• Published 2nd Sep 2016
  • 3,064 Views, 150 Comments

What I Got - Gpizano

In the aftermath of the Friendship games, it's time for Sunset and company to deal with the aftermath. And hit the beach for spring break!

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Early In The Morning

It had been a couple of weeks since the Friendship Games in Canterlot City, a couple of weeks since the Pony Breakers had to miss a huge gig in Manehattan to investigate and stop magical mishap. A couple of weeks since Sunset Shimmer had a hole blown in her chest and she died for a little bit. Obviously she got better.

After saying their goodbyes to her... could she still call them ex-friends? The friendship was tentative at the moment, on a shaky foundation which may or may not be fixed in a couple of days when the weekend began and her friends came to Los Pegasus for their spring break. While she had grown to trust people again thanks to Jackie and the others, it wasn't easy to shake how deeply her old friends from Canterlot had hurt her. Before the Friendship Games she wasn't ready to give them another chance but well... after getting a taste of the hell they went through and well, dying, she just didn't feel the want to keep the grudge going.

Rolling over in the bed she shared with Jackie, Sunset's brow furrowed when she heard a retching sound coming from the bathroom. She was already disturbed from her slumber when the guitarist had gotten out of bed, obviously to go to the bathroom to throw up. Just as she had the last few morning, because she'd been buying up beer and drinking on the heavy side before going to bed. Cracking open a teal blue eye, the digital alarm clock on the old night stand showed that it was five in the morning. Far too early to be up, she didn't have to go to school for another hour or so.

With a soft sigh, Sunset Shimmer sat up and stretched, dressed in her usual pajamas of a black camisole and dark red cotton shorts. When she was sufficiently limber, the red head rolled off the bed and left the room, noting that the retching had turned into pitiful groaning as she headed for the kitchen. While she made coffee, toast, and prepared a glass of water for Jackie, Bobby groggily sat up on the couch, rubbing his eyes as he gazed over to the kitchen.

"Mornin' Sunset."

"Morning Bobby."

"She sick again?"


The man groaned softly before standing, dressed only in a pair of boxer shorts as he headed for the kitchen. At this rate Sunset was used to the man's bare minimum dress to the point she didn't even bat an eye when she saw him. She handed him a cup of coffee, which the college student gratefully gulped down... then had to grab a glass of cold water to chug since he burned his tongue. Sunset simply smiled and shook her head at his antics, having grown to find his slightly dimmer moments more endearing since over all Bobby was a good guy who tried to do his best. It was still a scary thought to think that when he got his business degree he'd be handling other people's money though...

"How're you holding up, Sunset?"

Although that did earn a sigh from her, having heard that question far too many times since they had stopped Chrysalis.

"I'm fine."

"... Really?"

Another sigh as she ran a hand through her hair, setting aside her cup of life giving coffee before looking Bobby straight in the eye.

"I died, Bobby. I'm dealing with it as best as I can but I'm not just going to randomly break down crying or suddenly snap."

"Well, yeah, I guess I can see that but... compared to Jackie you're taking it really well. I mean... you died."

"I know, Bobby."

"I mean... yeah, I dunno how I'd feel if that happened. So seeing you be so calm about it is like... I dunno."

Taking in a deep breath, Sunset Shimmer crossed her arms and leaned against the counter, thinking it over for a moment before responding.

"I won't say it didn't disturb me, Bobby. But maybe I'm just... numb? I don't really remember what it was like outside of darkness before I heard Jackie and the light revived me. I don't want to dwell on the fact that I died, Bobby. I just want to live."

Although Bobby didn't seem totally convinced, the man nodded all of the same before drinking more coffee. It was at that point that Sunset heard the toilet in the bathroom flush, signaling the blue haired woman would emerge soon. Sunset appeared to be mulling something over for a moment or two.

"... Bobby, I need you to step out for awhile."

"Huh? Why?"


Although confused, Bobby gave a nod before gulping down the last of his coffee and grabbing a piece of toast before moving to get dressed. He was almost out the door when Jackie came out of the bathroom, looking questioningly at Bobby who simply shrugged in turn before closing the door behind him. Then the guitarist looked over to Sunset Shimmer, who had approached with a glass of water and some plain toast in hand.

"You'll need this. And don't go for the fridge for another beer, we need to talk Jackie."

Although she wanted to protest, the hang over headache creating a samba in her head made Jackie compliant. She sipped down the water and took small bites of the toast as Sunset Shimmer headed to the bathroom, returning with aspirin in hand for Jackie to take as well.

"And when you're done, brush your teeth and use mouth wash. We'll talk in the bedroom."

Not questioning why the bedroom other than it would be a great place to lie down, Jackie obeyed Sunset Shimmer's instructions. She made sure to gargle twist and brush her tongue real good to get out the taste of vomit in her mouth. Once she was sure the foul odor had been eliminated and her mouth was minty fresh, Jackie trudged into the bedroom and lied down on the bed. Sunset Shimmer was already on the bed, sitting cross legged with her hands folded in front of her face, watching Jackie and seeming to contemplate something.

"... you're having nightmares Jackie."

The guitarist glanced over to the red head, knowing there was no point in denying the truth to the... high schooler seemed childish. She was certain Sunset was eighteen by now, right? Or at least was almost there.

"... yeah."

"Tell me about them, Jackie."

Frowning, the guitarist turned over so that her back was to Sunset Shimmer, obviously trying to block her out and not answer but Sunset proved to be a very patient young woman.

"... it's about you... and about what makes it so I can't stand seeing a girl cry."

Silence before Sunset Shimmer prompted Jackie to continue.

"It was the last party I went to before I stopped all that. Tino was still nagging at me to reel it in and Poppy had decided things were getting too wild for her. It was some party out in the desert, bonfires and such, there was all sorts of stuff being taken as people fucked and did whatever. I know I got slipped something really far out, beyond what I could handle before everything got surreal... then I woke up and everything was dark. There was this girl not too far away, she looked like a girl I knew from school. She was crying, I mean... crying both tears and crying for help, but I was so drugged up I couldn't move. Then these dark figures took her, she disappeared screaming into darkness before I started seeing all this fucked up shit. That happens in my nightmares except she changes into you and you've got that hole in your chest, asking why I didn't do anything to save you..."


"I know alright! If that girl was real, Tino and Sandy told me I couldn't of done anything and I know I couldn't of done anything but... UGH! I still feel as though I should have! I shouldn't of taken random drugs from a shady guy at the party, if I could've fought better I could of gotten you out of the way in time! And I know beating myself up about this is just frying me but I want to be better!"


"I mean... yeah it's only been a short time but I care a whole hell of a lot about you, Sunshine. You're smart, you're nice, you're a whole bunch of things and you almost died! You DID die! You got a fucking hole blown in your chest and there was so much blood!"

Instead of saying her name, Sunset Shimmer instead moved in to sweep the guitarist up in her arms, holding the other close as Jackie began to cry. As she gently rubbed the other's back and gave her a shoulder to cry on, a thought was brought back to the front of her mind again. A thought that had appeared not too long ago and recently had been resurfacing. It was a crap shoot knowing whether it was best to act on this thought but... after everything she had been through, Sunset Shimmer found herself wanting to act on said thought all the more.

When Jackie had calmed down and pulled back, Sunset Shimmer smiled softly to the other and brushed away Jackie's tears.

"You're so nice..."


"I mean it... you're agonizing over this more than I am. I know it's hard to get over something traumatic, especially when it's so fresh. But Jackie..."

Confusion turned into shock, silver eyes becoming very wide as their lips pressed together. Between that and being hung over, Jackie was a deer in the headlights, not knowing what to do as she stared at Sunset, the other having pulled back to smile at her.

"I'm alive. I'm here."

Another kiss.

"I'm here."

Then another, this time Jackie hesitantly pressing back at Sunset's insistence, her eyes closing and glad that the other had made her wash out her mouth. Otherwise it wouldn't of been so pleasant for Sunset Shimmer as the kiss deepened, the red head taking control as she pushed her tongue into the guitarist's mouth, keeping their mouths together as she eased Jackie onto her back on the bed. When the kiss finally ended, both were breathless, Jackie staring up at the other and feeling her heart start to race as she watched Sunset Shimmer peel off her camisole, leaving her upper half bare.

It was... erotic. She'd never seen the sensual side of Sunset Shimmer before but now, seeing her curvy, womanly form on display as the red head straddled her waist, it was definitely getting hot in here!

As Sunset Shimmer leaned over, locks of red and yellow fell about Jackie, entranced by those beautiful teal eyes as she felt a hand start to slip under her old shirt.

"I'm here...."

About an hour or so later Bobby came back, having walked around the block and picked up more quick bites for breakfast before deciding Sunset Shimmer had enough time talking to Jackie. However as he moved to get his keys, the door opened and Sunset Shimmer stepped out, completely calm but with a slightly more brighter smile on her face.

"Hey Sunset, how'd it go?"

"Good. I need to get going or I'll be late."

"Sure thing, have a good day!"

Watching her go off, Bobby could only guess that her talk with Jackie went well and was in higher spirits when he went into the apartment. Only to see Jackie leaning against the counter, a serious case of bed head as she stared into space, a cup of coffee in hand.

"Uh, Jackie?"


"Um, everything okay? With Sunset?"

"Uhhh... yeahhh. Yeah. Totally fine."

"And you guys talked?"

"... mm-hm."

"Are you... sure everything is okay?"

"Oh yeah! Fine, fine... we talked, I'm less hung over, we had sex..."

The last part was mumbled out as she took a sip of coffee but Bobby obviously heard her.



"Jackie... you and Sunset had sex?"

"Um... yeah?"


Cue awkward silence.

"So um... are you two... together now?"

An open mouth stayed open as an answer failed to come to Jackie, her expression morphing from one to the next as she thought over the situation.

"I... have no fucking clue Bobby."

Author's Note:

I guess Sunset just liked them blue haired guitarists, am I right?

So yeah, a little edgy but it's only been a couple weeks since the events of All Apologies. Plus I wanted to have some fun. :trollestia:

Where does this leave Sunset and Jackie's relationship? What will Spring Break be like when the others get there?