• Published 6th Apr 2016
  • 8,556 Views, 880 Comments

Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 19: Sanctify

Young Amazons
Chapter 19: Sanctify
By Ackbarfan5556
Executive Produced By Wanderer D

Letting Bruce handle Joker was perfectly fine with Sunset. She wanted to keep her distance as best as she could from the psycho. Especially now that he was a vampire himself. She was just glad that she didn’t need to go over to that part of the cave.

“I know we needed the test subject, but I wish that it could’ve been someone else,” Sunset told Alfred.

“I understand what you mean, Miss Lucciola. Just having that dreadful man in the cave is most unnerving.”

Their conversation stopped when Bruce slid up one of the fire poles. “Well, sir?”

“Joker refuses to talk. He won’t give any information that would even remotely help us in finding Dracula’s lair,” Bruce explained.

“So long as he’s one of them, he’s not going to say a word to us,” Sunset said.

“BATSY!!” The trio heard Joker cry out at the top of his lungs.

“I hate to admit it, but I feel that Joker has suffered a fate worse than death,” Alfred said.

“I intend to try to bring him back to the living; maybe then he’ll be a bit more cooperative.” Bruce held up a vial of blood. “If we can just find a cure with Joker’s blood, then the rest of the Lost Ones can be saved as well.”

“Few issues though,” Sunset spoke up. “First of all, we’re a bit short on time so if we don’t find a cure quickly then all of Gotham will be vampires. Second, if we do cure Joker, there’s a chance he still might not tell us. He’s crazy after all and I bet he would love to drive you wild by not revealing anything.”

“You’re probably right, Sunset, but we don’t have much of a choice. We just have to hope we find a cure and then hope Joker will talk.”

“By the way, regarding Joker,” Sunset crossed her arms. “Don’t you think this whole situation is odd?”

“Whatever do you mean, ma’am?” Alfred asked.

“Well, let’s think about this for a moment; out of all the vampires we’ve been fighting, Joker is honestly the odd one out. If tonight was any indication, he was acting much differently than any of the Lost Ones.”

“That’s right, considering all of our encounters with Dracula’s victims; the Lost Ones are more like ravenous monsters with no semblance of their former personalities.” Alfred nodded.

“Exactly, then come tonight, Joker doesn’t go for victims but rather a blood bank and is like his normal self; well, minus the abilities and insatiable lust for blood as a result of his vampirism.”

“So, is it possible in a way that perhaps Joker may have gone rogue? That maybe he’s not fully subservient to Dracula?” Alfred theorized.

“His insanity might not be able to be fully controlled, even for someone like Dracula. But it’s clear he still serves him or else we would already know where Dracula is,” Bruce said.

“Perhaps we were correct about Gotham Cemetery last night? Considering the guard and all, I say that would be the most logical choice,” Sunset guessed.

“Maybe, but I’d rather be sure and have a cure ready before we go into his lair. We would have to probably deal with every one of his victims. Besides, last night showed Dracula didn’t like crosses and Gotham Cemetery has quite a number. If he is there, then he must have found a way around.”

“There’s only one way to find out then, sir,” Alfred said. “And that’s for us to find a cure as soon as possible before we are overrun with vampires.”

After a quick call to Barbara in terms of explaining her absence from school as well as her excuse for not going to attend the fencing club the next morning, Sunset spent the rest of the night getting some more rest. It was certainly necessary since she lost a fair amount of blood in her attempt to hold back Dracula in the early hours of the morning.

Sunset woke up to the light of the morning sun engulfing the guest room she was sleeping in the next morning. She leaned up before glancing out the window. While the skyline of Gotham looked calm, Sunset knew the truth. Despite capturing Joker, Dracula and his victims were still able to add more to their ranks unchecked for the night.

She then caught the smell of something nice in the air before she looked over to the nightstand next to her bed to find a serving tray of bacon, eggs, toast, and some juice. On it was a note from Alfred telling her that he and Bruce were already in the Batcave.

After finishing her breakfast, Sunset walked into the study room before she opened the statue bust there, pressing the button, and revealing the hidden elevator to the cave.

“Almost done down here, sir!” Sunset heard Alfred shout as she walked in and saw some piping going up to a higher level. She grabbed the fire pole and was brought up to the level where she saw Bruce working on some machine.

“Morning,” he said to her as he was under the machine and tightening some bolts.

“Hey, I’m guessing you didn’t get that much sleep last night, huh?”

“I got enough,” he told her before Joker’s screams echoed through the cave.

“Hope it wasn’t down here, I doubt he would let you get any sleep.” She sat down on the floor near Bruce. “I’m guessing this has something to do with finding a cure? What exactly is it?”

“The Wayne Industries’ SL5,” he informed. “It’s the most efficient technology to date for collecting solar energy, and storing it as true sunlight.”

“Hmm, sounds like you’ve said this before. Did you have to repeat this a lot during the gala the other night?” Sunset asked to which the young billionaire responded with a nod. “So, how exactly is a solar collector going to help cure vampires?”

“Well, the previous morning proved something; yes, the idea of vampires being immolated by the sun was a myth.”


“It’s clear that Dracula didn’t like it. I guess that vampires are at the very least greatly weakened by the sun.”

“And that helps us how exactly?”

“Simple, if we expose Joker’s infected blood to direct sunlight, then maybe we can get some results.”

Sunset gave a small nod. “I’m guessing that there’s some other stuff to go with it, but the collector should play a role in a cure.”

“Batsy! I can smell you and your precious blood pumping through your veins!” Joker’s voice cried out. “And I can smell a young girl’s blood too, you taking a certain heroine under your wing?” Joker then began to laugh.

“Sooner we get a cure, the sooner we can send him back to Arkham,” Sunset said.

“Agreed,” Bruce went right back to work on the solar collector. “Sunset, I’ve been curious about something, why exactly did you want to do all this? The crime-fighting, I mean. Zatanna mentioned that you wanted to do this, but didn’t explain much else.”

“It’s a bit complicated, but I guess the main reason why is that I have powers that I feel like I could use to help others, similar to all your charities. Besides, I think a part of me is trying to make up for mistakes I made in the past.”

“Mistakes?” Bruce finished working on the underside of the machine and stood up.

“Well, I haven’t always been this kind of person for all my life. Some time ago, I was, well, let’s say I was pretty much a real jerk. I was greedy, selfish, prideful-”

“Pride always does come before the fall,” Alfred said as he walked over to Bruce and Sunset before he placed down some drinks some drinks.

“Yeah, I certainly learned that first hand, but if it wasn’t for it, I wouldn’t be the woman that I am today.”

“I see.” Bruce nodded as he walked over to the Batcave’s main computer. “So, would you mind answering that question I had the other day about your past?”

“It’s not like I’m going to be much help for you with the cure at the moment so I might as well. For starters, when you’re trying to help a friend who’s lost control of her powers, there’s a chance you can end up jumping dimensions.”

“Good lord,” Alfred spoke up. “You mean to tell me you’re not from this world? Well, that would certainly explain why Master Bruce thought you appeared out of thin air.”

“It’s not even my first time jumping a dimension; the truth is I’m not even human, I’m a unicon.” Both Alfred and Bruce slowly turned their heads around gave her very peculiar looks. “Don’t go throwing me into Arkham just yet, I can explain.”

As Bruce began to work on a cure, Sunset explained to them about the world of Equestria and her own story, though she made sure to omit her dark path to them. If she wasn’t going to tell Zatanna, then Bruce and Alfred didn’t need to know either.

“I have to say, that’s almost hard to believe, but with the sheer amount of details that you’ve given us; it honestly might be true,” Alfred said as Sunset finished. “Still, a pony that can move the sun and the stars certainly takes everything I’ve learned about Astronomy in primary school and throws it out the window.”

“Not exactly, Alfred, considering it’s a different dimension, the laws of physics and nature can be quite different,” Bruce told him.

“Something you picked up on your journeys sir?”

“HUNGRY! SO HUNGRY!” Joker interrupted the conversation as his screams echoed through the cave.

“How much blood did Joker have back at the blood bank, Bruce?” Sunset asked.

“Quite a bit, hmm, it appears since he’s slightly different from other Lost Ones, his bloodlust is almost unquenchable. Alfred, get me something that can help me regain some blood.”

Sunset could tell from the look on Alfred’s face that he knew what Bruce’s plan was. “At once, sir.” The loyal butler walked towards the elevator back into the mansion.

“What are you planning?” Sunset asked as Bruce got up and grabbed some IV tubes and a blood bag which quickly answered Sunset’s question.

“I think we might have a way of getting Joker to tell us what we want. You’re familiar with the expression of attracting flies with honey?” Bruce said as he sat back down in his chair.

Sunset gave a small nod. “Yes, but isn’t this a bit much?”

“Joker is going to starve soon if we don’t give him anything and we’ll lose our only test subject and be right back to the start.” Bruce then stuck the IV into his veins and started to draw his blood.

“I suppose it’s our only option at this point.” Sunset watched as Bruce filled up the bag before he removed the tubes and sealed the blood bag.

“Now then, let’s see if this will entice him.” Bruce stood up and pulled down his cowl. Sunset followed him to the deep part of the cave before she stood back out of sight of the cells and well out of Joker’s view.

“Why do you torment me, Batsy? I thought you cared?” Sunset heard Joker’s weak voice.

“Trust me, Joker; I’m trying to help you right now,” Batman told him.

“Then feed me!” There was a sudden pause before it sounded like Joker was clawing at the cage bars. “Gimme, gimme, gimme!” He begged, obviously Batman was showing him the blood bag.

“Not yet. You’re going to tell me where Dracula is hiding out, then you can have it.”

“Don’t you see, Batsy? I don’t have a choice in the matter of whether or not I can tell you.” Joker whimpered. “I am his vessel.” Sunset felt a chill down her spine as she heard Dracula’s voice. A moment later, Sunset heard the sounds of Joker feeding which meant that Batman decided to give him the blood.

“Well, there goes that idea,” Batman said as he walked past Sunset.

“Okay, let’s see if this works,” Bruce said as he started up a machine that he hoped would help provide the cure. Sunset saw that it was connected to the solar collector. The machine began to power up as Sunset and Alfred averted their eyes while Bruce pulled down some goggles.

The cave lit up in a large flash before it finally calmed down. Sunset looked over and saw a few drops of blood on a petri dish before it suddenly evaporated.

“Darn it, Joker’s blood didn’t withstand the sunlight.” Bruce gave a frustrated growl. He went back to the microscope and continued to try to figure out a cure. He had been focused on it all day and it was now starting to get late.

Everyone’s attention was suddenly drawn to an alert on the computer which indicated that someone was at the door. A camera showed that it was Vicki Vale.

“What exactly is she doing here?” Sunset asked.

“The dinner!” Alfred quickly stood up. “I completely forgot about it with all this vampire business.”

Bruce sighed before he looked back into a microscope he had on a nearby desk. “Tell her I’m going to be running late.”

Alfred nodded and headed back up to deal with Vicki leaving Bruce and Sunset alone in the Batcave. Sunset kept staring at the monitor that was showing non-vampire blood and vampire blood.

“I know we’re close to finding the answer, but there’s still something missing from this,” Bruce said as he kept looking into his microscope. Sunset stared at the screen a bit more before she finally noticed something.

“Hey, Bruce,” she tapped him on the shoulder. “Does that look part of the DNA chain look off to you?”

He saw what Sunset was pointing at but said nothing as he walked over to another part of the desk and looked through several different chemicals. He soon found a vial of green liquid and soon got everything set up for another test.

“Let’s see if some doxylamine succinate does the trick.” Bruce pulled down his goggles as he started the machine up and began the test. The solar lights went up before they died down once more.

Sunset walked over next to Bruce and looked closely at the blood sample on the dish for several moments but nothing happened. Her eyes widened as she realized what had just happened.

“Did we just… I mean, is it actually-” Sunset muttered.

“Stable,” Bruce said as he looked into the microscope. “I think we just found our cure.” Their attention was soon turned towards Alfred coming out of the elevator once more. “Vicki?”

“Amazing, she still holds you in high regard, Master Bruce,” Alfred informed as Bruce began mixing a vial of what Sunset guessed was the cure. “Am I to guess we’ve reached a breakthrough?”

“Believe so,” Bruce shook the vial before he sat down and started to draw some more blood into a blood bag. “Though, we need to give this to Joker to make sure it works.”

“So why are you giving blood again?” Sunset asked.

“I doubt Joker is simply going to take the cure, so I’m going to have to trick him into taking it.” Bruce finished giving blood before he made sure to pour the cure into the bag. “Let’s just hope this works.”

Sunset once again followed Bruce towards the cells before he pulled down his cowl and Sunset stayed back out of sight.

“You’re late, Batsy! I thought you were going to make me starve again!” Joker growled before Sunset could hear him feeding on the contents of the bag. “Hey, this tastes a bit off, are you sure this is fre- AHHH!” Joker suddenly cried out in pain for a few moments before everything went quiet.

“Okay, Joker,” Sunset heard Batman say. “Enough games, where’s Dracula?”

“I’m looking at him,” Joker replied, sounding much better than he had before. “Where’s Penguin?”


“Where’s Gotham Cemetery? A-Am I dreaming this?”

“No, you’re just insane, which is why you’re going back to Arkham.” Sunset heard Batman deliver a punch before the sound of someone collapsing on the cell floor.

While Bruce left to leave Joker for the police and Alfred was synthesizing more of the cure that they would need for the final fight, Sunset took the opportunity to make her own preparations. She wanted to be absolutely ready for Dracula and knew that Fate and Zatanna would be perfect to help give her any edge she needed.

“A cure has been found,” Fate said as he put away a book on one of the tower’s many shelves. “I’m sure there would’ve been many that would have wanted it so many years ago.”

“Well, we have it now so we can finally put an end to Dracula and his vampire menace once and for all,” Sunset countered.

“So, was there another reason you came here besides telling us that?” Zatanna asked.

Sunset nodded before she handed her mentor several vials of the cure. “I wanted to give you this, it’s just in case things don’t-” she paused. “-go right.”

Zatanna nodded back as she took the vials. “I understand. Anything else?”

“Yeah, I need some serious protection tonight. I want my outfit to have as many enchantments I need. Especially my mask.” Sunset handed her mentor her mask. “I read that Dracula has powerful mind-controlling powers and likes to hypnotize his victims. I want to make sure that I don’t end up being yet another one of them.”

“That’s quite intelligent, and I’m sure that Dracula would not suspect that.” Fate walked up to the two of them. “Miss Zatanna, allow me to take care of that.” Zatanna handed over Sunset’s mask and left the two of them alone.

“I think you’re slowly starting to win him over,” Zatanna said to her young protégé as she was putting up magic wards for Sunset.

“I’m not so sure, I think he’s only like this because he’s well aware of the threat that Dracula possesses. I’m sure once this is all over, he’ll be back to being silent with me.” Sunset said.

“Maybe.” Zatanna sighed. “Sunset, are you sure that you don’t want me to at least give you and Bruce a hand?”

Sunset shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. Now that we have a cure and know how to deal with the bloodsucker, I think we’ve got a good chance to win.”

“Be careful,” the magician warned. “The last thing that you need is overconfidence; just because you have the cure doesn’t mean he or any of his vampires are any less dangerous.”

“I know, I’ll be careful,” Sunset assured her as Fate walked back to the girls.

“Here you go,” Fate handed Sunset her mask. “I’ve never actually encountered Dracula so I’m not sure how powerful his mental abilities are, but this should be strong enough to counter him.”

“Thank you both; I honestly don’t know how far I could’ve gotten without your help.”

Zatanna placed a hand on her young charge’s shoulder. “You’re most welcome, Sunset.”

Sunset took a deep breath before she grabbed her stuff and slowly began to open a portal, this time to the Batcave rather than her apartment.

“Good luck,” Zatanna said.

Sunset nodded. “Thanks, I’m going to need it.” She then stepped through the portal and ended up back in the caverns of Gotham.

“Welcome back, Miss Lucciola,” Alfred greeted.

“Hey, Alfred, is Bruce back already?” she asked.

“He should be returning just around—” The sound of the Batmobile’s engine soon echoed before it stopped. “—now.”

Bruce soon came back up to the level of the cave where Alfred and Sunset waited.

“So, Joker all taken care of?” Sunset wondered.

Bruce nodded. “He’s being locked back in Arkham as we speak. We don’t need him running around again tonight. How’s the cure going, Alfred?”

“We’re making quite a considerable number, more than enough for all the victims with several extras, just in case.”

“Good,” Bruce walked over to one of the machines that were cranking out the cure in small vials. “I’ve discovered quite an interesting side effect with the cure. It appears when it cures someone with vampirism, they lose all memories of ever being a vampire.”

“Probably for the best,” Sunset said. “The traumatic experience of it all would certainly make Gotham’s psychiatrists swamped.”

“Indeed, so what is your course of action, sir?” Alfred asked.

“Dracula is holed up in Gotham Cemetery, that’s where we’re going to put an end to this,” Bruce said.

“Whoa, hold on for a second,” Sunset spoke up. “Now, what does that mean exactly? Look, we have a cure for vampires, but I would like to know what our plan is if we try this on Dracula and it doesn’t work. I mean, if it does, great, we’ll throw Dracula into Arkham and he’ll never harm a soul again, but if it doesn’t?”

“If it doesn’t, then we have no choice. Dracula is only going to be stopped one way if this doesn’t work. We’ll have to put him in the grave, permanently.”

“Sir, I know we’d all very much like to put an end to this nightmare once and for all, but wouldn’t it be more prudent to wait until morning?”

“I doubt it’s going to make much difference, Alfred,” Bruce looked over a few of the vials. “Wherever Dracula is in that cemetery, it’s going to be dark and the sunlight isn’t going to make a difference. He and his victims will be at full strength no matter the time.”

“But, if you can’t guarantee victory, then—”

“Gotham loses, I know.” Bruce sighed before the computer showed he was getting a call from Vicki. “Sorry, Vicki, but I’ve got a date with Dracula tonight.” He started to lock the vials of the cure in some sort of EpiPen capsule.

“Hey, Bruce,” Vicki’s voice came on the computer as she left a message. “It’s Vicki. You’re not going to believe who I just ran into. Tall, dark and weird Dr. Stoker, anyways, I was just calling to see if you would at least be willing to give me a lift home since I missed my train; that is if you’re still not busy at the mo—” Bruce cut the recording off.

“You thinking what I’m thinking, Sunset?” Bruce asked.

“Dracula is out looking for a bride?” she responded. Bruce nodded and the two of them started to load up, ready for the final confrontation with the bloodsucker and his army. They loaded the vials in bandoleers that they wrapped around their bodies.

“Sir, maybe you should wait until it’s nearly morning, at least give yourself a chance to escape and live another day,” Alfred suggested.

“Vicki’s waited long enough. Let’s go, Sunset.” Sunset nodded and the two of them headed out.

The Batmobile pulled up to the cemetery before driving away as its two occupants got out. Both of them kept a wary eye for any sign of trouble. The last thing they needed was for the GCPD to drive them away once more.

“So, where exactly would a vampire hideout in this place?” Sunset muttered as they moved deeper into the cemetery.

“There.” Batman pointed to the ground. “There are several pairs of tracks, and they lead straight to that crypt.” Sunset followed him before they stopped right outside the crypt door. “Listen, last chance, if you want to hold back and let me deal with this—”

“No,” Sunset interrupted him. “We’re finishing this together. Besides, you should have someone watching your back down there.”

Batman nodded before opening the door. The two of them quietly went down into the crypt before they came across the main chamber where the coffin would be.

“Well, this sure looks inviting,” Sunset said as Batman moved towards a large hole in the wall. Sunset followed behind him before she looked into the hole and saw a vast cave.

“I think we found out how Dracula managed to bypass the crosses. I once tapped into these forgotten catacombs.”

“Hence the Batcave, right?”

Bruce gave a small nod to Sunset. They soon walked into the caverns as they attempted to find the lair. Both of them kept their eyes and ears open before both of them stopped.

They heard all around them the faint sounds of growls and moans which only meant one thing: the Lost Ones had them surrounded. Sure enough, several vampires began crawling out of the shadows and into the heroes' view. Both of them stood back to back.

“At least we know we’re on the right track,” Sunset told Batman.

“Yeah, just remember: keep your distance, make sure you inject them and don’t let yourself get overwhelmed,” Batman advised before he threw open his cape and pulled two vials off his bandoleer. Sunset did the same and clutched them tightly.

“Got it, try not to get bit, alright?” Sunset smirked at Batman but he said nothing more to her. One of the Lost Ones made their move and jumped on him. Sunset turned and found a SWAT officer charging forward.

Sunset quickly responded by ducking down and letting the vampire overshoot her in his charge before she delivered a roundhouse kick to the back of his head. It temporarily threw off the vampire but it was all Sunset needed before she jabbed one of the vials into the man’s neck. Sunset backed up as the man writhed on the ground for a few moments before life returned to him and was cured.

After that, everything went to complete chaos. The Lost Ones began a massed attack, trying to deal with the intruders but they weren’t like any of their previous victims. Sunset and Batman kept close to each other as they fought off and injected every one of the vampires that came their way.

Sunset backflipped out of the way of a swipe before she landed right on the back of a Lost One that was trying to move on Batman. She jabbed the vampire in the arm and got off to deal with her next target.

She dealt with several more vampires before noticing that Batman was being held down. She was just about to reach out to help him before three Lost Ones grabbed her as well. Sunset tried to hold them back but their strength was quickly overwhelming her.

Sunset resorted to throwing up a small ring of magical fire around her to get the Lost Ones to back off. It was risky, especially if they didn’t have much of a survival instinct and wouldn’t mind being burned if they could get their prey. Thankfully, her gambit worked as they backed off.

At the same time, Batman threw down a garlic bomb that filled the cavern and crippled the vampires. The advantage went right to the heroes as the garlic didn’t affect them in both their breath and eyesight. Many of the Lost Ones were quickly dispatched in the garlic cloud before it finally dissipated.

Another minute of fighting, there was only one more Lost One: the thief that Sunset had stopped a few days ago. She stood back as Batman easily dealt with him by jabbing the vampire in the head. Everything went quiet once that last vampire went down.

“I’m out,” Sunset said as she dropped her empty vials.

“I’m down to two,” Batman informed her.

Sunset looked around amongst the unconscious bodies. “I don’t see Vicki anywhere.”

“Then she must still be up ahead. We need to hurry.” Batman pulled out a sort of projectile gun and latched on one of his vials. He pulled out a second one and handed it to Sunset with the other vial on it. “Just in case we need it for Vicki.”

Sunset nodded her head and ran behind Batman as they went deeper into the caverns. They soon ended up in a large opening of the cavern where they found multiple candles spread around a coffin while lit in a supernatural flame. And right by the coffin was the one man Sunset shouldn’t have been surprised to see.

“Penguin!” she yelled out. The short man turned only to find himself suddenly wrapped up in Batman’s grappling hook before he was dragged towards the pair. “Why am I not surprised you had something do with all this?!” Sunset growled before she kicked the incapacitated thief in the head and knocked him out.

“Thank you; we didn’t need him distracting us,” Batman told her before the coffin slid open and Dracula rose right out of his coffin. His eyes locked onto his intruders but Sunset held her nerve. His army was gone and they had a cure; he certainly wasn’t going to get the drop on them again.

“I’m surprised. I didn’t think you two would be coming back, more importantly, attacking my lair.” The dark count growled.

“It’s over, Dracula; your army is gone now and you’re next,” Batman said as he held up the gun and aimed for the vampire.

“Is that so? Fool, you may have cured my army, but I can always start again, and this time with you out of the way!” Dracula’s eyes began to glow red. Sunset glanced over and saw Batman beginning to shake. She quickly realized Dracula was trying to hypnotize them. While she was protected from it, Batman had no sort of defense against it.

“You cannot win, no human can resist my will.” Batman continued to struggle before he collapsed to his knees and fired off the cure into the ground. “Good boy.” Sunset responded to Dracula's trick by pulling out her gun and aiming the cure at the bloodsucker.

Dracula was greatly surprised by her actions. “Impossible! How is it that you haven’t bent to my will as well?”

Sunset smirked. “I’ve got a few surprises of my own, Fang Face. Where’s Vicki?”

Dracula gave her an unsettling smile. “Oh, she’s right here.” He motioned over to the coffin.

“RAHHHH!!!” Vicki screamed out as she shot up straight in the coffin and roared at Sunset; the reporter had become Dracula’s latest victim. The sheer shock of Vicki’s scream took Sunset aback and caused her to drop her gun.

“Do you like my new bride? I think I’ll let her feed upon you as a wedding gift.” Dracula chuckled as he helped Vicki out of his coffin. Sunset felt very worried all of a sudden. Now she found the tables turned with her alone having to face Dracula and Vicki.

However, Sunset saw a small projectile shoot past her and detonate a garlic cloud in front of the demonic couple. Sunset glanced back and saw Batman back on his feet; somehow able to shake off Dracula’s mind trick. He then charged into the cloud.

“Deal with the girl, my love! I’ll exterminate the imposter!” Sunset heard Dracula shout from the cloud before it vanished along with all three combatants. She stood still for a moment before she ducked down and caused Vicki to leap over her. The vampire landed several feet in front of Sunset and got ready for another attack.

“You’re a fool, Alicorn. You should’ve taken my master’s offer when you had the chance,” Vicki taunted.

“Miss Vale, please, you’ve got to try and fight this control Dracula has over you. This isn’t you!”

“Is it? I’ve never felt like myself ever before. Of course, there is one problem.” The older woman licked her lips. “I’m so thirsty!” Vicki charged once more.

Sunset quickly responded by trying to avoid every attack that Vicki sent her way. The only issue was that Vicki certainly was nearly on the same level as a powerful opponent that Dracula was. The young heroine was being pushed back and her defenses were weakening by the second as she tried to avoid making a fatal mistake.

Sunset ducked under a swing Vicki delivered and tried to counter with a kick; only for Vicki to respond faster than she expected and grabbed her leg before swinging her around and throwing her onto the ground.

She tried to get back up but the vampire quickly jumped on her and pinned her down. Sunset shoved her arm into Vicki’s throat while one of the older woman’s hands wrapped around Sunset’s throat and began to strangle the life out of her.

“I always wondered who Batman was underneath his mask; though, I’m certain finding out who you are will be interesting too, after I’ve drunk your blood of course.” Vicki slowly began to get her fangs closer to Sunset’s neck as things slowly started to darken for her.

In her peripheral vision, Sunset could see her projectile gun just within arm’s reach. In a last desperate move, Sunset reached out with her right hand as best as she could to try to get it. Sunset’s world nearly went dark before she felt her fingers reach the gun and wrap around them before she turned it and fired.

“AHHH!!!” Vicki screamed out as Sunset felt air return to her as Vicki got off of her. Sunset had managed to shoot the cure right into her neck and caused the vampire to fall to the ground. The former unicorn stood up as Vicki slowly returned to normal.

“Hey, Miss Vale? Miss Vale, are you alright?” Sunset kneeled next to the woman to check on her. Vicki groaned as she slowly began to recover from her disease before opening her eyes to see the young heroine hovering over her.

“A-Alicorn?” Vicki asked as Sunset slowly helped her up. “What-where are we?”

“It’s a long story, but let’s just get you out of here.” The two of them began walking back towards the cavern exit. Sunset looked back and saw no sign of Bruce but hoped that he was okay. However, her relief was short-lived as Penguin got back up and growled at the two women. “Run!” Sunset held Vicki’s hand and started to drag her out of the caverns with Penguin on their tail.

“Come back you two! Master’s not through with you yet!” Penguin shouted as they all made it back to the surface in the cemetery. Sunset pulled Vicki around a corner and pointed to a crypt.

“Quick! Hide in there! I’ll deal with Cobblepot.” Sunset ordered. The reporter nodded and ran into the crypt while Sunset poked her head around the corner and saw no sign of Penguin.

“Here’s Ozzie!” Sunset’s eyes widen as she heard Penguin right behind her before she turned to see his boot coming for her face. Sunset took the strike and fell to the ground but quickly rolled back before the diminutive man could impale her with his umbrella blade.

She got back on her feet only for Penguin to kick her in the chest and caused her to crash into the crypt door.

“Alicorn!” Vicki cried as Sunset slowly pulled herself up as Cobblepot walked into the crypt.

“Nowhere to go, my dears,” Penguin sinisterly grinned before he lunged his blade right for Sunset’s torso. However, Sunset recovered in time and moved aside causing Penguin to stab the stone coffin and get his umbrella stuck. Sunset threw a punch right into the man’s face before she pulled out Penguin’s umbrella.

“I have had my fill of creeps—” Sunset swatted Penguin upside his head with his umbrella. “—of claws—” she swung again “—of bloodsuckers—” Sunset took another swing “—and most certainly enough of you!” Sunset slammed the umbrella handle in Penguin’s face, cracking his monocle and causing him to crash into the coffin.

The now unconscious Cobblepot fell to the floor as the coffin’s contents spilled out on him; dollar bills, gold coins, and valuable jewels.

“Huh, guess we found that treasure he was looking for.” Sunset took a few deep breaths to recover as Vicki looked over the short man.

“Is he okay?” Vicki asked to which Sunset nodded.

“Yeah, he’s just going to have one of the worst headaches in his life when he comes to. I think you should probably tie him up and leave him for the police.” Sunset dusted off her hands.

“The police?”

“Yeah, I think their probably outside the cemetery. Which means that I should probably take off.” Sunset turned and began to run out of the crypt.

“Wait, Alicorn!” Vicki cried out and caused Sunset to stop. She turned around to see the redhead giving her a small smile. “Thank you.”

Sunset responded by flashing her a victory sign with her fingers before she ran out of the crypt. She made her way back towards Dracula’s crypt as she wanted to find Batman before she felt her communicator buzzing.

“Hello, Alicorn? Are you there?” Sunset heard Alfred’s voice go off on the communicator.

“Yeah, I’m here, what’s going on?” she asked.

“Thank goodness, your signal shows you’re by the cemetery edge. Listen, you need to jump over and get into the Batmobile. Return to the Batcave, Master Bruce is using the caverns to head back.”

“And lead Dracula right into a trap. I’m on the way.” Sunset put the communicator away and climbed over the stone wall. As soon as she dropped down, the Batmobile pulled right up in front of her and opened. She then climbed in and the car’s autopilot took her right back to the cave.

As the car came to a stop, Sunset hopped out and went up the fire pole to Alfred’s level. “Is he okay?”

“Master Bruce? Well, his signal does show he is approaching the cave, so at the very least he’s still alive.” He paused. “I think. What happened to you?”

“We cured on the Lost Ones, Dracula’s the last one, but we ran out of cures,” she explained. Both of them heard a beeping noise coming from the computer and seeing a red dot getting closer to the cave before the signal went out.

A second later, the place rocked as a large hole was knocked into the walls of the cave right near the platform the Batmobile was parked. Sunset and Alfred watched as smoke filled out the hole before Batman slowly appeared in the smoke… with Dracula’s hand wrapped around his neck.

“My word,” Alfred muttered before Dracula threw Batman onto the floor. He slowly pulled himself up as the vampire walked up to the car and threw it right off the platform like it weighed less than a feather.

“I will drain you dry—” Dracula grabbed Batman’s chest “—and use your cape for a dinner napkin!”

“Alfred, get another cure,” Sunset whispered. The butler nodded and moved while Sunset slid down the pole to help Batman. “Back off!” She shouted as she tossed several fireballs towards the Count. Dracula dodged them before quickly dashing towards Sunset and clutched her by the throat.

“So, you survived and cure my bride, yes? No matter, she will join me once more after I slaughter the two of you!” He slammed her against the ground. Sunset felt the air leave her lungs as she felt her body scream out in pain.

“Hmm.” Dracula looked up as he walked over to Batman. “Impressive dwellings, it shall be your tomb.” Sunset rolled her head over and saw the elevator open to reveal Alfred with a crossbow in hand and the cure loaded in it.

“Bite on this!” He fired the crossbow and it struck Dracula right in his neck. The vampire hissed and growled as the cure entered his system before he stopped and began to maniacally laugh. He then ran towards Alfred and slammed him against the elevator door, knocking the faithful manservant unconscious.

“You may have discovered a cure for my victims but no earthly medicine can cure a supernatural affliction,” Dracula informed before he pulled the vial out of his neck. Both Sunset and Batman pulled themselves up and shambled to the fire pole.

They grabbed on and were dragged up to the highest level of the cave, just right next to the solar collector. Batman gave her a small nod before handing her a Batarang. Sunset knew immediately what the plan was. They moved as fast as their injured bodies could take them and got ready for the trap.

“Go on! Run!” Dracula yelled out. “I am beyond human, Batman! I am evil incarnate!” His voice echoed which sounded like he was floating up to their level. “I am the Prince of—” The vampire had a confused look as the collector charged up. “—darkness?”

“Rise and shine,” Batman said as he pressed down on a button and activated the collector. The cave filled up with bright light with Batman and Sunset having their backs to it. For Dracula, he was completely blinded by it and fell onto the platform on the other side of the hole.

With Dracula both distracted and weakened by the sunlight, Batman and Sunset took their chance. Sunset clutched the Batarang tight and knew what she had to do. She ran around the platform until she ran up to Dracula who was holding his hands up to block out the sun before she swung her arm.

Dracula gasped out before throwing his hands up to his throat because Sunset slashed him deep there. Batman then grappled up to the roof of the cave before diving down towards Dracula before stabbing his Batarang right into the vampire’s chest.

Dracula looked up into Batman’s face as he fell to his knees. “You are... Bruce Wayne?”

“I’m the Batman,” The Dark Knight simply said before twisting the Batarang. Sunset watched as the undead life left the vampire’s eyes before he dropped over onto the platform as the collector shut down. The menace was finally over.

The heroes took a deep breath as they finally could relax after the horror they had dealt with for a week. The elevator opened up next to them as Alfred walked up clutching his shoulder before looking down at the corpse.

“I shall deal with that posthaste, sir,” Alfred informed them.

“I think that perhaps you should deal with it in a more medieval fashion, wouldn’t you agree, Alfred?” Sunset smirked.

“Yes, I think you may be right.”

While Alfred took extra care with finally destroying Dracula once and for all and making sure he wouldn’t come back, Batman and Sunset returned to the area near the cemetery as they sat on a nearby building overlooking a large amount of police who were collecting the former Lost Ones.

“Tonight, Gotham breathes a sigh of relief. The Lost Ones have been found. It seems Oswald Cobblepot was behind the bizarre plot to use hostages in an attempt to recover a missing mob treasure,” a Gotham reporter on the scene said to the camera.

“Details remain sketchy due to the amnesia that all the Lost Ones have been affected with, apparently due to some sort of hypnosis. The good news is that they all are safe and sound and being checked out before returning to their families,”

“Also, it appears that the Batman was prematurely accused of Cobblepot’s crimes. So, it’s safe to assume that while Gotham Police will continue to pursue him; we can at least be sure it’s for vigilantism and not kidnapping.”

“It was vampires I tell you, vampires!” Sunset heard Penguin shout out as they were dragging him into the back of a police truck. “With big honking fangs!”

“Well, I guess we’ll see what the judge will say about that defense. Now, in a strange twist, rather than reporting the news, our own Vicki Vale has become it. See any vampires, Vicki?” Sunset could see in the distance that Vicki was looking towards their direction.

“No, just some bats,” the woman then gave a small smirk. “And an angel.”

Sunset gave a small smirk as she heard that before Batman tapped her on the shoulder. “Come on; let the police handle the rest.”

“I wonder, if Penguin keeps shouting about vampires, how likely is it that he will be sent to Arkham?” Sunset chuckled as they walked out of view on the roof.

“Who knows, but at least I do know that Gotham’s safe from Dracula now.”

“Hey,” Sunset stopped walking. “What exactly happens now?”

Batman turned around. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, things are different between us now, since I know everything about you, I’m not really in the dark anymore.”

“No, no you’re not,”

“So what do we do?”

Batman gave her a small smirk. “Well, I could certainly use a partner to watch my back.”

“You’re serious about that? Sure you don’t still want to go it alone?”

He shook his head. “No, I think you’ve truly proven that you can handle whatever this city can throw at you.”

“That’s huge praise coming from you.” Sunset smiled.

“Well, don’t let it get to your head. Now come on, I think we both need to take Alfred’s advice and get some sleep.”

Sunset nodded. “I wholeheartedly agree with that.”

She followed right after him as they ran along the city’s roofs, relieved that the crisis was finally over. Of course, their job was nowhere done as Gotham still needed it’s guardians to protect it.