• Member Since 11th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


I'm older than your average brony, but then I've always enjoyed cartoons. I'm an experienced reviewer, EqD pre-reader, and occasional author.


I like my job, but of course I look forward to coming home at the end of the day. Especially lately. We have a daughter now. We actually have a daughter. And I can’t wait to see her.

Lengthened version of the third-place finisher in the /fic/ write-off “I Regret Nothing.”

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 38 )

Geeeze. You hear that? It's the sound of my heart breaking. Right there. You can still hear the tinkling of the loose pieces hitting the ground. Thumbs up man.

Very well done.

Author Interviewer

You really seem to enjoy competing in these contests. Why is that?

Wow...just so sad and heartbreaking but so wonderfully told. Great work!

7172216 I used to. There were several reasons why. For one, it was a good way to get feedback, especially from the caliber of writers who participate. There's also value in getting feedback when authorship is anonymous—nobody's intimidated by names, since they have no idea who wrote what. It was also a good way to stay motivated to write something. Every five weeks or so, there's a new prompt and a pretty short deadline to get something finished.

An excellent extension of the original. The longer windup really makes the impact hit harder. Thank you for this.

Well I wasn't prepared for this today.

Good job.

The feels. :[

Ow. There's my heart. On the ground.

Just, wow. The raw emotion that you wove into your words is truly amazing.

The moment everything just clicks...Uh, the feels!

I still love this story. :heart:

Geeze man, just drop a crate of Feelio's on us why don't you.

Good writing.

Oh shit.

Oh... Shit.

Dear Aunt and Uncle Orange,

That line hit me like a 50 ton punch to the gut.

We'll that's one way to look at it... Not sure if I liked not knowing who they were till we gt to AJ's letter, but it's a nitpick on the whole

Dear Aunt and Uncle Orange,

Ho-ho-holy shit. That stinger though. I was invested from the get go, but I didn't realize how deep the hook was into my heart until just then.

fuck dude, my heart

Wow...just...wow... :rainbowderp:

Bravo...bravo indeed...

How sweet.

"Dear Aunt and Uncle Orange"

Good job, sir. Or.. ma'am. Or neither, whatever pronouns you prefer.

Either way, fabulous job!

I wish I could have liked this more than I did. I've seen stories like this told badly so many times that I refused to get invested in it. All I could do was keep shrugging through it, preparing to roll my eyes at the cheap trick meant to tug at my heartstrings. But this wasn't a cheap trick. This was real. And now, it's too late.
Also, I am way too sleepy to take in prose this purple. All in all, not my finest hour, though it may be yours.

Oh God, it's this one! I didn't even recognize it until Mosely found Cordial. It still hit just as hard as the first time

Was actually really confused until that one line, and then I think my jaw actually dropped a bit. Damn good reveal.

I reviewed this story as part of Read it Now Reviews #77.

My review can be found here.

This story is a perfect example of what makes fanfic so great. The story starts out like an original fiction story, introducing us to the life of the protagonist and slowly expounding on his situation. The reveal at the end then makes everything click together with canon, recontextualizing the events of the show, and revealing to us a story hidden behind the scenes.

This story was good and all, but it was kind of confusing to tell who's who.

How interesting.

I still love this thing.

8193974 I should make that the chapter title.

I'd say something about 'the feels', but it's not 'feels'; it's a small, nagging, heavy feeling after the punch. And it's both beautiful and terrible.

Oh my gosh! This is even sadder than the short version. :raritycry:

Even knowing in advance this story used a one-oof Season 1 character as it’s focal point, I was still taken aback by the final twist. Perfectly done, letting us see a possible (maybe even probable) angle to Applejack leaving. We only saw the Oranges in her rose-coloured memories, they could have easily been more caring then the “lol snobby gentrification” stereotypes we got.

I’m underselling the fic: it was already building up to pretty powerful emotions through the use of sparse-yet-filling descriptions as it went, so it’s not all about the twist. Even as that makes it so much better and more resonating. Quite a powerful, nakedly raw little fic, Really Good. The old writeoffs strike again!

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