• Published 9th Jun 2016
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The Everglow of a Twilight Sunset - David Silver

Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle (EQG Edition) try to make the portal safer. This does not end well and sends both catapulting in the body of ponies into a world of danger, magic, and unending adventure. Will they survive their trip to Everglow?

  • ...

8 - On Our Hooves

Twilight looked out a window over the small town they were in and the sparkling lake that gave it its name. She sighed softly, drawing the attention of their smallest member. He sat beside her and gently nudged her. "Hmm? Oh. I'm just wondering what's going on back home... I hope someone remembered to feed Spike." He tilted his head at her. "My pet dog." He nodded at that with seeming understanding, "Worst comes to worse, he can talk if he has to." The small pony seemed confused at that. "You have to imagine how surprised I was. My world has a lot less magic and hocus pocus than yours." He nodded.

Sunset approached from the front. "I could swear you two were having a conversation without him saying a word. Twilight, have you been practicing?"

"You bet!" Her horn began to glow evenly, hefting the small pony right into the air in a feat of magical ability. "See?"

The little pony clopped his hooves with unbridled joy at the feat and Sunset nodded. "Very good. We're going to want to get moving soon."

Twilight cringed at that. "We finally found a safe place..."

"Sure, for us. They smile and nod when we walk by, because this is a unicorn town. They don't do that with Roll or, um, we really need a name for you." She reached up and pointed the small pony and he turned red, unable to speak his name.

Twilight got an idea that seemed so obvious. "Can you write?" She fetched a quill and paper and held it out in her magic.

He accepted the quill in his mouth and began to slowly write as if he didn't do it all that often. 'True Shot'

Twilight nodded at the words. "Nice to meet you, True." She tilted her head faintly. "True Shot... Were you an archer?"

True blushed softly and nodded quickly before making a curious motion of pulling something back with his head and releasing it with the sound of his lips parting.

Sunset shook her head. "Well, it could have been worse. If he had to say those funny words I said to do magic, he'd be out of luck."

"Why doesn't picking things up need words?"

"I have no idea."

With a clop of hooves, Twilight seemed to leap to a conclusion, right or not. "Maybe it's a supernatural ability."


True looked equally confused.

"Well, sure, all magic is supernatural, but this is specific. Supernatural abilities don't require words or gestures, they just work. It's from the game." She made a circular motion. "You know, the one we're trapped inside. Your spells are, well, spells. So they need verbal and somatic components. You haven't needed random items, have you?"

Sunset shook her head slowly. "Not that I'm aware of? I mean, I did several spells during our escape without anything but, well, me involved. The cleaning spell didn't need anything either."

"You're a sorcerer." Twilight nodded firmly. "Sorcerers can cast without material components." She let out a little nervous laugh. "I never thought this information would become so applicable..."

The front door closed quietly, but loud enough for all to hear. It was Roll, approaching them at an easy pace. She had a new outfit on, covering her metallic form much more evenly in soft shades of blue and gold. "Are you all feeling ready?"

Sunset rose to her hooves and directed one at True. "True Shot here could use a bow."

True perked up at the mention and began bobbing his head up and down in agreement.

Roll was less enthused, shaking her head. "I'm afraid any bow we procured from this village would be of unicorn make. Lacking multiple grasping points, you require a cloudbow."

True deflated a bit at the news.

"Regardless, we should not hinder our hosts any further. True, you're coming with me." She pointed a hoof at the small pony. "We will depart."

Twilight blinked in mounting confusion. "If you're going, aren't we all going? Why just True Shot?"

"Negative." She frowned. "You will be safer here. I will escort True to a town that accepts him before continuing."

Sunset stomped the ground as she snorted. "The very idea. We're a team! We're not going to let--"

"Negative." Steam billowed from Roll's sides as she planted herself, ready to fight for her view. "You will be safe here."

Twilight moved between the two, putting up a hoof towards either of them. "Hold up. Look, we won't be safe anywhere until we get home. Until we're home, we'd really rather keep the group together. Look, don't split the party. Rule #1 for any RPG. Besides." She turned to look at Roll directly. "We owe you. We owe you a lot. Please let us pay you back."

Roll let out a gust of steam, a sigh from all sides. "Very well... It seems showing logic to any of you is fruitless. Prepare yourselves. We leave shortly. I will inform the village of our passing and request food and water for you as well. They should be amenable since it is for your sake, and gets rid of me faster." She turned towards the door. "Are you certain?"

Sunset nodded firmly. True was more physical in his answer. He scampered up to Roll and hopped up on her back, hugging her tightly from above.

Roll let out a little smile. "Then we depart together."

So they did. They gathered by the banks of the lake the town was named for and made to orient themselves north. They had supplies to make the journey with some extra left over. "My funds are depleted," reported Roll. "But I thought to bring so much for the dance. Being captured by gem gnolls was not accounted for."

Sunset shook her head as she adjusted the backpack she wore. "We'll get a job if we have to, once we're somewhere safe, for all of us."

Twilight was quick to agree with the sentiment, nodding. "For now, we're catching a train, right?"

"Affirmative." Roll pointed the way, then got to walking, with the others following her. They had begun their second adventure, even if Sunset and Twilight could hardly be blamed for considering it one extended one.

The first hour of walking was peaceful and scenic, with rolling hills, trees, and wildlife to admire on their passing, including some dangerous looking predators that thankfully looked elsewhere for prey. Perhaps they were scared away by the unsubtly unnatural whirrings of their mechanical companion? It was impossible to know for certain.

About halfway through the second hour, a group of ponies approached them, going in the opposite direction. They were dressed in rugged clothes seemingly made for the wilderness and had weapons at their side. The one that seemed to be in charge, though not the largest, advanced. "Coming from Sun's Tears?" He raised a brow high. "I thought they only did unicorns around here."

Twilight looked from pony to pony. There were four of them, and none of them were unicorns. "Why are you going there?"

He smirked before he drew his blade with a deft motion of his neck, holding it in his teeth. "Unicorns usually have a fair bit of coin. Let's see how these two do." The others were armed without word, the actions of their boss apparently quite enough of a signal.

Roll's forehooves deployed claws into the earth as she widened her stance. "This is your first and last warning. Cease all hostilities or great harm will be visited on your person."

"Kill the wizard, then the golem should shut up."

Sunset and Twilight shared a glance. Which of them looked more like a wizard?!

Two of them charged forward for Twilight, making the choice. Apparently her glasses did her no favors in this situation. She squealed in terror and backed away in a hurried scamper.

With a flash of her horn and alien words, Sunset filled Roll with power and girth. The metal mare stormed towards the two, intercepting them as she became larger. She brought down a hoof on the first, hitting the shield held in the pony's mouth, only to shatter it violently as she brought her claws past it to the ground and roared in fury at the two, commanding their attention.

"By the gods, their golem fights like a devil!" hissed the de-shielded pony. He had a lance in a rack at his side and took a step back as he swung viciously.

The leader advanced on Sunset, only for True to come between him and her. "Oh ho, what's this? Is she your mother, little foal?" He took a swipe at him, forcing True to spring out of the way. "Go on, get. We don't kill foals if we don't haveta."

Sunset rewarded his 'generosity' with a lick of flames that he rolled away from. "Oh ho! Maybe we figured the wrong one for the spellcaster. Get 'er!"

The last pony planted his bow in the ground solidly, drew an arrow and pulled it back with his teeth. True let out an excited squeak and dashed for it, knocking it and its wielder askew as he crashed into it. "Damn foal. Ferget it, I'm gonna re-arrange your little face." He drew a dagger with a menacing glare.

No longer being chased, Twilight turned to see her friends engaged. Roll was trading blows with two of them while True and Sunset each had a pony one them. It was four against four, but only if one counted her. And she didn't really count... She took a step back towards the fight, fury building in her. She wanted to count. She wanted to help.

"Do you really?" asked Lashtada's voice in her mind. "Fighting is not my strength or what I wish of the world, but to protect your friends and my follower, perhaps I can awaken something..."

"Are you watching me?" hissed Twilight as she looked around. Of course a god could keep tabs on her, but that didn't make the fact any less odd. "Yes, please! I want to help my friends."

"I will help, but only you can do it. Fight as best you can."

Twilight gathered the magic she had learned in her horn. She didn't want to cast spells, not like Sunset. She didn't have odd blood or time to learn magic, that kind of magic. She relied on the magic that seemed built into her as a unicorn. She heard the flowing of water as the magic above her head began to condense the water in the air into a ball, then began to chill rapidly. It became a frozen bit of snow and flurry as she looked at the pony closing with True. "No!" She let it loose, unleashing a newfound bolt of pure coldness at the unexpecting pony.

It would be four on four. Sure, her cold beam wasn't enough to knock a hardened brigand down in one shot, but she had power. She could help. Twilight began to giggle almost manically as the realization came to her.

She could help.

Author's Note:

Twilight gains a class! Can you identify it?

Oh the typos that await us in the comments...