• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Improvement is a dire mistress.


The Nesquick Rabbit comes to Equestria from a will that isn't even his own.

A nefarious thing from a nefarious and unknowing source.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 7 )

You couldn't even spell Nesquik correctly?

Literally the first comment or response about this story I made.

It's about how the preference for Nesquik/Nesquick isn't spelled right.

Has no other comments or responses, but that one.

Am I in some kind of hell or something? Is this literary hell that I get punished every time I try to type a story on a page.



Auntie Ambien - Today at 10:15 PM
The Nesquick Rabbit
The Nesquick Rabbit pays Equestria a visit.
GuyWhoWritesThings - Today at 10:15 PM
That's actually pretty cool @knighty
Ambien why
Auntie Ambien - Today at 10:15 PM
I have found the best story in the history of stories.
"Sound board, Ape semptemplerler, Audio mistranslations machine, Absolute Donkey bunkodunk. All these words had a familiar sounding perversity. Pinkie Pie knew this, she was currently under the couch. Contemplating the universal tendency to eat sawdust. She needed the sawdust to help her familiarize herself with madness. Pinkie Pie knew that being alive was boring as hell. But, there was always a way to find yourself from this crazy mental state. Once in a while there was that damned rabbit that would come to her in her dreams. For the rest of the day, she could not escape her pain. Nor she could disway herself from the delicious taste of Nesquick Chocolate Milk. It was impossible to ignore the cravings of sliding chocolate down your throat."
GuyWhoWritesThings - Today at 10:16 PM
Oh god that's made from that fanfic generator, it has to be.
Chrys - Today at 10:16 PM
@knighty neat
Auntie Ambien - Today at 10:17 PM
I don't care who or what made it.
1kingdomheart - Today at 10:17 PM
What the fuck
Auntie Ambien - Today at 10:17 PM
It's the most amazing thing that was ever made
"Her face started to melt down to the ground. Her body now standing still like the rabbit. It climbed up the new body and assimilated it’s face for a new world order. That was the order of the Pink Rabbit. You see, it was all the rabbit’s plan to get Pinkie Pie to attack and take control of him. But, he proved way too powerful, and absorbed her into his system. Thus, the rabbit gained the fourth wall breaking powers he needed to free himself as a delusion."
I told you, it is amazing
GuyWhoWritesThings - Today at 10:19 PM
Oh god
Yeah that's definitely not from the generator, at least.
But my brain is now full of fuck.
Auntie Ambien - Today at 10:20 PM
"Twilight Sparkle stood up and shuddered. Before she saw the Nesquick Rabbit’s form in the darkness of her own room. Twilight couldn’t move, he went up to her quickly, his eyes covered in dark lines and his body loose and unusual. He shoved it down her throat without her question. He was way too powerful to be ignored any longer."
1kingdomheart - Today at 10:20 PM
Jontron - Oh my gaaaaaaaaaawwwwwd!

Not a single PilotRedSun related comment here? For fucking shame

I don't get it, but I liked it.

This was the weirdest thing I've ever read. :pinkiecrazy:

In my opinion, this story should be also labeled alternate universe. I also thing :trollestia: should not be a tag.

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