• Member Since 20th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Uncle Smiles

Been getting a weird vibe lately. Disease, dispair and distrust. A sinister cloud of looming uncertainty.

Comments ( 122 )

And Shit is about to get real!

7192834 It's only the first chapter so yeah, I can see what you mean

7192839 I don't think you do. Queen Chrysalis and her changeling were starving and the ponies did not help. Now some human in powered armor is just going to mow them down.

7192861 It's the suit that's in control, Sam is knocked out.

There is a shit ton of things the suit can do, including auto pilot and storage of ones mind inside its memory

So what was your thought process in making a crossover that included Prophet & MLP? Prophet is a weapon first and foremost how would he fit in Equestria? Oh and I think you might be confusing the v1.0 Nanosuit with the v2.0. The v1.0 evolved into the v2.0 during the events of the first game. That Image your showing repetitively is the v1.0 not the v2.0.

Nanosuit v1.0

Nanosuit v2.0

The Nanosuit v3.0 looks like the v2.0 just darker.
I'm just making sure everyone knows which suit is which.

7192926 Meh. It's a fic, anything could happen.

P.S I did not know the difference, I only played the sequel.

Not bad so far. I will read more of this.

love this so far. Keep it up.

Interesting cross there, Crysis and MLP...I'm interested to see how well you handle such an odd mix.

7193743 I'm bound to fuck up at one point.

7193781 Meh, even if you do, all you gotta do is embrace the suck.

I like the story cause I really like crysis but you killed prophet way to easily he's in the nanosuit for peats sake you just kinda glossed over it saying you snuck up behind him and shot him in the head the nanosuit has a radar if I remember right and I'm sure second would have warned him but besides that I like it so far

7194656 Prophet was already dead, it was Alcatraz that Sam shot. Plus, I'm pretty sure Prophet shows up later in the game to motivate Alcatraz to and I quote

Get your ass up Marine. It's time for a walk in the park.

Besides, it's a fic and I'm trying my very best to not fuck up with any of the Crysis details. So, I'm just struggling, alright?

7194758 sorry I was trying to not sound like an ass but it appears i failed lol, as to my knowledge prophets personality or mind is inside the suit I think he was hiding himself as second cause hes definitly dead or maybe he lives on as second and never actually died storing his mind in the suit I'm not sure how that part works cause at the end of 2 alcatraz says to call him prophet and sounds like him I personally think that Alcatraz had died at some point probably in the spire at the end and prophet took control of the body I'm curios as to what you think hapened there, not saying to change anything just havin a discussion

7195567 James(Alcatraz) had merged with the suit, ultimately his mind as well, Prophet fights for control of the body itself while the mind of James fights him off and tries to see his mother. Wiki bro

At the beginning you said armor had a spear, but after it was broken you said it was a sword.

don't do super hero landings, its bad on the knee's.

7196578 Do not fear, ol' chap! More will come soon.

7196389 I'm pretty sure the suit would compensate.

Dank chapter, dude bro.

Seriously though, nice job. I liked the inclusion of the imagery.

7195594 Kool thanks for clearing that up for me also I hope progress is well lol


Question: I'm currently making the third chapter and it involves the suit having another feature.

Is it fine to let the suit have more than its original features?

Turned pony = insta turnoff.

7198636 Dude, I don't write to please everyone, I do it for fun.

this is probably the only fic i can find that uses the suit in Pony form

How about a mode that makes him fly with cool looking wings?

7201057 send me the info through Private message and explain how to get said mode, what are the good things of said mode and the downside of it.

Details, Brah.

Honestly, don't give him the ability to fly. It would suit this story better if he gained something that allows him to climb or jump in extreme speeds up and down stuff. Don't give him something that isn't possible by any human means.

Giving him wings equals making him come closer to being OP. Don't cross the small line between believable and absurdness.

7201685 there won't be wings or flight. I'm looking for Modes that make him more suitable for different fight scenarios.

Maximum is three.

is it bad that i want this guy to mop the floor with Celestia and Luna
everyone keeps telling a story about how op they are
but they could not beat the Chrysalis or Sombra.
it get's pretty boring :ajbemused:

7201887 They have a bad case of the lazy.:pinkiesmile:

Also regarding your question, no.

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