• Published 24th Dec 2015
  • 2,128 Views, 7 Comments

Donut Nights 2: A Heartfelt Hearthswarming - Azure129

Hearthswarming Eve, Princess Luna, Donut Joe, Celestia, Discord, lots of shippiness, and kisses too? Read if you enjoy watching ponies awkwardly trying to date with adorable results ^_^ Sequel to "Donut Nights" (a LunaXDonut Joe (Lunut?) fic).

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A Heartfelt Hearthswarming

It was a chilly, late winter’s night in Canterlot made picturesque by the snow upon the pavement and the lack of lights on in the city save the glow of the streetlamps and the presence of many traditional Hearthswarming decorations glittering and sparkling upon the otherwise dark buildings. However, the light of one single business did still shine out among the wintery scene of the holiday…and the two ponies within that bright shop were so content with each other’s company that they barely even noticed the presence of the wintery weather just outside.

That single business was Donut Joe’s Donut Shop. And the two ponies inside of the shop on this Hearthswarming Eve night were none other than Donut Joe himself and Princess Luna.

To clear up a matter right away, the pair weren’t exactly dating. In fact, specific words of a romantic nature had never been exchanged between them ever since last Hearts and Hooves Day (despite a long talk together that night around sunrise that, for better or worse, had mostly stuck to friendly topics). Yet, over the course of the near year that had passed since that fateful evening, Luna had been making a point to stop by the donut shop much more regularly each week. And now, in the heart of winter with the nights being so long, the princess of the moon would often show up at Donut Joe’s door for a late night snack and to spend a whole couple of hours in the baker stallion’s company.

And each time she visited, Donut Joe only wished that Luna could stay longer…and fortunately he was getting his wish this evening as Luna had already been here quite a while and seemed more than content to keep him company without any sign of getting ready to leave for her duties.

Right now Luna was sitting upon her usual stool at the counter smiling with her eyes slightly hazed as she finished up a light giggle as part of her current conversation with Donut Joe.

Donut Joe, meanwhile, was standing behind the counter and grinning and blushing a little as he finished telling the story that she seemed to find so amusing, “So, uh…then we figured out that there wasn’t a pastry culprit on board the train—it was just all of us trying to get a taste of each other’s desserts in secret. Pretty kooky, huh?” He rubbed the back of his neck with his hoof.

Luna giggled again. “Oh Donut Joe, what an amusing tale. I’m only sorry that your own unique dessert did not get to be judged in the baking contest, but at least you got to be part of the winning creation. And you do make the best donuts.” She magically raised a piece of one from a plate in front of herself and took a little bite.

Donut Joe grinned. “Well, I don’t like to brag, but I think challenging the word of a princess is some form of treason, so if you insist they’re the best, Princess Luna, then I guess I have to agree.”

“Oh do stop being so modest.” Luna gave him a playful nudge across the counter (that actually almost sent Donut Joe skidding across the tile floor, though he just barely managed to keep himself steady and to maintain his smile). “You know you are the most talented baker in all of Canterlot.” She looked down into her cup of nearly finished coffee and smiled a little more to herself. “In fact, if you did not have this shop that has been in your family so long and that means so much to you, I would ask you to come stay and work at the castle as a baker. Then I could have your donuts truly anytime I wanted, and you and I could have talks like this much more frequently.”

Donut Joe looked down with a slight blush and a humble smile. “Oh, I-I could never give up the shop, Princess…but now I sort of wish I had a brother or cousin or something who could help me out here so that I could help you out at the castle just a little.” He looked up a bit. “You’d really want me there…a-as a baker?” He quickly added the last part of the sentence and smiled more.

Luna nodded and looked up a bit as well. “Of course. You are a very dear friend to me, Joe. And I love to keep my dear friends close. And please, I know ‘princess’ is still just what you’re used to calling my sister and I, but for tonight with me try to stick to ‘Luna’ as frequently as possible? Just for the sake of the holiday?”

Donut Joe’s smile went a little wobbly, and he nodded. “Uh, yeah, sure…whatever you say, Luna.”

“Thank you, Joe.” Luna smiled more and finished the last sip of her coffee.

Donut Joe’s grin picked up on one side, and then he used his magic to clear Luna’s nearly empty plate and to refill her mug with fresh coffee. “So, um…I’m not complaining at all, but you’re really staying a long time tonight, Luna. I know you said you wanted to come by to make sure I wasn’t spending Hearthswarming Eve alone, but I don’t want you to neglect your duties just for me or for you to miss out on time with your sister for the holiday.” He looked down humbly.

Luna’s gaze softened. “Oh Joe, tis no trouble, really. As I’ve told you, the nights are longer this time of year so I have more time to fulfill my duties. And also this particular evening is one of the most peaceful of the year for everypony. All of them are fast asleep, dreaming of the happy morning to come. I checked in on the land of dreams earlier, and of course I finished my small amount of paperwork for the evening before I came here. I even have my sister on standby at the castle ready to cover for me in case there is an emergency. She enjoys staying up late on Hearthswarming Eve to savor the peace of the night. And besides, she has Discord over right now and is trying to teach him about this holiday, so she’s got her hooves full and really won’t be going to bed for a while.” Luna blushed a little extra as she added, “I’m all yours for the evening.”

Donut Joe felt his heart thump away in his chest. “I’m honored,” he managed with barely a stutter as his eyes met hers again.

Luna giggled again. “I’m honored too—to have a new special friend with whom to spend this holiday.”

The two friends shared a warm smile and a quiet moment before blinking a few times and turning away from each other, Donut Joe to pretend to clean the counter and Luna to make a small show of shifting her coffee mug.

Then Luna sighed. And on the inside, the sigh was doubled. Luna knew Donut Joe liked her; after all, at this point she’d seen (and perhaps slightly participated in) enough of his dreams about her to know that he didn’t just want to stand near her with a counter between them laughing at jokes and eating donuts. And at this point in their friendship, she couldn’t help but find herself starting to be curious about wanting the same kind of progression. She almost wanted to make the first move herself, and yet… ‘It really has been so long since I attempted courtship. And a thousand years ago the rules were so strict: I learned to be approached, not to do the approaching. I know the Modern Mare Magazine says such roles no longer strictly exist, but still, I…. And what if he finds out about my visits to his dreams and is very upset with me?’ She swallowed but then took a breath. ‘But the magazines must be right; things are settled between mares and stallions with much more ease these days. After all, a thousand years ago, it would have been improper for us to be alone here enjoying each other’s company unsupervised. It would have been improper for me to even be talking so familiarly with him considering out social positions. But the fact that all of that has changed must mean that Joe and I are on the right track to getting closer even if we must do so slowly.’ She tried to smile at the idea.

Meanwhile, Donut Joe gave a small sigh too and had his own thoughts to occupy his mind, though they ran in a similar vein to Luna’s. Luna had just gotten so cute to him over these months of visits with her old-fashioned talking and her stories and her giggling from time to time that Joe couldn’t help being just a little more relaxed around her these days and even a little bolder. From some things that had passed between them, and especially that private conversation at the end of last Hearts and Hooves Day, he had a feeling she knew at least that he found her attractive. But he couldn’t bring himself to broach the subject further and talk about the depths of his feelings. ‘It’ll just make things so awkward. And what if with how much closer she’s gotten to me, she’s just been being nice or friendly? I’ve gotta remember, she’s used to social customs from a thousand years ago. Something that means one thing to me might mean something completely different to her.’ Meanwhile, his dreams about the princess of the night had gotten more frequent, but he did his best not to think of them too much when she was visiting him here like this for fear she’d giggle and he’d suddenly snap, plant a kiss right on that adorable dark muzzle of hers, wrap an arm around her, and beg her to be his special somepony for every night she would have him regardless of their age difference and their histories and their races and the fact that he was a lowly baker and she was a revered princess.

Luna cleared her throat and spoke again finally. “I suppose other holidays like this one aren’t that different from Hearts and Hooves Day, in a way. They are all about love at their center.” Her soft smile grew. “Though Hearthswarming has the benefit of being much less awkward than Hearts and Hooves Day in that when you spend time with someone, certain amorous assumptions are not automatically made…and one does not feel the pressure of potentially falling in love accidentally.”

These words from Luna snapped Joe out of a sudden daydream about the two of them kissing and falling into a bag of flour and ending up covered in white and laughing, and Joe making a joke about how she really did look like the moon now, and Luna making a joke about how he looked like the moon too and how much she adored the moon, and then more kissing and…

Joe blinked a few times and observed Luna sitting there as she shyly played with her hoof on the table now. He smiled and nodded. “Oh, I-I know what you mean. This holiday is much more relaxed. People can take their time and get used to each other.” His smile grew. “And of course you get more free time, which I’m very happy for. You do such a good job being our princess of the night, you deserve it.”

Luna beamed, her cerulean eyes meeting his green ones. “Thank thee, Joe of the Donuts.”

His grin picked up a little on one side. “Thou art quite welcome, Luna of the Night.”

Luna and Joe smiled more and then burst into chuckles and giggles.

Luna brushed back some of her mane, getting her laughter under control. “You always make me laugh, Joe. I hope that even if you cannot abandon your duties here to come bake and converse with us at the castle full time, you’ll at least consider closing up shop next Hearthswarming Eve and coming to the small holiday gathering at the castle that my sister and I hold now each year.” She shrugged. “It’s not a large affair, I assure you—just a cozy get together. Princess Twilight stops by after visiting her parents, and some of her court tries to make an appearance if their own holiday plans don’t put them too far away from Canterlot. And I believe Discord will be a regular guest now, though I assure you ever since his trying experience with Tirek he has become much less obnoxious and much more considerate even if he is still a little childish. I’m sure you’d have an excellent time.”

Joe blinked, and his smile brightened. “You’d want to have me at the castle like that? Not even just as a baker but as your friend and guest?”

Luna blinked and then nodded. “Oh yes, of course. As long as you would be comfortable, that is. It’s just a shame that such a night would be a year from now.”

“Well, we’ll always have my donut shop until then,” Joe remarked, blushing a little as his eyes hazed.

Luna nodded, her eyes hazing a little as well. “Yes…or you could even come by as a guest before then, of course. I-I mean, we don’t have to wait until next Hearthswarming Eve, there are plenty of holidays before then to celebrate. Nightmare Night and the Summer Sun Celebration…and of course closest of all is Hearts and Hooves Day.” Her gaze met his and lingered.

“I…” Donut Joe blinked and swallowed. Hearts and Hooves Day? Her eyes meeting his? A private invitation as her personal guest at the castle? Was she really asking…or was she just being a good friend again? Donut Joe cleared his throat and grinned sheepishly. “I…oh, I know you’re so busy on Hearts and Hooves night, I wouldn’t want to be a bother. Unless, of course, there was some way I could help you so that you could have more of a chance to enjoy the holiday.”

Luna’s smile (and blush) grew a little. “Well…perhaps we could come up with a way or two together, hmm?” she suggested very simply and very softly. “I trust your judgment very much, after all.”

Donut Joe felt his heart thumping and blood rushing a little to his ears. He knew he must be blushing as well. “I, uh…well, you’re the princess, but if I really can be of help, then you’ve got it, Luna.” He swallowed, and his smile faltered for a moment. ‘What if she's really saying that she and I should…Oh boy.’ To actually, really, truly hold that dusky mare and express love to her: the idea coming so close to reality all of a sudden was almost too much to think about. Luna was passion and brilliance and serenity and grace and legend all in one pony, and he couldn’t think of how he could fulfill everything she deserved in a special somepony.

Meanwhile, noticing his slight unease, Luna frowned a little herself and then cleared her throat. “Unless of course you already have plans for the holiday. Have you perhaps found a special somepony, Joe?” She tried to smile, but her heart skipped a beat inside.

Donut Joe blinked and instantly shook his head. “Oh, no, no! Not at all.” He cleared his throat and blushed more. “Uh, I mean…what I meant was I’m just honored that you’d value my assistance so much…and maybe a little worried about giving you the quality of assistance you deserve.” He tried to smile as he rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof. “Donuts or my company I can supply easily enough, but help with princess duties might be a bit out of my league, that’s all.”

Luna’s smile softened. “Oh, I see. But even your donuts and your company help me tremendously, Joe.”

Donut Joe tried to smile a little again. “Unless of course you find yourself a special somepony by Hearts and Hooves Day: some noble prince or something to help ease your stress. Then he’d probably be in the best position to help you.”

Luna blinked and then glanced down with a small smile at her coffee cup. “Oh, I don’t see any special princes in my future.” She considered and looked up again. “Er…but, of course, anyone with whom I may court wouldn’t have to be a prince necessarily. Take Shining Armor and Cadance, after all. She is a princess, but he was simply a unicorn guard before they married. Yet they are together.”

“That’s true.” Donut Joe nodded, brushing his mane with his hoof and adjusting his baker’s hat. “But still, Shining Armor was captain of the guard, and his family is pretty ritzy. Even if he wasn’t a prince before marrying Cadance, he was close enough.”

Luna’s smile grew. “There’s more to being princely than lineage or money or a job title though. There’s a special kindness and decency at the heart of being a prince that can be found in a pony of any status or standing.”

“I see.” Donut Joe was blushing considerably now. His eyes met hers. “Have you ever tried baking, Luna?” The question almost startled him with how suddenly it popped out of him.

Luna raised an eyebrow. “Baking? Er, no…why?”

“Well…” Donut Joe shrugged and smiled, “if I’m going to get more familiar with your job, I wouldn’t mind teaching you how to be a little more familiar with mine. And if anyone can find a way to be princely even if they’re not a prince, then I think any princess can find a way to be a baker even if she wasn’t born to it.”

Luna smiled, her eyes brightening. “We could bake together? Oh yes, I…well, I’m afraid I’m not very naturally talented at domestic activities, but I’d love to learn, and especially from you, Joe.”

Donut Joe’s smile picked up on one side.

And then suddenly Luna was stood up, walked over to the end of the counter, magically raised the bar that allowed access in and out, and now she stood behind the counter on Donut Joe’s side. She approached her friend, still smiling.

Joe blinked and blushed a little again. “Princess Luna?”

Luna paused before him. “I have some free time at the moment, and you seem to as well. Why don’t we try baking together right now—sort of a mutual activity between friends to celebrate the holiday? And in return, of course, I’ll expect to see you at the castle for the next holiday to assist me with my princess duties.” She winked at him.

Donut Joe swallowed and barely managed a nod. “Uh…yeah, okay. Of course, I…yeah.” Then his smile picked up on one side again. “Baking then? You really want to try with me right now?”

Luna giggled. “Yes, I would love to, Donut Joe.” Then she used her magic to make an apron appear upon herself.

Donut Joe had this brief (yet brilliant, for him) fantasy of standing beside her while she tried to mix the ingredients in a bowl by hoof; and she might wonder about whether the speed of her mixing was right, and then he might sidle up close to her and put a foreleg over her shoulders and guide her arm with his hoof…getting lost alongside that dark nightscape of glittering hair.

A confident little grin couldn’t help coming to Donut Joe’s features now. He even moved a few steps closer to her as he abandoned the fun daydream for the beautiful reality before him. “Well, if you’d really like to learn, we could go into the back and take our time trying to…bake.” His eyes hazed a little.

The faintest rosy blush came to Luna’s features, though her poised smile remained. “I’m afraid you’ll have to be a little patient with me. As I said, I’m a bit…rusty, I think is the modern word.” Her gaze softened. “I rarely seem to have time for things besides princess activities ever since I resumed my rule.”

“And I rarely seem to have time for things but the shop.” Donut Joe replied with an amount of confidence that impressed himself, his own smile still remaining. “But don’t worry. We’ll have privacy. We can try even if it takes all night.”

Luna sighed. “You really do care for the nights very much, don’t you, Joe of the Donuts?” she asked playfully.

Donut Joe’s gaze softened, and for once he brought up a subject he rarely brought up with Luna, and he did so in a quiet voice. “I love your night, Princess Luna. And I’ll never understand how ponies could shun it in the past. The day might be needed for growing crops and getting jobs done, but the night’s like a special gift. It’s beautiful and mysterious. It’s even the place for dreams. And knowing you in the night is the best thing of all.”

Luna just stood there, eyes wide, blushing all the more. Her heart beat very distinctly. ‘Is this what it is to be wooed? Courted? Flirted with in the modern way? Just like the magazines said…’ “I…thank thee.” She swallowed.

Joe glanced down and moved a little closer. He took one of her hooves. “Come on, Luna. Let’s go to the back and try baking. I can’t think of anything I’d like to do more for the rest of Hearthswarming Eve.”

Luna nodded. “Yes, all right.” She smiled. “Lead on then, Joe…”

The couple went a step forward.

And then the bell over the shop door rang.

And guess who in the world it was…


“Princess Celestia?!”

“What are you doing here, sister?!”

“Nothing happened, Princess!”

These exclamations were delivered one after the other by Luna then Donut Joe in succession. And at Donut Joe’s final exclamation, he and Luna Joe just stood there with wide eyes and distinct blushes on their features.

There Princess Celestia stood, meanwhile, in her usual regalia and with a purple scarf around her neck and purple snow hat atop her head, grinning sheepishly. Her eyes went from her sister to Donut Joe and back again. “My apologies, am I interrupting anything?” Her eyes hazed, and her smile grew.

“Not at all, Princess.” Donut Joe stepped away from Luna and then bowed his head to the sun princess and straightened. He looked to the side with a shuffle of his hooves and a gulp.

Luna sighed and brought a hoof to her forehead. “No, sister, you are not interrupting much: only a very important and private friendly evening. Together. Alone. That I specifically mentioned to you earlier. Remember?” Despite her increased blushing, Luna glared at Celestia meaningfully.

Celestia put a hoof to her mouth and did her best not to giggle. “Oh, yes, of course, Luna, I haven’t forgotten. I’m glad to see you and Donut Joe getting along so well.” She raised an eyebrow, now noticing Luna’s position behind the counter and her apron. “What were you planning to do together exactly?”

Donut Joe flushed cherry red and looked up. “Er…just baking, your highness. Heh…” He sighed. Almost getting caught putting the moves on her sister—Donut Joe was pretty sure Celestia’s patience might not extend far enough to accepting that situation with her usual grace and poise.

Luna sighed very deeply, her look going dry as she used her magic to send away her apron for the moment. “Sister, what do you want? I’m assuming it’s something very important since you decided to come here tonight and interrupt your own Hearthswarming Eve plans as well in the process.”

Celestia cleared her throat and nodded to Luna. “Oh, yes, yes…well…heh…” She shrugged. “You see, Luna, there’s been sort of a situation at the castle. With Discord.”

Luna’s look remained dry. “Forgive me if I do not seem surprised.”

Celestia rolled her eyes to the side and went on, her smile still a little strained. “Yes, well, um…I’m afraid I need your help with this one, Luna. It’s a bit of an emergency.”

Luna pouted and scowled a little. “Sister, couldn’t cleaning up one of Discord’s pranks wait until morning?” She gestured to Donut Joe quickly with her eyes wide and then looked back to Celestia.

Celestia blushed slightly but shook her head. “It’s not one of his pranks, Luna. The problem is with, um…one of mine, it seems.”

Luna and Donut Joe raised an eyebrow each at the same time. “Yours??” they said in unison. Then the pair blinked, looked to each other, smiled a little, and then looked back to Celestia, suppressing grins.

Celestia shrugged and went on. “Luna, Discord and I were discussing the history of Hearthswarming and decided to go to my room….”

“Your room?” Luna raised an eyebrow, and her gaze met Celestia’s. Her eyes hazed as her grin picked up on one side.

“Luna!” Celestia cleared her throat, trying to regain some of her poise. “We went in there to get a book! Really…” She shook her head with a smile.

“Uh…” Donut Joe glanced from one sister to the other, “maybe I should go and let you two talk in private.”

Luna blinked and looked to him. “Nay, Joe, please don’t leave. It’s fine, really.” She looked back to Celestia. “Go on, sister.”

Celestia nodded, cleared her throat, and continued. “We went to my room to get a book on Hearthswarming history, but as soon as Discord crossed the threshold, he triggered that spell I had set around my room last Hearts and Hooves Day to keep him from sneaking in there to prank me again. I had completely forgotten that it was still active. And I suppose I didn’t account for how its magic might specifically affect a being of chaos.”

“What happened?” Luna raised an eyebrow.

Celestia shrugged, smiling sheepishly. “Well…you see, I’d set the spell to sort of duplicate what he did to me with that altered love poison last year, just to really teach him a lesson. He was supposed to end up suddenly perfectly obedient to me as a subject and happy with it, just for a day. I thought it might humble him a little if I found a way to record the situation and to show him what it’s like for someone to have their free will compromised. I was just going to have him bring me tea for a day, hold scrolls, that kind of thing: nothing too embarrassing. But, um…it seems I copied the mistakes of his poison too well, and his chaos must have added a dramatic flair to it. Because instead of obedience, I now have a slumbering, smiling draconequus curled up on my bed who keeps mumbling my name and giggling, and kissing the air.” Blushing thoroughly now, Celestia let out a deep breath. “Sister, I can’t wake him up. And he can’t just stay there all night. I need you to help release him from the spell like you helped release me from the poison. Please.” She smiled as endearingly as possible.

Luna frowned sternly at her sister for a moment.

But then her lip twitched…and suddenly she burst into snorts and giggles she couldn’t control. (Even Donut Joe had to smile a little more and stifle a laugh).

Celestia sighed. “Luna, it’s not that funny. Really, this is serious. I-I don’t want him getting out of that room and going around the castle or Canterlot or even Equestria like that. It could make for some awkward misunderstandings.” Her blush returned. “But I can’t watch over him all night long. And besides, we were sort of enjoying sharing our first friendly Hearthswarming together, and I’d like to get back to it. Please, Luna.” She frowned a little as she looked to her sister.

Luna finally got her laughter under control. “All right, all right…” She stepped out from behind the counter. “I’ll help you, Celestia. Honestly, the trouble you and Discord get into.”

Celestia’s look went dry, though her smile remained. “We do not get into that much trouble, Luna.”

Luna sighed. “How about when you agreed to let him redecorate the garden for that foreign dignitaries luncheon, and he filled the whole area with statues of himself in dramatic poses just for the ironic effect? And he used some kind of hydra spell so that every time you tried to make a statue disappear, two more appeared in its place. Or how about when you let him escort you to the Canterlot city council meeting because he begged you, and he spent the entire session popping up secretly behind speaking politicians and mocking their speeches with goofy faces until you finally burst into an embarrassing bout of laughter right in the middle of the town hall? Or how about when you let him fill in as a teacher at the Unicorn Academy for a day, and he had the students call him ‘Your Grand Poobah of Chaosness, Discord’ and turned the entire academy building into the chaos capital of the world as an obstacle course for the students?” Luna’s eyes narrowed and her smile picked up on one side. “Not to mention the number of nights you’ve spent conversing with him until all hours all in the name of ‘friendship’ ever since the Tirek incident, such as tonight. I’ve never seen you so taken with a gentleman, sister.”

Celestia just stood there with wide eyes for a moment. Then she closed her eyes and smiled sheepishly. “Oh, we just enjoy each other’s company, and our time together really is good for our friendship. And he’s funny, Luna. And I really don’t think this is the time or place or this conversation again.” She opened her eyes and gestured lightly with her head in Donut Joe’s direction.

Donut Joe blinked and took another step back toward the kitchen. “Uh, maybe I really should get going…”

Luna turned to him again, her tone softening. “Please, Joe, no, of course not. This is your shop, after all. We’ll just be a moment longer.” Her smiled warmed, and Joe smiled a little again too. Then Luna turned back to her sister.

She was met with the sight of Celestia grinning a little, her eyes hazed all-knowingly. “We really should make this quick, Luna. After all, I wouldn’t want to further interrupt your own little outing with a gentlecolt.” She glanced to Donut Joe. “It really is nice to see you again, Donut Joe.” She raised an eyebrow. “My sister often talks about your growing friendship. And she mentioned it blossomed out of something involving last Hearts and Hooves Day….” Her smile was warm.

Donut Joe blinked a few times and cleared his throat. “Uh, yeah, she came here that night, and neither of us had a date, and so we talked. That’s what we do mostly—just talk sometimes when she comes in for a nighttime snack. Luna’s really swell—I mean, Princess Luna’s really swell, and she likes donuts, and I like donuts, and she stays up at night and I stay up at night so…yeah. That’s all.” He took a breath, shuffling on his hooves a little. “I respect her a lot you know. She’s my best customer now, and we have fun being close…like with the baking we were going to do tonight. Just baking,” he repeated again and blushed more.

“I see.” Celestia did her best to hold back a small giggle. She looked to Luna. “Apparently I’m not the only pony sister who likes to get involved in colorful friendship activities with her male friends. Of course, my and Discord’s activities are usually supervised and in broad daylight.”

“Except when you bring him into your bedroom at midnight on a whim…” A blushing Luna couldn’t help adding in a rather audible mumble.

Celestia blinked and pouted. “We were getting a book. I told you that.”

“And we were just baking.” Luna almost smirked.

Celestia blushed. But then she raised an eyebrow and smirked a little too. “How many nights a week do you come to this donut shop exactly, sister? I believe I’ve lost count. It’s very sweet, by the way, that you’re growing so much more accustomed to modern socializing.” She smiled a little more. “It really is nice not requiring supervision for all interactions between stallions and mares from the friendly to the romantic, isn’t it?”

Luna blushed. But then she considered…and then she smiled. Luna blinked, her eyes glowed cerulean for a moment, then she blinked again to make her eyes normal once more. She looked to her sister. “I fixed your little Discord problem, sister.”

Celestia blinked. “Oh. Well, thank you, Luna. So he’s all better now?”

Luna shook her head. “No, not quite yet. But he can be. You just have to go back and help him.”

“Help him?” Celestia tilted her head to the side. “How?”

Luna’s grin grew. “I used, what we used to call when we were fillies, the ‘sleeping beauty’ counterspell. You recall how that one works, Celestia. And if there’s really nothing special to remark upon in your and Discord’s friendship, you should have no problem activating it.”

Celestia’s eyes went very, very wide. “Luna, you didn’t seriously…”

“It’s a simple counter action you have to perform.” Luna smiled and held her head up high. “And I’d say you should get to it if you really want to continue enjoying your evening with Discord.”

Celestia pouted. “You and I are going to have a long talk at dawn, Luna.”

“About not interrupting other people’s outings and about not teasing other people about those outings?” Luna pouted now too. “Yes, I think we should.”


Both sisters blinked and then turned to see Donut Joe come out from behind the counter now. He glanced from one to the other. “I’m not really sure what’s going on, but I just wanted to say…Luna, I don’t care if other people think it’s funny that you and I spend time together. I know it’s gotta seem a little strange, after all—a princess and a baker being friends. But I think that’s what makes our friendship fun and special. And Princess Celestia…I’m not sure what’s going on with you and Discord.” He cleared his throat. “Frankly, it’s hard to trust him sometimes even after how he helped with Tirek. But if having fun with him makes you happy…then I’m glad for you.” He smiled a little at the sisters, then added, “But, uh…if everything really is all better now, then…maybe Luna and I could go back to spending some more quality time together? Besides, it’s Hearthswarming Eve, and I hate to see Equestria’s two lovely princess sisters fighting.”

There was quiet for a moment.

Then Celestia smiled. “What a wise point to make, Donut Joe. Hearthswarming Eve really isn’t the time for little sibling squabbles.” She looked to Luna. “Sister, I’m sorry for teasing you. And…thank you for helping with Discord…I think.” She blushed a little.

Luna looked to Celestia. “And I’m sorry for losing my temper a little and for teasing you as well.” She sighed and added, “If you’d like, I could come to the castle now and work on removing the sleeping beauty spell by another means and then restore Discord to normal using the same dream visiting technique I used for you. It might take me a little while though.” She glanced back to her stallion friend. “Would you be willing to wait for me, Donut Joe? And I apologize for the interruption.”

Donut Joe nodded and was about to answer when Celestia spoke instead.

“Luna, don’t worry about it.” Celestia looked down, smiling a little (and still blushing). “You enjoy your night with your friend. You deserve it. I’ll…resolve the Discord situation myself. It’s all right.”

“Celestia, are you really sure?” Luna looked back to her.

“I promise.” Celestia nodded. “And besides, maybe my activities with Discord really have been getting a little out of hand. This might turn out to be an excellent friendship lesson for me.” Her smile warmed. Then she pulled her scarf a little more tightly around her neck and turned to the door. “Take care, sister. I’ll see you at breakfast. And Donut Joe?”

Donut Joe blushed a little but nodded and smiled. “Yes, Princess?”

Celestia’s smile grew. “I’m very glad my sister has you as a friend. Happy Hearthswarming Eve. And enjoy your baking.” Then she opened the door and flew out into the night, letting the door close behind her with a light jingle of the bell overhead.

There was quiet for a moment. Then Donut Joe came beside Luna. “Hey Luna, if it’s okay for me to ask, what’s a ‘sleeping beauty’ spell exactly?” He raised an eyebrow.

Luna laughed a little and glanced to him. “Oh, it’s a silly thing, really: something Celestia and I invented after reading one too many pony tales as fillies. You see, you cast it, and it can break anyone out of any spell or poison or curse involving sleep…but to make it work, the person responsible for the situation must kiss the slumberer.” Luna blushed and smiled more. “It really is a silly thing. Fortunately though, Discord won’t be aware of what’s going on. And either way, I’m sure Celestia could find another means of freeing him if she spent a couple of hours at it. It’ll be fine.” She sighed. “Still, I’ll really have to apologize to her again tomorrow over breakfast for losing my temper and putting her in that position.”

Donut Joe just looked back at Luna with an eyebrow raised and a light blush on his cheeks.

Luna blushed more and looked down. She moved back over to the counter. “Now, where were we—baking, yes?” She used her magic to make her apron reappear and glanced over her shoulder at him.

Donut Joe swallowed but smiled and trotted after her. “Sure, Luna. Come on, let’s get started.”

Smiling, the two friends headed back behind the counter and into the kitchen.

At the Canterlot Castle, the bedchamber of the sun princess was decorated in its usual red royal tones and sun emblems, though at this time of year there were also several decorations of holly and tinsel and some wreaths. The moon and stars and dark sky of night reflected in her windows, and the room was aglow with the gentle light of a fire while the only sounds present were the crackling of the fire’s flame and some light snoring…and now a deep sigh.

The light snoring came from a certain cursed draconequus who now chuckled in his sleep upon the four-poster bed in the room and mumbled. “Celestia…Hmm…”

The deep sigh came from Celestia herself in response to this sight. She was standing in her doorway (her scarf and snow hat gone now) with the door only partially ajar. She had just returned to the castle to fix Discord as per Luna’s little ‘sleeping beauty’ enchantment, and right now she was bracing herself for entering the room and deciding what to do about her chaotic friend.

Celestia took a deep breath and whispered softly to herself. “It’s all right. Just one little kiss, and he’ll be better, and then you can get back to your friendly evening together. You can explain to Discord more about Hearthswarming, and he can make jokes about pony traditions, and then we’ll wish each other good night and all have a nice breakfast together tomorrow.” She tried to smile normally. “You’re such good friends now, he’ll probably think this is funny when you explain it to him. It’s not like he’ll…become completely irrational and release chaos all over the castle like he did in the ballroom during the Grand Galloping Gala.” She sighed again but managed to keep her calm and confident tone. “It’ll be fine. You’ve done much scarier things than this, Celestia.” The sun princess stood tall and nodded. “I’m ready.”

Celestia pushed open her bedroom door, entered, and closed the door behind her. She approached the bed and looked to her friend.

There lay Discord on his back with his hands over his chest and holding a single flower while a cone-shaped princess hat with a veil hanging from the tip sat upon his head.

Celestia brought a hoof to her temple. “Of course,” she murmured, “leave it to Luna to give the spell that much dramatic effect.” She shook her had and then came closer. She cringed a little, looking down at him.

Discord just let out another dreamy chuckle. “Celestia…Hmm…” He practically gurgled her name and gave the air another kiss.

Celestia blushed and glanced away for a moment, but then looked back at him. “I…I really do value our friendship, Discord.” She swallowed. “I just hope this doesn’t complicate things too much.” And then the sun princess closed her eyes, leaned in, and pressed her lips gently to Discord’s.

She pulled back quickly. Discord remained in his princess repose for a moment longer. Then there was a poof of magic, and suddenly the princess hat and flower were gone, and Discord was just sitting up on the edge of Celestia’s bed grinning and resuming whatever sentence he had been saying before the spell had taken affect. “…So you’re saying these windego things just die off if you sing and love each other and get along enough? Celestia, seriously, that’s sappy even for you. I’m not buying it no matter what historical book you insist on showing me to prove it’s true.” He chuckled raucously. And then Discord blinked and raised an eyebrow after a quick glance around. “Hey, Celestia…did something just happen? I…” And then he blinked as he caught sight of the sun princess. “Tia? Are you okay?”

Celestia just stood there blushing rosy red and smiling awkwardly and not making eye contact. She cleared her throat. “Um…not exactly, Discord. And…yes, something did happen. And I should explain it to you. It’s a bit of a long story, heh.” She moved near him and sat on the floor by the edge of her bed. “You see, it all started…well, actually it all started last Hearts and Hooves Day…and ended tonight with a very awkward joke from Luna.” And thus Celestia began to relate her tale.

Discord, meanwhile, just sat back and listened with wide eyes and an eyebrow raised.

Celestia had left the donut shop a little while ago, and meanwhile Donut Joe and Luna had been in the back gathering together ingredients and empty bowls for their baking. And now they sat side by side before the counter with wide eyes and small smiles.

Luna glanced to Donut Joe. “It is very kind of you to offer to share this meaningful activity with me, Joe. And I’ll have to thank my sister later for not insisting I come along with her to fix Discord…especially after I did make things so awkward for her.” She blushed a little.

Donut Joe smiled at her and blushed as well. “I guess it will be a little awkward for them trying to undo that spell. But they’re just friends, so it might not be too bad.”

Luna smiled more and nodded. “Yes, their friendship is strong, and so is my sister. She and Discord will endure. Though I really do feel ashamed of my display of temper with pulling such an immature prank.” She rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof.

“Aw, don’t feel bad. I like your temper, Luna.” Donut Joe waved her off. “Though I guess I think about it more as your passion.” He shrugged, his blush increasing.

Luna beamed. “Thank you, Joe.” She straightened up a little and set her horn to glowing. “Well then, shall we get started on the donuts?”

Donut Joe nodded, but then just as he was about to magically take up a sack of flour, he hesitated. “Princess? Before we start…could I ask you a question?”

Luna’s horn stopped glowing and she nodded. “Of course, Joe.” Her smile picked up on one side. “And no ‘princess’, please.”

Donut Joe nodded, then sighed. “All that stuff you and your sister were talking about…I didn’t meant to listen but I couldn’t help it of course, so I was just wondering…before you left the castle, did you tell Princess Celestia not to bother you here tonight just so you could spend time alone with me?”

Luna paused: her eyes were wide, and her blush was distinct. “I…” Her gaze drifted downward and then hesitantly back up to Donut Joe. “Yes, Donut Joe, I did ask her to give us privacy. I wanted to be alone with you tonight.”

Donut Joe’s eyes were a little wide now. He swallowed. “Luna…you know I like you a lot.”

Luna nodded. “Yes, I know. Why do you think I wanted to spend time alone with you so very much, Joe?”

Their eyes met.

Luna went on, her voice soft. “You recall our talk after last Hearts and Hooves Day, yes? When we met at dawn and took a walk together: how we discussed friendship and closeness and how much I admired you and how much you admired me.” She swallowed. “I want to develop a very close relationship with you, Joe. I wouldn’t see you so often if I didn’t.”

Donut Joe took a deep breath, still blushing. “I want that to with you too, Luna. I-I mean, if that’s okay.”

Luna moved closer. She smiled more. “Tis very, very okay, Joe of the Donuts. And your princess decrees you must stop feeling awkward about it. Now then…onto baking.” Her eyes hazed.

Donut Joe felt his heart pounding away, and suddenly he found the kitchen area to be a lot dimmer and warmer and more secluded than he remembered. And there was Luna at the heart of it all.

Donut Joe’s eyes hazed, his smile grew. “Well, I…I guess since I don’t sleep much at night, it’s nice to have the chance to spend my time getting close to you in ways like this.” His look became sheepish for a moment. “I’m just sorry this place is so small and ordinary. You’re used to a big fancy castle, and all I’ve got is a little donut shop, a second rate kitchen, and a little attic apartment as a place to hang my apron.”

Luan giggled softly. “Joe, do not short change yourself. This place is lovely. The shop’s always so warm and smells of sugar, and this kitchen is quite cozy and dim as well—I like dim places. And I’m certain your apartment overhead is very nice. And then there is the breathtaking view of the night sky and the moon over the castle from your roof.”

Joe grinned a little and shuffled his front hooves (and moved closer to her as he did so). “Yeah, well…I guess the old place really isn’t so bad. And I do like that view of the moon and castle from the roof.” He remained smiling for a moment…but then he blinked. “Luna, do you go on my roof sometimes?”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “No, Joe. Why do you ask?”

“Well,” he rubbed the back of his neck with his hoof, “that’s the only way a pony could know what the view looks like. So I was just wondering…”

Luna remained very still; her eyes were wide. “Er…well, I can, um…see the view whenever I fly over this neighborhood.” She tried to smile.

Donut Joe raised an eyebrow. “But still…how could you tell how the view looks exactly from the angle on my rooftop facing the castle?”

Luna’s heart raced. “Oh, I…I just…probably glimpsed it in one of your dreams some time in the past.” She tried to smile. “Now then, where shall we start with baking?”

Donut Joe did not smile though. He just stood there, his eyes a little wide. “But…the only times I’ve only ever dreamed about being up ever since you returned is ever since we…started spending time together. And I’ve only ever had one particular dream of being up there.” He looked into her eyes.

And Luna had to look back into his. She let out a breath. “Joe…” she took a step closer, “I can explain.”

Donut Joe’s face fell as blushing consumed his features.

Luna wasn’t sure where to begin.

Meanwhile, back at the Canterlot castle, Celestia was just wrapping up an interesting Hearthswarming tale to Discord…and she had been blushing and awkwardly smiling and looking down the entire time she had been delivering it.

The sun princess sighed. “…So you see, I would have felt very bad leaving you like that while I tried to undo Luna’s spell in any other way, which could have taken a couple of hours. And I just thought we were having such a nice Hearthswarming night together and that you were making so much progress with understanding the holiday, so I completed the sleeping beauty spell and kissed you so we could get back to our holiday. And I just wanted you to know what I’d done, and I wanted to apologize for putting us both in such an awkward position, Discord. I’m sorry. And if there’s any way I can make it up to you, please let me know.” Celestia finally let her eyes meet the chaos master’s.

Discord was just looking back at her with his own eyes wide and his jaw fallen a little.

“Discord?” Celestia raised an eyebrow. She tried to smile. “It’s…It’s really sort of funny if you think about it. But I still am sorry.” Her smile fell. “And really, if there’s anything I can do make us even and set our friendship right…”

Discord sighed very deeply. “Celestia, I…” he almost smiled, then scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest, “Celestia, there’s really only one thing we could do to balance everything out, but I’m not sure if you really want to do that.”

Celestia raised an eyebrow again. “Discord, I’m not sure what you have in mind, but if it’ll help put us on equal terms again, please share it. I don’t want our friendship strained.”

Discord grinned a little more. “Are you sure?”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, of course.”

Discord’s grin picked up on one side. “Very well…Hmm…” He held up his fingers. “How do you cancel out a friendly kiss?” He snapped, and suddenly in a burst of magic he was holding a wide-eyed Celestia close. “With another one of course. Sorry in advance about this, Tia. Chaos and spontaneity and all that.” And then he leaned in and planted a full kiss right on Celestia’s unsuspecting lips!

The sun princess’s pupils dilated almost to nothing, and a small gasp was all that escaped her before Discord had her in his embrace completely (and he was showing no sign of letting her go).

“Joe, wait, please, you must let me explain! And where are you going?”

Donut Joe had already stepped out into the frosty night, and Luna, after closing the shop door with her magic, trotted after him, a pained look in her eyes. Her apron was gone now, and needless to say no baking had occurred after her confession to Donut Joe about how exactly she knew what the view from his roof looked like.

Donut Joe just kept his eyes forward. His frown was stern. “I don’t know where I’m going. Maybe out to a cider mill for a couple of glasses—those places are open all the time too. If you need me, I’m sure I’ll sleep soon and that you’ll find me in my dreams.”

“Joe…” Luna came alongside him. “I did not mean to embarrass you or hurt you or tease you. Please let me explain.”

“Explain what?” Donut Joe replied gruffly. “How you watched me having dreams about you…o-or how you made your actual self be the one in the dreams I was having about you?”

Luna blinked…and then she hung her head. Her voice was quiet as she replied, “Both actually.”

Donut Joe blinked and then pouted all the more and moved forward even more quickly.

Luna raised her head and trotted after him. “But I didn’t mean to hurt you! You don’t understand. At least let me apologize, Joe.” She came around in front of him, blocking his path. “Let me tell you how sorry I am and assure you that it was very rare that I visited you like that. I just needed to be sure that you felt that way about me. You’d never say anything, and it’s been a thousand years since I courted with anybody. And then when I realized it was true, that you cared for me so deeply, I just couldn’t help coming back to that image sometimes…or the experience.” She swallowed.

Donut Joe blinked a few times but then frowned again. “Everyone gets a little nervous about dating, Luna. But not every mare spies on a stallion’s private thoughts to deal with it. I-I mean, how do I even know this isn’t a dream and that you’re not real now?

“I was confused, I did not know what else to do!” Luna scowled a little. “And of course I am real now, Joe! And in a way it’s fortunate I did peer into your dreams of me to know the truth since for all these months you have never made a single direct advance toward me. Tonight asking me into the back for baking was the closest you had ever come! I thought that we might finally…that we could…” She took a breath, and her brow furrowed as she looked down in hesitation.

“What?” Joe scowled a little. “What did you think we were going to do back there?” He blushed so much and looked down as well.

Luna blinked a few times and then all sternness and power left her demeanor. Her voice became soft again. “I…I just thought that we…I…and the magazines said…and I…I don’t know what modern courters do.” She pouted.

Donut Joe’s features softened. He looked to her again, then took a breath at the sight of the confusion and sincerity in her features. He addressed her once more, his tone gentle now. “Because, um…I thought we might have tried whipping up some donuts…and then we might have shared them and laughed…and then maybe you might have let me hold your hoof…and then, uh…whatever you wanted.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

Luna blinked and looked up hesitantly. “Is that how courtship works now? Friends first and then things happening so simply?”

Donut Joe smiled a little. “Well, I don’t have a ton of current experience but…yeah, sort of.” He shrugged. There was silence, and then Joe started walking forward again. “Come on, Luna. Let’s just walk together for a bit in the night.”

Luna followed alongside him. Then she took a deep breath in the chilly air. “I like you very much, Joe.”

Donut Joe nodded. “I like you very much too, Luna.”

Luna smiled then frowned. “But we’re very different, aren’t we?”

He sighed. “Yeah, there’s a lot of that.”

She looked forward. “ Does it bother you?”

Donut Joe took a breath. “It…makes me confused. I mean, you’re a princess, one of the classiest girls around: you’re legendary, you’re brilliant, you’re smart and…you’re the most passionate lady I ever met. And powerful too.”

“I cannot help who I am,” Luna countered.

“I’d never want you too,” Donut Joe replied.

Luna smiled a little. “And you are a baker with sweet and simple tastes and a good heart and humble dreams. You fit in with this world so much better than I do, and you seem more relaxed in it than anypony I know.”

Donut Joe’s eyes went wide.

Luna went on. “But we have the night: it’s a small thing, but it’s ours.” She paused to gaze at the moon and stars overhead

Donut Joe stopped as well and gulped but then looked to her with a smile. “The night is anything but small, Princess.” He let his hoof rest against hers on the sidewalk.

Luna blinked and blushed considerably. She looked to him.

Donut Joe chuckled. “Your eyes are beautiful, you know.”

Luna blushed all the more then glanced to the side. “Oh, Joe…”

“The color pops really pretty-like against your dark hair and coat.” He chuckled again.

“And you are a very handsome stallion, Joe.” Luna giggled softly then managed a little smile as she looked to his eyes again.

“Oh, I don’t know about that…” Donut Joe blushed thoroughly and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hoof.

Luna just giggled again. “You’re very strong, especially for a unicorn, and tall, and sometimes your cutie mark looks just delicious.”

Donut Joe practically beamed.

Luna laughed softly again then sighed as she shifted a little closer to him. “This is much nicer than just being in a dream with you.”

“This is nicer than a million dreams.” Donut Joe smiled up at her.

Luna nodded. “Besides, experiences in dreams don’t really count. They’re always diluted, always more mental than physical.” She blushed more. “But…we’re not dreaming now.”

Donut Joe nodded as well. “Yeah. This is different. But better. More real.” He found his eyes locked to hers. “Luna…”

The moon princess sighed softly. “Yes, Joe?”

The yellow stallion took a deep breath. “I think you’re swell. And…I’ve been dying to make an ‘advance’. I just wasn’t sure how you would take it, or if I was seeing too much in how close we were getting.”

Luna’s gaze and smile warmed so much. “I…I really am rusty, Joe, about the baking and other things. Bear with me…” She turned to face him.

Donut Joe swallowed and turned to face her as well, his eyes hazed. “As long as this isn’t another dream, you’ve got it.”

Luna smiled, Joe’s eyes closed, and then the pair found their mouths hesitantly meeting in a tender winter’s night kiss.

The interaction definitely usually went more smoothly in Joe’s dreams. And yet, after some awkward shifting, the ponies found a rhythm and embraced like any two lovers would.

Eventually they separated, smiling, eyes hazed, breaths coming in shallow puffs that frosted on the night air. Donut Joe grinned giddily. Luna’s eyes sparkled, and then her face lit up with a smile as well. “Joe, I like privacy for certain matters. Perhaps I could teleport us someplace private so that we could continue this conversation?”

“I just wish I could go into the night sky with you like a pegasus.” Donut Joe sighed dreamily. “What’s it like to fly, Luna baby? I’ve always wanted to know.”

Luna giggled and raised an eyebrow. “Well, you can know, Joe. Just trust me.” Then she used her magic to cast a spell over him and used her magic to make a teal scarf for herself and a brown scarf for Joe appear around their necks. And then Luna teleported the two of them away.

“Tia! Come on, let me in! It’s cold out here!”

“That’s ‘Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia’ to you, Chaos Master.”

The sun princess made this reply while sitting on the sofa before her fireplace with her head held high and facing away from her closed (and magically locked) balcony window doors while a certain draconequus stood outside on the balcony whining to be let back into her room.

“Oh Celestia, really, this is ridiculous!” Discord huffed from outside. “Didn’t you say that you were enjoying our Hearthswarming Eve hanging out together and wanted it to continue? Isn’t that the whole reason you went and got Luna’s help and put yourself through undoing the spell?”

“I’m afraid I’ve changed my mind.” Celestia held her head just a bit higher (though out of the corner of her eye she did glance back toward the window.)

Discord rolled his eyes and hugged himself for warmth. “Celestia, come on, really, it’s the dead of winter: I’m frozen out here. Let me back into the castle! I said I was sorry about rocking your pony world with a single kiss.” He grinned.

Celestia turned her head and glared at him darkly.

Discord scoffed and shrugged, his grin still remaining. “Joking, joking! Come on, you know me: I’m the comedy relief around here. Somebody has to be, oh grim Celestia.” He chuckled raucously. But when Discord looked inside again to see if Celestia had cracked a smile, he saw that instead she was turned away form him once more…and this time her head was lowered.

Discord raised an eyebrow. “Tia?” She didn’t respond. And then finally Discord frowned. “Celestia?” Still nothing. He frowned more. “…You’re really upset, aren’t you?”

Celestia tried to hold her head a little higher again but still said nothing and still didn’t turn around.

Discord’s ears drooped now. He looked down and cleared his throat: his voice was low and soothing. “Do you really want me to go?”

Celestia sighed but didn’t make a reply.

“I will if you want me to.” Discord sighed. “Maybe tomorrow if I come by for breakfast, you’ll be more in the mood to forgive me?”

Just as Discord turned away, Celestia turned her head back to look at him standing out on the balcony behind the doors.

Discord snapped his fingers. A colorfully wrapped box with a bow appeared hovering in the air beside him. “I’ll bring your Hearthswarming present by too, Tia. We can finish celebrating then.”

“Wait, Discord…”

Discord turned: the doors now magically opened, and Celestia was facing him completely. She blushed a little but managed with a small smile, “At least come inside and get warm by the fire before you make the trip home.”

Discord blinked, then smiled a little and headed back inside to sit beside her on the sofa (the present still following in his wake). “Changing your mind suddenly—how chaotic.” He chuckled. “The present swayed you, huh?”

Celestia smiled a little and shook her head. “No. The present’s a bonus. What swayed me was how endearing it looks when you frown.” Her smile grew. “And you really got me a present for Hearthswarming?”

Discord rolled his eyes. “Oh, stop trying to make me out to be all mushy and just open your gift.” He took the present from the air with his tail and shoved it toward her.

Celestia laughed warmly and opened the box with her magic. Inside was a chocolate cupcake with red and green frosting nestled in a crystal wrapper. Celestia smiled and raised an eyebrow. “A cupcake?

Discord smiled a little more. “Not just any cupcake: a magic cupcake wrapper. After you eat the cupcake that’s already in there, the crystal wrapper will magically make you a new cupcake whenever you need one even if you don’t realize you need one, and it’ll always be different flavors and combinations.” He shrugged and chuckled. “I figured you might like the pick-me-up sometimes, and I know you love cake of course.”

Her eyes brightened, and then Celestia gently set the enchanted cupcake down on an end table in its box. “Discord, what a thoughtful gift. Thank you.”

The chaos master nodded. “You’re quite welcome, Tia.”

“But I thought you thought the Hearthswarming traditions were silly?” Celestia raised an eyebrow and grinned.

Discord rolled his eyes. “I think some of the orderly pomp and circumstance is silly. I don’t think the friendship at the heart of it all is. And friends give each other Hearthswarming gifts.” He smirked a little. “Don’t take it too personally; I also got a nice gift for Fluttershy and a little something for Twilight and the girls and Luna too.”

Celestia’s eyes hazed. “Would you like your present now, Discord?”

Discord blinked and grinned. “My present? Well, yes, of course, as long as you went to the trouble of getting me one too!”

Celestia smiled more and used her magic to make a large box wrapped in red paper with a yellow ribbon appear. Discord opened it eagerly. The first thing inside was a scroll with several official seals and signatures on it. “What’s this, Celestia?” He glanced to her.

Celestia smiled more. “That is official documentation declaring your dimension of Chaosville the Chaos Capital of the World. Congratulations, Discord.”

Discord’s eyes went wide, and then his smile beamed! “Celestia, you didn’t!”

“Oh, I’m afraid I did.” The sun princess chuckled. “You have a say in United Equine Nations Government affairs now and everything. You’re totally independent, and everyone knows it. You’re finally king of chaos, Discord.”

“Ugh, you know just how to make me happy, Celestia.” Discord laughed warmly. “I’ll frame it and put it underneath the upside down mantel in my chaos cottage.” He admired the document a moment longer and then set it aside and looked to the other thing in the box. He lifted out a hand mirror bearing the mark of the sun on the back. Discord raised an eyebrow. “A mirror? Oh Tia, you do know that vanity is my favorite character flaw that I have.” He chuckled.

Celestia smiled. “It’s not just any mirror, Discord. It’s an enchanted portal mirror. If you say one of your friend’s names, it’ll show you them wherever they are in Equestria. I know how much you like to travel, so I thought it might be a nice way for you to keep in touch with everyone. You can also talk to them through it if you like or send letters.”

Discord’s eyes went wide and then he turned to her with a smile. “Really? And it’ll work anywhere in Equestria.”

Celestia nodded. “Anywhere. But only during the daytime. Its magic is solar powered.” She held her head a little high. “I couldn’t resist.”

Discord chuckled. “Well, what a thoughtful gift, Celestia. I’ll have to put it to good use soon in my travels…especially since a certain sun princess never agrees to play hooky and just come along with me.” He grinned at her.

Celestia rolled her eyes but smiled. “Discord, Fluttershy is probably free for something like that. You know how busy I am.”

Discord sighed. “Celestia, I love Fluttershy very much, but she doesn’t really care for adventures, and I don’t want to push her into them. We have our tea party each Tuesday, and of course sometimes we’ll go see some rare wildlife outside of Ponyville that she wants to meet. But she’s quiet and likes her cottage best, and I respect that. We don’t have to like all the same things to be friends, we just have to like each other.” He smirked a little. “See how good I’m doing at friendship, by the way?”

Celestia smiled warmly and nodded. “Yes, you’re making excellent progress.”

Discord smiled in return. “But you and I could manage some adventures. You had me start spending all this extra time with you for remedial friendship lessons back when it looked like I wasn’t taking my reform seriously, and somehow it blossomed into the kooky friendship we have now, especially since the Tirek thing. You really should just sneak off on an escapade with me now that we trust and care about each other so much.” He glanced at his mirror. “But I suppose the next time I’m off on a trip alone, I can use this to bother you by showing you all the fun you’re missing out on.” He laid the mirror aside with the scroll.

“I’ll consider it, Discord.” Celestia laughed softly.

Discord smiled then glanced to the side. “So…about what happened…are we just not going to talk about it, or…?”

Celestia blushed. “No. We should probably talk about it.” She cleared her throat. “I’m sorry I locked you out, Discord.”

Discord nodded. “And I’m sorry if I really did make you feel uncomfortable. I just thought kissing you would be funny, a good way to break the ice since you seemed to feel so awkward about doing it to me. I didn’t realize it would upset you like that. I’ve never spent much time around others until now. I’m still getting used to recognizing social cues and setting boundaries.”

“I can tell.” Celestia blushed more, but her smile grew.

Discord raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Did you really not like it, Tia?”

Celestia sighed. “It’s not that exactly Discord, it’s just…gestures like that, I take very seriously. I know you like to joke about most things, and I’m willing to meet you half way, but…I’d prefer not to have things like that be a joke. All right?” She glanced to him.

Discord just continued to grin back at her though. “So you did like it then?”

Celestia’s blush brightened. She cleared her throat. “Well, Discord, just from a biological standpoint, most ponies enjoy gestures of intimacy.” She blinked a few times and smiled awkwardly.

Discord raised an eyebrow, and his smile picked up on one side. “Wow, is that what you do when you’re embarrassed? Slip into Twilight mode and make everything as technical and academic as possible?”

Celestia raised an eyebrow. “Well, weren’t you embarrassed when you found out what I’d had to do?”

“That you’d kissed me?” Discord raised an eyebrow in return. “Come on, say it…”

Celestia sighed. “Yes, Discord, that I’d kissed you. Weren’t you embarrassed?”

“Barely.” Discord shrugged. “I was a lot more pleasantly surprised and intrigued.” Celestia blinked, and her eyes went wide. Discord explained further. “Surprised and intrigued you’d feel bad enough for me to go through all that trouble, and on a major holiday too. What a selfless act, Tia—unless of course you did enjoy yourself in any way. But either way I’m still touched.” He brought his paw to his chest.

Celestia looked down again but smiled a little. “Well…I couldn’t just leave you like that. You’ve become such a good friend after all, Discord. And I guess I couldn’t blame Luna for setting things up the way she did since I think I sort of interrupted a date of hers tonight.”

“Oh, you mean her little infatuation with Donut Joe?” Discord grinned. “Still, you’d think she wouldn’t be that mad at you: it was an emergency after all, and I’m sure you were very polite about it. When I interrupted her and donut boy last Hearts and Hooves Day, I was totally obnoxious and she still helped me even if I got yelled at.” He chuckled.

Celestia blushed more. “Well…it wasn’t that simple tonight.” She rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof. “I may have made a few cheeky comments toward the end there.”


Celestia sighed and shifted on the sofa a little. “Because she made a few to me when I explained the situation…”

“And…they were?” Discord prompted. “I’m just curious what could set you off like that.”

Celestia rolled her eyes to the side. “You’ll laugh or never leave me alone about it.”

Discord pouted and waved her off. “Oh, I will not: you’re very amusing, Tia, but I have other people who amuse me too. Now come on, out with it. The more we talk about this whole thing now, the more we can put it behind us.” He grinned again.

Celestia sighed. “When I told her what had happened, she…it…she just likes to make jokes that suggest I encourage too much intimacy in my friendship with you, all right?”

Discord just raised an eyebrow.

Celestia’s look went dry. “She likes to tease me every time you and I end up in a shenanigan that the reason I let it happen is because we have some sort of ridiculous crush on each other, okay?”

Discord blinked and then smirked. “Well, we’re close, and we like to tease each other, and I think you’re cute, but really, Celestia, I need far more than that to be wooed properly, and—“

Celestia quickly put a hoof over his mouth. Then the sun princess went on. “My point is, she made a remark about us, I made a remark about her and Joe, and then she lost her temper. But the situation’s fixed now, so we can all go back to enjoying our Hearthswarming Eve.” She removed her hoof from Discord’s mouth and held her head high. Then she blinked and her eyes went wide. She slowly looked back to Discord. “You…think I’m cute?” Her rosy blush returned.

Discord just shrugged with a smile. “Yes.” Celestia raised an eyebrow, and the chaos master went on with an eye roll. “Celestia, that’s a pretty common observation, at least regarding the physical aspect of it. You and your sister are the most beautiful mares in Equestria, after all.”

The red in Celestia’s features became a truly brilliant color. “Discord, maybe we should change the subject to something—anything—else.”

Discord smiled a little more. “Celestia, calm down, and at least let me explain. I didn’t entirely mean what I said in a physical way. Other people might focus on that, but I meant your personality is cute too.” He lay back more into the sofa. “You’re smart and funny and a lot more playful than I ever imagined you could be, but then sometimes you still get so grim, especially when you’re feeling stubborn. It’s amusing. It’s cute.” He shrugged. “Come on, don’t you think I’m a little cute, at least in that sense?”

Celestia blinked a few times and then managed to speak, her brow furrowed. “I…I suppose. I mean, your personality is amusing too, so…”

Discord’s smile perked up, then his gaze warmed. “So then, all things considered, did you like what we just shared, and not from a biological standpoint and not as a way to help me, but just as something between two grown people?”

Celestia let out a deep sigh and then had to smile a little too. “I was upset about having to kiss you to break the spell, but not because I found the idea of kissing you detestable in any way. I was just upset that I’d have to do something that might complicate our friendship.” She glanced at him. “I’ll admit the whole thing really wasn’t that bad…even when you returned the favor, all right?”

Discord beamed. “There we go, you admitted everything and now you’re all relaxed and enjoying yourself again. No more grim Celestia. Really, that side of you gets so boring. And so what if Luna teases you about our friendship: I like our random shenanigans, personally!”

Celestia laughed. “I suppose I do too, Discord.”

Discord’s grin was warm and his gaze was a little hazed as he glanced to the fire now and added in a soft tone, “For what it’s worth, and not to make our friendship awkward, but I’m kind of glad this happened, you and I kissing.”

And again the paralyzing blush and wide eyes of shock were upon Celestia once more.

“I-I meant in a general way!” Discord held up his claw and paw and was blushing slightly himself now as he looked to her again. “It’s just, well…” he rubbed the back of his neck, “that, um…that was my first time…my first kiss since I returned. I’d forgotten how nice one could feel, but it feels even better with a friend.” He slumped a little on the sofa and looked down.

Celestia blinked. Then she smiled a little again. Her voice was soft too as she spoke. “I think it’d feel even better for you with a marefriend, Discord. Have you thought of looking for one?”

Discord blinked, blushed, and rolled his eyes. “Oh please, Celestia, we already got me to be practically an expert on friendship: let’s not complicate things by bringing love into it. One step at a time.”

Celestia laughed softly. “Whatever makes you comfortable, Discord.”

Discord chuckled. “Speaking of which, Luna’s hooking up with the peasantry—you ever think about doing that yourself, Celestia?”

Celestia blinked and almost scoffed, though her smile (and of course blush) remained. “Discord, that’s an awfully personal question. And if you’re talking about dating, I…well, if you really want to know, I think of all the ponies sort of as my…well…my children, Discord. I’d feel too strange changing that view now.”

“Well, if it does change one day, I say go for it with somepony.” The chaos master smiled. “I think it could work out. For what it’s worth, you’ve got at least one thing going for you besides being cute: you’re not a bad kisser.”

Celestia sighed, and her smile grew. “And on that note, I think it’s time for bed now. I still have to raise the sun in the morning for Hearthswarming Day, and it’s been a long evening. I’m glad we got to talk a little more though before the night was over, Discord.”

Discord grinned and leaned in close all of a sudden. “Can I stay over? Please? I promise I’m an excellent houseguest. Twilight would definitely give me a reference if she were awake.” He chuckled.

Celestia rolled her eyes but smiled. “Well, just like how I don’t think anyone should spend Hearthswarming Eve alone, I don’t think anyone should wake up Hearthswarming morning alone either. You can stay Discord.” She nodded.

“Excellent!” Discord clapped his paw and claw together, then snapped his tail. Suddenly, Celestia’s usual four-poster bed was replaced by a set of ornate-looking bunk beds (with Discord in the top bunk and Celestia in the bottom one)! “Goodnight then, Tia. Happy Hearthswarming.”

Celestia laughed softly, then settled under her covers. “Happy Hearthswarming, Discord.”

Peaceful winter silence reigned in the room.

Then Discord peeked down from his top bunk. “Tia, are you sure you’re sleepy? You know…I heard about this great party in Las Pegasus tonight. They throw a pretty chaotic Hearts and Hooves Day party. I can’t imagine what they get going for this holiday.”

Celestia opened a single eye to glance up at him. “You want me to go to Las Pegasus for the night with you for a party?”

Discord smirked and nodded. “Absolutely.”

The sun princess laughed and let her other eye open now. “Discord what would people say?”

“Who cares?” The chaos master shrugged.

Celestia smirked a little back at him…and then she actually sat up in her bunk and gave a little stretch. “…I am going to be exhausted tomorrow morning.”

Discord flew down and waved her off. “Eh, just have Luna cover for you for a few hours. I’m sure she’ll be out with Donut until moonset batting her eyelashes and overwhelming him, and that she’ll be too giddy after that to need much sleep by sunrise.”

Celestia removed herself from the bed. “Well, maybe she can at least assist me if I really am tired after all of this.” As Discord came to stand beside her, the sun princess she couldn’t help but give him a grin. “And Discord—nothing cheeky with mistletoe, all right?”

Discord chuckled. “Maybe not for you, but as for me and the other mares at the party….” he snapped to make a headband with a sprig of mistletoe overhead appear on his head, and then he threw himself back so that Celestia had to catch him in her foreleg, where he reclined to gaze up at her, “…Bring on the kisses, ladies.” The two friends shared a moment of warm laughter.

Just for a second their eyes caught.

Then the chaos master and the sun princess blinked a few times and quickly moved away from each other.

Discord cleared his throat and resumed his normal confident tone. “Yes, well…on to the party! Las Pegasus, here we come!” He held up his fingers.

Celestia set her horn to glowing and smiled. “I think this could be the best Hearthswarming ever, Discord. Let’s go!”

Discord snapped his fingers, Celestia used her magic, and then both friends disappeared with a burst of light and smoke from the room, and they would not return until practically dawn.

The night was still, and from their place up so high in the sky sitting on a cloud, Luna and Donut Joe could see perfectly the dome of silver stars set in the inky sky overhead and the moon so bright and big at the heart of it all.

Luna giggled. “Joe…call me it again?”

Donut Joe blushed and glanced down with a sheepish grin. “Whatever you say…Luna baby.”

Luna blushed and shook her head. “Oh, Donut Joe, thou art too much.”

Donut Joe chuckled. Then he let out a breath and glanced down at the cloud uneasily. “Luna, I know you promised, but are you a hundred percent sure I’m safe up here with that spell you cast on me?”

“Absolutely.” Luna nodded. “You’ll be able to walk on clouds for as long as you like even though you can’t fly. And this way we can be together in the night sky.” Her eyes hazed a little.

Donut Joe’s eyes hazed too. “And you’re sure there’s not a prince you’d rather be doing this with?”

“I’m sure that I may take any stallion as my companion that I please, and that it pleases me to choose you,” Luna replied. “And are you sure there’s not some pretty baker mare or somepony you’d rather spend your time with?”

“Aw, never.” Donut Joe smiled more. “You’re the one for me, Luna. And who’d want to date themselves anyway?”

Luna giggled. “Exactly my point.”

Donut Joe smiled more, then sighed. “Luna, um…can I ask something? How does this work out…long term? I mean, since you’re…and since I’m… I don’t know, maybe I’m thinking way too far ahead.” He rubbed his mane with his hoof.

Luna smiled a little and shook her head. “Joe, all I can say is that nothing about this relationship will be terribly traditional, but even if we can just enjoy each other’s company for a while and grow as people because of that, I’ll be happy. Will you?” She looked to his eyes.

Joe considered for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, I think I could be. As long as you are too.”

Luna nodded. Then she shifted closer. “Tis cold. We should stay close for warmth.”

Joe blushed and swallowed. “I’d like that. Luna?”

“Yes?” She smiled.

“Can we kiss again?” He grinned a little. “I liked that a lot.”

“Yes, Joe, of course.” And then Luna came forward and met her mouth to his. Already comfort was melting away hesitation and inhibition for them. They embraced completely and lingered in each other’s company.

When they broke apart, the two ponies were breathing lightly and smiling.

Donut Joe laughed softly. “This sure beats out another night of closing up the donut shop alone—by a long shot. Did I mention your eyes are just dynamite, Luna baby?” His hazed eyes found hers again.

Luna laughed. “Oh Joe, you slay me with your jests.” And then she gave him a nudge in the shoulder…which, unfortunately, pushed Donut Joe right off the cloud, upon which he promptly started to plummet down to the landscape below.


Luna gasped, smacked her hoof to her forehead and then instantly dove down after him.

A few minutes later the two ponies were on a (larger) cloud, Donut Joe adjusting his hat and Luna rubbing her shoulder with a sheepish pout. “Donut Joe, I am so sorry. My alicorn strength has always been very…potent. I truly forget sometimes to tone it down in social situations. I apologize for causing you distress.”

“Luna, it’s all right,” Donut Joe assured, smiling a little with a slight blush. “Really. It happens. Actually, I…I’ve never met a mare as powerful as you in that way. It’s very…”

“Intense?” Luna glanced at him hesitantly.

Donut Joe smiled more and looked down. “Attractive…” he mumbled. “You’re like a picture: you look so delicate, but you’re so strong in every way. Your body’s strong, your magic’s strong…your heart was strong enough to get through all that time on the moon. Usually around mares I feel sort of clunky and clumsy. But I don’t feel that way around you.”

“You think I’m attractive…and in all those ways?” Luna asked the question softly, looking down with a large smile.

Donut Joe moved closer to her. “I think I don’t get how there aren’t hundreds of guys staying up at night trying to get you to come into their little shops. Please don’t worry about pushing me off the cloud, Luna. You saved me right away. It’s okay.”

Luna nodded. “I made sure this cloud was bigger. That way you’ll be safe if we move much together…” She blushed so much. “I-I mean, depending on where the night takes us.”

Donut Joe’s smile warmed. “Well, even if the cloud is bigger, just to be safe I suppose I could hold onto you.” Then he reached up and gently rested a foreleg around Luna’s back.

Luna’s eyes went wide and then hazed completely. She smiled. “We think we like modern courtship better than traditional courtship.”

Donut Joe chuckled. “You’re so cute when you talk about old-fashioned things in an old-fashioned way.”

“And you are so cute in your apron all the time.” Luna giggled and then nuzzled up against his neck and the side of his head. Her voice was a whisper. “As long as you are not too tired, we can stay out here all night getting to know each other better in a courtly way…”

Donut Joe sighed deeply and smiled. “I’d like that a lot, Princess.” Then he used his hoof to guide her muzzle to his and shared such a deep kiss with her that they both blushed crimson in the moonlight and their happiness.

The two ponies separated eventually with smiles and leaned against each other as they looked out to the lovely winter nightscape before them.

Just at the break of dawn when the sky was still dark blue but the horizon was teeming with light, Celestia and Discord appeared in the air over Canterlot castle, laughing together and with bits of tinsel still clinging to either one of them.

Discord finished laughing and wiped a tear from his eye. “Celestia, that was great: ending the party by climbing on the black jack table and raising the sun right there for everyone! What a way to cap off a night! Talk about a light show!”

Celestia held her head high. “Well, we were starting to run a little late for dawn, and everyone was encouraging me, and I never have an audience for doing that except for during the Summer Sun Celebration.” She laughed more. “And it was a nice touch making it rain hot cocoa and marshmallows for everyone after I finished with the sun, Discord.” She winked.

Discord beamed. “Well, what can I say—it’s Hearthswarming, and I’m feeling generous.”

Celestia nodded. “Still, you could have stayed in Las Pegasus if you wanted to. I know there were a few mares you talked to for quite a while and who took you up on your mistletoe offer.” Her eyes hazed, and she raised an eyebrow.

The chaos master blushed and glanced to the side with a grin as he snapped away his mistletoe hat now. “Well…we might have exchanged mailing addresses, but I couldn’t just leave you to head home alone. I think technically I was escorting you to this thing, and it would have just been poor form to abandon you.” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked to her again. “Speaking of which though, you probably could have gotten Luna to cover for you straight through the morning so that you could have lingered in Las Pegasus for breakfast. Quite a few of the stallions seemed to be enjoying having their party crashed by princess Celestia dancing and laughing and strutting about.”

Celestia rolled her eyes and blushed. “Well, it was nice to be noticed. But I’d rather be back here now, Discord. I’d like to check in on Luna to see how her evening went.”

“You mean to see if Joe did anything to break her heart so that you can unleash the wrath of the sun’s fire on him if he did?” Discord grinned and raised an eyebrow.

Celestia smiled but shook her head. “Discord, Luna can take care of herself, and Donut Joe is very kind. I’m sure whatever time they have together will be good and that they’ll enjoy it.” Her grin picked up on one side and she looked to him out of the corner of her eye. “But yes, if anyone did come along and wantonly break her heart, it could very well be a dark day in Equestria for that pony.”

“Ugh, you would have made an excellent villain—you know that, right? Such a waste.” Discord chuckled.

Celestia laughed. “I’ll try to take that as a compliment Discord. Now, let’s see if we can find Luna.” Celestia glanced down toward the Canterlot streets. “I wonder if she’s still at the donut shop…”

“Uh, Tia, I think I found them.”

Celestia looked up at the sound of Discord’s voice and then turned her gaze in the direction in which he was pointing.

There upon a large cloud floating in the sky were Luna and Donut Joe. The couple was lying close in slumber with smiles on their faces, Donut Joe’s arm over Luna and Luna’s head snuggled under his chin.

Celestia smiled, and her eyes hazed at the sight. “Well, I suppose I’ll take care of lowering the moon for her then. I wouldn’t want to disrupt them.” She used her magic to make a soft, warm quilt appear over the pair. “Goodnight, Luna, goodnight Donut Joe. Happy Hearthswarming,” she whispered.

“Oh yes…that’s perfect!”

Celestia turned to see Discord using a large camera on a tripod to record the image of Luna and Donut Joe together. He chuckled and then snapped away the device. “Always have to keep these things preserved for posterity, Celestia, and for laughs.”

Celestia just smiled and shook her head. “Come on, Discord, let’s get in a nap before breakfast. I’m exhausted.”

Discord nodded and yawned. “Me too. Plus, I’m due at Fluttershy’s in the afternoon to exchange presents and sing songs or something.” He smiled.

Celestia’s smile grew. “That sounds lovely, Discord.” The pair began to fly toward Celestia’s tower. “Discord?”

“Yes?” Discord glanced at her.

The sun princess smiled more as they came to land on her balcony. “Thanks for encouraging me have fun tonight…and for a very memorable Hearthswarming. I’m glad we’re friends.”

Discord’s smile and eyes brightened for a moment. Then he cleared his throat and crossed his arms over his chest. “Oh, well, yes, of course: I’m glad we’re friends too, I suppose. All things considered,” he replied simply. “And thanks for helping me be the most popular guy at the party by coming with me and being the most popular lady there.”

Celestia laughed softly as she opened the balcony doors. The magical pair entered the room as the doors closed lightly behind them.

“Celestia,” Discord started with a stretch, “I think before bed I might have a cup of cocoa by the fire as long as it won’t bother you.”

Celestia smiled. “That sounds like a lovely way to end your night, Discord.” She paused as Discord headed over to the fireplace and then glanced in his direction. “In fact, if it wouldn’t bother you, I might join you.” She headed toward the fire as well.

“Not at all, Tia. The more the merrier.” Discord took a seat on one end of the sofa, then snapped up a pot of hot chocolate and two full, steaming mugs which rested on the coffee table now. “As long as you’re sure a little more time awake and playing with me won’t make you late for your duties tomorrow?” He chuckled as, with another snap, he made a warm blanket appear over his shoulders and made another appear resting on the other end of the sofa for Celestia.

Celestia sat on the other end of the sofa and magically put the second blanket around her shoulders. “Oh, if Equestria needs me that urgently in the early hours of Hearthswarming Day, someone can certainly just knock on my door.” She smiled. “Besides, Luna should be awake soon: she can see to some things until I’m up. I just want to enjoy the last of the holiday. It’s my favorite one, after all.”

“Really? And not the Summer Sun Celebration?” Discord grinned and raised an eyebrow as he sipped his cocoa.

Celestia laughed softly. “No. The Summer Sun Celebration is all about me or me and Luna. But Hearthswarming is about everypony and how the ponies all came together in friendship to found Equestria. It makes me happy.”

Discord shook his head. “A holiday all about you, and you pick the holiday all about everypony else as your favorite: you are the strangest pony, Celestia, I swear.” Discord snapped and turned his mug into one made of marshmallows which he started eating chunks of along with his cocoa.

“You’re a little unusual yourself, Discord.” Celestia giggled softly as she sipped her own cocoa.

Discord chuckled then glanced at her again. “Want to tell Luna that after all of her teasing last night, you and I decided to follow her and Joe’s lead and spontaneously got together?”

Celestia grinned. “It’d be interesting to see her reaction.” She swallowed another sip of cocoa and blushed. “But, um…Discord? If we could, um…keep what happened between us just between us, I would appreciate that.”

“You mean us finally releasing all those years of frustration and mutual tension in a couple of truly unparalleled kisses?” The chaos master smirked.

Celestia rolled her eyes and nodded. “Yes, that. I’d just rather keep that between us: sort of a secret between friends.”

Discord nodded. “Fair enough.” He smiled. “But I reserve the right to bring it up when we’re alone sometimes. The teasing possibilities are endless.”

Celestia sighed but smiled as well. “If you insist…Discord.” The sun princess’s pause in speaking came from a yawn she couldn’t hold back.

“Oh, Celestia don’t do that, you’ll get me…started…” Discord yawned too, and they both nestled into the sofa more. He put down his mug and turned to her a little. “We really should head to bed.”

Celestia smiled softly, her eyes hazed, and turned to him a little as well. “But the fire’s so nice. And Hearthswarming only comes once a year. Just for a little longer, let’s enjoy…it.” She yawned again and magically set down her own mug.

Discord nodded. “As you wish, princess.”

Celestia smiled. “We should spend more holidays together.”

“Like what?” Discord yawned. “Hearts and Hooves Day?”

They shared a soft laugh.

Discord and Celestia remained awake for a little while longer before drifting off just as dawn came over the world.

An hour or so later, a midnight blue pony landed on Celestia’s balcony and opened the window doors. “Sister?” Luna called out softly. “Are you still sleeping? The sun has risen and the moon has lowered, but the guards have not seen you.” She glanced around the room and then blinked at the sight of a bunk bed in place of Celestia’s usual bed but without occupants. Luna raised an eyebrow. She headed more into the room. “Celestia…?” And then she paused as she came around to the fireplace.

There on the sofa were Celestia and Discord snuggled in blankets and leaning a little against each other with smiles on their faces as they reposed.

Luna’s eyes hazed, and she had to grin. “Well,” she whispered to herself, “it seems I’m not the only one who chose to keep company last night.” She sighed and shook her head. “You’re both strangely adorable together. I wonder if you know that.” Luna set another log to the fire to keep the warm flame going. “We really do like modern courtship practices, sister, even if they do result in a reformed draconequus in your bedroom. I just hope you had as excellent an evening as I did. Joe and I shall be seeing each other more often. We have agreed on a tentative…and long overdue…courtship. Perhaps we should double date sometime?” She laughed softly, though she did her best to stifle the sound as Celestia yawned and snuggled closer to Discord.

Luna sighed. “I really wish I could stay and see how you two are when you wake up. But I must attend to the guards. And I’ll see to the first morning tasks as well. In return for you raising the moon for me and keeping me from interrupting the end of my time with Joe, it’s the least I can do.”

The only response she got was a light sigh from Discord as he cuddled more into his blanket but otherwise remained fast asleep.

Luna headed to the balcony doors. “Have a pleasant Hearthswarming morning. Celestia, I shall hold off on teasing you about this moment at least until dinner. If I see Discord before then though, I shall make no promises about holding off on teasing him.” She laughed. “Farewell.” And then Luna departed and closed the balcony doors behind her, leaving Discord and Celestia to their morning together.

In the brisk morning air Luna raised her wings to soar up into the sky, a smile upon her face. For the first time in a very long time she didn’t feel slightly lonely or slightly different from other ponies or slightly unaccepted by the modern era. She didn’t feel judged at all or like she had to impress anypony. She had a moment of perfect comfort with the world. And she was looking forward to sharing the feeling with Donut Joe the next time they saw each other. It was so nice to finally be moving forward in her life like this, and she hoped the trend would continue in other ways as well. “Tis a new day, for me, my sister, Discord…and all of our friends. And a new night as well. A fresh Hearthswarming start for us all.” Luna smiled as she glided forward into the dawn. She was a very happy princess of the night.

And meanwhile in a certain Donut Shop in Canterlot, Donut Joe rested peacefully in his bed. Luna had magically sent him there after awaking on their cloud not long ago and seeing him fast asleep. He had woken up a little, smiling in confusion, and mumbled something about wondering if this was a dream. Luna had lightly kissed his mouth and told him it was not and that she would see him soon. Donut Joe had blushed and bid her goodbye for now, and then she had sent him off to see to her duties.

And so here he lay, dozing and dreaming and blushing. And he now had something very distinct in common with Princess Celestia of all ponies: Hearthswarming was his new favorite holiday (though Hearts and Hooves Day was a close second). But, even between holidays, at least now he would have a chance to express his affections to Luna openly. He couldn’t have wished for a better outcome to the whole awkward yet sweet relationship between them (even with the possibility of having Discord as a brother-in-law one day depending on how things worked out for everypony.) Donut Joe sighed and smiled more as the moon faded in the sky and a little streak of magical blue that could only be Luna shot across the horizon in the distance all in perfect view of his little window.

Happy Hearthswarming to all, and to all a good night!

Donut Nights 3: Nightmare Night Canoodling

Author's Note:

Hi everypony!

Happy Christmas Eve!!! :scootangel: And YAY, I finally finished my update goal for the month (I've been updating in two other fandoms along with this one this month, so it's been a lot to keep track of ^^). Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the story, and even if you're not a fan of the LunaXJoe pairing, I hope it was just enjoyable reading my attempt at writing Luna trying to be romantic. We need more Luna episodes: she is most adorable princess :yay: And of course I hope you liked the DiscordXCelestia stuff as well! :trollestia:

Take care and have a lovely holiday!

~Jenna :heart:

Comments ( 7 )


A magic mirror that let's Discord see friends and people at anytime, and it's a gift... Bride of Discord much? :yay:

A treaty telling Discord that his Chaosville is now accepted as part of the government and him being able to work with government now... This has been a very "Interesting Night" of reading awesome fanfics. :rainbowkiss:

I hope there's more! I absolutely adore these nice stories. Will there be a 3rd one?!?!? Have a Merry Christmas, and have a fantastic Hearthswarming. Goodnight! :heart:

soooo much cuteness haha
i loved it :D
gosh i just really wanted Tia and Discord to kiss for real in the end xDDD
buuuuuuuut still very cute ^^

WoW:rainbowhuh:...I was pleasently surprised that, even if only for a very short time, Joe was actually upset with Luna. And as for celestia being just a teensy tiny bit upset with discord, it helped to keep me intrested.
Don't get me wrong I absolutely adore your stories, but...sometimes (even in a story that is tagged COMEDY/ROMANCE) a little bit of trouble between two characters is a welcome change, and helps make certain situations more intresting. I was glad you did that, I don't remember you doing that in a light-hearted story before. Like I said I was pleasently surprised:rainbowkiss:

Please, do it again sometime:raritystarry:

OH! Also, I loved it:heart:

"The Magezines"...Oh my god, Luna was so unbelievably cute:heart:

Thanks, I’m so happy you liked it! :twilightsmile: And yeah, I figure if Joe just had an infatuation with Luna or hadn’t spent a lot of time with her yet, he might have let something like the dream thing slide. But at this point they have a close relationship and he has genuine feelings for her, and I wanted to show that even if he might get a little nervous about making sure to please Celestia, with Luna he’s willing to be honest about his feelings. And I also figured her technically spying on his private dreams about her would push pretty much anypony over the edge lol. The same thing with Celestia—by now I figure she and Discord would be close enough that they could have a fight as friends, and that his kiss would push her over the edge.

It’s okay, I understand entirely. Actually, with MCNE, what’s going to happen now as we get into the gala and the aftermath is that the closer Discord and Celestia get, the greater chance there’s going to be for disagreement, and they’ll have to work through that (especially as things move into a romantic area). KCCO has some of that conflict, but I usually don’t have enough space in the one shot stories to let it develop completely. But maybe I’ll try writing one one day about the two of them just having a fight, just to see where it would go.:raritywink:

And yes, Luna is most adorable princess when she tries her best to be modern! :heart:

Thanks, I’m happy you liked all the fluff!:scootangel:

XD I’ve actually never read Bride of Discord, though I think I watched a clip of part of the audio drama version once. I just thought the mirror could work as sort of a mini Equestria Girls portal type thing. And yes, Discord now has his own nation-state thingy—let the political shenanigans begin!

I haven’t decided about a third one of these yet, but we’ll see. I’m glad you enjoyed this installment though. Happy New Year!:twilightsmile:

I really enjoy your stories, in fact you are among one of the only writers on Fimfiction that consistently writes good Dislestia content. However, most of your stories suffer from a writing flaw I like to refer to as "Walls of Text". Your paragraphs tend to ramble, and this sometimes makes the character's interactions seem a bit awkward (Not the good awkward, like from a storytelling standpoint. More the forced awkward). If you could maybe try to simplify your dialogue and descriptions, your delivery would improve a bit.
Also, don't use exclamation points outside of dialogue. For example:

And then he leaned in and planted a full kiss right on Celestia’s unsuspecting lips!

It comes off a bit sloppy.

Other than that, I absolutely love your writing. Keep up the wonderful romcom action.:heart:

Thanks, I’m glad you’ve found my stories enjoyable. :twilightsmile: I understand—streamlining is an issue I’ve worked on for quite a while and that I’m still trying to improve. ^^ To an extent though, my style’s a little extra descriptive and lingering on details because that’s how the style of my strongest writing influences is. I’m doing my best though to find a good balance, and the fan fiction writing thankfully gives me a lot of opportunity to practice improving.

As for the exclamation point, I understand what you mean and normally I wouldn’t put one into narration, but in this case I added it for the sake of giving the moment some more urgency and to express more how jarring the action was.

Thanks for the review and the notes!

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