• Member Since 12th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Pony should pony pony.

Comments ( 18 )

A/N: Though the beginning is nearly identic--uh, quite similar to a Twidash fic I've written, that fic is actually Twidash, while this is not. I think. I'm not familiar with shipping terminology. In any case, they're very different after the first two scenes.

Scenes are written out of chronological order. If it's too confusing, feel free to downvote. I've given up on trying to make this story actually good, anyways.

very very cute


798735 Chronological order in stories is not quite as it's hyped. I've read stories written backwards, because the big reveal happens at the beginning. That being said, this story was quite good.

Just fine to me, why down vote?
It has TwiDash hints, mostly with some of Rainbow's thoughts, but it isn't written to be such in the manner.
Now that I know you have a TwiDash though, guess what I have to do :twilightsmile:
Damn, already read that one XD (Please Pardon my language)

Poor Rainbow Dash...

What I enjoy most about this fic is the fact that you managed to get Dash into a semi-philosophical thought process without it being totally out of character. I mean, she is missing that slight arrogant/egotistical/whatever undercurrent she has to her character, but I think the subtle shipping undercurrents that can be read into the fic (despite it not being a TwiDash fic) prevents it from being too much of an issue. At the same time, but not making it a shipping fic, you turn it more into a very close friendship of sorts beyond what is seen in the show and between the various characters. It's a very odd, but awesome balance you've set up between shipping and friendship, and to me, that's what makes this fic work so well.


so its not a shipping fic? why the damn romance tag?

Because love is a central theme to it. It's just not "She loves her, she loves her back, they start going out."

I read this story because the summary was so great and simple. "She fails," haha. Although I didn't notice the 'sad' tag, so I was expecting a bit more comedy.

That said, the order of the story was a bit disorienting, but I still got it at the end. I think. Telling a story out of order (and doing it well) is rather challenging.

I liked how the story ended. It wasn't a deeply depressing ending because RD got to go on the night outing with Twilight. It sounded to me, though, that what happened with the sunset replicated the move RD did at the competition. Unless the end of the story actually happened first, and that inspired RD to create the move... (great, now I've thought myself into confusion).

I've always loved bitter-sweet fics like this, ones wherein the love isn't reciproacted and there isn't a concrete happy ending
You really captured that feeling well, this was amazingly written and the characters were true to the cartoon despite being in different circumstances.
All in all, great fic.

NO SHIPPING = NO ROMANCE :flutterrage:



Please excuse that little outburst up there. That was totally unintentional and it was very rude on my part. But (and I'm really sorry about this), I'm a biased bastard, especially when it comes to Twidash. Usually, if it doesn't make me feel happy, I don't like it. That doesn't mean I thumbs down or it was a bad story (I gave this a thumbs up). This was actually pretty well written and I liked how you did the jumping time arcs (few people can pull that off well). But Twilight's little mistake there just seriously killed it for me. Once again, I'm terribly sorry for being such a biased bastard. :fluttershysad:

That was really well written. Disappointed in Twilight, yes, but still- good story.

Don't stop writing! :twilightsmile:

I was actually a little pissed when I read that Twilight was reading a book during Rainbow's performance. Still, a good story overall. I really enjoyed it.

Author Interviewer

Damn, son, this needs a Tragedy tag. D:

805722 oh lolz man, lolz!!!

That is exactly how I feel about TwiDash!

So, uh, why's there a sad tag? I know there should he some feels but not quite enough for full blown sadness. Don't get me wrong, this was really well done, it's just I don't get why thus would fall under sad or tragedy. Anyways, have a like and fav!

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