• Published 24th Jun 2016
  • 10,395 Views, 244 Comments

Sungaged - Summer Dancer

Sunburst is thinking about proposing to Starlight, but mentor Twilight and big sister Sunset have mixed feelings about the whole thing.

  • ...

The Wedding

“Sunburst! Can you hear me?” Sunset yelled as she gently slapped Sunburst’s cheeks. The group crowded around Twilight’s bed where Sunburst lay.

“I’m not even that good of a kisser,” Starlight said to Twilight, shaking her head.

Spike jumped up on the bed next to Sunburst’s head. “Does he need mouth to mouth?” he said worriedly.

Twilight leaned over Sunburst’s body, her forehead creasing in deep thought. “I’m experienced in the field of cardiopulmonary resuscitation,” she said, tilting Sunburst’s chin towards her. “Maybe I could--” Starlight promptly smacked Twilight’s hoof.

“Excuse me,” she said dryly. “Marefriend, fiance, right here in front of you? Hello!”

A weak groan emanated from below them. “What...what happened?” The group looked down at Sunburst, who was wincing and rubbing his head gently.

A collective sighs of relief filled the room as Sunset threw herself on top of him. “Thank goodness you’re alright!” Sunburst yelped his sister’s name, but was muffled by the attack hug. “I was worried sick!”

Starlight sat beside her fiance on the bed sheets. “Sunburst,” she said sternly, cracking a smile. “I know you loved our kiss, but...how are you going to handle it when we…” She trailed off, glancing at Sunset.

Sunburst gently unlatched himself from the crushing hug, and glanced at Starlight. “When we what?”

Starlight tensed and glanced about awkwardly. “Well...you know…”

Sunburst blinked at her.


Sunburst surveyed the room and grinned, looking slightly embarrassed. “I’m terribly sorry if I caused you any trouble…it’s just that…” He looked at Starlight and blushed. “Well, that was my first kiss.”

Starlight gave a lopsided smile. “Mine too.”

They stared at each other, somehow looking both awkward and passionate at the same time. This caused fresh tears to well up in Twilight’s eyes. “Oh, Starlight!” she wailed, leaping forward. Sunburst gave a sharp yell as Twilight landed on top of him.

“Promise me, Sunburst!” she cried, grabbing his face and forcing his cheeks together. “Promise me you’ll be good to her!”

“You huv my wurd!”

Starlight stared at her mentor. “Twilight, are...are you crying?”

Twilight’s hooves slipped from Sunburst’s face as her cheeks turned red. “I...I uh…” She fidgeted, before offering up a grin. “Heh. Well, you know how emotional I get when it comes to weddings!”

Starlight paused before her face contorted with guilt. “Oh, I’m sorry Twilight, I forgot that--”

“No no, it’s fine.” Twilight slipped off the bed, and faced them all. “Well since you’re the Crystaller, Sunburst, I’m sure Princess Cadence wouldn’t mind letting you have your wedding at the Crystal Empire. I could ask if you want!”

Starlight and Sunburst both gaped at her. “You would do that?” said Sunburst.

“Of course. In fact, Cadence and Shining would both insist upon it if I didn’t! You two are very close friends of mine, and I’d do anything to make this the best wedding possible...and that’s exactly what I plan to do!” She turned and started out the door.

“C’mon, Spike. We have a list to make.” Spike quickly jumped off the bed and scampered after her. As he joined her out in the hallway, he looked up at her skeptically.

“You’re not that emotional at weddings! Sentimental, sure, but--”

“See if we can get the Cakes to cook up the desserts, Spike,” Twilight said, keeping her eyes locked forward.

Spike huffed as he pulled out a parchment and quill. “Fine.” He scribbled for a few seconds before glancing back up at Twilight. “I’m gonna miss her too, you know.”

Twilight finally looked down at Spike. “This is supposed to be her day, Spike. It’s her life, and I stand behind anything she chooses to do. She’s come so far. I really am happy for her, Spike. And I know she'll be happy with Sunburst. I want nothing but the best for her wedding, and that’s exactly what I intend to give her.”

Sunburst walked in between Sunset and Starlight in the opposite direction of the hall near the throne room. “Have you considered your parents?” Sunburst asked Starlight. “Do you know where they might be?”

Starlight thought for a moment before shaking her head with a smirk. “Probably on the front porch in their rocking chairs. Not exactly the ponies I’d want at my wedding. They just...never cared about my problems.” Her eyes brightened. “But I know who does care about all my problems. Maybe Twilight could walk me down the aisle!”

“I’m sure she’d love that,” Sunset agreed, keeping an eye on her brother’s footing.

“But I can’t wait to see your parents again,” Starlight said. “They were always so nice to me.”

Sunset’s face fell, and she turned her head silently. This didn’t go unnoticed by Sunburst. “Hey, Starlight? Do you mind giving us a few moments?”
Starlight looked at Sunset and blanched. “O-Oh. Oh. Yeah, of course! I’ll just a….” She stood, glancing around awkwardly. “I’ll go see what Twilight and Spike need!”

She threw Sunburst a smile that said I'm so glad I'm marrying you before trotting off.

Sunburst sighed happily before leading Sunset to the throne room. “Here, let’s have a sit.”

Sunset cautiously walked in between the thrones, eyeing the cutie mark symbols warily. “Aren’t these for Twilight and her friends? Will something happen if we sat on them?"

“Nothing will happen,” Sunburst replied, approaching Applejack’s throne. “I’ve seen the girls switch seats all the time. It’s perfectly safe.”

His older sister nodded as she neared Pinkie Pie’s throne. The two siblings sat down simultaneously.



The two unicorns cried out as they instantly flew off the thrones with smoke trailing behind them.

Sunset grunted as she landed on her stomach. Slowly, she looked back at her tail, which was slightly singed. “Safe for non-outsiders,” she grumbled.

Sunburst furiously blew out the last bit of flame that had caught on his tail and flashed her a sheepish grin. “Uh...why don’t we just, uh...sit here instead?” He turned around and faced his sister. “So...I understand you’re quite reluctant to face our parents again.”

Sunset remained on her stomach and pawed at the floor. “How could you tell,” she said dryly.

“Sunset, you’re their daughter. They love you, no matter what! They were worried sick when you left!”

“I know…” Her gaze turned downcast. “I know. But, you see, Sunburst…” she sighed heavily. “That’s not all I kind of want to talk to you about.”

“I’m all ears.”

Sunset slowly sat up, her gaze still kept to the floor. “I...think it’s time you know what happened when I was under Celestia’s wing.”

Half an hour later...

“...and that’s how we won the Friendship Games,” Sunset finished. “...sort of.”

Sunburst could only stare at her, his spectcles sliding down his nose. After a long pause, he finally said, “Is there really another world on the other side of that mirror?”

Sunset blinked before bursting out laughing. “I knew you hadn’t changed a bit!” she sighed and shook her head. “All that time worrying and being afraid of what you might think of me…”

Sunburst reached over and touched her shoulder. “I think,” he said resolutely. “That you’re the most wonderful sister anypony could ever ask for. You rose up from your past and chose to do what was right even when you doubted yourself. You’re...an inspiration.”

Sunset blushed a deep red. “Sunburst, I don’t think I--”

“And Nopony else will ever think differently of you,” he said firmly, holding on to her hooves. “Especially our parents and Princess Celestia.”

Sunset looked into Sunburst’s eyes with a small smile. “Do you really think so?” she whispered.

Sunset nodded. “But if you really don’t want to see them, it's okay. We don’t have to invite--”

No,” Sunset said firmly, her eyes steeled. “No. Our parents need to see their child get married. And...I can’t avoid Princess Celestia forever. I’m not hiding anymore.” She smiled brightly. “You couldn't have gotten married at a better time. I’ll attend your wedding...on one condition.”

Sunburst’s ears perked up. “Oh? What would that be?”

Sunset poked him in the chest. “I get to be your Best Mare.”

Her younger brother chuckled. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie appeared behind Sunset Shimmer and sniffed the air. “Somepony’s been sitting in my chair,” she said, her eyes narrowed in suspision.

“GAAAH!” Sunset yelped, scrambling backward.

Sunburst looked up to see Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, and a nervous looking Rainbow Dash approach the throne room. He and Sunset quickly rose to their hooves. “W-We were just, uh…”

“Sorry for uh...barging in like this,” Applejack said awkwardly, stealing a glance at Fluttershy and Rarity.

“...Yes,” Rarity said, her snout scrunching up as if she smelled something unpleasant. Her gaze fell on Sunset and she gave a polite nod. “Hello, Sunset Shimmer.”


A long pause followed before Rainbow cleared her throat. “So, uh...I heard the big news.”

Sunburst looked surprised. “Already? Huh. I guess news travels fast in Ponyville.”

The girls shared a shocked glance before staring at Sunburst. “You...You really are getting married?” Fluttershy questioned.

“Yes indeed!” Sunburst said happily.

Rainbow Dash muttered something under her breath that sounded something like “Told you”.

“And…” Applejack said cautiously. “Starlight doesn’t...mind?

Sunburst laughed. “Well I certainly hope not!”

Quiet gasps filled the room. Without warning, Rarity marched forward and gave Sunburst a slap, knocing him backwards. “Filthy two-timer! Proposing to Spike like that!"

Sunset threw up inside the waste basket. Starlight stood behind her, magically keeping Sunset’s mane aloft in her wedding dress. “You know, I kind of thought this would be the other way around,” she admitted, rubbing Sunset’s back.

The firey maned unicorn wore a bright yellow dress, her mane swept up in a single braid. She lifted her head up and sighed. “My parents are coming,” she panted. “And...and on top of that, Princess Celestia is gonna...gonna…” Her face paled.

Starlight winced and turned her head while Sunset got sick a fifth time. Rarity ran into the room, and her eyes grew wide with panic. Like the other bridesmaids and two maids of honor, she wore a deep purple dress with a single lilac flower in her mane. “Sunset? Sunset, what’s wrong!? And what are you doing over here, you’re supposed to be with Sunburst!

“Pre-wedding jitters,” Starlight chuckled. “She came over to see how I was, and then…”

“M’fine,” Sunset mumbled.

Rarity sighed and walked up to Starlight to examine her mane. “Hmmm...just one more pin…” She levitated a hairpin and stuck it into Starlight’s swept up hairdo, making her wince.

Ouuuch! Rarity--”

“Ah bup bup! Beauty is pain, Starlight! Especially on one’s wedding day. Now turn around, let me get a good look at you!” Rarity’s aura took hold of Sunset’s braid as Starlight stepped back and twirled around once.

It was one of the most simplest dresses Rarity had made, next to Twilight’s birthday dress. Starlight didn’t want puffy white sleeves, or a wedding veil, and her train barely surpassed her own tail. It was just a little white dress with a silver trim. The only thing Rarity could go to town on was her mane, which also had little pearls in it.

Though the plainness of her dress was a little disappointing, Rarity knew that Starlight was a mare that appreciated simplicity, and respected her wishes. She made it work, regardless.

“You look absolutely stunning,” Rarity smiled as Sunset threw up again. “Less is more, I suppose. Don’t you agree, Sunset Shimmer?”


The white unicorn looked down at Sunset and pursed her lips. “Ooo, dear. We can’t have you getting sick like this! You’re Sunburst’s best mare!”

Mmm. Almost done. C-Can you take me to my brother after….after--bluuugh!

Rarity winced involuntarily. “Of course, darling.”

“Er...I think I’m gonna try to find Twilight,” Starlight said, inching her way out of the room. “Maybe she...has something than can help.”

“Alright, my sweet,” Rarity said, gritting her teeth as Sunset heaved. “I shall have her ready before the wedding starts….I hope.”

Starlight stepped out into the hall and sighed. Though the Crystal Empire was a joy to visit again, she didn't have the time to enjoy it. She had been up since five in the morning getting herself and her bridesmaids ready. Even though she did want to get married, the urge to take a long nap was much, much greater. If this thing was happening, it needed to happen soon.

She went into the room next door, where she found Rainbow Dash attempting to fix her mane while Pinkie Pie sprayed Fluttershy with perfume.

Twilight, maid of honor number one, came up from behind her, beaming. Her eyes were bloodshot and her mane was terribly frazzled. Her lilac flower clung to the end of her mane in a tangled knot. Starlight’s pupils shrunk. “Twilight, what--”

There you are! You look beautiful! Are you excited? Or maybe a little nervous? Because if you are, there’s a book I brought along to help deal with--”

Starlight cut her off with a silencing hoof. “Sunset’s throwing up next door.”

Twilight gasped.

“Maybe she’d like some herbal tea?” Fluttershy asked, trotting to them.“I think I remember where the kitchen is. That should calm her stomach.”

“That would help a lot. Thank you, Fluttershy,” Twilight sighed. The pegasus bobbed her head before turning to Starlight. She touched her shoulder, her teal eyes shining with happiness and pride. “You really do look beautiful, Starlight.”

Starlight returned the smile, and her posture straightened up. “Thank you, Fluttershy.”

As the yellow pegasus flew off, Starlight continued. “Besides, there’s really nothing to be nervous about. Sunburst and I don’t really have a lot of friends, so...aside from the Princesses, it’ll be a small, quiet, and short wedding.”

Twilight bit the inside of her cheek. “Welll…”

Starlight’s features slowly contorted as the silence drew longer. “Right, Twilight?”

The mare in question nervously tapped her hooves together. “Well, I...sent invitations to your friends from your old village…then they told the rest of the villagers, and turns out they wanted to come too...and since it’s actually the first wedding at the Crystal Empire for a thousand years, the whole Empire is also attending..a-along with most citizens of Ponyville…”

Starlight’s mouth dropped.

“But other than that, it’s pretty small!”


“I’m sorry!” Twilight squeaked, clutching a clipboard and quill close to her chest. “I’d stop this if I could! But these ponies just keep coming...and...coming and...coming!

Starlight looked wary as Twilight’s left eye twitched. “Not one of those pluses RSVP’d. Not. A single. One!

She shoved her notes in Starlight’s face.”I’ve been rearranging and reorganizing all of the seating arrangements of both the wedding and the wedding reception all day. And just when I think I have everything perfect, more ponies announce that they’re coming to the wedding! It’s horrible!” She threw up her hooves and tossed the clipboard, causing most of her notes to scatter about. “Horrible!

Starlight offered a small smile and outstretched her hooves. “All right. Come here.” Twilight shuffled forward and nearly collapsed into Starlight’s embrace, on the brink of tears. Starlight rubbed Twilight’s back in comfort at the Princess twitched in her hooves. “It’s alright,” she cooed gently. “It’s okay…”

“I think Twilight’s officially cracked,” Rainbow Dash said, flying up to her side. "She's worked herself to the bone this past week!"

Starlight glanced down at Twilight before looking to Rainbow Dash. “I’ll try and calm her down. Why don’t you make sure everything else is ready? And maybe check up on Applejack with the main course?”

Rainbow gave a firm nod and saluted. “On it!”

“A-And careful of that dress!” Starlight shouted after her as she zipped off.

“And I’ll handle all of the seating arrangements!” Pinkie declared, gathering up the last of Twilight’s notes. Starlight’s eyes flickered with uncertainty.

“Are you sure, Pinkie? The Wedding starts in half an hour and--”

Psssh,” said Pinkie, booping her firmly on the nose. She grinned, cocking one eyebrow. “Ye hath little faith. Don’t you worry. Pinkie Pie’s got it covered!” She glanced down and gave her two quick but reassuring pats on the shoulder. “Cheer up, Twi!”

Twilight could only stare blankly ahead, shaking and shivering. “Mmm…”

Starlight continued to pat Twilight’s back as Pinkie bounced off. “Looks like both of my in-laws are more nervous than me,” she chuckled. “Don’t worry, Twilight. Nothing bad is going to happen at this wedding.”

Just then, Discord appeared above them in a snazzy green suit. He grinned, taking off his top hat as he bowed low. “Afternoon, ladies.

Twilight twitched harder.

Spike stepped back and grinned. “Lookin’ good!”

“Thanks!” Sunburst replied, adjusting his bowtie.

Spike glanced away from his reflection. “O-Oh, yeah! You too, Sunburst!”

The groom rolled his eyes and ran a hoof over his tux. He walked up next to Spike and let out a long breath. “Well…” he looked down at the young dragon with a nervous smile. “This is it, huh?”

“You’re gonna do great,” Spike encouraged with a wink.

“You look so handsome,” Sunset smiled from the bright blue couch nearby. Sunburst grinned and crossed over to his sister. “How are you feeling?”

Sunset gave a small chuckle and held up a crystal mug between her hooves. “Much better now. Fluttershy made me some tea.”

“Are you sure you want to go through with the wedding? I hate seeing you get sick like that and--"

Sunset shook her head. “No. I’m sure. No matter what, I’m going to be by your side when you marry that mare. I just let the nerves get to me for a second. I am going to have to face them sooner or later. It might as well be sooner.” She looked over Sunburst’s tuxedo and gently straightened the blue carnation pinned to it with her magic. "So. How's it feel marrying the girl of your dreams?"

Sunburst looked behind her with a distant looking smile. "It's...well..." He sighed dreamily. "She's better than any dream girl." He met his sister's eyes. "She's real."

Just then, a pony burst inside the room with a unique flair. “What’s taking so long? The wedding’s about to start and The Great and Powerful Trixie has no desire to wait any longer in these sho--”

Trixie stopped mid sentence as her eyes latched onto Sunburst’s backside. “Oh...Oh, excuse me.” She grinned, leaning casually against the door. “I forgot to knock.” Trixie giggled briefly. “Silly me.”

Sunburst looked over his shoulder. “Oh, that’s alright! We were just about to head out.” He faced his sister and held out a hoof. “Ready?”

Sunset set aside her mug and took Sunburst’s hoof before standing up. “Ready.”

Spike double checked to see if his tie was on straight before bolting out the door. “I’ll lead the way!” he called out. Sunburst followed him, taking deep breaths.

Trixie’s gaze lowered as Sunburst trotted past and bit her lip. “Starlight’s a lucky mare,” she hummed, watching him go.

“Yeah,” Sunset said dryly, coming up behind her with a glare. “But you might not be so lucky if you don’t fix those eyes of yours.”

Trixie squeaked and quickly galloped off.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long update wait! my cold just knocked me out of writing, so I've been reading other people's stories for a long while :rainbowlaugh: On top of that, I might need a wisdom tooth out :pinkiesick:


So, this chapter was getting to be too long, so it's actually going to be a part three to this, I hope you guys don't mind :twilightblush: Please let me know if there's any mistake, I'll be happy to correct! :pinkiehappy:


See you next chapter :twilightsmile: