• Member Since 23rd Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Horseword maintenance and installation specialist. Mareschizo extraordinaire.


At the end of the world, Twilight must convince Celestia to let go.

(Originally written for the Twilestia is Bestia Lightning Round, expanded upon and made into a one shot.)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 30 )

7063112 Whoops :twilightsheepish:.

It's Complete now.

7063116 But I... I got the spacesuit and everything...



I'm curious what comes next. Void or new beginnings elsewhere. I'm leaning towards final end, but who knows?

Sweet. I happened to be listening to this at the time and it's fits rather well.

A very nice short story.

Poetic, and artistic. Language lively, yet barren; I liked this.

Of the ten thousand stories on these dozen ponies, you've crafted something great and unique. Thank you.:eeyup:

This was amazing...I'm afraid I can't think of a comment that can do it justice, however there was liquid pride on the inside. :heart:

The video is pretty creepy...seriously...I'm into dark stuff and my mind is shivering right now...eep! :twilightoops:

7184007 Well if it makes ya feel any better, here's the much less creepy song I was listening to when I wrote it.

Thanks for reading. :twilightsmile:


How was that I song? It felt more like a chilling instrumental for summoning otherworldy whatevers...

GUH, Boards of Canada, too? Are we the same person? First Tim Hecker, now these guys? I dig your musical tastes.

Oh, and I really liked the story, too. I detect a hint of nonchalance on Celestia's part, as if this has happened times before; as if they'd ruled over thousands of other worlds that all met the same fate. Kind of thought-provoking, immortal wandering monarchs simply looking for their next land to roam over.

7276611 Can't help but notice you're a Radiohead fan, too. How bout that Moon Shaped Pool, hrm? :twilightsheepish:

Boards have been a pretty heavy part of my life for a long time, and I blindly bought Mirages by Tim Hecker at a record store (cause I liked the cover art, lol) and fell in love with it to such an extent that I basically exhausted his discography within two weeks.

I even wrote a Blog post talking bout ol' Tim.

And... regarding Celestia's nonchalance... it certainly seems to suggest a bit of familiarity on her part indeed. I liked the idea of her basically brushing herself off from such a huge loss and then trying to radiate an air of confidence towards their future. I like to think that her apathy isn't a bad thing, but rather a sign that she has enough willpower to always see value in carrying onwards, even as she loses literally everything.

Anyways, thank you very much for reading.


(Forgive me if that link doesn't work, I'm writing all this from my phone. Something's bound to go wrong lol)

Nah, but jokes aside...Whew, it's growing on me. For better or for worse, the album was totally not what I expected it to be. It's far more subtle, quiet, and introspective than I'd anticipated, but still possibly one of the heaviest albums I've ever heard. The first listen through, it felt just a little bit lacking in actual musical substance for my tastes, but the more I revisit it, the more layers I'm discovering. Unfortunately, I'm at a point where I'm out of money and can't actually go buy the album myself, and the interwebs copyright police are watching this album like friggin' hawks, so I haven't been able to get in as many listens as I would like. I'm sure it'll continue to grow on me, though.

Music really is a wonderfully evocative thing. It has the potential to make us feel moods that we could have never imagined, generate vivid images that can really only be seen in one's head. I don't write nearly as much as I'd like to, but when I do, it's always with music in the background. It just has an incredible cerebral power, whether it be through the instrumental textures, the melodies, the chord structures and progressions themselves; everything plays a part in creating a unique atmosphere. That's part of the reason why I'm majoring in music lol.

Also, yeah, I really that album cover, too. It really sets the mood.

7276971 I'm going to invade this conversation and say it's about time they did a studio version of True Love Waits, entire album is a amazing. Decks Dark has gotta be my favourite though.

This is some good shit.


The idea of being immortal also means witnessing the end of days. Not many stories focus on that topic, most just focus on the burdens of being immortal by killing off loved ones. But this story does so much better by having an original idea. It makes me curious where ever the two end up. Great story. :twilightsmile:

Existential crisis commencing.

I've reviewed this story HERE!

So, equestria is gone?


Equestria and the rest of the planet, yes.

Whether or not there's still Equestrians out there, with Luna and Cadance, is something I leave to the reader's interpretation

So, they’re in space?


If that's the interpretation you like the most :twilightsheepish:

So, this is one of those stories where the ending is left to the audience?

Ugh I hate these types of stories, if your gonna do that than why not just made a million different endings!

It’s alright depending on the story.

True but although I do have a wild imagination, I couldn't imagine an ending for a story that isn't mine! Really frustrating sometimes.


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