• Published 22nd Nov 2015
  • 7,290 Views, 637 Comments

Sunset's Adventure in Skyrim - Blackdrag-rose

Sunset Shimmer enters the portal to Equestria and finds herself in Skyrim. The only problem is that Tirek is there as well.

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41: Auriel's Bow, Vyrthur, and the Truth

As they entered the Inner Sanctum Sunset beckoned to her friends, who kept their weapons at the ready, just in case there was anything else that could jump out at them and fight them. The only thing that they found when they entered the building was a bunch of frozen Falmer, frozen where they had been standing and left to die. There were dozens of them around the opening chamber, though Sunset had to wonder if they weren't actually dead and were simply waiting for someone to come near them, so they could awaken from their slumber and attack whoever was near them. She approached one of the statues and tapped her staff on the statue's head, waiting for a moment to see if it had any response to her presence.

The group waited a moment, making sure that they were safe, before sighing and sheathing their weapons, grateful that they didn't have to fight anyone else before they reached Vyrthur.

"I was expecting... more," Serana commented, keeping an eye on the statues as they slowly advanced through the Inner Sanctum, "I was under the assumption that this Arch-Curate would have some sort of Falmer army protecting him at all times, but it seems like he's confident that he doesn't need them."

"I'm also worried that we haven't seen the last of Revan," Fiona said, looking around at the structures around them, somewhat in awe of what they were seeing, "He's been behind everything that Tirek's thrown at Skyrim and he tried to kill Lord Harkon, yet we only see him when we've discovered something important. I don't know how he'd get to this location, without using the wayshrines no less, but something tells me that we might have overlooked something."

"Tirek might have given him some powers that we're not aware of yet," Sunset told them, though she had no idea those powers could be until the vampire showed them off, "It makes some sense if you think about it, as he was able to go from one area of Skyrim to another without any of our soldiers finding him out. Teleportation spells aren't easy for many ponies to master, but Tirek might have just gifted the power to Revan so he could be of greater use to the demon. I'm hoping that Revan shows himself soon, because I am tired of seeing his face everywhere we go and I'd like to deprive Tirek of his only remaining ally."

"Then once he's dead, and we have Auriel's Bow, we'll return to my father and plan our next move," Serana said, sighing as they walked through the area, "I just hope that he and my mother haven't killed each other while we were gone."

They silently made their way through the rest of the Inner Sanctum, bypassing the iron doors that had been put in place so many years ago, ones that Sunset was surprised to see still worked, and continuing their search for wherever Vyrthur was waiting. They were all equally surprised that there weren't any Falmer that were actually alive, but Serana told them that she figured that the Falmer had made one last smart decision before they all went blind; they had fled the Inner Sanctum and never returned. Oddly enough there weren't anymore statues in their way, which seemed odd considering that Gelebor said that a large number of them had overrun the area before he had fled.

The fact that none of the statues they had passed made Sunset wonder if all of the surviving Falmer were all sitting in the same area that Vyrthur was waiting in, just waiting for someone to come and attack Vyrthur, so they could be awakened and fight whoever had come.

They passed by several statues that were actually carrying what appeared to be treasure, but Sunset stopped any of her friends from taking any of it. She was worried that any of them could be a trap that would activate all of the statues in the Inner Sanctum, which would give them an enemy to fight before they reached their destination and she didn't want to waste anymore of their time. They also didn't need the treasure, so she saw no point in risking their lives for something like an elven blade or a copper circlet, both common items that they could craft at their keep at any time they wanted.

Raja, who was the one telling them how much each item they passed was worth, had to resist her natural habits of taking things and pass up anything of significant value. She did take note of several items that would definitely be worth the effort to claim them, but merely noted where they were so when this madness was taken care of she might be able to claim them later on.

They then found a hole in the wall and, noticing that there was no where else for them to go besides forward, passed through it, working their way around the tunnel before appearing in a new area. The group then dropped down into an area that opened up to an even larger chamber, one that was definitely covered in both ice spikes and pillars that held the ceiling up. Sunset studied the area before entering it, though she found an elf sitting on a throne that appeared to be made of ice, though it didn't take her long to figure out that the elf was another snow elf. She put two and two together and knew that the elf had to be Arch-Curate Vyrthur, though he appeared to be resting and hadn't noticed their arrival yet.

"So, do you guys want to take him out?" Sunset asked, knowing that she could hold her own against the Arch-Curate in a battle of magic, but figured that her friends might want to do things on their own still, "Or shall I speed things alone and get rid of him now?"

"We'll deal with him," Serana said, turning to the Equestrian for a moment, "I know that you could beat him quickly, but let us finish this quest on our own."

Sunset nodded and backed up to a point where she could easily join the battle if her friends needed her help, giving them the opportunity to make a quick plan of attack before standing back up. Serana beckoned to the others and they silently drew their weapons, before they walked into the open chamber and approached the frozen throne. Vyrthur sighed and opened his eyes, almost as if he had heard them enter the chamber from his throne and looked down at them as they walked up to him.

"Ah, a friend of mine told me that you'd be coming here," Vyrthur commented, choosing the remain seated while he spoke to his 'guests', while at the same time raising his right hand and snapping his fingers, "Did you really come here expecting to claim Auriel's Bow? You've done exactly as I predicted and brought your fetching companion to me. Which, I'm sorry to say, means your usefulness is at an end!"

The moment he spotted speaking the statues around the chamber started to crack, releasing the Falmer from their ancient slumber before they zeroed in on Serana and her companions. Lydia roared and swung her battleaxe over her head, slamming it into one of their enemies before turning it around and cutting a second one in half, blowing it to pieces. Bjorn moved to the back of the chamber and pulled out a few arrows, nocking them and loosing one of them at his chosen target, tearing the Falmer to pieces as well. Cicero and Raja danced around their enemies, cutting into those that came too close to them and, occasionally, stabbing their daggers into one of their heads, shattering them before they moved on.

Serana, noticing that shock magic wasn't the way to go in this fight, resorted to using her frost magic and ice spiked whatever came close to hitting her, making sure to stay out of range of her enemies the entire time. Once they had cleared the chamber of the Falmer, which they had noticed that there had to have been roughly twenty of them, they turned their attention back to Vyrthur, who was still sitting on his throne.

"An impressive display, but a wasted effort." Vyrthur told them, snapping his fingers once more and summoning three frost atronachs, each of which were taller than the original atronachs, "You delay nothing but your own deaths!"

The group broke up into pairs, separating the atronachs so none of them would overpower anyone, and worked to defeat them as quickly as possible. Lydia and Bjorn tore into their enemy rather quickly, as Bjorn had retorted to using his own non-ranged weapon and hacked at the creature's legs, while Lydia smashed its chest in. Cicero and Raja worked quickly to tear their enemy down, cutting into anywhere that they could reach before backing up, letting their partner have a turn and confusing the atronach, which eventually fell to the ground in defeat. Fiona and Serana combined their magic and blasted their enemy into the wall, before pouring a few more spells into its chest and causing it to explode.

Once the atronachs were defeated the six of them gathered together once more and faced the throne, only this time they found Vyrthur standing before his throne.

"No..." Vyrthur shouted, magic slowly beginning to gather around his body, something that Sunset noticed from where she was standing, "I won't let you ruin centuries of preparations..."

Sunset, finally understanding what the Arch-Curate was about to do, summoned the Staff of Magnus and allowed the magic to gather around her as she charged into the chamber. As Vyrthur began to release his power Sunset appeared in the center of the ground and slammed the base of the staff into the ground, summoning a barrier around all of them as the elf's magic rocked the entire chamber. They watched as the entire ceiling was brought down on the barrier, though the pieces fell to the side and they emerged unharmed, though Vyrthur was already gone.

"I'm glad you discovered what he was doing," Serana said, turning to the throne and realizing that there was a balcony behind it, "Let's finish this madness."

Sunset stayed behind her friends as they charged after Vyrthur, who happened to be standing near the edge of the balcony and was glancing at each of her friends as they approached them.

"Enough, Vyrthur." Sunset shouted, staring at the snow elf as the rest of her companions stood around their enemy, "Give us the bow!"

"How dare you." Vyrthur replied in hind, something that wasn't necessary seeing how close they were to each other, "I was the Arch-Curate of Auri-El, girl. I had the ears of a god!"

"Until the "Betrayed" corrupted you." Serana commented, recalling the tale that they had been told before they had entered the first wayshrine, "Yes, yes. We've heard this sad story."

"Gelebor and his kind are easily manipulated fools." Vyrthur chuckled, a light smile appearing on his face before he looked at Serana, "Look into my eyes, Serana. You tell me what I am."

"You're... you're a vampire?" Serana exclaimed, realizing what he was talking about the moment she noticed his eyes, But Auriel should have protected you..."

"The moment I was infected by one of my own Initiates, Auri-El turned his back on me." Vyrthur spat, clearly annoyed with what had happened to him, "I swore I'd have my revenge, no matter what the cost."

"You want to take revenge..." Serana slowly said, finding the idea absurd almost immediately, "on a god?"

"Auri-El himself may have been beyond my reach, but his influence on our world wasn't." Vyrthur said, returning to a standing position as he stepped up to Serana, "All I needed was the blood of a vampire and his own weapon, Auriel's Bow."

"The blood of a vampire... Auriel's Bow..." Serana said to herself, before realizing something and looking up at the Arch-Curate once more, "It... it was you? You created that prophecy?"

"A prophecy that lacked a single, final ingredient..." Vyrthur replied, running his hand through her hair for a moment, before Serana shoved his hand away from her, "the blood of a pure vampire. The blood of a Daughter of Coldharbour."

"You were waiting... all this time for someone with my blood to come along." Serana growled, her hands reaching up to Vyrthur's neck, to which she lifted the elf into the air for a moment, "Well, too bad for you... I intend on keeping it. Let's see if your blood has any power to it!"

She tossed the Arch-Curate back and he immediately summoned one more frost atronach the moment he touched the ground, to which Cicero, Raja, and Lydia assaulted it. Serana, Bjorn, and Fiona focused on Vyrthur, parrying each of his attacks with either their weapons or stopping his magic with their own magic. Every so often one of them cut into either his arms or his legs, being mindful to avoid any of his spells and annoying him even further as they sought a way to end the fight. Then Serana, deciding to end it all, ran her sword through Vyrthur's chest, catching him by surprise before she ripped the blade out and let him bleed out on the balcony.

The moment that Vyrthur was dead the wayshrine in the middle of the balcony rose from the ground, to which Sunset noticed that Gelebor walked out of it as the entire group gathered around the entrance.

"So, the deed has been done." Gelebor told them, sounding somewhat sad that his brother was actually dead, though he steeled himself and looked at them all, "The restoration of this wayshrine means that Vyrthur must be dead and the Betrayed no longer have control over him."

"Turns out he was a vampire," Serana told the elf, to which he looked at her for a moment, "The Betrayed had no control over him."

"A vampire?" Gelebor inquired, before something seemed to light up in his eyes for a moment, as if he was understanding what she had told him, "I see. That would explain much. Deep inside, it brings me joy that the Betrayed weren't to blame for what happened here. Because that means there's still hope that they might one day shed their hatred and learn to believe in Auri-El once again. It's been a long time since I felt that way and it's been long overdue. My thanks, to both of you. You risked everything to get Auri-El's Bow, and in turn, you've restored the Chantry. I can't think of a more deserving champion to carry it than you. If you wish to learn more about the bow, or obtain Sunhallowed Arrows for it, I'd be more than happy to help. You've but to ask. Please, take the bow... it's yours."

Sunset looked at the pedestal in the middle of the last wayshrine and found a shimmering bow floating in the air, one that she immediately knew had to be the one they had come for. She nodded to Bjorn and watched as her friend stepped forward, to which he wrapped his hand around the bow and drew it out of the air, a light grin appearing on his face.

"Okay, now we should head back to Fellglow Keep and plan our next move," Sunset said, somewhat glad to be done with this entire ordeal, "Let's head back to the dragons and get out of here before..."

She was going to finish her sentence, but then she heard the explosion of a fire spell and rushed to the balcony, where she found one of the dragons getting into the air while its brother launched a fire breath at someone near it. The dragon in the air noticed her looking down at the frozen lake and rose up to meet her, no doubt to tell her about what was happening down there.

"Dragonborn!" the dragon shouted to her, coming to a stop near the balcony and staring at her for a moment, "Naaslaarum is fighting someone that told us that his master is going to destroy all of Nirn..."

That was before an explosion rocked the dragon's side and forced him to fall back to the frozen lake, where Sunset got a good look at Revan while he was tearing Naaslaarum apart with his magic. She didn't know how he managed to follow them all the way into this area, but at the moment she was ready to rid Nirn of Tirek's last ally and turned back towards the last wayshrine. As she did so her friends, including Gelebor, moved to the balcony and looked down at the lake, where they found Revan assaulting the dragons. Sunset drew her sword, made sure that both her weapons were ready, and entered the portal that would take her back to the lake, where she walked out of the wayshrine and strode to where her enemy was standing.

As she walked towards the vampire she could feel her magic gathering around her weapons, giving her the opportunity to strike first if Revan decided to talk instead of fight.

"I was wondering where you went," Revan commented, placing a fireball in Naaslaarum's chest and blow a hole in him, "Come and help me kill these dragons... I've got some information that you may find interesting."

Sunset arched her sword arm backwards and then swung in Revan's direction, loosing a massive wave of energy that moved right towards him and forced the two dragons into the air as fast as they could. Revan extended both of his arms and allowed the wave to touch his hands, though instead of exploding he held his ground and tried to force it backwards. A moment passed before Sunset noticed the wave move back just a bit, telling her that the attack was working to some degree and that the vampire would be dead soon. To be on the safe side she primed her sword once more, just in case the attack wore off and she needed a second to finish her enemy off for good this time.

Then, just when she thought it was over, Revan separated his hands and, somehow, cut the wave of magic into two halves, which sailed through the air and hit the two dragons in their chests, blasting them out of the air and crashing them into the lake. Sunset was shocked that Revan even had the ability to catch her condensed magic energy wave, much less have the ability to separate it into two halves and change their trajectory. The two stared at each other for a moment, while Sunset waited to be sure that the dragons were okay, but then her worst fears were realized when their bodies burned up and two souls flew through the air, entering her body as she glared daggers at the evil vampire.

"And yet, in the end, you helped me," Revan laughed, dusting off his robes before looking at her, "You must be curious as to how I obtained the power to stop one of your attacks dead in its path and throw it to wherever I desired it to go."

"Curious is an understatement," Sunset growled, stalling her attack this time, just in case Revan decided to catch the next one and send it in the direction of her friends.

"As you no doubt guessed Lord Tirek gave me the abilities," Revan said, moving to the right for a moment, approaching where the Word Wall was resting before turning back to Sunset, "I bet your wondering how he could have given me these powers, when he's been at fifty percent after he crushed the Thalmor Embassy into the ground. I'm here to tell you something, Sunset Shimmer; Lord Tirek has been gaining power rapidly over the last couple of days, draining the very beings that you sought to protect."

"Your lying," Sunset shouted, knowing that the chest had to be safe in the depths of Oblivion, protected by the Nine Divines.

"Oh, but I'm not," Revan laughed, turning to face her completely this time, "Remember the Skeleton Key, the one artifact that you were promised was safe and sound with only three people knowing of its location? Lord Tirek raided the Twilight Sepulcher, stole the Skeleton Key from its resting place, and drained Nocturnal, the Daedric Prince of Shadows and Thieves, of all of her power, cutting off the abilities of all the thieves and assassins across the whole of Nirn. Then he was forced to move someplace else, to Fort Neugrad I might add, and has been slowly draining the Princes that you promised your Alliance that were safe.

Lord Tirek has already drained the powers of the Princes known as Meridia, Azura, Sheogorath, Malacath, Hircine, Clavicus Vile, and Nocturnal, damaging Nirn in the process. Face it Sunset Shimmer, not only have you lost to Lord Tirek, but you gave him the keys to regaining his power by recovering all fifteen Daedric Artifacts. You have aided the very demon you swore to defeat... how do you think your allies will feel when they hear the news that you lied to them?"

Sunset realized that her worst fears had been realized, that all the hard work she had done to save Nirn by recovering the Daedric Artifacts had been for nothing. She lowered her sword for the moment, now wondering if she even stood a chance at defeating Tirek once he managed to reach one hundred percent, before she started grinding her teeth. As she stood there she could feel her energy beginning to slowly gather around her, though this time it wasn't being concentrated around her sword or at the top of the Staff of Magnus. She could also feel her anger constantly rising, fueling the darker part of her heart that she had locked the moment the She-Demon had been defeated by her friends.

Then she roared with all her anger filling her voice and burst through the air, sailing right towards Revan as energy began to wrap itself around her ebony sword. Revan, on the other hand, extended his fist and hit her in the chest, something that she could have dodged if her vision wasn't blinded by her rage and anger, knocking her back just a bit. Then he drew his glass sword and cut into her chest, cutting through her Archmage Robes and her skin, before catching her neck and holding her above the ice. A moment later he approached the edge of the area they were on, which was right above a patch of ground, and held her out in the air, before throwing her into the open air and letting her fall towards the ground. Before Sunset even reached the ground Revan turned around and strode towards the center of the lake, confident that he had dealt with his Lord's enemy.

Sunset, on the other hand, turned around in midair and slowed her falling speed before she even touched the ground, where the tip of her foot stopped right above the water. Her eyes snapped open not a few seconds later, though they were now light blue colored and were surrounded by pure darkness, and a grin appeared on her face. She looked up at the area she had been thrown off of and sailed through the air, where she knew that she would be able to reach the top within seconds.

Revan, not expecting his enemy to even save herself from her fall, turned back towards the cliff when he felt a sinister energy fill the air, which was something else that he wasn't expecting. Then, just as he completed his turn towards the cliff, Sunset Shimmer appeared to his right, but he immediately noticed something different about her. There was something darker, eviler he mentally added, about her, something that he was sure that not even his master knew about, otherwise he would have been warned about it.

"Ah, it feels good to be out again," Sunset said, her voice also sounding darker as she stretched for a moment, "You have no idea what its like to be trapped against your will."

"What... what are you?" Revan nervously asked, almost taking a step back as he felt that the sinister energy was now coming from his enemy, but steeled himself as best he could.

"A demon of course," the She-Demon responded, looking at him as she sheathed the ebony sword and make the Staff of Magnus disappear, "I was created some time ago, so there's no reason for your 'master' to know about me. I think I'll kill you first and then cast Tirek's soul into the pit of Tartarus."

Before Revan could move the She-Demon flashed through the air and struck him hard in the chest with her left leg, cracking some of his rib bones in the process. She then swung her fist at him and hit his shoulder, crushing some of the bone as he started to back up, which led her to deliver another blow to his chest. He leapt backwards and coughed some blood up, though he glared daggers at the changed Equestrian as he prepared a spell that might end this in an instant. He poured his magic into his hand and launched a storm of fire spells at Sunset, blowing the area around her up in an effort to completely destroy her.

After a few moments of pouring his magic into his barrage he cut it off and surveyed his work, only to find that there wasn't a trace of his enemy left.

"You really suck at this," a voice behind him said, causing him to turn around and find the She-Demon standing behind him, before her left hand reached forward and grabbed him by the neck, "Allow me to show you how its done."

Magic gathered in front of the She-Demon's right palm, which she then pressed close to the area of Revan's heart, before a wicked grin appeared on her face. The moment she released the energy the beam tore a hole through Revan's body, destroying his heart as the rest of the beam sailed towards the mountain. The instant the beam touched the mountain it exploded, taking a massive chunk out of the stone and causing a rockslide that might have covered one or two of the caves. She stared at the lifeless body for a moment before drawing her ebony sword, where she grinned, pressed the blade against the throat, and severed the head of her enemy. Then, to be completely sure that Revan wouldn't get back up, she blasted his body into pieces, leaving his head intact for the purposes that Sunset had agreed to.

She turned around and found Sunset's companions, and the elf they had helped, standing on the patch of ground that connected to the wayshrine behind them. She noted that all of her friends were staring at her in shock, though the elf seemed indifferent, but she dropped her smile as she face them all.

"He got what he deserved," the She-Demon said, tossing Revan's head to Serana, who caught it almost immediately, "Now that we have what we came for, and removed an annoyance, let's get out of here and go kill Tirek!"

"Your not Sunset Shimmer," Bjorn stated, wondering how such a change had even occurred, as Sunset had done nothing but good since her arrival in Nirn.

"What was your first clue?" the She-Demon asked, stepping towards them just a bit, "I'm the demon that she created when she stole the Element of Magic, traveled to a world without magic, and put it on to fulfill her selfish desires. I'm sure that she's mentioned me a few times since your 'adventure' started."

"Stand back dremora," Gelebor said, stepping in front of the two groups and extending his hand towards the She-Demon, "Don't make me use my magic on you."

"And what would you do to me?" the She-Demon demanded, growling angrily at him for a moment, "I am beyond your pathetic attempts at magic...."

That was before five streams of magic, each of which were colored differently than the other ones, emerged from behind Gelebor and struck the She-Demon in the chest. She was somewhat caught off guard by the spell, but smiled as she stood back up and approached the assembled group, intending to stop this immediately. Then the intensity of the magic increased, but as the She-Demon was pushed back just a bit she realized exactly what type of magic was unfolding before her eyes. She remember it quite well, as it had been the magic that Princess Twilight and her human friends had used to defeat her before she could enact her plan. Before she could do anything to defend herself the magic consumed her, ripping apart the sinister energy that had surrounded Sunset and restored control to her.

Once she was back in control the magic ceased and she was gently set on the ground, to which she moaned and gently picked herself up as best she could, while her friends rushed over to check on her.

"She... she took over for a moment," Sunset groaned, though she was terrified that the She-Demon still existed after all this time, as she had been so sure that the Elements of Harmony had destroyed her.

"You okay Sunset?" Bjorn asked, helping his friend onto her feet while making sure that her weapons were still with her.

"No... I'm far from okay," Sunset replied, referring to both the She-Demon and the truth she had learned, "Come on, we had best get back to Fellglow Keep and figure out what to do next, but while we're traveling there's something that Revan told me that I need to tell all of you... something that none of you are going to like."

As her friends agreed to her plan Sunset briefly noticed that each of them were now, somehow, wearing a golden bracelet around their right wrists, with the exclusion of Serana. Set in the center of those bracelets was a gemstone, though it took her a brief moment to realize that the stones were the same colors that the Elements of Harmony had. Gelebor had worked some strange magic on them all, as if he had sensed that the only thing that might calm the She-Demon down was the power of her friends, which he had been right about. It gave her hope that there could be a chance to defeat Tirek after all, though she knew it would take all of her abilities and power to defeat the demon at his full potential.

Sunset knew that she needed to invest some of her time in learning from Alduin, the Dragon Priests, and the Greybeards before she even attempted to fight Tirek, otherwise the demon was sure to destroy her.


"That was a bold move sending Alduin to deal with Tirek," Kynerath commented, staring at the table that recorded the fight between the two entities, "A shame that he didn't get the chance to kill him though."

"There will be more instances like this, where the demon runs to his hideouts to remain hidden," Julianos replied, closing his book as he observed the fight for the fifth time, "However, the demon's power is constantly growing and its only a matter of time until he runs out of places to hide himself. No doubt Alduin is ready for round two, wouldn't you agree Akatosh?"

The Chief of the Divines was sitting on his throne once more, looking at the time stream while he waited for the demon to decide which hideout he was going to use next. He could easily tell his son all the locations that the demon would go to, but with the ever changing future he wanted to be absolutely sure before he did anything. Then, just as he determined where Tirek was going next, the energy that fueled the table's magic was cut off and his vision darkened, causing him to open his eyes. The other eight were confused as well, as they had never been attacked at their palace and none of them were prepared for something like this.

Then the entrance to their chamber opened and in strode someone wearing crystalline armor, one that Akatosh immediately recognized as Jyggalag, the Daedric Prince of Order. Standing behind him, making sure that she was as far away as she could, was Nocturnal, though she definitely looked like she couldn't believe that she was in the Palace of the Divines.

"Well I'll be, Jyggalag," Talos said, getting onto his feet as he reached behind his head, drawing a large two handed sword that he could use with one hand, "You have quite the nerve to come here and attack us like this. I'll say this once; either remove what you did to our palace or I shall kill you myself!"

"You are interfering with their fight," Jyggalag replied, not even giving Talos a glance as he stared right at Akatosh, knowing who it was who send Alduin to Tirek's location, "I cannot allow you to do so again."

"You have no power here, Prince of Order," Stendarr said, lifting a mace as he faced the Daedric Lord, "I suggest that you leave this place, before things get out of hand."

"Illogical, you cannot defeat me," Jyggalag told them all, stepping forward just a bit, "It took fifteen Princes to defeat me at the height of my power, you cannot hope to defeat me..."

Talos roared and charged at Jyggalag, raising his massive sword and bringing it down on the Daedric Prince's head, but found that his weapon had been blocked. He looked down and found that Jyggalag had drawn his own greatsword, before the Prince of Order pushed him back and released the energy stored in his blade. The whiplash of the attack soared towards Akatosh, but as it did so Julianos hit it with his magic and directed it into the open window, preventing anyone from being hurt. Talos, seeing what the Prince could do, backed up and stared at him, wondering what game he was playing as he waited for a command on what to do.

"You cannot interfere with their conflict," Jyggalag said, beckoning to the table, which had been cut in half by his energy, before pointing right at Akatosh "and your powers have been blocked. Sunset and Tirek must carry out their war on their own, without any of you trying to destroy Tirek."

"You do know that your going to bring about the end of Nirn," Akatosh commented, staring down at the Daedric Prince as he wondered what he was planning.

"And a new world shall rise from the ashes," Jyggalag replied, sheathing his blade and turning to go, "though if you decide to interfere again I shall resort to... drastic measures."

Before anyone could reply the Prince of Order disappeared, leaving Nocturnal alone with the Divines, though she seemed like she'd rather not be with Jyggalag. Akatosh, seeing how she was fairing, waved his hand and opened a portal beside her, causing her to look at it before looking at the Chief of the Divines, unsure of what to do at this point.

"Go and join the others," Akatosh said, referring to the other Princes that were on their way to Fellglow Keep, "Warn the Dragonborn and make sure she gets the training she needs to combat the dangers she's about to face."

Nocturnal, at a loss for words at this point, nodded and headed into the portal, disappearing from the palace and traveling to wherever Akatosh was sending her. Akatosh sighed as the portal closed, wondering what they were going to do before deciding that they might be able to use Alduin once more. He only prayed that Sunset found her enemy first.


Tirek stepped into his base of operations, Mistwatch Tower, and chuckled to himself as he stepped into the area that he had prepared for summoning the rest of the Princes. He slid the Skeleton Key into its prepared slot and watched as Sunset's chest phased into existence once more, to which he reached out for the next artifact. He summoned forth the shield that he had one of his underlings acquire, but then Sunset had destroyed her and took everything she had gotten her hands on. Once the shield was in hand he directed the magic towards Oblivion and tore the Prince from his realm, forcing him to fly out of the portal and touch the ground with ease.

Tirek had been expecting another humanoid form from the next Prince, but what he got was a small sickly green colored dragon that was glaring at him.

"Breath deeply demon," Peryite growled, green fumes emitting from the area around him, "I would have you choke to death while I rip the life from your body."

Tirek barely had time to prepare himself before the small Prince leapt into the air and slammed into his body, his claws digging into his arms as he ripped gashes into the demon. Peryite considered himself fortunate that he had time to craft a fume that would slow those that breathed it into their bodies, giving he the edge against the demon. He raked his claws against Tirek's chest and knocked him backwards, before taking notice of his horns and grinning to himself as a new idea formed in his mind. He raised his right arm into the air and the brought it down hard on Tirek's left horn, snapping it in half as the force of the horn being taken off threw the demon into the back wall.

He zipped in front of the demon's body to make sure that he was dead, but then a hand reached forward and grabbed his neck, revealing that Tirek was still.

"I shall enjoy this," Tirek growled, beginning the process of draining another Prince's power, all while his severed horn reattached itself before the two of them grew a tiny bit more.

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