• Published 22nd Jun 2012
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My Little Changeling -- "I" is Magic - Wing Dancer

In the far north, where changelings live, change begins -- a single changeling learns to think...

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Intermission -- Overdue Neural Revamp

Chip wasn’t the only changeling that was bettering himself and learning about pony warfare. In the far north, in a sun-scorched canyon, the hive began to stir...

* * *

Only a day after the barely alive Silverline was deposited near the north Equestrian borders, his troops approached the Queen.

“My Queen,” started a slender unicorn, bowing deeply before the regal mare, “while our commander is busy with his mission in Equestria, we were given instructions to help your majesty prepare for the invasion ahead.”

Chrysalis cocked a brow, looking down at the figures with mild annoyance. As far as she was concerned, her plan was already set into motion and she needed to do nothing more than continue looking for spark-bearers.

“And how, pray tell, would you do that?” she asked in a sweet voice, fluttering her eyelashes alluringly. “Your dear Silverline is already hard at work, preparing Equestria for the gift I bear. I have all the minions I’d ever desire, with numbers enough to drown your country into submission if need be.”

The speaker bowed even further, his gaze shyly rising to meet hers. “I do not doubt that, my Queen. Yet, it would be best if we could at least verify that your servants are fit to take on the armed might of Equestria. If anything, a drill or two would put our minds to rest, your highness.”

“A drill? What for?” mused Chrysalis, looking past them at the canyon. She had most of her puppets out in the sun tackling rocks, each other or simply buzzing about, discerning the weaker ones from those that would participate in the attack. “You do know that I control every single one of them, right? I have the most coordinated and obedient army on the face of this planet! Or, perhaps, you are suggesting that my knowledge of strategy and warfare is insufficient? Hmm?”

Chills ran down the unicorn’s spine. He looked down humbly, forcing himself to go on. It would be for the best, even if he’d lose the favor of the Queen.

“I would not dare do that, my liege,” he finally barked out. “I know full well of your genius and infinite wisdom. Still, you must understand - every war, every encounter, one has to deal with enemy forces that consist of layers of command. A single pony is never given full authority over an army, for fear of his point of view being insufficient. I mean no offense my lady, still, I insist that you consider these words - wouldn’t it be less straining for you to focus on guiding an elite force rather than having to oversee your entire hive? Not every battle is worth your intellect, and surely you would benefit from a fresh mind during the eventual siege of Canterlot, without having to worry about smaller skirmishes that would surely happen.”

Chrysalis was about to smite the insolent rut when a thought occurred to her. She had a couple dozen assassins selected from the hive, those that bore sparks. Their insight and chatter in the hive mind was very welcome. They filled the looming silence of her first semi-success with the female who almost killed Chip. Still, her initial plan was to use those solemnly to track down the traitor and bring him to her, so she could torture him till the day he expired. Now that she thought about it…

It was true that having to work a whole living organism while at the same time thinking about what it should do was straining. Using a great number of drones with purpose instead of suggestions that interfaced with their instincts could potentially tire her out. That was the main reason she stuck to carefully guiding only a few dozen changelings for precise operations, such as capturing ponies that dared tread too close to her domain. Doing the same for hundreds of thousands…

Chip was taught how to control drones. It was a skill she regretted teaching him, but in the end it would have lifted a lot of stress from her mind which constantly buzzed with stimuli that would make a lesser mind go insane. If she could pass the knowledge to her spark-bearers, only the ability to make them move around while still relying on her for bodily operations and magic...yes, maybe she could lessen the load on her consciousness. She would act as a vessel to keep them all alive, letting the assassins’ higher cognitive functions to take over the dolls which she could extinguish at any given time.

She should have done the same to the traitor. He had no leash and ran away, like a stray dog. With the kill-switch at her disposal, Chrysalis would still have the security of owning every changeling, spark-bearer or not, with the added benefit of them doing the heavy lifting of command instead of her. Then she could totally focus on the traitor and his guts adorning her royal chambers.

* * *

Silverline’s platoon didn’t dare move while the Queen silently gazed into the distance. They were all very tense, regret slowly creeping into their minds. If they offended the monarch, they could not tell, her muzzle slowly forming a wide grin.

The speaker for the group gulped as the giant changeling stood up and loomed over him. He felt a gentle breeze sweep over his mind as she softly embraced him in the mental web of the hive. The stallion was ecstatic, the feeling of the Queen’s beautiful self bare to his senses. She spoke to his very essence in the voice a mother would read a bed-time story to her foal:

“I have considered your opinion, dear. I am thankful that you and your friends came here. You have shown me that not all Equestrians are selfish, and that perhaps you and us could live in peace. I know it must be hard on you, plotting against the lands you swore to protect...”

“Think nothing of it, my Queen,” replied the stallion, nuzzling into the sensation. It was hard to describe, as the light enveloping him had taste, it was touchable and warm. Was this what a changeling felt while in the delicate net of Chrysalis’ mind? “In the end, we only wish for as little grief as possible. A well trained army will surely subdue any resistance, and our skills are yours to command. I assure you, in the entirety of Equestria, there aren’t stallions better equipped for our mission of peace.”

“I am glad,” beamed the regal mare, drawing in the soldier’s companions into her warmth, much to their visible delight. “I would be lost without your help. My changeling ways clouded my judgment - I was alone for so long, I learned to trust in my abilities alone. Your proposition is very reasonable, and I would be honored if you could share the details of your plan with me.”

“No, the pleasure is all ours!” eagerly replied the speaker.

* * *

Chrysalis had a lot of trouble adjusting to her new modus operandi - she had to strike a perfect balance between autonomy of a spark bearer and his dependency for life support from her hive network. She tested and adjusted her focus on drones, most of them dying while she checked which groups of muscles should she take charge of and which should be left to the others. It was fascinating to indulge in this research - it turned out that a lot of the changeling body possessed expendable parts or leftover organs that were no longer in use.

Finally, after several days of fiddling, the spark-bearers were introduced to Silverline’s troops, already showing growth that made them stand apart from the rest. They would be her generals, as she was explained, the changelings that would put commands down the line to a dozen or so more submissive units. The chain would continue down to the most basic of drones, whose movements would be directed by their superiors instead of Chrysalis herself.

The most promising one, who was allowed to call himself Primo, was the first one to be found after Chrysalis’ assassin was reduced to a meaty pulp. The changeling was taught to seek nothing less than perfection, making him a very attentive student. He was tall and sleek in build, with his muzzle slightly longer than the regular changeling’s. His plates were softer, complimenting his elongated wings that carried him with amazing agility and speed across the makeshift courses his teachers set for him.

Silverline’s troops also had no trouble in molding his sister, Wildstar, into a cunning warmachine. She was less developed and smaller, her curvy body more indicative of her sex than the rest of her kin. The Queen paid special attention to her due to the rather cheerful and carefree way she approached the stallions and her training. She did what she was told nonetheless, only on occasion trying to seduce one of the ponies for a quick bite of their affection.

Boulder was a silent one. He was perhaps the smallest of the generals, barely any taller than a regular drone. His name was the idea of the Equestrian troops, since the changeling’s resolve turned out to be stronger than the rocks in the valley walls themselves. Where his brothers and sister would complain about repeating the same course over and over again, Boulder simply did as his teachers told him to, methodically completing tasks and learning to command his drones with precision and drive.

Still, of the four chosen ones, none was as unique as Dagaal. Built like a bull, the changeling had not one, but two sparks residing in his body. The Queen saw that as an amazing opportunity, but quickly learned that the trait was more troublesome than practical.

The changeling was highly aggressive, the spark in command of the body primal and violent. Whenever Dagaal saw an enemy, he would throw himself at the target and rip it to shreds, the drones under his command following short after in a pile of chitin and teeth.

Silverline’s squad tried to gently suggest to the Queen that she drop that particular specimen, but she was adamant about using him as a general. His violence, while brutish, had a certain beauty in it. In addition, the second, weaker spark was utterly devoted to Chrysalis, a soul reminiscent of the younger Chip. Comparing him to the traitor stung and she had mixed feelings about the spark...but in all honesty, she yearned for the attention she was showered with. With that particular face of Dagaal, she truly felt like a loved mother. She would spend hours just talking with him since he was unable to wrestle control from the more violent part of himself.

All in all, it took around two weeks for the generals to get the ropes of commanding changelings - Chrysalis didn’t have to bother with teaching them magic or shapeshifting, as those would simply be skills that they’d request of her and be granted with her will. With each day, the stress on her mind lessened as more and more changelings received drones to take care of in her stead. It felt like a giant pressure slowly begun lifting from her mind, making her a bit more cheerful and charitable towards the ponies and her proteges.

* * *

“Quit holding up, Dagaal,” huffed Primo, pacing around behind the massive changeling. “It’s simple. Just fly through the rock formation. You can do that, right? I swear, I have no idea why mother keeps you around anymore.”

“Probably because of the other Dagaal, the one that Mother really likes,” giggled Wildstar, standing behind her brothers and swishing her tail. She let her flanks sway a bit, feeling the hungry stares of the ponies on her body.

The female changeling kept playing such tricks on the soldiers, much to their dismay since the Queen explicitly forbade any form of mating in the hive. At least, for now - Wildstar was sure that if she kept nagging, and with how the Queen’s mood kept improving on a daily basis, she would eventually be allowed a spin or few with the enticingly smelling ponies.

“Why are you so tense anyway, Primo?” she snorted, nudging her brother’s shoulder and winking. “I mean, look at Boulder. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he was just a statue.”

Indeed, the small general just stood in line, his gaze fixed on the stone hoops cobbled together with goo. He held second place in results most of the time, with Primo naturally always bettering his other siblings. That didn’t move Boulder in the slightest - for him, as long as the job got done the way his pony teachers required, petty leaderboards that were meant to somehow stimulate them into bettering themselves didn’t matter. His only drive was completion.

“I’m tense because we are losing time because this oaf can’t put two and two together and follow a simple-”

“THERE ARE NO CIRCLEEEES,” yelled Dagaal, taking off with a thump that left visible cracks in the stone platform. The bull buzzed straight into the first ring, smashing against it and toppling it. He then proceeded to dismantle the obstacle, much to the dismay of his teachers who rushed down to stop the frenzied creature.

Seriously?” said Primo, gritting his jagged teeth. “Again?

The sleek general retreated to his hive mind, feeling the neat structure of it flow and vibrate under the Queen’s watchful gaze. As far as he could tell, it was now neatly organized, tendrils traveling down a set path in hierarchy, according to each changeling’s affinity for his or her spark. At the very bottom he felt the muck of simple bodies and eyes, the drones which were nothing more than weapons for their skilled senses. At the very top, just above him, there was Chrysalis, with her warmth and fearsome power.

Primo approached the majestic presence, mentally nudging into it for a brief moment of affection. He always denied doing that whenever his siblings questioned him about it.

Mother? he asked the presence, why do we keep Dagaal? Why can’t you just make him a lower ranking soldier like the rest of the broken or undeveloped ones? He keeps messing with the track and making the ponies upset with us-

The changeling felt his Queen’s focus shift to him, a sensation that would be daunting should he not trust in his mother’s love. It was like her whole existence encompassed his, with only a gentle flick needed to extinguish him.

He is your brother, replied Chrysalis with a grin. A little bit rough around the edges, I admit. He is nowhere near as perfect as you, my Primo, my First. A warm, silky sensation washed over the general’s senses, drawing a deep purr from the changeling. Don’t pay him any mind, my dear. Focus on yourself and your achievements. You make me extremely proud. The way you leave those ponies dumbfounded by your superior intellect and stamina puts a smile on my face every single time.

The stuck up general let himself float in his mother’s affection. It was pure love, one that he dared not even nibble on, opting to let it wash over him like the softest of silks. It was true, he was a prodigy amongst the spark-bearers. Come to think of it, it was shameful of him to let Dagaal’s shenanigans get to him. If anything, his brother did him a favor by providing such stark contrast for the Queen to see. Of all the four, Primo was indeed the most cunning, the most devoted and skilled.

I understand, mother, smiled Primo, a disappointed whine escaping his mental mouth as the Queen’s beloved presence left his body. I shall do as you wish. I shall keep making you proud.

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