• Published 24th Sep 2016
  • 647 Views, 16 Comments

Extra-Vehicular Activity - alamais

A sci-fi adventure/horror/thriller. 'You' are Rainbow Dash. You and the girls are all in stasis, headed to Cepheus Prime for some routine diplomatic talks. ...So why did everything just go dark?

  • ...

Life is but a dream...

You stare at the goofy little doodad on Slipstream's desk. It's all wires and little metal balls, and it never stops moving and spinning. You don't know how she can stand having it there—anything like that would keep you from concentrating on work. Especially paperwork.

You look back up at the grey-green mare behind the desk. Her uniform is neat and crisp, though her usually well-groomed white mane has had a few stray hairs poke out at odd angles in the past few minutes. She's still staring at the papers you'd given to her a couple minutes ago, various conflicting emotions flickering on her face. You think you read confusion, panic, worry, maybe even a little anger, all flavored with fear of actually questioning 'The Rainbow Dash'. Finally, you politely clear your throat.

She jumps, and glances up at you. Her jaw works, and then she manages, "May I ask why?"

A smirk. "You're the boss, Slip—of course you can."

The annoying comeback seems to melt the last of her freeze-up, and she snorts. "Okay, tell me why."

You sigh, and lean back. "Eh…it's been building up for a while, but I guess this latest injury just really gave me the time to think things through." You wiggle your right wing.

She shifts to looking concerned. "Really? I was told you should be back to a hundred percent within another month, with maybe some extra stretching required. Is it still hurting?"

"Oh, a little," you lie, "but it's nothing about the injury itself specifically." That one's the truth.

Her nose scrunches up. "Then why?"

You rub the back of your neck. "A lot of reasons. For one…" you shrug "…well I am well past retirement age from the 'Bolts, yanno."

A sardonic look. "Yeah, right. And you're still in better shape than most of us, injuries aside."

"Ehh…" You smile wistfully, staring off into the distance. "I think that's actually part of it, really. I…I had my dream. And it was awesome. Broke records, yadda yadda, but after so many years, I'm just…done?" You feel something in your gut—a knot that's been there for a long time—loosen, as you actually say the words. "Yeah. I'm done. It's time to get out, stop hogging the spotlight, and you know dang well I'm not taking a desk job or you wouldn't be sitting where you are. So, it's time to go."

She just stares at you for a moment, then her wings flick. "Okay. Mind if I ask where you're going? What's next for the one and only Rainbow Dash?"

You grin. "Goin' home, Slipstream."

A nod. "I hear Cloudsdale's gotten a bit gentrified, but—"

"Ha!" you interject. "Not Cloudsdale, eugh. Ponyville."

"Buh?" You can almost hear a spring in her brain snap. "Why?"

You shrug. "It was home for quite a while, but…mainly, it's where my friends are…or will be."

She raises an eyebrow. "That whole 'Elements of Harmony' business?"

"I mean…" you nod. "We got pulled apart a bit by that stupid war with the zebras, and then found new interests in the post-war boom. We've kept in touch and all, but lately…I just feel something pulling me back there."

"Destiny?" she ventures, a humorous twinkle in her eye.

You snort. "Nothing so exciting." With a sigh, you look around, then raise your hooves helplessly. "Look at me, Slip. I've outlasted my classmates in the 'Bolts, and their replacements. Nopony knows how long the five of us are going to live; all they can say is that we're not immortal like Twilight, but we don't age like we should! The way it's looking, those of us who've had foals could easily live to see their own grandchildren die of old age."

She shifts around, uncomfortably.

"Yeah," you nod, holding a humorless grin, "it's weird to think about right? Well imagine how it is to live it. I think all of us have started to feel it…heck, I think Twilight was first. She started asking if any of us wanted to go on diplomatic trips again, over a decade ago. We were all too busy then, but…it's been in the back of my mind. I brought it up to Rarity a few years ago, hypothetical retirement plans and all that…about a month later she started selling off some of her properties, delegating more. Now, we're going back, together, once I'm done here. Pinkie's the furthest away, up in Serenity Station doing her freaky space-warpy stuff…hasn't said anything, but I've got a feeling we'll see her before too long."

Slipstream just looked at her for a while, then crossed her forelegs. "So, what. You get your group of friends together with Princess Twilight, form a little cult?"

You chuckle. "I dunno. It's not like we'll all just stay there all the time, but…it feels like home, and I want it to be home. It's not like I'll need to work, so I probably will follow Twi along on diplomatic trips. I've seen some of the world with the 'Bolts, but not nearly all of it! Heck, maybe someday I'll head up to Serenity myself, or further. See what all the fuss is about."

She nods, and smirks. "The quiet life of a retiree with the body of a thirty-year-old."

You just wink.

With a sigh, she reaches over, pulls out a pen, and proceeds to sign your papers. She then places them in a small receptacle, and pushes a button. With a flash, three identical copies appear, stacked on top of the original. She pulls off the top copy and wings it over to you.

"Thanks, Slipstream."

"Don't thank me yet," she says with calm smile. "You realize there's going to be a party, and with someone as decorated as you, probably a ceremony as well."

Your ears flatten, but you nod. "Yeaahhh, I figured. Seems silly to me—'yay, Rainbow Dash is quitting'—but whatever. I'll still be in Hoofington for about a month, clearing some stuff up, so just let me know."

She nods and then stands, seeing you to the door.

As you're about to reach it, you pause, and look askance at her.

"Something else?" she asks curiously.

"You know…it's really all about Twilight."

Her head tilts.

"Nobody can say how long we'll live, and we can't know who will be the first to go, but…we all know Twilight will be the last of us. I've lost some loved ones already, so I can imagine at least a little of what it will be like for her, and Spike, when he's awake…and for that matter, even what the other Princesses have and will go through." You think back to the war. "I've lived my dream, had my fun. Now, since I can't be there for her, forever, I want to try to make the world Twi and all of them will live in…as good as it can be."