• Published 21st Jun 2016
  • 1,738 Views, 16 Comments

Doctor Whooves: The First Act - Doctor Disco

Twilight's views of her world were shattered as the Doctor came crashing into her life, quite literally. Now a mysterious threat looms over Ponyville, and it seems that the only pony who can stop it is The Doctor himself. How convenient!

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Chapter III - A Strange Pony with a Box

-Chapter 3-




The sounds of the thunderstorm above dissipated after the Zygon encounter, only to be thrown into high gear and increase in intensity soon after the calm. Luckily for Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and all the ponies that had been captured, they were all already headed their respective ways home. Seeing the extremely bad weather, Twilight decided to meet up with the rest of the gang later. She said her goodbyes to Pinkie who happily bounded away, giggling and splashing in already made puddles and watched as Pinkie headed off in the direction of Sugarcube Corner. With a small smile, she began to hastily make her way to the Library with two unconscious ponies in tow.

Fluttershy slept soundly in a magical bubble as Twilight trotted at a brisk pace. She had difficulty holding it up, but it was well worth it. It was Fluttershy, after all. The magical bubble glowed a dull purple in the haze of rain that was pouring, and protected Fluttershy from the wind and elements. The Doctor however, didn’t have such luxuries. She had haphazardly but securely thrown him onto her back, and there was no risk to him falling off at this pace. As well too, because with how he looked from exhaustion and how much she saw him do, she knew he wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon. Fluttershy had taken a very bad beating in those couple of weeks she was kept captive. They had fed her only enough to keep her alive, and her fearful premise of everything made her go into shock the moment she was captured and the Zygons took her form. The only reason she was resting peacefully and well right now, even with her malnutrition and the state of shock she was in, was because of the Doctor. He had somehow stabilized Fluttershy, making it so that she would no longer be in a comatose state and that she would have all the energy needed until she woke up again.

Weather ponies flittered about, pushing clouds together, clumping them and forcing them into one big cumulonimbus. It hadn’t rained in a while, so she had expected the rain. What she hadn’t expected was for aliens to come invading on the same day as the rain. She watched while she neared ever closer to her home as pegasi rounded up stray clouds, adding them to the raging storm above her. She saw several pegasi bucking the clouds causing friction and static to produce bolts of lightning. They all looked so busy and important up there, making sure the weather worked just for them and that it was all controlled. She wondered how miniscule she must be in the grand scheme of things, how unimportant she was. She then shook her head, removing those thoughts from her mind. Now was not a time for such thoughts.

She neared the corner of the nearest block and produced a big smile at the sight of the newly repaired crater on the side of her Tree. Good thing too, because just then the wind began to pick up and the rain began to pour harder. Darned weather ponies! Anyway, Twilight galloped to her front door pushing it open with her hoof and quickly ran inside before shutting it closed once again. Sighing a breath of exhaustion, gladness and relief, she heard Spike snoring up on the balcony. She let a small smile crack through her tired features, happy to know that Spike was still going to be Spike and that he was just fine. She quietly made her way up the stairs and saw Spike’s peaceful yet obnoxiously loud form in his dragon bed. As quietly as she could, she carefully lay Fluttershy on her bed, making sure that her magical bubble didn’t pop and make a loud noise. She then grabbed for herself a sleeping bag and a spare for the Doctor for them both to be able to sleep in, and grabbed a few pillows as well so they didn’t have to rest their heads on the hardwood of the main floor.

She then made her way back down with the unconscious Doctor to the bottom floor and set up on the carpet in the middle of the room, only to realize something she hadn’t noticed after all the excitement of the day. She had expected her Library to patch up the hole in the side of the tree, yes, but what she had not expected was for the Library to have been completely refurbished to it’s original glory, as if it were never damaged at all! The only thing that indicated such an event had even happened was the monolith that stood near one of her bookshelves. The monolith, that was the Doctor’s blue box. Her mouth could only drop in astonishment and wonder and surprise as all of the beauty of her destroyed-but-now-renewed library came flooding to her senses. Before exploring her pristine and fixed up Library however, she put the Doctor inside his sleeping bag, put a pillow under his head, and made sure she put him into what she thought was a comfortable position. Satisfied that all was well with the Doctor and Fluttershy for that matter, she began to reminisce and explore her fixed up Library.

She began to walk around. As she examined her home, she couldn’t help but have her eyes rest first on the now beautiful looking and bright new “Police Box” that stood in her Library. Now that it didn’t lay in a smoldering, burning crater, she saw how the Doctor would find it a piece of work. It gave off a very strange but pleasant vibe, it’s windows glowing a healthy white. All four sides were visible now, but the 4th side didn’t vary much from the other two sides surrounding the doors. The writing at the top, POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX, glowed a warm and gentle yellow. She could now also clearly see the writing both doors and panels. On the left door was a glowing white cupboard-looking square that was present inside the middle panel of the left door. It’s black words contrasted very well with the glowing backdrop. From left to right in vertical order, it said:










Twilight could only understand half of what that really meant. As far as she knew, the word “car” didn’t exist, or if it did she had no idea what it means or what it was. She also didn’t know what a “telephone” was, but she just decided that she would ask the Doctor later. She also saw a small little handle attached to the panel, and pulled on it, finding an odd looking device attached to a cord which led to a black object with a small circular dial that held numbers in it. The device itself had a curved shape, with one smoothened raised circular grate jutting out from the top end which was held to the panel itself by two hooks that formed a sort of ledge. The bottom end was less elegant than the top, with an added ledge of sorts attached to it’s own circular grate and was attached to the cord which led to the black object that lay inside the small cupboard-type space. She saw the numbers 1 through 9 going in a clockwise circle and a raised upper dial jutted above the initial object which had small holes that displayed the numbers themselves. Curious, she twisted the dial with her hoof and found it made a clicking noise whenever it moved clockwise and then proceeded to rotate back again to it previous position. She also floated the curved appendage of the black object off of its ledge and was surprised when it began to make a droning noise from the top raised grate. She dropped it with her magic in surprise, and cringed when it made a loud smacking noise against the wooden doors. Not wanting to meddle with this alien machine anymore and risking waking up the Doctor, she put it back on it’s hooks and closed the panel.

She then turned her attention to the right door. An image or what she thought was a sticker was stuck to the middle of the middle panel on the right door. To her, the image looked like an odd looking flower. Upon closer inspection however, she saw that it said on the top from left to right first curving up and then down clockwise: “ST. JOHN AMBULANCE.” There was also one big symmetrical cross in the middle with a smaller one just below the dark circle that the big cross lay in. In between the crevices of the big cross’ triangular bars lay what looked to be two unicorns and two griffins opposite from each other. Turning her attention away from the sticker, she could only think of how blue the box itself was. Perhaps the bluest blue she had ever seen.

She then heard a humming coming from the box itself. Pressing the side of her face and ear to it and putting two hooves on the box, she could feel the box vibrating. Purring, if you will, as if it were a cat. As if it were... alive, however daft that may seem. It felt alive... sentient. She felt that if she would stay there long enough, it could talk to her. Finally, she took one step back away from the police box, and put her hoof on the main door’s handle, and pulled. It didn’t budge. Trying again, she pulled even harder. No luck. She then thought of something, something that went against what the panel on the left door said. She pushed, and…


Shrugging in defeat and not wanting to inspect the Doctor’s box anymore, she began to inspect her Library. There were no splinters of wood or sparks present. It didn’t smell like wet wood, or burning wood. There were no marks or indentations anywhere. The crater that the blue box previously lay in was nowhere to be found. Instead, she found the floor where the crater would’ve been to be fully intact and looked, felt, and smelled as if it wa the same old wood that it was prior to it’s destruction. That spot of floor even had that stupid squeak in the floorboards that had bugged her for the first week of her stay in Ponyville. She smiled when she began to step on it, producing the same now-satisfying squeak as it had always done, but remembered people were resting and quit it.

Walking to her bookshelves, she found all books intact and in their proper place, with no variation or deviation at all to her previous organization methods and found the same spots of dust which she had been meaning to tell Spike to clean earlier that day before the Doctor crashed in. She would’ve thought that such dust pockets would’ve been aired out as soon as the blue box had crashed in, what with the draft and all but they looked the same to as they were that morning. She then quietly made her rounds around all of her bookshelves, making sure, absoutely sure, that no books were missing or out of place or damaged. And to her shock, none were! None were missing, none were damaged, none were smoldering with sparks, and none were sopping wet. She could only sit down on her rump and stare at her bookshelves for a good quarter of an hour.

She then whipped her head around and found her desk on the main floor to be completely organized and put away. She walked over to it, running a hoof across it’s polished wood, and opened the drawers to find all the papers that were previously on her desk to have been sorted through and put in the right place. She felt that it could’ve been Spike who had done that, but she also knew that her desk and documents had caught fire when the Doctor crashed in. She took a few steps back, trying to process everything. Same old desk, same old library, same old everything. But there was one last thing she needed to see to tell if everything was real and was truly fixed.

She headed over to the table she had been reading her book that after at. It was completely fine. It had no damage, it’s leg’s were all intact, and her cup of tea was still there. Wait… her cup of tea?! China is not easily repaired, but when she saw her teacup and plate, the very same cup and plate she had thought had been broken that afternoon, she found that it was all patched up. She would never have known it was broken at all if she hadn’t witnessed it herself. Her book, which she had also witnessed to be half burned and sopping wet was there as well, perfectly fine. She then found her favourite cushion, the same shade of red that it was at the time of it’s destruction. It used to be a bright and vibrant crimson, but had dulled over months and years of use. She then pulled out the scrap of the cushion from just that afternoon, which was covered in soot and scorch marks, and compared it to the fabric and quality of the cushion that was in front of her.

It was an exact match.

She then remembered what the Doctor had said almost immediately upon crashing in and introducing himself. “Really, truly am sorry. I’m the Doctor and I swear, I will fix your home…” Could it have been him? But it couldn’t have, she was there the whole time with him. She would’ve known if he had run off to fix her library. More than that, he wouldn’t have been able to notify anyone else about the Library being destroyed because he was being watched the whole time. The only way he could’ve fixed it was if…

No...Twilight thought, shaking her head and then glancing at the unconscious Doctor. It can’t be… It’s just not possible! He’s not even a unicorn, he wouldn’t be able to do that kind of magic. It isn’t even possible that he could know about Star Swirl’s spell! That area is only accessible by a few ponies, one of them being me… And I made sure to make it as hard as swimming through molasses to find that spell!

All these thoughts were beginning to hurt her head, and a slight pounding began to reach her head. She shook her head, and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. She attributed it all to the Doctor’s strangeness rubbing off on her, or her own fatigue of the day. She concluded that it would be best for her to get a good night’s rest this time around instead of staying up all night. She also decided to tell Princess Celestia about all the things that had happened today. After all, she would need to know about the new inter-species relations between Zygons and Ponykind. Giving out a big yawn and stretching her whole body out giving a sigh of satisfaction, she yawned once more and climbed into her sleeping bag. Settling down for the night, she turned to the Doctor, who lay a few feet away from her. He could see his sleeping bag go up and down to the rhythm of his breathing, and began to hear him muttering things in his sleep. Already in a comfortable position and drowsiness taking hold, she felt her heavy eyelids close and listened to the steady hum of the TARDIS and the mutterings of the Doctor, before finally slipping away into a blissful unconsciousness.

Twilight awoke the next day to the smell of delicious cooking. She shuffled in her sleeping bag, smiling at the scrumptious aroma, and smacked her lips. Still half asleep, she thought she was dreaming and opened her eyes, realizing she was, in fact awake. Groaning at the sight of light coming in from the blinds in the treehouse, she grunted and crawled out of her sleeping bag, still not believing what was coming from the kitchen. She then heard voices, and stood up, stretching and popping a joints, feeling the gas bubbles being released and sighing in great relief, she began walking to the kitchen with her eyes half-lidded. As she turned the corner of the door to the kitchen, she could see Fluttershy gobbling up as much food as she could while Spike ate as much as she usually ate. They were also laughing at each other, one of them apparently having told a joke.

She saw multiple piles of food lined up on the dining table. She saw stacks of pancakes covered in syrup and butter, the pancakes having a golden tone to it. She could see eggs and scrambled eggs in big platters. She also could see what seemed to be a chocolate fountain and some desserts laid out for after they finished their breakfast. Or was it lunch? She just shrugged and called it “brunch” in her head. Fluttershy and Spike then noticed who was standing in the door way and invited her to come in.

“Twilight! You need to come and try this.” Spike said, pointing to the mountains of food behind him.

“You really should, uhm, Twilight. It’s very good.” Fluttershy said, and then inhaled another plate of pancakes, filling it with even more.

“Suuure! Just one question,” Twilight paused, “Who made all this?”

Just then, the Doctor walked in with a chef’s hat and an apron that said “Universe’s Best Cook” on it. He was balancing another stack of pancakes on his back, and carefully handled a bowl of magenta liquid with his left forehoof.

“I did! You can thank me later, because I’m about to feast with you.” He explained, putting his delicious creations on the table, then pulling up a chair. He motioned for Twilight to come sit with them, and she slowly did so, sitting on her rump on one of the 8 chairs that surrounded the table. After being given a plate of scrambled eggs, pancakes, and a cup of the light purple liquid. She then carefully cut a piece off the pancake in front of her, and began to float it to her mouth. Just as she was about to take the bite, she noticed the two ponies and dragon present looking at her with encouragement and anticipation, as if waiting for her reaction. She raised an eyebrow, but said nothing as the delectable food stuff entered her mouth. A whole world of flavour exploded in her mouth as she chewed her first bite, her eyebrows rising to a point of surprise and deliciously good awesomeness, and began to stuff her face in the same manner as Fluttershy. Fluttershy had now finished (to her knowledge) 4 plates of this unbelievably good tasting by product of the Doctor’s cooking. She never knew breakfast could be this good!

“MOH MRAH SHWEET SHELESHTIA SHISH ISH AMESHING!” She exclaimed through a full mouth, unable to contain herself. She began inhaling the first pancake on her plate, then the next, then the next, all the while eating the eggs with it and drinking some of the out-of-this-world drink she had been given. She then saw the Doctor smiling to himself as he ate as she would’ve ate, with dignity and manners. She suddenly felt embarrassed with her own savage eating but she couldn’t stop herself. She was completely blown away by how good the Doctor’s cooking was. After they had all finished the main course of brunch, they began to move to the desserts but with less ferocity this time now that they were somewhat used to the Doctor’s stellar culinary skills. There was one cake, a chocolate fountain (which they immediately drained of chocolate), and a bunch of little cookies with a red jelly-type thing in the center and a white filling. They each took a piece of the cake and three or four of the biscuits, and they each now ate with a slowed pace, not wanting to finish all the dessert right away and to now have at least a sense of civilized dining. She could see Fluttershy with a ravenous look of hunger in her eyes, but now very dulled down due to the feast they had just gotten. They then began to talk.

“Sooo… Doctor-” Twilight began and the Doctor raised a hoof, finishing his small bite of cake, and spoke.

“You’re probably wondering where I learned to cook like that, yes?” He asked them, and Twilight, Fluttershy and Spike nodded.

“You’re also probably wondering what the drink I gave you was and what these biscuits,” He held up one of those biscuits with the jelly filled center and cream filling, “Are?”

They nodded again.

“Well my young friends, while on my travels I had lots of time to goof off and mess around. In that time, I learned to cook! Somewhere known as ‘Paris,’ although I don’t know if you guys- er- ponies have one of those around… Anyways! As I travelled, I met many people- er- ponies, and one of them just so happened to be the best cook around the block. He taught me many tricks and tips on how to cook and what to do, the proper combinations and just what spices to put in, and then there just so happened to be a problem with which he needed my help and he repaid me by teaching me his most secret and best techniques which he made me promise never to tell anyone… I mean anypony.” He stopped, then shoved the rest of his cake in his mouth seeing as how everypony else had finished theirs, and then got a biscuit and popped it in his mouth, before washing it down with a cup of water. The drink had run out just minutes before.

“Also,” He continued, holding up another one of those biscuit things, “These are called ‘jammy dodgers.' Delicious, am I right? And that drink you had was an exotic punch made by my special friend with the very rare fruit from the nearly extinct tree known as ‘Ferbilim.’ Don’t know if that exists in these here parts but I most definitely just used up the last of my stock that he gave me.” He finally finished, his face saddening at the loss of his “Ferbilim” juice, but happy that he still seemed to have an infinite supply of jammy dodgers. They had finally finished brunch and they all smiled in satisfaction at the wonderful meal the Doctor had produced for them.

“Thank you.. Erhm…?”

“The Doctor, pleasure to meet you.” The Doctor supplied for Fluttershy, and she blushed as she shook his hoof.

“Yes, uhm Doctor… Thank you for the meal. I don’t know what came over me, I just felt like I could eat a whole planet! Sorry for my uncouth table manners this meal.” Fluttershy whispered, and she tried to hide behind her mane, curling it with her hoof. The Doctor winked at Twilight, and he shook his head. He dismissed the apology in a way that made Fluttershy laugh and brought the energy back into the room, and Twilight raised an eyebrow at the Doctor. He just shrugged.

“So, how do you feel Fluttershy?” The Doctor finally asked, collecting all the plates and getting up from the table.

“I- I’m fine thanks. I just… feel like I’m missing something. I don’t remember getting here, but I do remember..” She trailed off, and then her eyes widened in fear and she squeaked before hiding under the table.

“Are those things still around?” She said in a very high pitched squeak, almost to the point of not being able to understand what she was saying. The Doctor quickly placed what he was carrying down on the kitchen counter before dropping to the floor and addressing Fluttershy face to face under the table.

“Shh… Don’t worry Fluttershy. You’re safe now that I’m here. Don’t be afraid…” He whispered in a soothing voice which made Twilight herself feel like she could withstand an army with the Doctor around. Fluttershy was still quivering with fear, but the Doctor reached out and put a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder in comfort. To Twilight’s surprise, Fluttershy immediately calmed down, gave a small smile, and then slowly made her way out of under the table. All the while holding the Doctor’s hoof, she finally stood up and looked the Doctor straight in the eye.

“See? Nothing to worry about.” He said, shining a smile at Fluttershy. Then, to the surprise of the Doctor, Fluttershy embraced him in a hug. She began to cry, saying thank you, and then proceeded to hug Twilight thanking her too, and then crushing Spike in a hug telling him he was a good baby dragon for taking care of Twilight. Twilight tried to hold back a laugh at that one.

“Although,” The Doctor began, putting a hoof to his chin. Fluttershy turned her attention to the Doctor once again. “I would like to ask, how well would you handle nearly identical copies of yourself?” At this, Fluttershy squeaked again and Twilight facehoofed at the Doctor.

So much for an untroubled Fluttershy.

After brunch, Fluttershy was caught up to most of what had happened to her. Of course, they left out the parts that would have been frightening to her, which was about 90% of what had happened but meh, what can you do? Twilight then told Fluttershy that she could stay with her for the time being while the Zygons repaired the damage done to her home. She guesstimated that they would be or should be done fixing it up by the next day, and told Fluttershy to go catch a breath of fresh air. Twilight also told her to come running straight back to the Library if there was any sign of danger to her, and promised Spike would remain at the Library if she went out. She was going to do so anyways. Just then, Pinkie Pie broke into Twilight’s home practically knocking the front door off of it’s hinges and frightening Fluttershy to the point where she just fainted.

“YAY FLUTTERSHY’S BACK TIME TO PARTAY!” She yelled, activating her party cannon and sending streamers and confetti everywhere. Twilight quickly rushed to Fluttershy’s side to check if she was okay. Twilight then glared very steely at Pinkie Pie. The Doctor could only lean against his box with a bemused expression. Seeing their faces, she shrugged. “What?” The Doctor then walked over to Twilight.

“She’ll be fine, Twilight. Just get her back up to that bed of yours. It seems to be very rejuvenating. Meanwhile…” The Doctor trailed off and walked to his box and put a hoof to the door. With little effort, he pushed it open and walked inside. Twilight sat there flabbergasted beside the unconscious Fluttershy while Pinkie giggled. She had applied a lot of force on that very same door the night before and it hadn’t budged. Now the Doctor just opened it with ease and she couldn’t figure out as to why. Staring the door, it opened once again and the Doctor popped his head out once more with a tremendous smile on his face.

“Just wait till you guys see this! Lemme get dressed first and then I can show you my TARDIS.” The Doctor then popped his head back in, shutting the door once more. She didn’t understand, that box looked like it barely had enough space even for him. And to think there was a wardrobe in there too! She shook her head and lifted Fluttershy with her magic once again. Fluttershy was now in a state of unrest, muttering things herself such as “...not the bees…!” and “...please save me from the monsters…” Hoping the best for Fluttershy, she placed him on her bed once again and shook her head once more. Poor Fluttershy, she’s gonna die of fright one of these days.

Walking back down the stairs, she saw Pinkie eagerly waiting on a very large comfy chair which she had no idea where Pinkie Pie had gotten it from or how she even fit it anywhere. Much less her party cannon, she didn’t understand how Pinkie could do that. Oh well, add that to a whole list of questions still waiting to be answered. Speaking of questions… Where was that letter-? The door to the box the Doctor had called a “TARDIS” suddenly swung open and out came the Doctor, newly dressed. He shut the door behind him, and basically skipped up to Pinkie in barely contained excitement and happiness. She then reached to where Pinkie and the Doctor were about to converse.

“Whaddya think of the new look?” The Doctor said, spinning around and going on his two legs to do the “ta-da” position, but quickly fell to all four hooves, their bodies not being built to stand on two legs only. The Doctor now looked even more freshened up than before, his apron and chef hat now gone, replaced by two simple but remarkably notable pieces of clothing. On his head was a stetson- brand new looking and a shade lighter than brown, it had a small indentation in the front and was flat brimmed for the most part. He also wore a jacket made of some sort of cotton fabric, and was a light sky blue. She couldn’t help but think of the resemblance his hat bore to that of Applejack’s.

“It looks… pretty great actually.” Twilight said hesitantly, but the Doctor smiled seeming not to notice the moment of pause.

“It. Looks. AMAZING!” Pinkie shouted, jumping out of her chair and springing into the air in her trademark jumping party position, and confetti blew out from nowhere. The Doctor could only laugh at Pinkie’s antics and then walked back to his box.

“Now, I haven’t properly introduced you guys to my spaceship yet, but here it goes! This, my friends, is the TARDIS. Now, It’s not as crazy of a name as it sounds! It’s actually an acronym that stands for ‘Time and Relative Dimension in Space.’ Pretty neat, eh? She get’s me around.” The Doctor knocked on the TARDIS’ wood a few times, as if to say “Yeah, it’s reliable.”

“Wait… spaceship? And you’re talking about it as if it’s alive!”

“It is alive.” The Doctor then stopped leaning against it and put a hoof on it in reminiscent wonder. “And yes, it’s a spaceship. Ready to behold what lays inside?” He asked, raising one of his eyebrows and giving a smile that screamed “Please say yes, please say yes!”

“We’re as super-rifically ready as a pony about to get a million cakes stuffed into his face!” Pinkie shouted, and the Doctor blinked a few times.

“I’ll take that as a yes.” The Doctor then put a hoof on the right door, and gave it a soft nudge. It creaked open, making a satisfying squeaky noise. White light seemed to pour out of the box and she could only look at the Doctor in confusion.

“But… that looks like it could only hold half a pony!”

“Then I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.” The Doctor responded, a grin on his face. Shaking her head (which she grudgingly admitted to herself she had been doing a lot of recently), she carefully began walking in. Pinkie Pie, unsurprisingly impatient and wanting to find out what was inside, she bounced her way in throwing the doors wide open while yelling “There’s no time for suspense build up when this is way too cool!”

She then finally stepped into the TARDIS and froze. She simply… froze. She had no words to describe how shocked she was at what she was seeing. In the centre of the room lay what she would’ve thought as the TARDIS’ control panels, and a flat planed main floor. A second floor was present with two staircases on either side of the TARDIS’ entrance leading to what was more of a balcony than a second floor. She also saw that the floor was see-through, and saw many wires and cable strewn around and attached many various places underneath the main floor. She also saw a mini staircase leading to the “belly” of the control room to where all the wires were her. Looking elsewhere, she could see 12 different doorways placed in varying places, from in the belly to the main floor and then the second floor. Pinkie was bouncing around, shouting things and exploring the first main area of the TARDIS. The Doctor quietly made his way in behind the stunned magenta mare and had a big smile on his face.

“Well?” He asked, raising an amused and knowing eyebrow. “What do you think? Anything you want to say, any passing remarks? I’ve heard them all.” He then smiled even further when the purple pony ran outside to confirm what she was seeing. Twilight circled the TARDIS and entered several times before running back in and facing the Doctor, only a few feet separating them. Pinkie Pie also stopped exploring, smiled at the Doctor and then at Twilight, stopped bouncing, and stood off to the side of them.

“It’s- It’s- It’s-”

“Spit it out, lady!” The Doctor chuckled, hitting Twilight at the base of her neck and making her say the words she had been thinking the whole time.

“It’s bigger on the inside!” Twilight shouted, and the Doctor walked past her and Pinkie, trying to contain the big smile he felt and attempting to keep a straight face. He got to his control panel and found a book on the panel itself. Grabbing it, he immediately threw it out of the open doors of the TARDIS.

“Is it? I haven’t noticed.” He said, and then flittered about the control panel which was shaped hexagonally, categorizing the control panel itself into six different panels. In the centre of the room and in the centre of the control panel was a very, very long column which went from the belly of the room to the ceiling, where there were giant disks that went from the ceiling down to just below the ceiling in decreasing size with very many strange hexagonal symbols with many more strange markings in it. She couldn’t help but recognize the similarity between these symbols and the once on the let- Pinkie Pie interrupted her train of thought and commented on interior of the TARDIS.

“It’s dimensionally transcendental right? The inside of your TARDIS I mean. The outside exists in this dimension while the interior of your spaceship is in a different dimension entirely, but they’re both readily accessible at the point in time and space! It kinda acts like a doorway, right? Also, I’m really digging this pink-metal theme you’ve got going on. It’s a nice shade and it really contrasts against everything else! Your time rotor is also looking really neat, with all those lights in it.”

The Doctor looked at her with the most shocked expression Twilight had seen him give yet, but she was sure there was more the Doctor would be surprised of from Pinkie Pie. There was always something new to learn about Pinkie. Always. Pinkie then frowned at the look the Doctor was giving her and stopped springing in place.

“What? Pink isn’t that bad. I mean, I’m pink, so I guess I can’t really say. Also, you promised to celebrate with jelly babies with me after we defeated those sneaky sneaky aliens!” Pinkie said, and giggled once more, before the Doctor shook his head and stared at the panel he was at with an intense gaze and then looked at Pinkie with a small smile and an odd look in his eyes.

“Yes, we will do that Pinkie. But I don’t think it would be best to explore my new TARDIS and to celebrate right now though, hm? I think Twilight has somewhere she needs to go.” He began to run around the console again, checking his monitor every few seconds.

“Pinkie Promise you’ll do that with me later Doctor? Explore your TARDIS and eat jelly babies?” Pinkie interjected before Twilight could speak, and the Doctor turned his attention to the pink party pony once more.

“Yes Pinkie, Il- er- Pinkie Promise, as you say.” He then turned his attention back to Twilight. He raised an eyebrow, but she asked him a question instead of saying her priorities at that moment.

“Who are you, Doctor? Really?” She asked, and the Doctor stopped moving so much, resting a hoof on one of the panels and then running and rubbing his hoof along it. He sighed and looked Twilight in the eye.

“Doesn’t matter right now. What does matter is who you’re going to need meeting with. As I said, I recognized you had an urgency to go somewhere this morning, but where exactly?”

“I’m going to meet with the Princesses. I need to tell them about the interaction between Zygons and Ponykind and about the truce you made with them.” She explained and then sat down. Pinkie pulled up a chair and sat down on it, while the Doctor slammed the TARDIS doors closed with a flip of a button. Twilight then lay her head against the railings’ supports. The only reason the railings themselves were there was so that nobody, nopony would fall into the belly on either side and hurt themselves by accident. They were on either side of the walkway toward the command console, and she found it a bit odd that the room was designed with gaping gaps in its floor with only a railing to protect them.

“Where exactly are your Princesses located? I can take you there.”

“Canterlot Castle in Canterlot.” Twilight stated, and the Doctor looked at her with a disbelieving look.

“Canterlot? Really?! Don’t you mean ‘Camelot?’” He exclaimed, whizzing about the console flipping switches and hitting buttons, twisting things and pulling levers.

“No… Canterlot is correct. Why?” Twilight looked at the Doctor expectantly, but her just kept shaking his head and typing things into his monitor. She then heard him mumbling things she didn’t quite understand. He never did give a straight answer, but she still tried to interpret the words he had said.

“Seriously… ponified cities… I should never have mentioned it…”

She then remembered the book that the Doctor had thrown outside of the TARDIS and inquired about it.

“Oh, that silly old thing? It’s the TARDIS manual. A big pile of rubbish I say, although it keeps popping up. Never read it fully. Probably never will.” He said as if it had happened a million times. Twilight just gasped and Pinkie snickered. Twilight could only think of how useful that manual could be, and wondered why the Doctor didn’t just keep it.

“What?!” She exclaimed getting to all four hooves and attempting to open the TARDIS doors. They didn’t budge. “What’s so bad about it? If it could help you drive your spaceship how come you don’t keep it for future reference?”

“Because it says I needed to activate the relative dimensional stabiliser. I strongly disagreed with it so much once I threw it into a supernova (Twilight gasped at that) but it’s handy sometimes… Or, I suppose, hoofy now.” He then stopped at a lever that had six flashing lights on either side. “Grab a hold! Ready?”

“Allons-y!” Pinkie shouted and this time the Doctor agreed with her. Twilight could only shout about how incompetent the Doctor was in throwing such a valuable book of information and to wait for her to find something to hold on.

“Too late!” The Doctor shouted, laughing as he threw the lever forward making it face the column in the middle of the room, and the whole world began to shake. She heard a loud thump, and then a wheezing noise began to emanate throughout the TARDIS, being emitted as well as echoed causing a very dizzying but interesting sound and effect.

“Doctoooooor!” Twilight yelled as she was thrown around the walkway into the railing while everything shook. The Doctor just shouted in glee and yelled “Get used to it!” Pinkie had fallen off her chair at this point and had curled herself into a ball, bouncing around everywhere. She was now everywhere, hitting the walls and just giggling the whole time. She could see from her position in grabbing the railing for dear life that the disks in the ceiling were twisting, each in the opposite direction of each other. She could also see all the round things present in the walls pulsating a specific set of colors: magenta, yellow, pink, cyan, white, and orange, not exactly in that order. Just as quickly as the chaos had begun, it stopped. Pinkie crashed into the Doctor by accident. They were both laughing, and They got up. Pinkie gave an “Aww, it’s over?” and the Doctor just said, “There’s more where that came from.” Heaving from exhilaration and having lost his hat in all the chaos, the Doctor flipped a switch and the TARDIS settled down. Twilight, still clutching the supports of the railings in fear and wide-eyed, she turned to the Doctor.

“You’re insane!” She said, finally able to pry herself off of the railings. She collapsed in an exhausted heap herself, and then got back up onto all four hooves. Pinkie sproinged her way to Twilight and continued to bounce in place. At this remark, the Doctor began looking for his hat which had fallen onto a padded metal bench near the console.

“You’re right, I look like an idiot without my hat.” He nodded in agreement, and stuffed the hat back on. He then turned to Twilight. “Well, aren’t you going to go?” He pointed a hoof at the TARDIS doors. He then, with difficulty, smacked his two hooves together making a snapping noise, and the doors opened.

“Anywhere away from here!” She said frantically, and she dashed out the door... Right into the palace doors. Pinkie and the Doctor immediately burst out laughing while Twilight rubbed her hoof on her muzzle.

“Hey! That’s not funny.” She whined, and got back up.

“It is so!” Pinkie laughed and snorted uncontrollably. The Doctor was hugging his chest in pain at laughing too much. Twilight then growled in anger, and then stomped her hoof down.

“Here, I’ll move the TARDIS.” The Doctor finally said, still snickering. He shut the door closed and pressed a few buttons, before he flipped the same switch This time, the TARDIS only made a thump, a wheeze, and then a thump with no delay and no shaking. Opening the doors once again, she now saw that they were a ways away from the castle and were at the edge of the suburbs of Canterlot where Canterlot Castle loomed over in majestic beauty. Harumphing, she turned to the Doctor.

“Now, if you don’t mind, Me and Pinkie will be on our way.”

“No, you will be on your way! The Doctor has to show me around!” Pinkie said, and Twilight grunted in disbelief, exiting the TARDIS. After making sure she had walked away for a good minute, the Doctor closed the doors to the TARDIS, leaning against it with his whole body as if bracing himself for something. The Doctor and Pinkie blinked at each other for a few seconds, both with a flat expression, and they simultaneously burst out laughing. They laughed for a full minute before wiping the tears of laughter from their eyes and getting up, both out of breath.

“Is she always this uptight?” The Doctor asked Pinkie, shaking his own head in disbelief and still having a few laughs he was trying to contain.

Pinkie blanched once again, and then her face broke into a face that said “You wouldn’t believe.”

Ah, the things we put up with to have friends, am I right?

Author's Note:

One TWO more chapter(s) to go, then on to ACT II!

I've got a fantastic story arc that I have in mind, and I only hope that I live up to the standards several other Doctor Whooves writers have put up (Namely Squeak-Anon and Loyal2Luna). I'm sure you'd know of them if you're just as much a fun of crossovers as I am. I also have a fun story involving Pinkie Pie (completely unrelated to this story) but yeah!

Thanks to boardgamebrony once again for some of the edits made in this chapter! Still looking for one more editor though...

Are you ready for a brilliant spectacle of temporal madness involving the Doctor? I know I am! Coming up in the next chapter and story! Woop woo!

I hope you liked this chapter! Please comment on what you think the story is like so far!

I'm planning on re-writing a few bits of the first two chapters (Prologue and Chapter 1) because they seem horrible compared to the writing I'm doing now. Eek!

Stay tuned!