before he messes with-" She was interrupted as the ground began to shake, the volcano suddenly hit by an earthquake. "W-Whoa! What's going on!? Is that plant thing still alive!?"

The ground behind them began to crumble as they looked back, their way out destroyed as the lava slowly began to rise. "Oh no! The volcano's about to erupt!"

"We need to get out of here!" Misstar said. "Quick, this way everyone!"

Everyone followed after Misstar and fled into the next hall where Kolorado ran toward. The explorer was too busy searching around for the treasure to pay attention to Mt. Lavalava shaking around him. As soon as he turned around as everyone got up to higher ground, but there was no way out. They were trapped, though the wall at their dead end had a few cracks in it.

"Aha! Treasure!" Kolorado exclaimed. But when he got a better look at Misstar, he was a bit disappointed. "...Oh...A starfish? That's not what I was looking for."

"Excuse me?" Misstar questioned, upset at the rude remark. "I am a Star Spirit, Kolorado!"

"And it knows my name?" the explorer asked in awe.

"We know of your insane archaeological adventures in your youth, and how much trouble you get into with your own wife," the Star Spirit said.

Kolorado blinked, slightly shocked and decided to finally shut his mouth and not aggravate the Star Spirit. The ground began shaking violently now, all of them now panicking for dear life as they had barely any time to escape.

"W-What is going on!?" Kolorado asked, nearly falling off his feet. "Kids playing with fireworks out there!?"

"Kolorado, the volcano's going to blow!" Twilight yelled. "What makes you think fireworks can make the ground shake this violently!?"

"And Yoshi kids playing with fireworks!?" Sushie questioned. "What kind of crazy idea do you have insinuating their responsibility with playing with dangerous things like that!?"

He ignored them, far too worried about the treasure. "Hmm...Maybe that Piranha Plant was hiding the treasure. I'm going back to look for it!"

"Wait, no!" everyone called out, a bit too late to warn him as Kolorado yelled, burning himself again as he touched the rising lava.

"OWWWW! Not again!" He fell back onto safe ground, looking down as the deadly molten rock was slowly rising. "Ok, the lava is rising! We need to flee!"

"Gee. We didn't notice," Bow uttered sarcastically. "Use your eyes, genius!"

"We're trapped!" Pinkie screamed. "We're gonna burn alive! I never even completed my will! Gummy will never get my party cannon if I die!"

"Pinkie, snap out of it!" Twilight said, smacking the mare's face with her wings to keep her from losing it. "We can find a way out!"

"There's no openings in the ceiling!" Rainbow said, pointing up at the expansive mountain walls. "The only way out would be the mouth, but it was nowhere in any other part of the volcano!"

Misstar noticed something amiss when she felt something beyond the cracked wall. Floating closer, she could feel a slight breeze come from the other side.

"Wait, I think there's a way out this way!" she said. "We need to break this wall down!"

"I've got this!" Bombette said, quickly lighting up her fuse and running over to the wall. She blew up the wall, revealing another room where they could see sunlight shining down further ahead, where the mouth of Mt. Lavalava was located. "I just hope my explosion didn't make the reaction worse!"

Looking back, the lava was rising higher, their window of escape turning slim the longer they wait. Wasting no time, they made a run for it, practically tasting fresh air as they got closer. Unfortunately, waiting for them at the top of a stone pillar was a treasure chest, which caught Kolorado's attention.

"Yes! That's it!" he exclaimed, running toward the pillar and jumping repeatedly to try to grasp the chest. "This must have the treasure! I'm so close I can practically taste it! By the stars, I'll risk my life for that treasure!"

"I think you've done enough of that in your lifetime!" Misstar said.

"Professor, forget the treasure!" Kooper said after getting on Twilight's back, everyone pairing up with a flying buddy to carry them out.

"We can take it with us!" Kolorado reasoned. "Twilight, Rarity, one of you grab it with your horn magic and take it with you!"

"There's no time!" Twilight said.

The alicorn flapped her wings and flew up and out of the volcano with the others following after her. Rainbow carried Mario on her back, Fluttershy carried Sushie in her hooves with Goombario on her back, Parakarry carried Bombette in his arms, and Misstar volunteering to carry Pinkie and Rarity as both mares clung onto the Star Spirit. Misstar grabbed Kolorado, despite his struggles as he hung upside down in the Star Spirit's surprisingly powerful grip.

"NOOOOO!" the explorer cried in distress, reaching desperately for the chest as they flew up. The lava began to catch up to them, Mt. Lavalava about ready to erupt and spew the molten rock out. "My treasure! It's gone!"

"It's catching up to us!" Rarity cried out, tugging her tail up to keep it from getting burnt.

"We're almost there!" Misstar said.

The Star Spirit made it out of the volcano just in time as the lava pooled out from the top and down its side, thankfully flowing down into the ocean and away from the island. As she regrouped with the others, avoiding any spewing rocks shooting out from the volcano, none of them noticed the chest Kolorado was trying to find flew out as well, miraculously unscathed by the lava. It fell straight into the Jade Jungle, landing with a heavy thud as it now sat in the middle of one of the islands around the river.

Starlight groaned, her eyes skimming over the thousandth or so book in the castle's library, many of those books either piled up or laid scattered all over the room. Celestia was also in the library with her, both alicorn and unicorn struggling to figure out how to find Twilight and her friends and bring them back home. Starlight gave up, slamming the book she looked at closed, surprising the alicorn ruler.

"How can we not find anything in all this!?" she exclaimed. "The portal between Equestria and the world Sunset's living in is still a mystery, and if we could figure out how to change the enchantment's formula to search through other worlds, we could save them by now! But we've been at this for over a week, and we don't even know who made this mirror in the first place!"

"I know," Celestia said with an exhausted sigh. "I thought maybe Star Swirl had created it since this was the same world where he banished the Sirens, but he didn't. He knew the dimensional spell, not keeping it contained in a mirror to freely travel to and from both worlds after a certain time." She rubbed her tired eyes, closing her book as she looked over the mess they made. "It's still too dangerous to try to cast Twilight's dimensional spell without knowing where we'll end up. But even if it really works, there's an infinite amount of worlds that could exist, and it would take an eternity to rescue them."

"And it doesn't help that Spike's upset that Twilight's disappeared in some other world they could get killed in." Needing a break, Starlight stood up and used her magic to clean up her side of the mess. "I hope their families don't get too worried and figure out what happened to them. I don't know how to tell them they're lost in some other dimension by complete accident."

"I took care of that for you," Celestia said, stretching out her sore limbs and neck as she neatly stacked her books in order. "Granted, they are worried, but they knew how much danger they've faced in the past as the Elements of Harmony."

While they began cleaning up the books, calling it a day while making sure to mark which ones they've already gone through, the mirror portal shimmered as Sunset Shimmer walked through. She was standing on her hind legs, having spent so long in the human world that it was practical instinct for her, only to flail as she began losing her balance and landed on all fours.

"Ok, kind of hard to get used to this going back and forth all the time," Sunset said to herself. She then noticed the slight mess being cleared away by Celestia and Starlight. She volunteered to help after hearing what happened to Twilight, spending some time in Equestria to help go through spells and any magical feats of the past when she wasn't busy being a human teenager. "So, no luck yet, huh?"

"Still nothing," Starlight grumbled. "And one thing I can't figure out was that strange magical surge she suddenly had. When she cast that spell, she was doing fine and it looked like it was working, but some strange force struck her and made her magic go haywire."

"No one startled her when she was casting?" Sunset asked.

"No." Starlight thought back to the moment Twilight had suddenly lost control. Even though she wasn't using any magic, she felt some kind of magical energy whip around them. "There was some kind of magical disturbance, but it was so faint that I barely noticed it until Twilight felt something."

"Well, that can cause a strange reaction when two different magical forces cross each other," Sunset theorized. "One thing I've learned is never to cross streams with anything, otherwise it could cause some catastrophic results."

"...Have you actually done that with another unicorn?" Starlight asked with concern and worry.

"No, I saw it in a ghost catching movie the girls dragged me along to see," Sunset said. "But it is scientifically possible to cause a dangerous outcome when mixing certain chemicals, objects, or even people with different beliefs. The same can apply to magic if two magical beams connect, depending on the spell."

As Starlight pondered over what the movie Sunset saw was about, curious to see it herself if she ever wanted to visit the human world, Spike walked in the library with a tray of sandwiches and cups of tea for Celestia and Starlight. He didn't notice Sunset had arrived, wearing a depressed frown as he seemed to not have gotten any sleep since the incident.

"Hey, Spike," Starlight greeted. "You doing ok?" The baby dragon mumbled something as he placed the tray down on the table, turning back around as his body was on auto-pilot. "I'll take that as a no..."

"He's still upset about what happened, huh?" Sunset asked.

"I'm afraid so," Celestia responded. Looking down at the tray Spike made for them, she picked up one of the sandwiches to sate her hunger from all the hours of reading she had done today. Before she took a bite, she noticed there was a letter under the small plates holding the cups and food. Curiosity getting the better of her, she levitated the envelope up, which was addressed to Twilight, opening it up and reading who it belonged to. Her eyes widened in shock as she read who wrote the letter. "What!? Shining Armor and Cadence are coming over with Flurry Heart!?"

"What are you talking about, Princess Celestia?" Starlight took the letter as Celestia seemed to be in a panic. "Didn't you send letters to their families telling them they're not around at the moment?"

"I did, even to Cadence and Shining Armor!" the alicorn said. "They must have been too busy to read it or Flurry Heart distracted them from noticing!"

"Well, send them another letter before they leave!" Sunset suggested.

"Too late," Starlight said. "They're already on their way." They soon heard knocking come from the front doors of the castle, dread building in all three mares' as Starlight gulped, noticing the date from when the letter was written. "And I think they're already here..."

Spike was already on his way to the door to "greet" their guests. He opened the doors, suddenly tackled by a little alicorn filly squealing happily before he could say hello to the Crystal Empire's royal couple.

"Hey, Spike!" Shining Armor greeted. "Surprised to see us?"

Snapped out of his slump for a moment with Flurry on his stomach, he sat up while holding his pony niece, who hugged her dragon uncle tightly. "Yeah. Kind of. I didn't know you three would be coming."

"Well, we did send a letter in advance," Cadence said. "Twilight must have been excited to know we would stop by for a visit." Mentioning Twilight quickly brought Spike back to his depressed mood, worrying the pink alicorn and white unicorn stallion. "Spike, is everything alright?"

"Where's Twilight?" Shining asked. "Is she busy studying that she completely forgot?" While not getting any answers from the purple dragon, Flurry squirming in his arms to try to play with him, Celestia, Sunset, and Starlight approached the doorway, catching the couple off guard at the princess's presence. "Princess Celestia? What are you doing here?"

The three mares looked at each other, neither of them unsure how to explain the situation to them, or if they should lie to them. Judging by how they saw Spike's reaction in mentioning Twilight, they knew there wasn't any point hiding it from them. Celestia sighed, volunteering to be the first to bring the bad news.

"Did you two not receive a letter I sent to you a week ago?" she asked.

"I didn't know you sent us anything," Cadence said. "Shining and I had so many things to plan in the Crystal Empire, and Flurry was a bit of a hoofful for Sunburst to handle, so we didn't have time to look through any personal mail." Flurry let out a giggle as she climbed on Spike's back, ignorant of his sadness when she wanted to play. Shining and Cadence looked at each other, then back to Celestia. "...What happened?"

Starlight, Sunset, and Celestia guided Shining Armor and Cadence to the library, Flurry Heart being carried by Spike as he slowly followed them. They then informed the royal couple about what had happened after they sat down, both ponies understandably shocked at the unfortunate news.

"My sister and her friends are somewhere in another world, and you haven't found anything yet!?" Shining asked. "Where did they even go!?"

"Not in the human world, at least to what we know," Sunset explained.

"We really don't know where they are, and we can't exactly find them when there's millions of different worlds beyond just what we know of," Starlight added. "We've been looking through everything for the past week or so, and we haven't found any answers at all. As much as we want to test Twilight's new spell that would allow dimensional travel to the world Sunset lives in, we don't know if it would actually work or send one of us into some dangerous world."

"So she cast a spell she made up without knowing the consequences?" Shining questioned. "That does not sound like her at all."

"Well, she might have been a bit too eager, but she was sure it would work," Starlight quickly said. "Something unfortunately messed with her magic as she cast the spell, and it almost sucked me and Spike in with them if I didn't protect us. Some unknown magical disturbance must have interfered and created a magical surge."

"We all understand your concerns for your sister, Shining Armor, but even if Twilight and her friends are lost somewhere in another world, they can handle anything as long as they are together," Celestia assured. "They didn't become the Elements of Harmony for nothing, after all."

"I just hope they're not hurt, wherever they are," Cadence uttered nervously. She took Flurry Heart out of Spike's arms, feeling sorry for the baby dragon, her foal looking at her uncle in confusion as she now noticed he was upset. "What about the others' families? Do they know?"

"All that I've written to them was a half-truth; they are away on a royal errand I asked Twilight to undertake with her friends as envoys," Celestia said. "It's not supposed to take long, but if we can't rescue them in another couple weeks, they'll be suspicious and begin worrying where they really went."

"I actually have an idea to fix that problem if we can't find a solution in time," Sunset said. "It is the middle of summer vacation at CHS, and the girls do have some free time aside from their part time jobs, myself included."

"Uhh, where are you going with this, Sunset?" Starlight asked, both out of curiosity and fear.

"Let's just say it would be like nothing went wrong." The orange unicorn approached the mirror portal and stuck her hoof through for a moment before pulling it back.

Sunset backed away from the mirror and waited. A moment later, the portal rippled and shined, several bodies coming through all at once as six female voices yelped and crashed into a heap on the ground. Celestia, Shining Armor, and Cadence gawked in shock at the six ponies lying in a pile, all of them groaning as they tried to untangle themselves. Another surprise guest came through the portal, which happened to be a purple and green dragon looking exactly like Spike, only letting out a canine-like yelp as he landed on top of the pony pile and wearing a spiked collar. Sunset facehooved and let out a groan of her own after watching the embarrassing display.

"Ok, maybe next time, we all go through one at a time to avoid this," a voice sounding similar to Twilight's said aloud.

"W-What...?" Shining uttered.

Sunset helped the ponies up, which happened to be their human counterparts from the other world now turned into ponies. The only difference to tell them apart from the actual ponies were the colored scarves they wore: Pinkie's was blue, Rarity's a dark purple, Applejack's red, Rainbow's green, Fluttershy's pink, and Twilight's white. The human Twilight also had her hair tied in a bun and glasses, the mare fixing them on her muzzle with her hoof, thankful it didn't fall off her face and didn't break.

"This is a little weird," Rainbow said, looking down at the pony body she was in. "I got used to the wings when we pony up, but actually turning into one is...just odd."

"You girls will get used to the changes," Sunset said. She then looked at the shocked looks on Celestia, Starlight, Shining, and Cadence's faces. "Everyone, meet Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, and Fluttershy from the human world. They agreed to help 'pretend' to be the actual ponies so their families won't fret about them being missing. Great idea, right?"

Neither pony answered as Spike the dog-turned-dragon walked up to Twilight on all fours, sitting like a dog as he looked at their expressions. "I'm not sure if they think it's a good idea."

Dragon Spike snapped out of his depression as he heard his voice from someone else and looked over to the new arrivals. "W-What in the hay!?"

"Is that supposed to be Spike?" Rarity asked, now noticing the transformation with both Spikes after looking over herself. "Oh my. You really are a dragon. I thought you were exaggerating."

Spike looked at Sunset, the unicorn grinning nervously as her plan was beginning to seem like a terrible idea after all. He then looked over at the human Twilight, feeling even more hurt that the alicorn he's staring at wasn't the Twilight he knew.

"Really, Sunset? You think this is going to make me feel better!?" Spike exclaimed. "Replacing the girls, replacing Twilight, with their counterparts from the human world!?"

"No, Spike, that's not what I-" The baby dragon ran off with a frustrated yell, tears streaming down his face as he fled to his room. Now it became a terrible idea with Spike truly believing his friends and surrogate sister were really gone forever. Sunset sighed, mentally kicking herself. "Darn it...I didn't think he'd believe I'd do that."

"You think one of us should try to talk to him?" Applejack asked.

"Maybe he'll cheer up with a party!" Pinkie suggested. "Just don't let me near any sprinkles. I might accidentally make them explode."

"...What?" Cadence asked.

Flurry Heart squealed excitedly, slipping out of her confused mother's hooves and flew over to Twilight, mistaking the glasses-wearing alicorn for her aunt. Twilight was a little surprised as the filly hugged her neck and nuzzled her, but relaxed as she held the adorable baby alicorn. The other girls gushed over Flurry, Fluttershy especially at her fondness for animals.

"...Ok, maybe it can work...?" Starlight muttered. "Then again, Flurry's a baby, so she doesn't know any better. You guys think it'll work until we save them?"

"...Perhaps," Celestia finally said. "Although, we'll have a talk with Spike after he calms down from this. He's understandably upset and misinterpreted Sunset's idea, losing his hope that our Twilight and her friends are still ok and we can bring them back." The alicorn looked down at Shining and Cadence, both of them still processing this insane idea of having the human girls act as the ponies that were missing until they came back. "Shining Armor, Cadence, do you think this is ok?"

Cadence looked at her aunt for a moment, then back to the girls as they entertained Flurry, even canine Spike as he licked the filly's face. "Well, as long as Flurry gets to see her aunt, I think I can accept it, even if I find it hard to believe." She then looked at Shining, waiting for his response. "...Shining?"

"...Is that what my sister would look like with glasses?" he asked out of curiosity, making his wife and his sister's pupil facehoof in exasperation.

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