• Member Since 8th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen May 29th

Who needs sleep

Hush now little children, don't you cry. I wouldn't hurt a fly. I tell you this is true, but sadly I lied to you.

Comments ( 116 )

this seems interesting, definitely going to read it later

I dont get why female Guard is letting him nearby just because he has a red cross on his chest. Painted with blood of her slaughtered comrades, thats sooooook DOOM. :D Too little is said about her, even as she is scared beyond death, it is more likely that she would do something suicidal like attacking or perhaps running away to warn Ponyville.

Except this - I will definitely keep my eye on this story, I like it so far :D

7242004 i hope it's deserving of your attention

7242191 i generally try to proofread through and catch any grammar errors after i self edit but i don't always get all of them. that's first on the list to do tomorrow after all the other more important things to do, but i'm glad you like it

7242363 spoiler alert the red cross symbol is our universally accepted medical symbol, but holds a slightly different meaning to the ponies plus the female realizes that the doom slayer can easily kill her and has drained her energy and cracked her horn. she's out of the fight. the town also isn't ponyville, believe it or not unless i made a big mistake with my timeline.
surely this story is not important enough to take 1/2 of your viewing ability when there are much better stories out there by much better writers, *cough cough* like this one*cough* but i'm still glad that you are enjoying it.

It's not doom slayer.
It's doom guy.
But I'll let it slide for the story.

7242452 the new doom game calls him "the doom slayer" amongst other fun terms

I attempted to scoop it up in my arms but the female flared her horn at me. I dipped my hand into a nearby puddle of blood and drew a red cross on my chest. To my surprise the female's horn sputtered out and she backed away from the fallen one.

Red cross... Red Cross. Hospital!

That was clever.

Looks like Doomguy made a mistake. A mistake that cost innocent lives.

Will the Princesses understand it was only a mistake and show mercy? Or will they send him Tartaros?

Heaven help Tirek...

I'm not that dumb, I know the meaning of the Red Cross :D But it's hardly convincing after that bloodbath. But you said that she knows she's on his mercy, that's why she follows him. Ok, I'm buying it, seems kinda possible.

Good one with that eye, but I would be outplayed in a game of words as it's not my native language, so comeback won't come ;)

Don't underestimate yourself, mayby you'll turn out to be one of this autors.

(Khym khym, when should I expect next chapter, no pressure at all? :P )

7242572 this isn't meant to be rude, but honestly the next chapter will be whenever i get to it. it's honestly not too high on my priority list. i don't get payed to write(and don't think my writing is good enough to be anyways) so it's on my priority list after anything that makes money, helping my parents and attempting to destress from all the thousands and thousands of little stresses throughout day to day life

I didn't wish to look demanding, as you are entertaining us of kinder of your heart (uncertain if it's grammatically correct, but you know what I mean), so we owe you patience and constructive critique :) I was just excited to see moar, not ungrateful :P
Btw. these are the reasons why I have not yet written anything, I do understand them.

https://youtu.be/kjIVkl34Vig - amplifies reading experience. Hard. :D

7243488 for a brief idea of my writing speed, about 200 words spread over 3 paragraphs took me over an hour to write. Not because i write slow, but because i write sssssslllllloooooowwwwww, and i feel compelled to make as many references as possible and as many jokes as possible even if they aren't something that any sane individual would ever understand

gavin <3

I'm not great at articulating, but I like this and want so see more of where this goes. Keep up the good work at your own pace.

7247729 articulation is good, except when the question is "does this dress make my backside look big?", but on a serious note, i'm glad you are enjoying. hopefully, i will be able to increase that enjoyment with at least a thousand more words of doomy doomness. on an unrelated note, if you enjoy madness, you should check out the bunnykill series. it has a similar feeling of killing everything that moves

7242553 i can easily imagine what would happen if doomguy and tirek met in a dark alleyway especially if he had all the weapons from doom(and especially maxed out siege mode gauss cannon <3) but unfortunately, that is not the way i have my little roadmap planned out and if i try to deviate from my plan, i'm going to end up with a mess of a story that barely has any semblance of plot beyond this with ponies, maybe you could write a story where it does? chances are that it would turn out much better and have much better fight scenes

7248397 Idk... :applejackunsure:

Not really a huge fan of Doom, even though I did play the old version years back. Can't make any promises on writing my own Doom crossover.

Interested to see where this story goes. Already there seems to be griffons involved, but nothing that seems "hellish" in nature.

Right now, the only "demonic invader" around is Doom Slayer.

Wonder if the mare he spared is going to be a companion character? So far I can see her viewing him as a real demon, especially after what he did to her friends.

7248037 well aware of bunnykill, lol. I almost animated it alongside madness once.

Say hello to Doomguy, master of FACEPUNCH!:flutterrage:

7242468 Like "The Doom Marine". Or John "Reaper" Grimm-no wait that's from the movie, but at least he had an actual name in that one.

7254084 It shouldn't matter what he's called tbh, as long as demon slaughter and carnage is abundant in drvoes.

Wait... if he absorbs argent energy it is redirected to suit functions to increase his ability. That amount of energy would be tantamount to making him a god.

7263254 he absorbed luna's attempt to annihilate him and it turned into energy that vega blew out in the lightning storm. the trade off is that it sets his armor to zero and only works when he's charged up past 200% when the normal max is 150 so he has to have over 50% overcharge to be able to overload. hopefully that makes sense

Walking through Tartarus with a smile sounds right, it's basically easy mode in there.

When are the ponies going to learn about what sort of hell he just went through? And why the hell didn't Celestia realize just what he was fighting in those memories?

Was that flashback of the fight with the True Icon Of Sin?

7263861 it wasn't john romero if that's what you were asking. On a serious note, my personal thought is that the titan they talk about in the new doom game is the same as the icon of sin in doom 2, evilution and plutonia.

7263849 celestia had a breakdown when she saw the icon of sin. that's why luna shows up at all, because celestia hasn't lowered the sun

7263845 it might be a little too small for anyone who isn't me to pick up on, but that's actually a bit of a reference to hall of fame by the script - "you could walk right through hell with a smile" - and yea, tartarus is like playing on ITYTD


7264342 I wasn't talking about the wall texture, I was talking about This: [youtube=youtube.com/watch?v=NWH_d7oMs-s]

7264975 that looks awesome!!! i'll have to go play brutal doom again. i play on black metal and refuse to save during a level and have been stuck on dead simple for a while now. i am really dreading go for it on plutonia when i get to it

7265121 So is that the thing doomguy fought?

7266353 unfortunately no. The thing he fought was the original icon. Not that one, sorry to say.

Awesome! A really great start.

Brilliant. I look forward to more.


7295164 there's no gasoline in ponyland, unfortunately. also a chainsaw would get gummed up with the muscle tissue and would not be able to run very well without cleaning between kills

Personally I am conflicted. The Doom Guys only purpose is to Exterminate hell. That's literally the only reason he still lives. If I remember correctly the Doom Guy hates the Military and wouldn't have anything to do with it.

7300899 the doomguy's was/is a marine. that's why he's always referred to as a space marine. at the start of the first game, the doomguy is sent to mars as punishment for something because mars is supposed to be dull as shit. "with no action for 50 million miles, your day consisted of sucking dust and watching restricted flicks in the rec room" if i recall correctly. what he did to get sent there, i don't remember if it's said in the instruction manual, but in the doom books, flynn/doomguy is sent to mars for beating the shit out of his superior who ordered his troops to fire on a group of civilians wearing hijabs and carrying white flags

7300968 But the Doom guy your using is the one from the 2016 Reboot. That Doom Guy is from an Ancient tribe of Humans who lived in Hell before it was populated with Demons (Or so I'm guessing based on the texts you recover in game). His armor itself was made by a demon.

7301014 here's where the whole "headcanon" thing kicks in. my personal thought is that the doomguy in the reboot is the same doomguy from the original doom and doom 2 as well as the doomguy from doom 64. my reasoning behind this is that the "titan" you are supposed to have killed prior to the actual game is most likely the icon of sin since i remember in one of the epilogues, it is described that it's limbs devastate miles of hell's surface. you know he's seen a spider mastermind before since with the cyberdemon you get more time to look at it, like he's worried but with the spidermind it's just like "lol, you again? so 22 years ago" also the head in one of the hell levels that you shoot with a rocket is the same head as the icon of sin from doom 2. at the end of doom and doom 2 you go back to earth and do stuff on earth, but at the end of doom 64, you kill the mother demon and then you stay in hell. the "his rage was insatiable and he stormed right into the temple to kick ass but lol we trapped him and imprisoned him" thing to me screams that the temple is where the mother demon was in doom 64 and you went in to kill her. she dies(or not) and then the priests bring the temple down. the only way that the doomguy doesn't get crushed is that he goes into one of the things that you put the unmaker's keys into but they seal him into it.

still not sure how they got him out of his suit. guessing doomguy party boyed the mother demon.

7301078 Problem with that though is that the Doom Guy was found in Hell, in a severely aged tomb. The UAC didn't have any prior areas on Mars before the Argent Tower and Argent energy wasn't even discovered in the first 3 games. Plus there are the Codexes that talk about Doom Guys past.

7301091 it's impossible that the doomguy is FROM hell though. i think it's samuel that says it, but one of the characters says something along the lines of "you've returned, the only flesh to walk between our dimension and theirs" which means at one point, you were from earth. if you want to go even farther with theory crafting, it's possible that when the soul cube from doom 3 is charged by deaths of monsters, it is feeding off of their argent. the unmaker from doom 64 might work in a similar way and only uses cells for gameplay purposes since it has absolutely zero way in my mind to use cells to charge when it's a hellish weapon, and even the heart of hell in doom 3 RoE might work in a similar way but with earthly energy. possibly that the argent is even souls, a theory that i feel is supported since it seems like the elemental wraths are still... not quite alive, more like bound and you release them with the crucible. *cough cough* ElementalWraithsAreActuallySidheElvenEldersFromHeretic *cough*

7301123 He says you've returned because you got pulled into hell by the Argent Tower. When you leave hell he says that.

7302665 it fits perfectly validly into a theory that it could be either a remake or that it could be a sequel really. it doesn't change anything really other than whether we have seen his previous awesome or not. for an extremely meta reason, i like to think that it's all the same doomguy: proving that a game that sits in development hell for a long time isn't necessarily a shitty game like duke nukem forever

Ahhh Doom... never played, but I watched the gameplay from Markiplier, damn good game it looks like.
Nicely done for a start, yeah its lifted but I lie Doom Guy's inner monologue.

and I would be much more likely to trip.

Silly author... Doom Guy does not trip! :moustache:

Nice work so far, hohoho, this'll be interesting... to see...

Nice nice nicely done~ :yay:

Hahahaha, taking on demons, Doom Guy is fucking awesome! :D

Ehhh, swords are cool... but chaaaaaaaaaaaainsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw~

Nicely done, I shall follow for the foreseeable future.

7330851 there's no way that's a kikoskia quote is it?

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