• Published 2nd Apr 2016
  • 13,753 Views, 52 Comments

A Game of Inches - Space Jazz

Sunset Shimmer is slightly shorter than her girlfriend Twilight... and it bothers her.

  • ...

It Don't Matter if You Win by an Inch or a Mile...


Raising her eyebrow, Sunset Shimmer stared over at her girlfriend, watching intently as Twilight adjusted her glasses.

“I’m taller,” the bookworm announced, a wide grin plastered on her face.

“What?” Sunset repeated. “No, you’re not. We’re the same height.”

The accused shorter of the two crossed her arms with an indignant huff. Noticing this, Twilight felt the need to inch closer. “Nope. I thought so too, but no. You’re definitely shorter.”

Humoring her girlfriend’s comment, Sunset stood up from her couch and paced over to Twilight. With a satisfied smirk, she brought her hand up, dropped it on Twilight's head and moved it horizontally over her own hair. "See, Twilight?" The confidence was practically nonexistent.

As if expecting this, Twilight Sparkle only hummed before staring down at Sunset’s legs skeptically. “Uh-huh. Take off your boots.”

Sunset recoiled. “What? Why?”

“Take ‘em off.”

Sunset crossed her arms. “At least tell me why.”

“You know why,” Twilight pressed.

“Is this some clever plan to see my feet?” Sunset asked, feeling the momentum in the argument swing in her direction as Twilight's eyes flared at the accusation. “Hey, whatever floats your boat. I don’t judge.”

“Yes, Sunset.” Twilight played along. “I wanted to see if you still had hooves under those boots.”


“Of course not,” the bookworm shot back. “Shoes off.”

“Alright, fine,” Sunset conceded. “Just make sure to take pictures for personal use.”


“Nevermind.” Dramatically, Sunset pulled off her boots, held them up, and dropped them from chest height all while staring down Twilight with a competitive glare.

Returning the favor, Twilight marched over to Sunset and repeated the height measurement test Sunset used earlier. Only this time, Twilight was up by a solid three inches.

“See?” Twilight asked. “I’m taller.”

Refusing to accept defeat, Sunset bit her cheek. Grasping for any sort of leverage, she looked down at Twilight's legs and noticed the thick pair of shoes that used to be a part of her girlfriend's Crystal Prep uniform. “No fair! You still have your shoes on.”

At this point, Twilight knew she had the advantage. “It doesn’t matter, Sunny," she said. “You know my shoes aren’t anywhere near as tall as your boots.”

Humoring Sunset’s desperate plea for a redo, Twilight kicked off her clunky shoes. Once again, in the interest of getting a conclusive answer, they compared their heights again, standing back to back.

Twilight was up by an inch, which might as well have been a mile for the two.

"See, you're shorter," the now verified taller of the two concluded.

"Nuh-uh. This isn’t over, Sparkle." Sunset protested again, rushing out the room while murmuring, "I'll be right back."

Alone, Twilight glanced over at Sunset's high heeled boot, chuckling to herself at far the petty argument was going.

Waltzing back in, the former unicorn brandished a bright red washable marker. Jokingly, she presented it to Twilight, who giggled in return. Curtsying, the bookworm graciously accepted the marker and motioned for Sunset to stand against the wall.

“See?” Sunset asked, her back straight against the wall. “Same height, right. Problem solved.”

Twilight hummed. “Wait a minute. I just noticed something.”


“Your poofy hair adds about an inch and a half.”

Sunset scowled. “So what?” she asked. “Hair is still me.”

“Well, in that case, I’m still taller,” Twilight said, pointing towards the bun at the top of her head.

“Fine whatever, just take the damn measurement.”

Twilight obliged and marked a tiny line right above Sunset’s head, making sure to press down on the curly hair.

“Okay done,” Twilight said. “My turn. Make a dot, so we don’t get it mixed up.” She handed off the marker and then proceeded to untie her hair, letting it all fall down past her shoulders. Smiling, she stood against the wall, almost content with the upcoming results.

Sunset only grimaced when she saw her line disappear behind Twilight’s head. “How about we just call it off?”

Twilight shook her head. “Too late, Sunset. You wanted to get the marker out.”

“Well, you started it.” Sunset grit her teeth and marked a small dot just above the back of Twilight’s head.

Moving away from the wall, the two inspected the lines. Twilight was taller by an unbiased total of two inches… And Sunset hated every millimeter of it.

“Face it, Sunset. You’re shorter,” Twilight concluded.

Sunset crossed her arms again. “I am not short!”

“I didn’t say short,” Twilight defended. “I said shorter.”

“Well whatever,” Sunset dismissed. “In Equestria, we would have been the same height. All the mares are the same height.”

“But we’re not in Equestria, are we?”

The former unicorn balled her fists. “What does it matter anyway? Humans wear shoes all the time. At school, rehearsals, out in public, I’ll be taller.”

Twilight giggled. “But you know,” she started. “You’re always going to have a nagging feeling in the back of your mind, always reminding you that I’m the taller one.”

“So what now?” Sunset asked. “What do we do now with this earth shattering revelation?”

“Well,” Twilight laughed. “You could try to stand on your toes and kiss me.”

“You know what?” Sunset shot back playfully. She stepped in closer, leaning in on the platforms of her feet until she was almost looming over her girlfriend. “I think I just might.”

In a quick, clumsy motion, the two tumbled over until they were on the ground. Their faces were close, and the two were staring into each other’s eyes. Sunset, blushing furiously, forced herself back up by pulling on the nearby coffee table.

“You know,” Sunset spoke up, “I’m already missing having you shorter than me.” There was another laugh from below before the fiery haired girl helped her partner up. “Oh well, I guess I can wait ‘til tomorrow at school when the natural balance of the universe is restored.”

“Fight me,” Twilight said, holding back a laugh.”

“Square up,” Sunset countered. Giggling, the two girls brought their fists up before dropping onto the nearby couch. “You’re not gonna let me forget this, are you, Twilight?”

“Noooope,” she hummed, adjusting her glasses.

“Well, you won this round. Enjoy it.” Sunset reached for the tv remote and switched it on.

“I will,” Twilight said, kicking her feet up on the coffee table.

Sunset did the same, still thinking about the half-argument. She looked over at her girlfriend who seemed to be nestled comfortably in the corner of the couch. The whole height debate seemed to have come out of nowhere. Still, Sunset could honestly say that the mild frustration she felt when her slight height deficiency became apparent was the worst part. It didn't take long for her to realize that it came from a slight feeling of inferiority that was standard from what was known as the Short Man's Complex.

Once the realization hit, Sunset couldn’t help but smirk victoriously.

“I’m curious, Twilight,” Sunset said. “What made you want to compare heights?”

Twilight blushed, “Well, nothing really. I just wanted to know.”

“Yeah sure, Twi,” she pressed, leaning in closer to her girlfriend. “There’s got to be a reason on why you were so hung up on height.”

“N-no, not really,” Twilight stammered. “I just noticed your boo-boots, and I thought about how you were just a tiiiiny bit taller than I was but not really.”

Sunset brought her head against Twilight’s shoulder. “Come on, Twily, you can tell me anything.” Confidently, she whispered in Twilight's ear. “You weren’t trying to compensate for something, were you?”

Twilight recoiled. “D-definitely not!”

“So you’re perfectly comfortable with your… ‘height?’”

Twilight's bright red face was all Sunset needed to claim victory.

“I am perfectly content with my height, Sunset. Thank you for asking.”

Sunset hummed. “And what about your chest size?”

Comments ( 52 )

Pffft. Oh Twi, you worry about the silliest things.

If you had switched it around, you could have used this as cover art: http://pastelbuttons.deviantart.com/art/The-Baes-570442966

Yaaaassss. This made me smile :pinkiehappy:

“Well whatever,” Sunset dismissed. “In Equestria, we would have been the same height. All the mares are the same height.”

Not entirely true, Alcorn Twilight is taller than the rest of the mane-6, and some ponies like Fleur and Sassy Saddles are taller than others.

Oooooooooooooooooh! Nice one Sunny. Gosh I love those two together. Funny story, have my like and fav.

Sunset hummed. “And what about your chest size?”

Really? Sci-Twi is worried about her chest size and decides to make it up in height? Makes sense. Good job, this was a good fic.

7087580 Shh... Sci-Twi doesn't need to know that. :trollestia:

Clearly Sunset and Twilight have reached the point in their relationship where they start to resemble each other if they're both this petty.

Hehe... this was short and sweet and super cute.

An adorably silly, light read.^^b

“I am perfectly content with my height, Sunset. Thank you for asking.”

Sunset hummed. “And what about your chest size?”

Don't get cocky, kid.

Because I can;

Sci Twi; I-I.. that is.. I just... Don't care to talk about one...

Sunset; And I have just one question.. How much smaller are they?.... One way to find out.. Pulls up shirt... GAH!!! T-Twi.... Today's just not my day!!!... How can you be bigger than me when you had me thinking you were smaller?

Twilight.. Sorry it really was about my height.. My mom is a good foot taller than me...

Lesson is.. Never underestimate those nerdy types...

But seriously it was a funny little story. Nothing stood out but it was a fun quick read...

I liked it. Fun read!


Ah think you're getting your genders mixed up there. :ajsmug:

Oh, hardy-har-har.

Cute, fluffy, and pretty damn funny. Have a fave.

7089209 races. Kid's a young -goat-

And that's why short girls are awesome. They usually make up for their lack of height in other areas.


7089209 Well played, my friend. :ajsmug:

That was a cute read~ :twilightsmile:

I laughed a lot. This was so great!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowkiss::derpytongue2:

take my like. just take it.

That was disappointing. Even if the ending made it worth my time to finish reading, everything leading up to it was so inane that I stopped.


The flat will inherit the earth :twilightangry2:

I wouldn't mind having more of this.
I think you did a good job at writing their characters.
And it was really cute and funny.

7091289 Sorry you didn't like it. I can't really offer a defense either since the entire story revolved around how ridiculous and petty the argument was. What I'm wondering is what came off as disappointing? The only thing I could think of was that it wasn't shippy or romantic enough, but that wasn't the point of this story.

This was meant to be a shallow and silly short story, and I think I accomplished what I set out to do while having fun.

Once again, I'm sorry you didn't like it.

Sunset hummed. “And what about your chest size?”

Hahahaha, turn down for what!

That's kind of my hang up. I don't see them being petty about minor physical differences. If it was both Twilights, I'd give it more leeway. Plus, I see Sunset as taller than the rest of the cast, save Celestia and Luna (at least in the EqG verse) because I think she's older than them. And I just really disagree with the approach to Twilight's character here.


Short and funny c:

Short, sweet, fun, all that jazz.
Something nice to read of an evening.


It didn't bother me, but I'd say you're right that this kind of argument is out-of-character. Execution aside, it doesn't really make sense for them, at a conceptual level. Even though I enjoyed it.

Also, older doesn't necessarily mean taller, but headcanons are headcanons and can't be argued with, so I guess I see your point on that one.

The last line... yeah, I suppose they couldn't have this conversation without that coming up.

Edward Elric would have a field day with this :rainbowlaugh:

Now to explain why Sci-Twi is skinnier than Princess Twi.

Ok, upvoting just for the execution of that last line. That made me go "snrk."

Is this your fetish?

Eh... Whatever. Favorited and upvoted like a kitten factory.

7239625 The sheer number of things in this fic that could be taken as a fetish is pretty alarming. So in the interest of being funny, I'll just say all of them are because no one will believe me if I say otherwise. :derpytongue2:

This story made me think of the Tallest from Invader Zim :B

I like this one. It's just a couple goofing around, and certainly could happen if their relationship became that close. Nice job.

my headcanon is this takes place in the same universe as the sunlight series

Sunset hummed. “And what about your chest size?”

I never say this but I will now: SHOTS FIRED!!!!!!

8002984 and i shall say it now. everyone in eqg is flat. and it looks dumb.

Your avatar matches this well.

We all know Sunny has the biggest boobs of them all, lol

That was very clever, great story!

“In Equestria, we would have been the same height. All the mares are the same height.”

I realise this was written before the movie, but Tempest Shadow would beg to differ.

“You could try to stand on your toes and kiss me.”

Power Move: Pull her down by her collar.

We don't talk about Tempest.

(She disappeared after the movie; So she doesn't count :ajbemused:)

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