• Published 24th Jul 2016
  • 26,600 Views, 2,907 Comments

Gilded Sister - Kind of Brony

A young girl who never got a chance to live is gifted that chance in the form of a new body, life, and brother. How will this old soul take to her strange world?

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For as unbelievable as my life has become, it’s strange that this is what I’m most nervous about. As I sit motionlessly to let the maid comb and style my mane, I can’t help but worry I’ll mess something up.

“Oh, I’m jealous of you darling, your mane is so smooth and manageable,” the maid gushes as she runs a hoof through the golden locks. “Here you are, practically fresh out of bed, and there’s barely a knot. I’m at war with my bedhead every morning.”

Though I’ve gotten much better at speaking, I only hum in response as I smooth out my dress. The pink thing would have felt odd even back when I was still human, more accustomed to white gowns as I was, but wearing something so expensive when I’m a miniature horse is just plain strange. It doesn’t help that, having aced potty training, I’ve grown used to going without any garments at all, save a diaper Mom still insisted I wear to bed.

“How’s my little girl doing?” asks my mother as she enters the room. “All ready for her big day, I hope.”

I squirm around in the maid’s lap to see the mare and hold my hooves out. “Mommy!” The mare beams as she steps forward, her elegant, light-yellow sundress trailing behind her and her pink diamond earrings glittering in the room’s ambient light. As desperate as I am for some comfort right about now, I try not to ruin her ensemble when she picks me up.

“Oh, you look absolutely adorable!” she exclaims as she smooths my mane and kisses me on the nose, making me giggle. It might sound odd, but I’ve come to embrace my status as super-cute pony baby and find the attention quite enjoyable. Maybe it’s the incentive of extra delicious dessert that has me accepting the role and giving puppy dog eyes on a regular basis. After a lifetime of hospital pudding, I just can’t resist my mom’s chocolate cookies.

With another mare to help, my mane is finished in no time with a large pink bow to match my eyes and dress, and I’m whisked away to meet my brother so that we can begin the day’s event. An event in my and Blueblood’s honor. An event where many eyes, both familiar and not, will be on us.

Today is our first birthday.

Nervousness parches my tongue, and I attempt to swallow down the dryness. Besides Grandpa and Grandma, I’ve yet to meet the rest of the family, but judging by the busied servants hurrying to set up the party outside, that's going to change soon.

What if they don’t like me? Think I'm weird or can't stop looking at me with pity? When I had finally gained my bearings nearly a year ago, it was hard to come to terms with having a new family. This was especially so for my pony parents as it felt they were meant to be replacements for those I had before.

But soon, the desire to be a good daughter to them stopped feeling like an obligation; stopped feeling like it was what was expected of me by whatever force gave me this second chance, and soon became a genuine want to make them happy because I had grown to love them.

Even though it’s only been one year, I am Pureblood, daughter of Ornate Garden and Blueblood the 16th, twin sister of Blueblood the 17th, and a member of this family. That’s who I want to be, and I hope this family wants that too. I fear being the unwelcome black sheep; the one others deny relationship to.

I don’t want to be the family’s shame, and it feels like this party will be the stage I perform on to determine that.

“Mommy, I’m thirsty,” I mumble, “Can I get some water?”

“Oh? There’s punch outside if you want some?”

“Nuh-uh, I want water.” I’m telling the truth, though really I just want to delay the inevitable and a trip to the kitchen will add at least five minutes to our trip. The house is really big, after all.

“Tell you what, sweetie; I’ll bring you to your father, and go get you a sippy cup, okay?”

I nod vigorously. Dad is probably with my brother right now, and spending some time with him will calm my nerves. It takes only a minute to reach the room they are in and I can hear a commotion coming from it thirty seconds before we stop in front of the door.

“Honey, are you okay in there?” Mom calls, hoof on the handle.

“Wha-? Hey! Get back here this instant, young stallion!” Dad’s voice is cut off by the sound of something tipping over and a colt’s giggling.

Rolling her eyes, Mom pushes the door open and says, “I swear, I don’t know which Blueblood is more troublesome sometimes. Really, you can’t get a colt dressed?”

Dad, for his part, sends a weak glare at his wife while he holds his struggling colt to his chest. “I’ve got him nearly dressed, he just really doesn’t like the bow tie.”

Sure enough, little Blueblood is wearing a tuxedo similar to the one his father wears save for the tiny, light-blue bow tie in Dad’s hooves. When brother sees me, his struggling ceases and he holds out his forelegs with a call of, “Pure!”

I smile and wave back, breaking out into a grin as Dad uses the moment of distraction to get the bow tie on his son, getting the colt to harrumph and cross his hooves. “No fair,” he mumbles as he is placed down.

“Oh, it’s not that bad,” Dad says with a smirk, “You want to look snazzy for the party, don’t you?” Blueblood just grumbles in reply, only smiling again when I’m placed down, as well.

Running over, he skids to a halt and looks me up and down. I’m confused at first until he bursts into laughter and points before managing to say, “You pink marshmallow.”

I look down to see that my dress has poofed up around me, causing my cheeks to poof and redden with indignity. “I do not,” is my stellar defense.

This only gets him to laugh harder. “Face marshmallow too!”

I glower at the colt before smirking. “It’s, ‘Your face looks like a marshmallow too’.” I correct, getting the colt to stop his laughter instantly.

It’s something I’ve learned about my brother since taking on the task of tutoring him, he hates having his mistakes pointed out to him. Usually this means I have to be creative on how I correct him, but being blatant works great as a form of comeuppance for when he starts to act bratty.

Blueblood stares blankly for a few moments before abruptly shoving me over, getting me to yelp in surprise. My vision goes pink as my dress folds over my head and I hear my mom’s sharp voice. “Blueblood! You do not push ponies!”

I struggle for a bit before eventually being helped by Dad. When I can see again, my brother is holding his nose up petulantly. “Say you’re sorry this instant, young stallion,” Mom demands with a stomp of her hoof.

Blueblood lifted his head higher. “No.”

At the rebellious reply, Mom looked ready to burst, but is interrupted when I apologize instead.

“Wha-? Pureblood, you didn’t do anything wrong. Your brother knows better to push others, especially you.” It’s unspoken, but I know Mother thinks of me as fragile and helpless, and that is irksome.

“But I was teasing him,” I say to Mom before returning my eyes to Blueblood. “I’m sorry.”

For his part, the colt looks like he’s trying to stay aloof before his ears lower. “M’sorry fur pushing you… and the marshmallow stuff.”

“Apology accepted,” I say, beaming. Once I’m put down, I waddle over to Blueblood, who’s staring at the ground, and plop down. When he manages to meet my eyes, I hold my hooves out and after a moment of hesitation he leans into the hug.

Mom looks like she’s still a little angry, but Dad walks up and brushes against her. “Hey, I think they both learned their lesson. We want them to have a good birthday, right?” When Mom agrees with a sigh, Dad smiles brightly. “Hey, why don’t we leave the foals alone for a moment? I want to talk to you about something before we greet the guests.”

The two step out of the room with a call for us to be good, I wonder what they are going to talk about, but eventually shrug. I’m feeling more relaxed now with my brother, but the party is still looming uncomfortably in my mind. Blueblood’s muzzle is scrunching adorably, and I ask, “What’s the matter?”

He points at my head. “Messy.”

“What?” I reach up and notice I have hair hanging in my face. Oh no, did I mess up my mane? I can’t meet the family with a messy mane! They’ll think I’m some sort of ruffian! Blueblood jumping to his hooves and running across the room distracts me from my panic as I watch him climb a chair and scour the surface of the vanity desk in the room.

With a triumphant, “Aha!” the colt hops down and returns, allowing me to see the comb held between his teeth. Spitting it into his hooves, Blueblood makes his way behind me and pulls me into his lap. As he begins to gently run the comb through my mane, I can’t help but smile contently.

Why was I even worrying so much about meeting the rest of the family when I have my brother beside me? The sheer magnitude of our combined cuteness will knock their nonexistent socks off.

“Okay, what’s the matter?” Ornate asked with a knowing look directed at her husband. “You only twirl your mustache when you’re nervous.”

Blueblood’s hoof froze at the tip of his luscious whiskers. The silver strands may not have stood out well against his white coat had he not gave it an extra touch of wax for the occasion, making them shine in the light.

He sighs, “Well, I received some good news… You know how Aunty sent her apologies two days ago for not being able to attend the party?” When his wife nodded, he continued. “Well, negotiations have taken a sudden turn for the better and were wrapped up earlier this morning. I just got word that she will be attending, after all.”

Ornate remained quiet and Blueblood’s uneasy smile started to become more genuine at what he perceived as his wife accepting the news without a fuss. Then, she exploded. “What!? You’re telling me the ruler of the entire country is coming to my house today! I’ll need to get the extra decorations out of storage to get the gardens up to high enough standards! The food! We only have a single chocolate cake, that won’t be nearly enough to sate her hunger if the rumors are true! Do you think Perfect Pastries can manage a rush order!?”

“Ornate! Ornate, calm down!” Blueblood shouted, grabbing his wife by the shoulders to make her look at him. “Aunty just wants to meet the foals! With how busy she’s been she feels awful that she can only manage it now.”

The stallion’s attempts at soothing fell flat as Ornate gave a slight glare. “Blueblood, just because you have the audacity to call the single most powerful pony in Equestria ‘aunty’ does not mean she is not literally and politically the most powerful pony in Equestria! Everything must be perfect!”

Had she had anything more to say, the mare couldn’t remember as the strapping stallion pulled her forward and planted his lips firmly against hers. At first, she made to push him away, but as he worked his magic, her hoof instead came to caress his chest lovingly. When they finally pull apart, Ornate flutters her eyes open, not even realizing she had closed them to begin with.

“Okay,” she breathed, “I’m calm, thank you, Bluey.”

Blueblood smirks slightly. “I know how to handle my mare.”

Earning a playful swat, Ornate smiles too before sobering. “So, your ‘aunt’ is coming today. Does she… does she know about Pure’s condition?”

“First off, she insists I call her that, as I keep telling you. She has for as long I can remember,” he says, booping her nose. “And secondly, yes, she knows. She says that she will take the proper precautions so as not to hurt our daughter when they meet.”

“All right, good.” Looking down the hall, Ornate wonders aloud, “Do you think we should try and tell the children? I’m sure Pure will understand.”

“She probably would, knowing that filly, but Aunty enjoys her surprises. I say we leave it be.” He chuckles. “And get a camera ready. I remember the first time I saw her when I was a colt. Mom couldn't resist showing everypony who entered her home the photo of me with that gobsmacked look on my face.”

Giggling herself, Ornate gives her husband a peck and steps away. “Well then, I suppose we should get this party started, hmm? You get the camera and I’ll get the children and we’ll meet outside. The guests should be arriving soon and we must be there to greet them.”

Blueblood bows. “As you wish, my lady.” With one final laugh between the two, the proud parents set about giving their foals a birthday to remember. It wouldn’t be that hard.

"Oh! And I almost forgot to get Pure a cup of water. I better do that while I'm at it."

Author's Note:

Hey, I didn't lie! I said next time, there would be Aunty, and the word showed up a whopping four times this chapter. No one ever say that Kind of Brony is not an author of their word.
I actually decided to divide what was going to be a very long chapter into two parts so I wouldn't keep you readers waiting too long. After a very threatening comment about skinning my couch, I figured it would be the safer option.

Anyway, next time: stuff. And hopefully soon. No idea how long this prolific streak will last. Mysteriously getting four decent-sized, annoyingly noticeable pockmarks in the middle of one of the lenses of my glasses has really gotten me peeved at life.
At my level of blindness (left eye, -9, right eye, -10) glasses are extremely expensive and I can't afford another pair for at least another year, so the marks are driving me up the walls.
Curse you myopia! Why must lasik eye surgery be so expensive/frighting!